The Use of the Shovel

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Thank you for these ideas, we might be going somewhere with this-Red notes above by moi.

Since she googled shovel when she was googling household weapons, perhaps she borrowed the shovel in case a parent came home while she was up to no good at the house on the 18th. When she didn't get caught, she returned the shovel.
Since she googled shovel when she was googling household weapons, perhaps she borrowed the shovel in case a parent came home while she was up to no good at the house on the 18th. When she didn't get caught, she returned the shovel.

It would indeed be an effective household weapon! Either way, "shovel" was not a random Google, it definately fits in squarely with the rest of her master plan. The fact that these Google searches were done the March before is a gift to a prosecutor seeking conviction for premeditated murder-But the jury might have to make that leap in the end, since we can't put KC at the crime scene (yet).
It takes a village to understand one sick mind and her family.

I guess on her way to the Anthony compound Casey was thinking she'd easy- as-pie just get a shovel and bury her dead daughter someplace on the Anthony property. Hard to understand her being terrified her parents would find out what she'd done, but then takes her prey home under their noses. Screams of spite and a vicious cruelty towards her parents.

She borrowed the shovel to just back into the garage, do alittle digging, and rush off to have some fun. Shovel=Bury, it was "too hard" so Casey found an easier way down the street off the side of the road where you could just toss and run. This is not a mother, this is a monster.
It would indeed be an effective household weapon! Either way, "shovel" was not a random Google, it definately fits in squarely with the rest of her master plan. The fact that these Google searches were done the March before is a gift to a prosecutor seeking conviction for premeditated murder-But the jury might have to make that leap in the end, since we can't put KC at the crime scene (yet).

When I google "shovel" the first result I get is:
Shovel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So, do we know what type of shovel BB lent to KC?

Anyway-you mean to tell me that the Anthony's, who have an abundance of everything, don't have a skimmer for their pool?:rolleyes:
concerning the shovel,

with all the BS this family throws around,they would need a bull dozer

would not put it past KC to kill the baby and then blame the neighbor

i mean, its the neighbors shovel and all

the neighbor may have been real lucky, if you know what i mean

And she goes, hello? I was using it to knock the bamboo down, and then she said and look for the -- or get the ladder out of the pool.

And as soon as she said that, I`m sitting like this, her mom looks at her like shut up. George walks in from the back room shaking his head, so I`m not supposed to see, shaking his head, getting in the cupboard like just drop that so that`s when she said getting the ladder out of the pool. That`s what she needed the shovel for.
*snipped, bold, color & underlines by me*

Thanks for providing the transcript info, essies. :)

I've been reviewing the video of Cindy's tour through the back yard w/ Greta as well as the aerial pics that were taken while CSI was searching the back yard, and pics of the pool & ladder. Also reviewing the transcript after listening to McLaughlin's audio.

Based on the following:

1) Brian Burner's statement that Casey explicitly mentioned to him wanting to borrow the shovel for the purpose of dealing w/ bamboo

2) The aerial pic showing the 2 primary areas where CSI had disturbed the mulch
(a) behind the corner of the paved patio w/ the table & chairs on it (area w/ bamboo) - between the pavers and the fence - as well as
(b) around where the bench had been extending over to where Caylee's picnic table sat.​

3) McLaughlin's version of Casey changing her story mid-sentence upon being cued by George & Cindy to the shovel being used to get the ladder out of the pool vs. being used, "to knock the bamboo down,...and look for the --"

4) The configuration of the Anthony's pool ladder IMHO being virtually impossible to end up IN the pool and needing to be retrieved w/ a shovel.​ seems Casey's ladder-in-the-pool story has as its genesis George & Cindy constructing elements of an intruding-ZG-drowned-Caylee-in-the-pool-resulting-in-the-ladder-in-the-pool alibi. We also have Cindy's story to Furman that the ladder was curiously left by the pool Tuesday another data point to consider.

This brings me to the potential for Casey to have used the shovel to scoop the surface mulch from areas around the sandbox, picnic table, etc. in an effort to get enough mulch to 'cover' Caylee's body without taking too much from any one area so as to be obvious

A few of examples of how this could've happened...

