The continued references on the news and in this thread to the value of the Google Maps search as damaging evindence is making me a little crazy (or crazier). You guys are probably right that it was damaging to BC. It was troubling and suspicious. But it's true value as evidence has been greatly overstated to both the public and apparently to the jury.
Do me a favor. Do a Google Maps search of your own address. Then walk out in your front yard and compare the image on your computer screen with the real life image around you. What will be glaringly obvious to you is that the computer image, in the vast majority of cases, is decidely different from the reality around you, just as the current forested Google Maps image of what exists on Fielding Drive, is deciedly different than the new houses, playground, etc... that are actually there. This would have been obvious to BC as well. No one in their right mind would use Google Maps to pick, preview, or view a spot to dump a body.
I have no doubt that this piece of evidence damaged BC, largely because it was not adequately rebutted, but the Google Maps search, in truth, proved very little.