The Verdict Waiting Room #2

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I'm at work, heart is thumping, cannot concentrate. Please let there be justice for Allison.
Jurors tasked with deciding the fate of alleged wife killer Gerard Baden-Clay will resume their deliberations on Monday.

The jury retired to consider a verdict in the case on Thursday and with no sign of a verdict on Friday, they were sent home for the weekend.

Baden-Clay has pleaded not guilty to murdering his wife Allison in April 2012.

Her body was found on a creek bank at Anstead in Brisbane's west on April 30, ten days after her husband reported her missing from their home in nearby Brookfield.

If I was a jury member and I was sent home for the weekend with no sign of a verdict...

If I didn't have pressing family commitments, and didn't have to work, I would take off for the weekend and go somewhere scenic and stay at an inexpensive motel or "bed-&-breakfast", not having to talk to anyone, no internet, no facebook, no TV, newspapers or radio, phone with me only for emergencies, just take a few good (non-crime) books to read and a heap of my favourite music on the iPod.

It would clear my head, hopefully focus my thoughts, ready for Monday. And what a good excuse for some "me" time. "The Judge said we have to avoid discussing the case with anybody and avoid accessing any media about it. I'm just trying to make sure I do the right thing."

Currently I am pottering around getting ready for work and I have just gone through my wardrobe and realised I have virtually nothing yellow (I guess it doesn't go well with my skin colour and I don't naturally gravitate towards yellow clothes when shopping.) I wanted to wear something yellow in solidarity with justice for Allison today, in case there is a verdict, but the only thing I could come up with is a top which has little yellow, green and purple flowers/foliage all over it. And the flowers are nothing like sunflowers - more like little round wattle blossoms. Oh well - it will have to do. Maybe I can visit the shops on the way and buy a yellow ribbon or scarf or something.
Emmy Kubainski ‏@emmykubainski 3m

Day 20 in the Gerard Baden-Clay murder trial. The jury continue to deliberate. @7NewsBrisbane #badenclay

I recall reading that after day 20, they pay the jurors more.
Michael Kersnovske ‏@MKersnovske 1m

Week 6 of the #badenclay trial and the jury are still deliberating. Small group of people outside the court room awaiting verdict.
Katrina Blowers ‏@katrinablowers 3m
Also standing by for #badenclay verdict in Brookfield are @KayMcGrath7 and @Kim_Skubris7 . We'll have all angles covered. @7NewsBrisbane

I am surpised Kay McGrath isnt under the Kholo Creek bridge waiting to cross live
I'm following, I'm so surprised they are working on the weekend! WTG Aussies for getting it done. Now that is a hard working jury. Justice for Allison.

Lol had to edit it is monday :facepalm::heart:
I recall reading that after day 20, they pay the jurors more.



Jurors receive $113 a day, or $565 a week, up to 19 days. From day 20 onwards, jurors receive $150.75 a day, or $753.75 a week.

Public transport costs will be covered by the court and you will get a meal allowance if you break for lunch.

Queensland employers have to make up the difference in pay for the whole period of jury service.
I'm pretty sure that Gerard , at no time , considered going down that dangerous and uncontrollable path of hinting at blonde tattooed blokes in vans... .. never crossed his mind, oddly.. He has never floated the idea of ye olde bearded stranger, menacingly hanging about Brookie, ominously approaching lone women on their morning walks..

Very early on in this case, there was a mystery poster who posted scenarios including a blonde tattooed bloke in a van - there was speculation at the time that this could have been a BC family member/ supporter.
Tweeters confronting Channel 7 on Twitter about the alleged crew at the girls school. So far their tweets have been ignored.
Very early on in this case, there was a mystery poster who posted scenarios including a blonde tattooed bloke in a van - there was speculation at the time that this could have been a BC family member/ supporter.

Yes I remember that, it was a white van and apparently the culprit was heading home towards Ipswich. Pffffft!
I'm following, I'm so surprised they are working on the weekend! WTG Aussies for getting it done. Now that is a hard working jury. Justice for Allison. :heart:

Hi Cherry ...Monday morning now in Oz :)
I'm following, I'm so surprised they are working on the weekend! WTG Aussies for getting it done. Now that is a hard working jury. Justice for Allison. :heart:

It's Monday here - we live in the future!! hehe
Tweeters confronting Channel 7 on Twitter about the alleged crew at the girls school. So far their tweets have been ignored.

Channel 7 need to nip this in the bud as they are getting ripped to shreds over it and it's not even true - the girls do not go to Brookfield SS now.
Sarah Elks ‏@sarahelks 51s

Day 20, Week 6, of the Gerard Baden-Clay Supreme Court murder trial. Jury still deliberating. He's pleaded not guilty to murder. #badenclay
I think it's possilbe that OW thought he was innocent at the start, and has bought his stories of Allison being so depressed and anxious it virtually ruined his life. He may have told her that they had a fight and Allison went hysterical and scratched his face, but he lied to Police because he still thought she was coming back from her walk and he didnt want people thinking badly of his "beautiful wife".

Basically the story of poor long suffering husband with mentally ill wife, doing everything at home and for the kids has been bought by OW, because she loves her brother and couldnt believe he would do something like kill Allison. Plus it is quite possilbe that the incident Olivia outlined in her evidence of Allison having problems with anxiety and driving and vomiting at one stage? or not being able to go into a venue (something like that) it's possilbe that did happen so would confirm what OW believes about Allison. The reason for Allison's anxiety at that time - well who knows what she was dealing with in her marriage with GBC, we probably dont know the half of it.

It's amazing what you can think if you love someone, whether partner or sibling or close friend, if you love them you want to think the best of them. However I would have to think that as the trial has progressed that she must have some doubts now.

Anyway, I agree I have a lot of issues with that family, I can't stand the superiority, the whole Baden pretentiousness, the killing of beautiful wildlife, the arrogant attitude shown in so many situations, the sense of entitlement.
I think it's possilbe that OW thought he was innocent at the start, and has bought his stories of Allison being so depressed and anxious it virtually ruined his life. He may have told her that they had a fight and Allison went hysterical and scratched his face, but he lied to Police because he still thought she was coming back from her walk and he didnt want people thinking badly of his "beautiful wife".

Basically the story of poor long suffering husband doing everything at home and or the kids has been bought by OW, because she loves her brother and couldnt believe he would do something like kill Allison.

It's amazing what you can think if you love someone, whether partner or sibling or close friend, if you love them you want to think the best of them. However I would have to think that as the trial has progressed that she must have some doubts now.

Anyway, I agree I have a lot of issues with that family, I can't stand the superiority, the whole Baden pretentiousness, the killing of beautiful wildlife, the arrogant attitude shown in so many situations, the sense of entitlement.

I think you've summed up my thoughts perfectly!
I'd love to know what Allison's family and friends thought of GBC and Co before she was murdered, before all of this unravelled.
Channel 7 need to nip this in the bud as they are getting ripped to shreds over it and it's not even true - the girls do not go to Brookfield SS now.

I agree they really need to respond in some way, but the person never said they were at Brookfield SS, they said the van was at "the girl's school". I don't know which one they meant.
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