Theories about Ron's breaks and werk schedule

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Confusion here and not naming sources, my understanding is PDM has 2 shifts for yard workers. 7AM - 3:30PM and 3:30PM to Midnight. There is no yard work shift after midnight. I'll say at this point it comes from a reliable source. Not meaning to cause confusion and consider it heresy.

Because of all the confusion over this issue I've remained silent and the only thing I can be 99.9% positive of is that if Ron worked 3 hours overtime that night, someone/somebody had to approve it.

I'm not saying night work has never been done, I'm saying PDM's workers shift was from 3:30pm to midnight. Give or take 1% accuracy and wiggle room. :)

Thank you for the update; this is second hand what I post. The person I am posting the Info is a Manager at PDM, so I do not know firsthand what the shifts are. So thank you for clearing this up.
However I am still confused why he started at 5:00pm, when the shifts start at 3:30 pm.
Is this what Ron told the poster who posted his work hrs. info.?

Your 2nd paragraph-I agree-so obvious but no one ever asked!
R&M lived next door to the poster for 2-3 months in the fall of 2008. On Nov 1, they moved to Green Ln, "behind" the poster. He's a retired gentleman, older than R&M, but he was pretty friendly with them, knew a lot about their schedules and routines. To answer your question, I got the impression his information was based on a combination of what R&M told him, and what he observed.
However I am still confused why he started at 5:00pm, when the shifts start at 3:30 pm.

I suppose his attorney will have to explain that one. I for one cant wait to hear the acceptable verifiable explanation. I'm sure they're working on how to explain it all.
The fact that PDM had LE stationed at the gates and doors after the statement was released to the public tells me there was more to his firing than his daughter going missing. They were prepared for some kind of a confrontation which means they were aware of his anger issues. JMO

Jumping off your post Doobie...Add the fact that PDM upgraded to a more high tech time clock system after Ron left tells me there must've been an issue surrounding the time clock-the procedure of clocking in and out.

JMO though
If his shift started at 3:30, then he could not have gotten HaLeigh off the bus.

Shoemaker says he went in at 5, and the timeline LE is "satisfied" in reguards to Ronald is 8 hours.

So if Shoemaker said that Ron went in at 5pm, and LE is satisfied with Ron's 8hours,...I would assume then that his hours that night were 5pm-1pm.

Perhaps Ron did go in at 5:00. Eight hours would be working until 1:00 a.m. It would then make more sense if LE was questioning Ron as to why it took him so long to get home (almost 2-1/2 hours).

This is what I think too SoSueMe. But I got a feeling that Ron had been home before he left going to that store to create an alibi for himself. There was too much commotion going on around the mh between 1:30am-2:30am that night, IMO. I figure Ron went to that particular store because he was not coming from work, he was coming from home. ALL MO.
Could, Ron have called in telling them he would be a few hours late then volunteered to work the extra three hours?

Just want to comment on this, PDM does not normally work between the hours of 12 midnight and 7AM. I'm not saying it doesn't happen on rare occasion BUT I don't think they were making any exceptions because Ron was late that day.

Not to mention the 20-90 unanswered calls to Misty would lead me to believe he had an urgent reason to return home. I don't think he volunteered to work extra if they worked over that night at all. JMO
There are really only these possibilities:

1. Ron worked between the hours of 5 pm and 3 am as the Post above states, and there is sufficient evidence (time clock, witnesses, cell pings, testimony of plant officials) to back up those hours to LE satisfaction

2. Ron's hours, as verified by LE, either before or after work deviate from this time frame.

3. The hours that LE determined that Ron worked that night either eliminate him from the suspect pool or include him.

If Ron lied about his hours (and I mean deceived LE about his time at work in a significant way, not missing by a few minutes either way), then LE would have a strong reason to suspect Ron of involvement in Haleigh' disappearance. That's the reason we are interested in the issue ourselves; the problem for
amateur sleuthers is that we don't have access to what LE has verified about his work hours. But we can be certain that the first priority of LE, after searching for Haleigh, was to verify Ron's whereabouts. And if his account of work hours didn't conform to plant records, eyewitness accounts, and cell phone pings and perhaps video cam footage in private and public areas, Ron
would have vaulted to the top of the suspect pile. How would that not be the case, as he is the bio father with a record of arrests for possession, speeding,
and other low-level criminal activity? This case would have been solved a year ago if Ron had lied about his work hours or if those hours didn't provide an alibi for the time after Haleigh was last seen.
There are really only these possibilities:

1. Ron worked between the hours of 5 pm and 3 am as the Post above states, and there is sufficient evidence (time clock, witnesses, cell pings, testimony of plant officials) to back up those hours to LE satisfaction