Since there was a 'depression' in the ground near the pool this may have been a three-part approach. As in (1) Casey-level-of-effort :rolleyes: depression dug to good 'nuff depth (e.g. a few inches deep & wide) by the pool, (2) Caylee's body laid in the depression, then (3) mulch scooped from around the sandbox area and poured over Caylee's body. When it became obvious that this was not going to work, Casey aborted it, placed Caylee's now-bagged body back in the trunk and returned the shovel to Brian. reverse...Caylee's body could've been laid behind the corner of the patio where the bamboo grows (behind the picnic table, sandbox, etc.) and covered in mulch-mounding fashion there. In this scenario a K9 alert by the pool could have been the result of transporting decomp there in a search for something to scoop with from the pool storage box (e.g. if sheds were locked and Casey set something down while she looked in the box).

And, of course, alternatively, if there was decomp on the bottom of the gas can(s) it could've been transported to any of these sites after Casey returned the gas cans to George :rolleyes:
The bagging sequence may have looked something like:
1) Caylee's body, perhaps wrapped in the WTP blanket only, was placed in the hamper bag to make it easier to carry w/o touching it and transported from the trunk of the Pontiac in the garage to the backyard.
2) While in the back yard the body was 'dumped' from the hamper bag into plastic bag(s) before being placed in the depression or behind the patio and covered with mulch. The handles on the hamper bag would facilitate 'dumping' the body into plastic without handling it.
3) After aborting the 'burial' the plastic bag(s) were lifted back into the hamper bag to be carried back to the trunk of the Pontiac in the garage - transporting some dirt in the process​

So..way out on a limb w/ the unbridled speculation :bud: we go a little further :poke: and consider that it would seem unlikely that Casey would go to the trouble to return the mulch to the areas from which it was 'scooped'. This would leave some 'extra' mulch in the area by the pool that could have been potentially discovered by Cindy and/or George and perhaps re-distributed over by the sandbox/picnic table, hence, carrying some trace decomp back to these areas where the K9's alerted on it. However, since Cindy gave Greta the George-moved-the-hibiscus and the pool storage container story after LE had observed the "depression" it seems unlikely that G&C knew anything about this 'depression'. IMHO, had George and/or Cindy discovered disturbed mulch or a 'depression' by the pool they would've more thoroughly dealt with it (e.g. not leaving a depression for LE to find), and put things together better before LE arrived.

Coming back from the very end of that limb a bit ;)...all this kinda suggests to me that Casey's original borrow-the-shovel-to-deal-with-bamboo story to Brian, which was repeated to Tracy, was Casey thinking that it would be her brilliant cover, since PERHAPS the soil/mulch behind the corner of the patio where the bamboo was HAD been disturbed in an attempted - or even temporary - covering of Caylee's body. :waitasec: In the aerial pics of the CSI team there is one that shows this area of mulch/soil being of interest to the agents...although it didn't appear to have K9 alerts associated directly with it.
This scenario would tie to Casey's shovel-for-bamboo story vs. what appears to be a Cindy/George-encouraged shovel-for-ladder story.

Just thinking out loud on how these stories on the shovel, the ladder, the K9 alerts, bagging sequence, and soil-in-the-trunk might be sorted out.

The "...and look for the..." part of Casey's story as told by McLaughlin also has me curious about other explanations. But this post is long enough already. :bang:
Great thought processes, BJB! It's posts like yours that make me realize I am really riding coat tails here.......:ashamed:
Call me crazy, but I think that Casey was making "fun" of everyone's theories...including the shovel, the pool ladder...etc.
Great thought processes, BJB! It's posts like yours that make me realize I am really riding coat tails here.......:ashamed:

You're too kind, The EB. I hafta chuckle when I think of someone else trying to make sense outta the ramblin' mess I write...:rolleyes:. But, WTH...if it helps spark another idea that makes more sense maybe it'll move things forward.

I guess the main point I was attempting to convey was - thanks to Tracy - it finally clicked for me that the shovel-for-ladder story was coming from George & Cindy. I just couldn't come up w/a viable ladder-in-the-pool situation and it was bothering me. That...and I kinda like the idea that Casey's original shovel-for-bamboo story might have a revealing element to it afterall. :)
FWIW...image showing the area behind the corner of the patio where three agents are standing. One agent is slightly obscured by branches and is looking back toward the fence in the area where the bamboo is located. In another picture it seems clearer that the mulch/soil in this area has been of interest to the CSI team.

A lone agent is also seen standing between the flagged area where the bench sat (per Greta videos when things were back in place presumably as they were before the search). He is looking back toward the vegetation and the back fence and has a shovel laying on the ground between his feet. This isn't the area I am referring to FYI.


