The Trial When-Where -What

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I think it will be AT LEAST a year. Maybe 18 months. JMO, with little to no knowledge about these things. :)
That long!? I read somewhere March of this year. Maybe it was before they discovered Caylee's remains.
I sure hope it isn't a year. I can't keep up with pretending I stay so busy everyday! LOL:crazy:
I think April 2010. It will be a while. Look how long it took them to arrest her for murder. Now they have a body and so many more tests to be done.
I'm guessing probably next year some time. At the earliest? October or November of this year, but I"m doubting that early. :(
ok i'm game. i'll say .... september, at the latest, regardless of nancy grace.

the prosecution will want her in front of a jury while the nation (and the jurors) are still focused on this case and the collective horror caused by it. sadly people are shallow and by 'late 2010' if you ask the average person who casey anthony is you'll get something like - 'oh yeah i know that name .... isn't she the teenager that car-jacked' brad pitt's buggati?'
I was looking at the Diane Downs case...

Murder occurred May 1983 and she was convicted June, 1984.

So I say, hopefully, by September we should see a trial.
I was looking at the Diane Downs case...

Murder occurred May 1983 and she was convicted June, 1984.

So I say, hopefully, by September we should see a trial.

I'm going to find it difficult as well to wait to trial. Anyone up for group therapy until then? :)
Its usually within a year - while this case is hard, this isn't nearly as complicated as some trials--there is one defendant, and one criminal incident. Usually they are delayed years when its something like a mob trial - where there are some murders, some cover up, accomplices, RICO violations, embezzelment, etc. Here it's did she or didn't she.

My question: Do you think JB will be first chair, arguing the case? I can't wait for the trial, but I don't want to hear "objection" "overruled" every 5 minutes...
Generally, when there is a long period before a case comes to trial aren't wittnesses likely to report what has been written and discussed in the interim, rather than the actual events themselves?
Its usually within a year - while this case is hard, this isn't nearly as complicated as some trials--there is one defendant, and one criminal incident. Usually they are delayed years when its something like a mob trial - where there are some murders, some cover up, accomplices, RICO violations, embezzelment, etc. Here it's did she or didn't she.

My question: Do you think JB will be first chair, arguing the case? I can't wait for the trial, but I don't want to hear "objection" "overruled" every 5 minutes...

Usually only the attorney doing the cross is the one doing the objecting. JB will not be questioning and forensic witnesses for sure, that is why he brought in LKB. Who knows how many witnesses he will be handling?!?
Usually only the attorney doing the cross is the one doing the objecting. JB will not be questioning and forensic witnesses for sure, that is why he brought in LKB. Who knows how many witnesses he will be handling?!?

Great point, I didn't think about that. I just keep going back to the motion hearings and pray the SA is a lot more patient than I am [yelling at the computer screen] :bang:
I think the trial will be televised on TruTV. I think it should not be moved from Orlando - "What happens in Orlando - stays in Orlando". I don't see why the start date couldn't be July 2009. That should be enough time to prepare if they got down to business and worked really hard.
JB has talked about researching other venues for trial. Apparently, the research is not completed as he has not moved for a change of venue yet. Even though many of us thought the trial was set for March, we heard in the last motion hearing that is not the case. There is a only pretrial scheduled for March.

I guess he will wait until the last minute to file his Motion for Change of Venue. Delay, delay, delay.
With everyone knowing Casey Anthony is guilty I do not understand all of the insecurity and hyper ventilating that goes into most discussions on a trial, usually on other threads though.

It should be a piece of cake. 3 year attorney. Guilty despised suspect/perp.
I being an outsider. One not privy to daily courtroom dynamics and the like... would like to ask(if on wrong thread, merge.)

Your general opines of Stan S. ? From what I have seen thus far. I can see he is being professional...

If JB is going to ask for venue change, would that mean that Stan would no longer be the judge in this case?

I'm hoping and praying this case does NOT end up with a Judge as the state of FL had for the Anna Nichole smith hearings...Now that WAS a circus!!!!

Oh, and can Stan s say 'yeah I'm thinking a gag order should be ordered. Can he do that.

Thanks folks!
I've seen a few posts hinting that KC wouldn't get an impartial or untainted jury anywhere. Well, I can tell you that (unfortunately) no one at my job (approx 300 people) could give a hoot about this case so it's no fun for me to tell them the latest new TWIST because they don't care!! :{ Sometimes I try to start a conversation about the latest BOMBSHELL in the case and they would rather talk about which movie stars looked great or terrible at the awards shows and who wore the ugliest dress. (ugghhhhh!!! Boring!).

I think it might seem (to us, the cool kids!) like MOST OF THE WORLD is tuned into this case too, but I think it's partly because it's easy to get comfy on this site where so many of us think about the same kinds of things! When, actually it's probably not the WHOLE world.... maybe about half though!! ;) ( wink!)

I don't think JB will have any trouble finding an Impartial jury if he looks outside the surrounding counties or state if that's allowed. HOWEVER... I wouldn't be surprised if he tries to blame the "tainted jury" when he's whining to everyone in a few months about why he lost the case!! (regardless of where it's held!)
I'm beginning to think the first trial is going to be a trial "For The Record". Anybody else think that is a possibility?
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