The Victims

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TopGunner - thank you so much for the photos! I don't know why, but I am especially "connected" to Muggy Brown. I think it is because the perp doused her in bleach or maybe it is her nickname, but she has a chunk of my heart for some reason. Seeing her face tells me she was a sweetheart of a person. Thanks again.

I realized that the American Legion Hospital was probably the only one in Jennings, so there may be nothing at all "coincidental" about the hospital. However, none died at home or a car wreck or drowning etc. - all died in the hospital, all were connected as parents of victims and the suspect and all within 4 months of each other? I can't wrap my head around this.

PS Ernestine and Whitnei were particulary beautiful women, weren't they? (not that all weren't lovely, but these 2 were beautiful)
Thank you for posting the photos, TopGunner!

This case just gets stranger as the days go by.
It would be great if we could get accurate toxicology results for the 4 mothers.
It's as if someone wanted to "shut up" the mothers from speaking out about the murders of their daughters..
I'm not sure if this should go here or in the suspects thread, but here goes. I have been able to link suspect, Tracee Chaisson, to one of the victims, Loretta Lynn Chaisson Lewis. Per Loretta's mothers' (both mom and step mom) obits, she had 2 brothers or perhaps half brothers, Chad and Nicholas. Tracee is listed as living with Nicholas and Chad in Jennings (various addresses) with both of them. I can't provide a link, as it is a pay as you go service. I am trying hard to find a linkable (is that a word) source, but haven't found one yet. Just thought y'all would be interested.
Just wondering if any of you on here heard that Terrie Gulliory was seen last week at Billy and Hannah Connor residents. Wonder what the Warden of Jeff Davis Parish was doing at there house in his official SO uniform, and it did not appear to be "official Business". Just thought I would see if anyone else might have seen something else or know of what was going on here??:waitasec:

In May, 2007, Frankie Richard (51 at the time) and his niece, Hannah Conner (22 at the time), both of Jennings, were arrested and charged with second-degree murder in connection to the death of Kristen Lopez (3/18/07). They were also questioned about the death of Ernestine Patterson (6/17/05). Richard was reportedly seen with three of the victims in the last days of their lives. According to an article in the American Press (Lake Charles, LA) - July 31, 2007 (no link, sorry) Conner was seen with Lopez in her last days. Charges were eventually dropped due to insufficient evidence and conflicting witness statements.

Richard was also charged with rape around that same time. The alleged victim dropped charges in July 2007 and the complaint was dismissed.
Neither Richard, or his niece, are strangers to police. Richard has been convicted of DWI’s and charged with assault & battery. Conner has been charged with burglary, theft and trespassing.

Also arrested in May, 2007, was Tracee L. Chaisson. She was booked on Accessory After the Fact charges. Chaisson was apparently the person who reported Kristen Lopez missing and was interviewed on several occasions. Investigators believed she knew where the body was when she made the report. Like Richard and Conner, charges were dropped due to lack of evidence and conflicting statements.

District Attorney Michael Cassidy, with the 31st Judicial District, said there were numerous problems but basically in each of the cases involving Patterson and Lopez there was a lack of evidence, a lot of here-say and a lack of credibility in those who implicated others.

“We would rather dismiss the case and let the investigation continue knowing that we can always return to it,” Cassidy said.

The alternative would have been to press on and risk losing the case, which would have ruined any future possibilities should additional evidence or leads surface.
This article was taken from
Must give credit where credit is due
Loretta Lynn Chaisson Lewis (victim) is the cousin of Tracee Chaisson (suspect). Their mothers are sisters. Tracee's mother is Ruth Smith. Loretta's mother is Betty Jean Chaisson. Cannot give a link, because it is through info.
Hmmmmmmmmm sassy69........that is very interesting......
Why on Earth would the Warden visit the home of 2 criminals who are believed to be connected to 2 murders and several victims?

Who pressed rape charges against this man and is that person still alive?
I am wondering the same thing as to why the warden is visiting these people. I am not sure who filed the rape charges, I will see if I can find out. This does not look good our warden of our parish jail off visiting and hanging out with known criminals. Wish I was a fly on the wall there to know what was being discussed.....:confused: There are to many ??? in this town and not enough answers.
Sassy, it does seem odd doesn't it? Who knows, maybe they are related.
Let's ee if I am getting the connections straight here.

Loretta is cousin to Tracee Chaisson, and has a child whose father is brother to Whitnei Dubois' child's father.

Brittany is cousin to Kristen Lopez, their fathers are brothers, and Kristen's husband hung out with Crystal Zeno's husband. She is also best friends with Muggy and daughter of Teresa for whom Ernestine once worked.

Tracee was a suspect in both Loretta's and Kristen's deaths.

Is she the only connection between these 2 groups of girls? No. There is Richard who is Tracee's uncle. (is he related to Loretta?) Anyone else know of a family connection that I am missing?
Every bit of this reeks-from the 7 murder victims to all the other deaths. There is just no way, in my mind that this is a coincidence! As this is the first I've read about it, I will do some research as well.
Thanks Donnab. It does reek to high heaven.

Dealers don't usually kill their customers. Pimps don't usually kill the girls in their stable. Drugs and prostitution appear to be the only link among these girls that anyone is thinking about. Yet, they are almost all family to one another in some way and if not family, then friends.

There is no such thing as the perfect murder, much less 7 perfect murders by one person. There must be evidence that was overlooked.
This case is unreal. I've been reading about it for a month now and it does reek the more I learn about the connections. There is now way possible this is all a huge coincidence. I can't believe that the cops turned down John Walsh and America's Most Wanted. Going to Houston the other day, I stopped by the Wendy's and Sonic and just thought about the victims and how they either worked here or hung out here. It was a weird experience. Thanks DotsEyes for all your work and info. Very interesting. No matter what lifestyle these women had, they did not deserve this.
southlaguy - no thank you for reading here. If you saw on another thread, a Swiss production company will be filming a documentary about the murders in September of this year.

Eleven women, all inter-related dead in 3 years, 7 murdered and 4 of their mothers (one step-mother) died within 3 months of one another in a town of less than 10,000 people. Extraordinary odds if you ask me.

These girls were so beautiful and they meant the world to someone.
There may be an 8th victim now. They found a body today that was missing from Sunday. I posted a link in the Media thread.

Necole Guillory is her name.
There may be an 8th victim now. They found a body today that was missing from Sunday. I posted a link in the Media thread.

Necole Guillory is her name.

She ran in the same crowd, it is not looking good
Is she related to the warden? I guess Guillory is quite a common name in the area, right?

Please add her information here. Is there a photo of her?
Obiviously there's something going on! They can't find any evidence .. I can't believe that!
It's time to bring in the Big Dogs!
Also you can leave tips and there's pictures of the girls on the site.

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