Second image shows the area of interest better w/ one blue-gloved agent pointing to the area...

IIRC, one of the released reports is clearer about where the alerts were located. The flags that outline where the bench sat have always been a bit confusing to me. I don't recall if those were alerts or not...seems like they might've been. But, in general, the flags outline the area where the bench appears to have sat. The area underneath where the sandbox sat was undisturbed in the pics I've seen...and the area underneath where Caylee's picnic table sat was disturbed...perhaps all related to watershed...:confused:
You're too kind, The EB. I hafta chuckle when I think of someone else trying to make sense outta the ramblin' mess I write...:rolleyes:. But, WTH...if it helps spark another idea that makes more sense maybe it'll move things forward.

I guess the main point I was attempting to convey was - thanks to Tracy - it finally clicked for me that the shovel-for-ladder story was coming from George & Cindy. I just couldn't come up w/a viable ladder-in-the-pool situation and it was bothering me. That...and I kinda like the idea that Casey's original shovel-for-bamboo story might have a revealing element to it afterall. :)

And considering her penchant for dropping a grain of truth in her tall tales and lies, the shovel for bamboo story takes on more meaning. I've often thought the As helped the story telling along. The Tracy interview was quite revealing......
*snipped, bold, color & underlines by me*

Thanks for providing the transcript info, essies. :)

I've been reviewing the video of Cindy's tour through the back yard w/ Greta as well as the aerial pics that were taken while CSI was searching the back yard, and pics of the pool & ladder. Also reviewing the transcript after listening to McLaughlin's audio.

Based on the following:

1) Brian Burner's statement that Casey explicitly mentioned to him wanting to borrow the shovel for the purpose of dealing w/ bamboo

2) The aerial pic showing the 2 primary areas where CSI had disturbed the mulch
(a) behind the corner of the paved patio w/ the table & chairs on it (area w/ bamboo) - between the pavers and the fence - as well as
(b) around where the bench had been extending over to where Caylee's picnic table sat.​

3) McLaughlin's version of Casey changing her story mid-sentence upon being cued by George & Cindy to the shovel being used to get the ladder out of the pool vs. being used, "to knock the bamboo down,...and look for the --"

4) The configuration of the Anthony's pool ladder IMHO being virtually impossible to end up IN the pool and needing to be retrieved w/ a shovel.​ seems Casey's ladder-in-the-pool story has as its genesis George & Cindy constructing elements of an intruding-ZG-drowned-Caylee-in-the-pool-resulting-in-the-ladder-in-the-pool alibi. We also have Cindy's story to Furman that the ladder was curiously left by the pool Tuesday another data point to consider.

This brings me to the potential for Casey to have used the shovel to scoop the surface mulch from areas around the sandbox, picnic table, etc. in an effort to get enough mulch to 'cover' Caylee's body without taking too much from any one area so as to be obvious

A few of examples of how this could've happened...

Since there was a 'depression' in the ground near the pool this may have been a three-part approach. As in (1) Casey-level-of-effort :rolleyes: depression dug to good 'nuff depth (e.g. a few inches deep & wide) by the pool, (2) Caylee's body laid in the depression, then (3) mulch scooped from around the sandbox area and poured over Caylee's body. When it became obvious that this was not going to work, Casey aborted it, placed Caylee's now-bagged body back in the trunk and returned the shovel to Brian. reverse...Caylee's body could've been laid behind the corner of the patio where the bamboo grows (behind the picnic table, sandbox, etc.) and covered in mulch-mounding fashion there. In this scenario a K9 alert by the pool could have been the result of transporting decomp there in a search for something to scoop with from the pool storage box (e.g. if sheds were locked and Casey set something down while she looked in the box).

