The Trash Bag in Casey's Trunk

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Investigators and scientists alike will often say that one thing is, or is not, consistent with another, or in this case, is "like" adipocere. They try to stay away from saying this definitely is or isn't this or that... regardless, I agree with you that it's strange we never got a straight answer about the substance. Also, you bring up a great point about the trash bag/dumpster overnight thing. A fly is a fly is a fly....

I don't recall what the objection was, but assuming facts that are not in evidence and forcing the prosecution to disprove a statement that is not backed by evidence is not an acceptable tactic. It's not about JA hiding anything, it's about JA allowing JB to lead the jury down a false avenue when they will be instructed to come to a verdict based on facts within the evidence.
Now, if GB told the defense in his depo that he scraped salami, HHJP would have allowed it, no question. This is not a big conspiracy against KC.
I can't imagine college kids living together in an apartment washing out food containers, the bag from the frozen meal or the salami container. When they are done with it, it goes into the garbage as is. My 21 year old daughter would never take the time to do that.heck .I don't even take the time to do that. I have a garbage disposal also and my garbage always contains some sort of food. It does not take a lot of food to smell in hot temperatures or to attract flies. My husband has also said comments like "it smells like something died in there" and he really doesn't mean someting died, it is just to emphasize a horrible smell. I also think the smell could have been trash and there was food in the trash originally.

Hold on a second. Your talking about bad smells from garbage are you not?What about dead bodies . Do you have any experience with human decomposition and what it smells like.
Has it ever been determined when the bag of trash was placed into the trunk through purchases of the food, the receipt, etc. ? Has anyone ever said if the paper towels came from the Anthony home or Tony's?
Has it ever been determined when the bag of trash was placed into the trunk through purchases of the food, the receipt, etc. ? Has anyone ever said if the paper towels came from the Anthony home or Tony's?

Not to my recollection on either. Great question. TL did recognize the items as those his roommates would have used, but he seemed confused as to why she even had it, let alone when she took it. No clue on the paper towels.
I can't imagine college kids living together in an apartment washing out food containers, the bag from the frozen meal or the salami container. When they are done with it, it goes into the garbage as is. My 21 year old daughter would never take the time to do that.heck .I don't even take the time to do that. I have a garbage disposal also and my garbage always contains some sort of food. It does not take a lot of food to smell in hot temperatures or to attract flies. My husband has also said comments like "it smells like something died in there" and he really doesn't mean someting died, it is just to emphasize a horrible smell. I also think the smell could have been trash and there was food in the trash originally.

ETA before you read....I misread your post because I stink, I get what you were writing any rate...ETAA-I don't think food residue would still be lingering years later...

I can understand a chicken carcass, or leftover meals that have outlived their fridge life....but these were commodity items, that is, they were meant to be used fully. Why throw away perfectly good salami? No reason for college guys to throw away that last slice of pizza or that last bit of Velveeta-college boys eat! Other than bones, leftovers would go in the disposal anyway. The "food" that smelled in the trashbag I left in my hot car was catfood and chicken bones. Neither of those were found in this bag, or anything like that.
If you have dopey hard-headed pitbulls at home that think the garbage can is a trough, you don't put anything perishable in there....stinkin dog, I oughta kill him for what he did last week leaving coffee grounds all over the floor in his quest to lick the catfood can....I digress.
Maybe back home they were taught not to put food in the trash cause of the dopey APBT. Maybe Suzy, er, Casey Homemaker was taught by Cindy to use the disposal when tossing leftovers, since she was the one that cleaned their house.
Maybe they ate every foodstuff in sight like typical college boys!
Here are a variety of photos of the trash from the trunk which was inside the white bag. Click to enlarge.


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More photos. Click to enlarge.


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More, including paper towels shown inside evidence bag. Click to enlarge.


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Considering that we now know Casey was aware of the smell, it's possible she left the trash there to make it appear that's what the smell was. For the most part, it worked with her family.

That's exactly what I was thinking.
Hold on a second. Your talking about bad smells from garbage are you not?What about dead bodies . Do you have any experience with human decomposition and what it smells like.

No, all I am saying is that I am wondering why JA objected to JB's questioning of the CSI person that put the trash in the drying room. He was asking him if he cleaned any food out of the containers and JA objected to the question. If he did not clean the containers, what was wrong with the question? I also see empty food packages in the photo of the trash, can't imagine they were washed by the college kids before putting them in the garbage.
No, all I am saying is that I am wondering why JA objected to JB's questioning of the CSI person that put the trash in the drying room. He was asking him if he cleaned any food out of the containers and JA objected to the question. If he did not clean the containers, what was wrong with the question? I also see empty food packages in the photo of the trash, can't imagine they were washed by the college kids before putting them in the garbage.

Because that is tantamount to asking him if he tampered with evidence and was probably addressed in GB's deposition. His sworn statement is evidenciary. GB also testified to exactly what he did with the trash, and to show that he is lying requires more evidence of that lying by the defense, such as someone watching GB clean the food out, or GB contradicting himself in prior testomony, etc, thus impeaching him as a witness. HHJP likely agreed because there is a threshold to impeach a witness and to assume something that has no foundation and JB could not meet that threshold based on prior deposition.
If JB wants to make that assertion in his opening or closing statements, that is fine because the jury cannot consider it to be evidence-But he cannot assume there was food, that an officer threw away, tested, destroyed or ate evidence when it has no foundation and when it would thereby impeach that witness. An attorney's assertion that someone that is under oath is lying (by omission or outright) is not enough, they have to prove that person is lying.
I'm just going to quickly say one thing about any food in trash bags. If Florida is anywhere near as buggy as texas is, where we get lovely roaches, you don't put food in your trash, period, ever. Or you end up in bugs. Lotsa bugs. This is something that even my young brother didn't do when he moved out. bugs. lotsa bugs.
I'm just going to quickly say one thing about any food in trash bags. If Florida is anywhere near as buggy as texas is, where we get lovely roaches, you don't put food in your trash, period, ever. Or you end up in bugs. Lotsa bugs. This is something that even my young brother didn't do when he moved out. bugs. lotsa bugs.

