The Zodiac Killer...maybe?

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I spent last night making a document on all of the connections,then forgot to save when I shut the power button off on my comp. So I have the day cut out for me. I appreciate your help.

Many word processing programs have an automatic save that runs every 5 mins, you may want to check and see if yours does. It will save it as un-named if you didn't intentionally save any of it earlier.
Omori, I think you did an awesome job here. I think your profile hits my suspect pretty hard, but my suspect was born in 49 and he has alot of scary things about him.
I am most certan my guy is the one, so I will forward my info to the cold case soon.
Ok, So I have been showing how my POI is named Ken throughout these threads, unwilling to say his full name until I had solid proof. Well. this is not the complete solution to everything in the letters, as I suspect that not only does this solved code I am about to share spell out my POI's full name, but it is in the Zodiac letters and can not be disputed.

So, the deeper I go and the more I reveal. I may as well come forward and metion, how ironic it is that the Zodiac already knew, that my name is DAVID. I have Jewish beliefs and feel like God has treated me like a king my whole life. I do consider myself a king of my castle. I am also Airies. Funny how the Zodiac pinpoints me exactly in the Paradice Slaves code:
King Dave Scalps (Aris king Dave scalps) Ri(king) Dave calps AE(celt?). I recently started a new page at facebook titled S.C.A.L.P ( search,capture,and lock in prison) because of this revelation anf because I am dedicated to proving my work to be genuine from the Zodiac letters and the things I learned from my POI and his methods of so called Treasure Hunting. I am glad i decrypted the name and added it to my records, or I may have never found this damning piece of evidence.
My POI has the name KEN HALL( I have to tell you this in order to prove my point, simce it is hidden in the halloween card and excorcist letter. Having this intuition I have and an edge on law enforcement( I have a guy coming at me with a game o solve its) gave me the tools(his name) to solve this murder spree(without the intuition I would have never checked. Had he not said he was sick of living but unwilling to die, I never would have gone this far as to solve this 100% like I believe I have done. I can at least show proof from these two pieces of evidence that i am not crazy or making this up. Like I mentioned, he seems to have chosen me to be the one to solve this(but that would me he can see the future). HE IN NO WAY IS ANY LONGER CONSIDERED MY FRIEND. 'Ken Hall' is the name scribed in Staveless runes on the excorcist card which also matches the Jalloween card key. Tonight, I am showing the full name, and how it overimposes on the Zodiac Halloween card Key and want to further inform you that all of these things are creating a mental map for me which when overimposed in oregon shows his LOCATION ( I will soon check it compared to the map in california using mt. Diablo as a reference point to see if any connections arise)of a 16 foot hole he claims to have dug. I wonder how many bodies would fit in a hole 16 feet deep? it also may be the starting point of a spiral (shaped burriel grounds?).
KEN HALL is the Staveless runes name that matches the Zodiac key precisely, so look at my sketch below and compare. I seriously want to know what you all think. This name is undisputedly in the card and on the excorcist letter, so here is how I get KEN HALL. If I am gonna be sued, I am gonna be sued:

I believe my ZODIAC suspect is the culprit.(not official suspect but after this post should probably be brought in for questioning since this is proof his name is the name sribed within and throughout the Zodiac letters)..


  • ken hall staavless runes on halloween card.jpg
    ken hall staavless runes on halloween card.jpg
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  • Exorcist letter runes spell KEN(+ fullname).jpg
    Exorcist letter runes spell KEN(+ fullname).jpg
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I just returned from my so called spiritual vacation and today sent info on my POI and links to NAPA cold case unit. Hope for a quick reply. Heres another picture depicting the name on the excorcist letter and the zodiac halloween card:


  • ken hall zodiac proof.jpg
    ken hall zodiac proof.jpg
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I just returned from my so called spiritual vacation and today sent info on my POI and links to NAPA cold case unit. Hope for a quick reply. Heres another picture depicting the name on the excorcist letter and the zodiac halloween card:

Your suspect hasn't been named publicly in the media so you should probably keep from naming him until the MSM picks it up. JMO
perhaps we can take this thread off of the public forum and then Time Cop can continue his hard work.
IT has been a long time coming but the fact of the matter is that a 70 page report was turned in recently to the San Francisco Cold Case Division in San Francisco. It outlined a man who has long been overlooked in this case. A man that you will find out is the notorious Zodiac Killer. A man so smart that he has been trying to get caught for many years. Copies of the report are available. That man who was put on the table as the suspect is Robert G<modsnip>. My name is not important. Who I am is not important. What is important is that the victims and the victims family get closure. More to come,,,,,
Do you have a copy of the report acme? Have you seen it and read it? I am curious. We have had quite a few people debating the identity of the Zodiac killer. I want to give the proper weight to each candidate.
Do you have information pertaining to an active investigative source? I have some pretty good evidence linking my POI to several of the area crimes. I have always believed that many SATANIC killers worked the area at the same time. I would like to speak with an active investigator. Any ideas on how I would find an active Zodiac investigator. A direct email would be nice?
Sir, he has never been a susspect and no one have ever come forward with evidence.