And, of course, alternatively, if there was decomp on the bottom of the gas can(s) it could've been transported to any of these sites after Casey returned the gas cans to George :rolleyes:
The bagging sequence may have looked something like:
1) Caylee's body, perhaps wrapped in the WTP blanket only, was placed in the hamper bag to make it easier to carry w/o touching it and transported from the trunk of the Pontiac in the garage to the backyard.
2) While in the back yard the body was 'dumped' from the hamper bag into plastic bag(s) before being placed in the depression or behind the patio and covered with mulch. The handles on the hamper bag would facilitate 'dumping' the body into plastic without handling it.
3) After aborting the 'burial' the plastic bag(s) were lifted back into the hamper bag to be carried back to the trunk of the Pontiac in the garage - transporting some dirt in the process​

So..way out on a limb w/ the unbridled speculation :bud: we go a little further :poke: and consider that it would seem unlikely that Casey would go to the trouble to return the mulch to the areas from which it was 'scooped'. This would leave some 'extra' mulch in the area by the pool that could have been potentially discovered by Cindy and/or George and perhaps re-distributed over by the sandbox/picnic table, hence, carrying some trace decomp back to these areas where the K9's alerted on it. However, since Cindy gave Greta the George-moved-the-hibiscus and the pool storage container story after LE had observed the "depression" it seems unlikely that G&C knew anything about this 'depression'. IMHO, had George and/or Cindy discovered disturbed mulch or a 'depression' by the pool they would've more thoroughly dealt with it (e.g. not leaving a depression for LE to find), and put things together better before LE arrived.

Coming back from the very end of that limb a bit ;)...all this kinda suggests to me that Casey's original borrow-the-shovel-to-deal-with-bamboo story to Brian, which was repeated to Tracy, was Casey thinking that it would be her brilliant cover, since PERHAPS the soil/mulch behind the corner of the patio where the bamboo was HAD been disturbed in an attempted - or even temporary - covering of Caylee's body. :waitasec: In the aerial pics of the CSI team there is one that shows this area of mulch/soil being of interest to the agents...although it didn't appear to have K9 alerts associated directly with it.
This scenario would tie to Casey's shovel-for-bamboo story vs. what appears to be a Cindy/George-encouraged shovel-for-ladder story.

Just thinking out loud on how these stories on the shovel, the ladder, the K9 alerts, bagging sequence, and soil-in-the-trunk might be sorted out.

The "...and look for the..." part of Casey's story as told by McLaughlin also has me curious about other explanations. But this post is long enough already. :bang:
BJB, would your scenario of KC using the shovel for mulch be the reason why LE took the pic of the A's side yard at night the same day KC was arrested?
Could she have taken some of the mulch from the lilies along the fence outside Caylees' BR window or from the dark area on the ground near the faucet?

BJB, would your scenario of KC using the shovel for mulch be the reason why LE took the pic of the A's side yard at night the same day KC was arrested?
Could she have taken some of the mulch from the lilies along the fence outside Caylees' BR window or from the dark area on the ground near the faucet?


CA did say in the interview with Greta that they *CA & GA* needed to replace some things back there......maybe mulch? :eek:
CA did say in the interview with Greta that they *CA & GA* needed to replace some things back there......maybe mulch? :eek:
This pic was discussed over in the photobucket thread. Muzikman helped me out by finding the techy info.
The black area on the ground looks like landscaping weed block fabric. I'm wondering if KC did take mulch from the side yard then why wouldn't G/C have fixed that part of the yard? They're so O/C abt their yard I can't see them leaving it like that for a month! Also strange is that there's no noticeable path to the shed.
BJB, would your scenario of KC using the shovel for mulch be the reason why LE took the pic of the A's side yard at night the same day KC was arrested?
Could she have taken some of the mulch from the lilies along the fence outside Caylees' BR window or from the dark area on the ground near the faucet?


CA did say in the interview with Greta that they *CA & GA* needed to replace some things back there......maybe mulch? :eek:

Interesting thought, christee. :waitasec:

I recall that comment too, TakeNote.

I hadn't seen this 7/16 pic before, christee. Thanks! :blowkiss:

The state of things (e.g. mulch) in the Greta video seems to be pretty consistent w/ the 7/16 pic in christee's post. I always kinda wrote off Cindy's comment to be a general statement about needing to in re-place things back after CSI had moved everything around in their search (e.g. move the pavers all back...the playhouse back, etc.) but there wasn't anything in that area (side of the house) that was in the shot of the camera w/ Greta when she made that comment walking to the shed that made sense :confused: On some level I guess I thought about them wanting to replace the lock on the shed after it was broken into (Tony & Casey w/ the tire iron)...but that dint really make perfect sense either. :waitasec:

The state of the mulch could be what triggered her to say that...although what I see in the pic looks like naturally occurring washout, etc. over time and could be what Cindy was referring to....just being coincidental. :waitasec:

Prolly nothing - esp. owing to 7/16 being fully a month after we're talking 'bout Casey doin' any hanky-panky in the backyard...still...there is almost a demarkation in the mulch where there are some sort of leaves up to the kitchen window that extend out several feet from the house...but then as you approach the camera they abruptly stop. Right @ the water faucet. :waitasec: Prolly nothin'.