Damn roaches and pitbulls.
The reason we don't see any food items in the trash bag may be because those maggots ate it.
The reason we don't see any food items in the trash bag may be because those maggots ate it.

That's exactly what I was thinking......."Maggots can consume up to 60 percent of a human body in under seven days so imagine how long it would take them to eat some rotten chicken, meat etc, salami, Velvetta Cheese?? And maggots will only feed off dead flesh, not body fluids".

Sorry I have to find the link.........
The question JB began to ask before JB objected had to do with a photo of the food containers, and the objection was sustained after a sidebar, I am assuming here, because the photo at that point in time had not yet come into evidence, and therefore, JB could not ask questions about it. When GB was again called to the stand, after the photo had come into evidence, JB never asked the question directly, but did ask if GB had accidently destroyed evidence. Objection sustained. JB reworded by saying "you would never intentionally alter evidence would you?" To which GB replied "no". This was with the photo of the wet garbage. This was also when GB showed proof he was supposed to destroy his notes after he made his report. All this bothers me. This is all part of the testimony. As it stands, there is no proof of food ever being in the white trash bag, from a legal standpoint.

Not from the trial, Dr. HL stated on national tv that there was all kinds of food in the white trash bag. Speculation. The white trash bag came from TL's KITCHEN, and although we have a garbage disposal in our sink, I have never taken a kitchen trash bag out of our house, that did not contain any food whatsoever in it. Speculation.

SB and GA both smelled the trunk and thought it was possibly human decomp until they opened the trunk and the maggots were popping in the white trash bag. Neither of them called the police at this point to report the unmistakeable odor of death. CA called 911 saying it smelled like there was a dead body in the trunk of her daughters car, but later backtracked and said she had said it because she wanted the cops to show up asap. YM was in and out of the Anthony home several times and several LE went past the car a number of times, and finally the following afternoon, LE taped off and secured the car, after, LE had taken the alternate light source to the trunk and found what they thought might be blood or decompositional fluid. Prior to the alternate light source no one including LE seemed to think that the unmistakeable odor of death emanating from the trunk of the Pontiac was of any importance at all. This leads me to SPECULATE, that the smell was that of garbage not death.

After the car was taped off, and they suspected the stain, the media ran with the story, and the odor was forever transformed into the smell of death. I will add a little more speculation. With all the media about the smell of death, and how there may have been a dead body in the trunk, anyone smelling the trunk after the first two days of media coverage could have already believed it was the smell of death before they smelled the trunk. I think it would be very easy to believe you were smelling the smell of death, if you were already pretty certain that was the smell of death.

The whole smell of death argument is a circular one. For all the reasons above, I will believe that the odor in the trunk of that Pontiac was from the white trash bag. I am not trying to convince anyone to change their own mind, I am simply stating how I came to my opinion. Most will strongly disagree with my opinion on this matter, but it has been my opinion for over 2 years, and I have heard every argument as to why my opinion might be incorrect. Nonetheless, I am of the opinion that the odor came from the trash bag.

As always, my entire post is my opinion only.

I will agree with you that has also been my theory all along!

Fatty acids, such as the ones detected (palmitic, etc.), indicate a fat decomposition product like adipocere(grave wax) present on the paper towels::: is another part of this trial that truly baffles me. If it is a substance like adipocere then it is not adipocere.

Either it is adipocere or it is not adipocere. Why did no one test it to see if it was or it was not?

Someone asked me what would it take to get me off the fence and onto the prosecutions side of this trial. If someone would test the substance and confirm that it is indeed adipocere, that would pretty much make all the rest fall into place for me. A simple little test. Especially if that test can confirm it is human adipocere. To me the one and only reason the experts for the prosecution did not confirm that this was human adipocere with a test, is because it is not human adipocere and they know it.

The only other area of concern I have about the white trash bag is that it sat in a dumpster for 18 hours. To me, that potentially contaminates the insect evidence inside the white trash bag, which is of course where they found the one leg.

As always, my entire post is my opinion only.

You really took the words right out of my mouth!! I agree 100%!
No, all I am saying is that I am wondering why JA objected to JB's questioning of the CSI person that put the trash in the drying room. He was asking him if he cleaned any food out of the containers and JA objected to the question. If he did not clean the containers, what was wrong with the question? I also see empty food packages in the photo of the trash, can't imagine they were washed by the college kids before putting them in the garbage.

George and Cindy kept a pristine home. I doubt if they allowed stink producing garbage to go into their kitchen wastebasket.

According to Tony and his roommates, ICA was the perfect little homemaker while she stayed with him. She was the one doing the cooking and cleaning. While auditioning to become Mrs. Lazzaro, ICA would have worked hard to show off her homemaking skills which would include keeping the kitchen wastebasket stink-free.

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