Respectfully, I am not a sir as I am female. And, I have known of this person and the suspicions around him for many years. I didn't say that he was a "suspect" as in law enforcement has put him on a suspect list. I said that he has long been suspected. At one time I belonged to a group of like minded people. Now, although you may not have suspected him or heard about him previously in this light, others have. Therefore, nothing really new here except perhaps for someone who is new to this theory. As you most likely know, there are many people who, over the years, have been suspected of being Zodiac. This person is one of them.
NEW:Zodiac Identities ~ The Pi/Amador/Occult Code Connection
Ok, I posted the Amador connection here(please read): The Amador connection - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
I had read a story about Arlis Perry( murdered 10-12-74 at Stanford). Read the story here and compare crime scene display and Allister Crowley emblem
This crime I believe is the work of the Zodiac who mailed this letter(excorcist letter jan 29,1974 ) , and the Halloween card(Oct 27,1970 ) The later metion(halloween card), being the first Identifier of the Zodiacs Identity and the excorcist letter(4 years later) being the Staveless runes Identifier that overlays the previous(4 year old) name Identifier(key) on the Halloween card
This crime was desribed in a way that I made an accurate assumtion when posting my diagram and the connection to Amador's logo. [ame=""]The Amador connection - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Amador is Amador Valley Highschool (Dons) in Pleasanton California.
One of the Zodiac letters was mailed from Pleasanton California as I posted before (see here: ) .
When I overlay the keys from the Halloween card , I get this:
A Tent rune 'X' (halloween card mirrored)
A name from the 'V' itself
A Name in runes (Staveless runes from Excorcist letter imposed over the Halloween key)
A NAme in the Key (halloween card)
When all keys are layed together I get:
A clock face.
An Hour glass
A mountain scape (mt diablo)
Amador Dons symbol
At 6:30 on the face of the clock, a town: (Pleasanton ,California(home of the Dons))

