The Verdict is In - post your thoughts here

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It took 8 clicks to zoom all the way in to that cul-de-sac.
The 40 files collected show all 8 clicks.
You would attribute that to a typo?

That's even less reasonable than to suggest that a CPD officer decided on his own to frame a citizen to support the town council's mission to make people think Cary is a safe place to live.

No, I think he typed in his zip code, and then started zooming in on what he THOUGHT was his area, and it wasn't.
I think the facts show they were in debt big time. BC's check for family law assistance bounced for lack of funds. I believe they were forced to go on a tight budget. Perhaps you can question his manner of doing it, but someone needed to tighten the belt. No one can say that NC or the kids seemed to be starving or not well maintained. IMOO

Actually there were several affidavits indicating that BC did not give N enough money to feed herself or the children...and that they ate at other homes to suppliment nutrition.
It was July 12, 2008, when Nancy Cooper disappeared. Two days later her 1/2 naked, murdered body was found a short distance from her home. Shortly thereafter, Nancy's husband Brad was arrested for the crime. It took over two years but according to the Constitution, Brad Cooper received a fair and just trial. He was found guilty by a jury of his peers. Justice has been served.

As with every trial, no matter a guilt or innocent verdict, there are those who don't agree. Two opposing sides, the losing side will most always think the verdict wasn't fair. That's just a fact of life.

The justice system in the U.S.A. is the best in the world. It may have flaws, but that's what higher courts are find those flaws and make them ever-more fair. The appeals courts are for those that may have slipped through the cracks with unjust verdicts. The now convicted murderer is fortunate that he has that option. Nancy wasn't given a choice.

The FACTS of the case are what they are. We have hundreds of pages here on Weblseuths discussing this case. There are news articles from day one. Legal threads with all pertinent info, including affidavits, depositions, etc. It's the ENTIRE case.

Unfortunately, the Nancy Cooper Case is not unusual. It's not an abberation. Websleuths has thousands of pages filled with Nancy Coopers. Oh, the names may not be the same, but at the end of the day, they are as one. Controlling spouse, discontent, talks of divorce or separation, mysterious disappearance and murder. It all comes to one violent end. Control and intimidation is one step away from murder. No outward signs of abuse, no bruises, no 911 calls, no outward signs such an end could result. But, then again, isn't murder the ultimate control? The final statement of who's in charge? The final word of murder IS abuse.

There are no winners, just victims. Nancy Cooper is dead, Brad killed her according to the law of our land, and Nancy's friends and family must now pick up the pieces and move on with their lives. Nancy will never be forgotten and those who she left behind will see that her life meant something. With domestice violence awareness groups like Nancy's Butterfly Fund, working to prevent just ONE, if hopefully hundreds more potential victims receive a fate such has Nancy had to endure.

IF and when there is an appeal on behalf of convicted murderer Brad Cooper, there may be more to discuss here. But for now, we've reached the final chapter.

I hope that this case touched each and every one of you. Maybe it will inspire you to go out and do something. Whether you're on the guilty or not guilty side, you can make a difference. It's up to you.

Justice is served. May Nancy rest in peace. May her friends and family know that she touched so many lives. She will not be forgotten.

I'm going to lock this thread now. I hope you'll join us in another forum, another case. Unfortunately, on Weblseuths, there's no lacking of new cases and trials.

Thank you for your participation in Weblseuths. You've been a great group.


PS.....there is a thread still open on the Cooper forum Post verdict discussion of evidence - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
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