The Verdict Waiting Room #2

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That's my understanding. But at least 1 juror wanted the distinction clarified and that concerns me :( Personally I thought Justice Byrne made it perfectly clear (well as far as the law would allow), that manslaughter was not on the table here but evidently not. Alioop said something along the same lines earlier today, juries are a total lottery. You could get 12 intelligent individuals or you could get a jury where their combined IQ would struggle to reach room temperature and their only serious deliberations were deciding what part of their jury service pay was to go on alcohol, and what part would be put aside for drugs.

Yes that's right (except you need to convince 11 other people in this case).

that's why it should be majority of 75% arent' there places where only a majority is required
Could someone please give me a holler when the verdict comes out.
I have a bunch of starving cattle to feed. They have been waiting sooo patiently.
My phone number is 000
Oops sorry, wrong number. I got a bit carried away in anticipation.

You didn't want to be alarmist...You tried the number, but it went on forever...
If I ruled the world, I would make it so that when there's a hung jury the judge goes in and looks at everything the jury is debating and where they're stuck at. If after discussion with the judge there's still a few members dissenting from the majority, and the judge agrees with the majority, they should be able to overrule the dissenters and make it unanimous. If I ruled the world.....ha
Does your mum know how Mrs Dickie is holding up?
Unfortunately no. My mother hasn't been back to the Friday group pretty much since Priscilla left. She didn't like some of the women there. One of them stole her scissors. She goes to some other group on Tuesdays now. One of the other Fridays ladies goes to this Tuesday group. She's always telling me stories of what's happening. These old ducks are cliquey. The group once had their photograph ( I think in the gold coast bulletin) about their knitting squares that they were donating to charity. I scanned it, enlarged and laminated copies for everyone in the group. It's somewhere here on my old hard drive. I really should find it.

One thing that has alway stuck out in my mind is how much my mum liked Priscilla. She always complemented her on how she looked or what she's made, and made mum feel special. From what mum said about Priscilla, is that she is a special person who is lovely to everyone.
That's my understanding. But at least 1 juror wanted the distinction clarified and that concerns me :( Personally I thought Justice Byrne made it perfectly clear (well as far as the law would allow), that manslaughter was not on the table here but evidently not. Alioop said something along the same lines earlier today, juries are a total lottery. You could get 12 intelligent individuals or you could get a jury where their combined IQ would struggle to reach room temperature and their only serious deliberations were deciding what part of their jury service pay was to go on alcohol, and what part would be put aside for drugs.

Yep, it's like a lucky dip. Just need one "know it all" who can't concede a point.

I know you can't judge a book by it's cover, but they didn't look like a bunch of idiots to me, so hopefully they are cluey and are just being thorough!
If I ruled the world, I would make it so that when there's a hung jury the judge goes in and looks at everything the jury is debating and where they're stuck at. If after discussion with the judge there's still a few members dissenting from the majority, and the judge agrees with the majority, they should be able to overrule the dissenters and make it unanimous. If I ruled the world.....ha

what else would you bring in ha ha
Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 26s

The jury will usually deliberate until 4.15pm but can request to go later. #badenclay
This is an open and shut case, but its so hard to convince 9 people to agree on almost anything. There is always at least 1 muppet. For him to get acquitted it also requires a unanimous verdict?

Even harder for 12 people to agree ;)
If I ruled the world, I would make it so that when there's a hung jury the judge goes in and looks at everything the jury is debating and where they're stuck at. If after discussion with the judge there's still a few members dissenting from the majority, and the judge agrees with the majority, they should be able to overrule the dissenters and make it unanimous. If I ruled the world.....ha

what about mandatory life for serial adulterers with minimum non parole period of 15 years that would fix this case
That's my understanding. But at least 1 juror wanted the distinction clarified and that concerns me :( Personally I thought Justice Byrne made it perfectly clear (well as far as the law would allow), that manslaughter was not on the table here but evidently not. Alioop said something along the same lines earlier today, juries are a total lottery. You could get 12 intelligent individuals or you could get a jury where their combined IQ would struggle to reach room temperature and their only serious deliberations were deciding what part of their jury service pay was to go on alcohol, and what part would be put aside for drugs.

Yes that's right (except you need to convince 11 other people in this case).

The section they wanted to hear again talked about the scratches. I wondered whether it was the distinction between murder and manslaughter they were really interested in, or rather were they clarifying that GBC lying about the scratches was not proof of anything by itself.

So I'm not sure they are debating the 2 types of guilty. Maybe they all agreed he was lying about the scratches and wanted to hear again what that meant for their deliberations.

Or I could be completely wrong :)

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that's why it should be majority of 75% arent' there places where only a majority is required

There are 11/12 majority verdicts allowed in QLD for most offences, but not murder.

Yep, it's like a lucky dip. Just need one "know it all" who can't concede a point.

I know you can't judge a book by it's cover, but they didn't look like a bunch of idiots to me, so hopefully they are cluey and are just being thorough!

Not sure if forum rules permit or if you (or someone else) have already elaborated, but did the jury appear to be a mixture of ages or was a particular demographic quite stacked?
Kate Kyriacou ‏@KateKyriacou 30s

The jury has been deliberating now for around 18 hours. #badenclay
what about mandatory life for serial adulterers with minimum non parole period of 15 years that would fix this case

Since when is Adultery a crime.

Maybe we should stone people to death as well...
The section they wanted to hear again talked about the scratches. I wondered whether it was the distinction between murder and manslaughter they were really interested in, or rather were they clarifying that GBC lying about the scratches was not proof of anything by itself.

So I'm not sure they are debating the 2 types of guilty. Maybe they all agreed he was lying about the scratches and wanted to hear again what that meant for their deliberations.

Or I could be completely wrong :)

You may well be right, but it's at this point in any trial that I start stressing about every minor thing and no doubt misinterpreting more than my fair share :p
How long does a jury have to deliberate in Australia before they announce they're hung?

In the USA, were told the 1st couple times to go back and try again to reach an agreement.
Not sure if forum rules permit or if you (or someone else) has already elaborated, but did the jury appear to be a mixture of ages or was a particular demographic quite stacked?

I'd be happy to give a run down of what I observed - Marley, am I allowed to give a general description of the jury?
On topic, I have been keeping busy all day, you know a watched pot never boils and all that. Doesn't seem to be working!
ABC News 24 ‏@ABCNews24 2m

As the jury deliberates a verdict at Gerard #BadenClay's trial, @francenenorton joins #ABCNews24 from outside court

There's a video at the link giving more details.
Unfortunately no. My mother hasn't been back to the Friday group pretty much since Priscilla left. She didn't like some of the women there. One of them stole her scissors. She goes to some other group on Tuesdays now. One of the other Fridays ladies goes to this Tuesday group. She's always telling me stories of what's happening. These old ducks are cliquey. The group once had their photograph ( I think in the gold coast bulletin) about their knitting squares that they were donating to charity. I scanned it, enlarged and laminated copies for everyone in the group. It's somewhere here on my old hard drive. I really should find it.

One thing that has alway stuck out in my mind is how much my mum liked Priscilla. She always complemented her on how she looked or what she's made, and made mum feel special. From what mum said about Priscilla, is that she is a special person who is lovely to everyone.

I think your mum sounds lovely too *advertiser censored*
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