What DOES strike me as I look at this 7/16 picture for the first time is that...IIRC...that the window from Caylee's bedroom accesses this area (IOW...if Casey did something to Caylee during the night and wanted to move her body 'outside' she could do it via Caylee's bedroom window...without having to go through the main living quarters of the house and out through the back porch. :waitasec: Hmmmm. Hafta look @ HP's floor plans again to make sure I'm oriented correctly.

Hafta remember that LE knew little about all the details we have now on 7/ sure why this picture specifically would've been taken...I mean...story 7/16 was a ZFG abduction and the K9 search hadn't taken place yet. Hell...the Pontiac was still @ the house :rolleyes: Weird....I mean...WTH were they doin' takin' this pic 7/16?????
Interesting thought, christee. :waitasec:

I recall that comment too, TakeNote.

I hadn't seen this 7/16 pic before, christee. Thanks! :blowkiss:

The state of things (e.g. mulch) in the Greta video seems to be pretty consistent w/ the 7/16 pic in christee's post. I always kinda wrote off Cindy's comment to be a general statement about needing to in re-place things back after CSI had moved everything around in their search (e.g. move the pavers all back...the playhouse back, etc.) but there wasn't anything in that area (side of the house) that was in the shot of the camera w/ Greta when she made that comment walking to the shed that made sense :confused: On some level I guess I thought about them wanting to replace the lock on the shed after it was broken into (Tony & Casey w/ the tire iron)...but that dint really make perfect sense either. :waitasec:

The state of the mulch could be what triggered her to say that...although what I see in the pic looks like naturally occurring washout, etc. over time and could be what Cindy was referring to....just being coincidental. :waitasec:

Prolly nothing - esp. owing to 7/16 being fully a month after we're talking 'bout Casey doin' any hanky-panky in the backyard...still...there is almost a demarkation in the mulch where there are some sort of leaves up to the kitchen window that extend out several feet from the house...but then as you approach the camera they abruptly stop. Right @ the water faucet. :waitasec: Prolly nothin'.

What DOES strike me as I look at this 7/16 picture for the first time is that...IIRC...that the window from Caylee's bedroom accesses this area (IOW...if Casey did something to Caylee during the night and wanted to move her body 'outside' she could do it via Caylee's bedroom window...without having to go through the main living quarters of the house and out through the back porch. :waitasec: Hmmmm. Hafta look @ HP's floor plans again to make sure I'm oriented correctly.

Hafta remember that LE knew little about all the details we have now on 7/ sure why this picture specifically would've been taken...I mean...story 7/16 was a ZFG abduction and the K9 search hadn't taken place yet. Hell...the Pontiac was still @ the house :rolleyes: Weird....I mean...WTH were they doin' takin' this pic 7/16?????
Hey Bond! You mention a link to the picture but there is no link? Help a girl out would you with said link to 7-16 picture?

Also we must recall that Caylee slept with Casey in HER room and important to note I think is the fact that Tracy tells us that Casey did not spend one single night in her OWN bed-she slept with Cindy and George was evicted...why didn't Casey want to sleep in HER room? I think this lends some credence to the fact that she may have killed Caylee in her room (Casey's) and did not want to sleep where she had murdered her daughter...she killed her somewhere...:waitasec:
Hey Bond! You mention a link to the picture but there is no link? Help a girl out would you with said link to 7-16 picture?

Also we must recall that Caylee slept with Casey in HER room and important to note I think is the fact that Tracy tells us that Casey did not spend one single night in her OWN bed-she slept with Cindy and George was evicted...why didn't Casey want to sleep in HER room? I think this lends some credence to the fact that she may have killed Caylee in her room (Casey's) and did not want to sleep where she had murdered her daughter...she killed her somewhere...:waitasec:

Hi, MC. :wave:

The link is actually in christee's post. I quoted it in mine. Maybe it just didn't come through intially...but its in christee's post FYI.