When examining the Arlis Perry crime I get:
The Amador Dons emblem
Allister Crowley Hexogram(attempt at Star of David)
these two things have numerical letter values to Pi and here is how I get it:
The halloween card EYES are in patterned sequence of Pi : 314.1
3141 (down) and reverse as well (left to right)1413
these values are this:
3141= CADA
1413 = ADAC
AD= Amador Dons
AC= Allister Crowley (see:
The two symbols (dons and Allister Crowley Hexogram can be connected with the excorcist like crime of Arlis Perry.
Note: Arlis was a devoted Christian and professed her faith to Satanists.
The fact that the Amador Symbol can be found in the final overlays of all the keys in the Halloween card is of importance when considering the symetry of Pairs
(something Zodiac mastered and showed in his works)
The crossing of the pants over Arlis' nude waist is an example of the Zodiacs (named in Staveles runes) work in connectiong his name to runes, a visual vista,a crime scene and the series of crimes in themselves as one in the same.
Clearly Allister Crowley had some influence here, if not being the matermind of all of these followers who commited satanic crimes under his command. I believe satanic influence on teens was critical in mastering a church of killers (slayers) and it is evident in the Manson Crime Spree and other crimes that young teens were conerted to brain washed killers using symbology,satanic worship and the desire to kill innocent people played out like a GAME(Zodiac played this Game).
To me, I see suggestions of a very intellectual killer in these specific letters, not only taunting the public and the police with his LAYERED NAME,CRIME SCENE SIGNATURE and most likely,VIEW FROM HIS HOME in Berkeley/Oakland. but his portrait of himself and his pride can be all put into one piece of work that says it all
See my Layered Map Theory here: [ame=""]Layered Map Theory. Help me Sleuths... - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
See my Amador connection thread here (which includes my drawing that compares to the Allister Crowley hexogram that mimmicks AMador Dons emblem): [ame=""]The Amador connection - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Clear to me is the fact that Pleasanton was a location where one of the letters was mailed from, very strange when concidering most were mailed from San Francisco.
Also, it is apparent that symetry was the reason for his precise killings in locations that were only so many degrees apart ( I believe it was half of PI, or when all the keys are overlayed, half of the equation-thus only the upper left portion of the tent rune on the Halloween card). This guy was into reversing things and hidding clues in the meaning of things, another satanic occult indiactor. The postion of the crimes of the late 60's and Radian theories abound can simply put, aid and apply to these overlay solutions.
Satan tried to copy the Star of David (shield) This most likely was something from deep within the motives of the Satanic church which was started on 6,6,1966 (6666)
6:30 or 66 is the location of Pleasanton on the Phillips 66 map. The Hour glass can be seen on the maps cover as well in the overlayed keys, a reference to mirrored symetry) thus, Pleasanton (6:30 or 66 + Phillips 66 or 66 = 6666. This now applies to Anton Lavey who I believe was behind the churches foundings.
LAV is the reverse of VAL...remember how I linked my POI to this Solution? I think this fully dedicates the Zodiacs murders to SATAN.
I am most certain that this is the work of one mastermind, no mater how many killers were sent to the crimes, it seems to me that One Killer was into some kind of mathmatical copying of something so spiritual that no Killer can ever imitate and that he could manipulate the followers of satan(thus explaining the mass killings going on throughout California at the time) into helping him build a shield. Gods Protection is for those who believe in the One, not for those who kill and follow Satan, whom, thought that HE was the One.. I believe this is the CRACK in the shield that made Zodiac Crackable, not CRACKPROOF as he so declared..
I think these Killers used these properties in some ritualistic way, probably to remain HIDDEN, who knows. its right there on the tip of my tongue.(hissss)
You can not deny all of these connections when packaged together to form a connection of identifiers,numbers,symbols and codes to describe on thing:
The Zodiac Killers Identity, which was in the crime itself. DEATH.
Who knows when What I have discovered becomes important. Yesterday I mailed Napa Sherrifs office and am waiting for a reply. This makes my 4th attempt with law enforcement in a month. Lets hope I get a reply..
Apology to you, I am a female. No disrespect. What I am saying is that I grew up with the Zodiac fear. Fear on the buses etc.. I have spent amd have turned in a again a 70 page report with SOLID evidence linking him to the murder. What is suprising is that he gave he gave it away right in front of us but no one was watching. It took me over a year to find out where he went to highschool and guess what. I found a untouch signature of his. Plus more. Yes Law enforcement , SFPD C.Case Division is working on him as we speak and I am feeding them more info as it comes up. THere must be closure for the victims and the victims families. Yes, A report was handed over, the interview was taped for 2 hours and pictures were taken of four wall boards of outlined info.
Time Cop- Detective McMahon-Napa County Sheriff's Dept.
Inspector Kevin Jones SF PD Cold Case Division-Paul Lee Stine Case only
Oh and one more thing, On the Paul Lee Stine Murder, Paul Lee Stine wore corrective glasses. It was on his driver's license. BUT, no pair of glasses were logged in on items that were found at the crime scene on the coroner's evidence report. How could that be?
Because the Zodiac was wearing Paul Lee Stine's Glasses that night when he left the cab.
So in order to get a real composite of the Zodiac you need to make a drawing without the glasses on. Are you getting it people. This also can be confirmed by Paul Lee Stine's Wife.
This is the only case I have ever seen that is solved like once every few months. lol What Happend to the last guy that found his dad's stash .Didn't he find a bloody knife a pair of glasses and the executiner's mask / hood . Where did he go ?

I was growing up in Vallejo at the time. I knew Darlene, and her sisters from school. One of her sisters was a friend. Every where we went, someone, thought his or her brother,uncle,dad, or next door neighbor was the Zodiac. I recall all kinds of people came forward either to confess they did it, or let LE know about who they suspected. Mostly, they all just had peculiar relatives, or neighbors.
A man has claimed that his best friend confessed to him that he was the infamous Zodiac Killer who terrorized California throughout the 1960s.

Randy Kenney, from New York, said that before his friend Louise Myers passed away he claimed to be responsible for the five murders linked to the Zodiac Killer between 1968 and 1969.

Myers claimed that, aged 17, he had targeted young couples - some of whom he went to school or worked with - because he was bitter that his girlfriend had broken up with him.

Read more:

What do you all think of this?
This is the person I believe may have been the Zodiac Killer for reasons stated in the article:
He knew 3 of the victims, going to school with 2 women and working with a third victim.

The "Zodiac" sign was actually a Celtic cross ( I've always thought this was likely).

He was very young, and in a rage because his girlfriend left him. There were no killings while he was in the military.
He worked at an Army surplus store and likely wore boots like boot prints found at one crime scene.

He told 2 friends he was " a killer", in 1976 to a moron who didn't believe him, and when he had cancer in 2002. The second friend did believe him based upon the details of his confession. Friend promised not to tell anyone until after suspect died. He kept his word.

Both witnesses to the confessions are named. If this can be proven, I hope they serve time for obstruction of justice or some other charges. Parents and siblings have died when they could have possibly had some amount of closure. If they are lying, then I hope they are punished for lying to the media ( but I don't think they are lying).

This guy was no mathematician. He was very young, the age of his victims.

Motive given was that his girlfriend broke up with him in 1968 and he couldn't cope with his rage. They were all rage killings except for Paul Stine, who was killed " for drug money".

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