I understand what you mean re: Casey's room & the sleeping arrangments. I was just observing that IF Casey had a body that she needed to get out of the house 6/15PM-6/16AM without going through the main living area of the house that she could essentially open the window from Caylee's bedroom and set it on the ground outside the window...then...go out later an deal w/ it. IOW...Casey's bedroom window opens to the front yard...but Caylee's bedroom window opens to the side galley way shown in the picture (back to the shed) which is obscured from view by the fence. A short trip down the typically-unoccupied hallway in the middle of the night for Casey. And if the window nearest the shed is 'Caylee's bedroom' is also relatively close to the ground making it easy to set something out from there.

FWIW...recall that Tracy said Casey opened her bedroom window to be able to hear the protestors when she was out on bail...:waitasec:...just a inklining that Casey was mindful of the using the windows in the house. Prolly nothin'

Also, FWIW...per Tracy, and Friday (earlier posts) it seems pretty evident that George was skeptical from the start. So...a Casey-Cindy alliance when Casey was out on bail that booted George to the couch was prolly self-serving too. Not sayin' that there couldn't be a factor of Casey-guilt-associated-with-the-bedroom...just adding that the sleeping arrangements could've been Casey's own version of in-the-Anthony's-house "Survivor" IYKWIM.
Interesting thought, christee. :waitasec:

I recall that comment too, TakeNote.

I hadn't seen this 7/16 pic before, christee. Thanks! :blowkiss:

The state of things (e.g. mulch) in the Greta video seems to be pretty consistent w/ the 7/16 pic in christee's post. I always kinda wrote off Cindy's comment to be a general statement about needing to in re-place things back after CSI had moved everything around in their search (e.g. move the pavers all back...the playhouse back, etc.) but there wasn't anything in that area (side of the house) that was in the shot of the camera w/ Greta when she made that comment walking to the shed that made sense :confused: On some level I guess I thought about them wanting to replace the lock on the shed after it was broken into (Tony & Casey w/ the tire iron)...but that dint really make perfect sense either. :waitasec:

The state of the mulch could be what triggered her to say that...although what I see in the pic looks like naturally occurring washout, etc. over time and could be what Cindy was referring to....just being coincidental. :waitasec:

Prolly nothing - esp. owing to 7/16 being fully a month after we're talking 'bout Casey doin' any hanky-panky in the backyard...still...there is almost a demarkation in the mulch where there are some sort of leaves up to the kitchen window that extend out several feet from the house...but then as you approach the camera they abruptly stop. Right @ the water faucet. :waitasec: Prolly nothin'.

What DOES strike me as I look at this 7/16 picture for the first time is that...IIRC...that the window from Caylee's bedroom accesses this area (IOW...if Casey did something to Caylee during the night and wanted to move her body 'outside' she could do it via Caylee's bedroom window...without having to go through the main living quarters of the house and out through the back porch. :waitasec: Hmmmm. Hafta look @ HP's floor plans again to make sure I'm oriented correctly.

Hafta remember that LE knew little about all the details we have now on 7/ sure why this picture specifically would've been taken...I mean...story 7/16 was a ZFG abduction and the K9 search hadn't taken place yet. Hell...the Pontiac was still @ the house :rolleyes: Weird....I mean...WTH were they doin' takin' this pic 7/16?????
I've had the same questions BJB. This pic has been gnawing at me for a while now-my skin's raw and bleedin'!
Why would LE take the pic the day KC was arrested
Why was the pic..Oh he!! Let me find the posts w/ MM and I'll link!Where is MM-we need him!

ETA-Ok, I believe this is it:
[ame=""]Casey's Photobucket - #2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Also ETA-this is the only floor plan I have!

I've had the same questions BJB. This pic has been gnawing at me for a while now-my skin's raw and bleedin'!
Why would LE take the pic the day KC was arrested
Why was the pic..Oh he!! Let me find the posts w/ MM and I'll link!Where is MM-we need him!

ETA-Ok, I believe this is it:
Casey's Photobucket - #2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Also ETA-this is the only floor plan I have!

I can't pull up the pic for some comes across blank.
I've had the same questions BJB. This pic has been gnawing at me for a while now-my skin's raw and bleedin'!
Why would LE take the pic the day KC was arrested
Why was the pic..Oh he!! Let me find the posts w/ MM and I'll link!Where is MM-we need him!

ETA-Ok, I believe this is it:
Casey's Photobucket - #2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Also ETA-this is the only floor plan I have!

Ok my apologies here is a link to PB thread #1 and the beginning of the discussion abt the pic of the side yard:

[ame=""]Casey's Photobucket - Page 42 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

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