2. Ron's hours, as verified by LE, either before or after work deviate from this time frame.

3. The hours that LE determined that Ron worked that night either eliminate him from the suspect pool or include him.

If Ron lied about his hours (and I mean deceived LE about his time at work in a significant way, not missing by a few minutes either way), then LE would have a strong reason to suspect Ron of involvement in Haleigh' disappearance. That's the reason we are interested in the issue ourselves; the problem for
amateur sleuthers is that we don't have access to what LE has verified about his work hours. But we can be certain that the first priority of LE, after searching for Haleigh, was to verify Ron's whereabouts. And if his account of work hours didn't conform to plant records, eyewitness accounts, and cell phone pings and perhaps video cam footage in private and public areas, Ron
would have vaulted to the top of the suspect pile. How would that not be the case, as he is the bio father with a record of arrests for possession, speeding,
and other low-level criminal activity? This case would have been solved a year ago if Ron had lied about his work hours or if those hours didn't provide an alibi for the time after Haleigh was last seen.

BBM: IF Ron was involved with the murder of HaLeigh, it is obvious that he did not do it alone. Maybe this case is taking so long because LE wants to charge ALL the people involved, not just one.
Yes, but then we are back to the issue of why LE would ever consider a plea bargain or why a Croslin (take your pick) wouldn't have started talking a long time ago, once LE started putting pressure on the whole family. Or why LE has allowed all this Croslin video out there into the tabloid TV and internet world. Just the dock footage alone would be a defense attorney's dream. As the bio father, Ron would take the big fall if he were involved, and no doubt Misty's and Tommy's attorneys would have pushed very hard to get THEM to go for the plea deal. If they were accomplices, they would have gotten significantly less jail time, and perhaps no time at all in return for testimony.

The only LE action that raised the question for me about Ron's involvement was the undercover drug sting arrest. We can't know who all they hoped to get off the street in the sting, but they got Ron, Misty and Tommy. Certainly, getting them off the street for their general involvement in the local drug culture was well worth it alone. But the arrest put them all in a position in which LE has considerably more ability to gather information and use pressure to resolve the case. The result however is that Ron is cooperating with police, and Tommy is apparently trying to do the same. I think LE needed physical evidence of death and one Croslin to testify, and they may have that. but they aren't talking about Ron as being involved, based on what we are hearing in the video that has been released. So whichever way I look, I see the Croslins.
I've posted this so many times that I've bookmarked it, jessigirl. We can't quote from downstairs, but we can provide a link.
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

You know what gets me, as often as Ron said "I was at work" -- early on before he "lawyered up" -- I don't recall one reporter or interviewer asking, "So, Ron, what hours did you work that night?" It's such an obvious question.

I'm sorry. I had it completely backward,meaning I thought we couldn't post the link to a thread with the locals and was not sure if it could even be mentioned, either in a public thread.(but I had mentioned it a couple weeks ago in a post) I'm sorry I didn't see your post stating that it was against the rules to mention such, but that I could indeed post a link for those that are interested
(and are WS members)to go back and read those posts from the thread that was linked. I understand COMPLETELY now and sorry for the frustration of feeling as though you had to keep repeating yourself. Thanks for letting me know(even tho you felt you had already done so)...I'm still getting used to the exact wording of certain rules.:blushing:
BBM: IF Ron was involved with the murder of HaLeigh, it is obvious that he did not do it alone. Maybe this case is taking so long because LE wants to charge ALL the people involved, not just one.

Zaha, those are my thoughts exactly! And let us not forget that as of September 2009, Ron's lawyer stated Ron moved from the TOP of the list to the bottom. I believe Ron was on LE radar from the very beginning but because there was little to no evidence and some young "patsy" putting herself in the middle of it, they really couldn't touch Ron, KWIM? But the fact is Ron was still on the list, whether he went from first to last...he was still on the list. IMO, he is still on the list to this very day....and that is what led to the undercover drug bust....that is the reason Ron is where he is right now. LE needed to get those three in the drug bust and they succeeded. IMO, the undercover officer approached Misty first...because as far as the dope business, it would've been easier to gain trust from Misty, not so much Ron because we all know how paranoid he is. LE had already had knowledge that Misty and Ron were connected in this (drugs) so they started with her, knowing eventually they would be able to suck in Ron. And that's exactly what happened. That's why Teresa felt Misty brought Ron into this mess. If you think about it...she did. She did exactly what she was suppose to do, (Thanks Misty!) although she didn't know she was being set up to suck Ron in. Ron was the target. IMO, the operation went according to plan. Now they both are sitting in jail on dang near a million dollar bond. YES...Ron and Misty.

JMO though
Yes, but then we are back to the issue of why LE would ever consider a plea bargain or why a Croslin (take your pick) wouldn't have started talking a long time ago, once LE started putting pressure on the whole family. Or why LE has allowed all this Croslin video out there into the tabloid TV and internet world. Just the dock footage alone would be a defense attorney's dream. As the bio father, Ron would take the big fall if he were involved, and no doubt Misty's and Tommy's attorneys would have pushed very hard to get THEM to go for the plea deal. If they were accomplices, they would have gotten significantly less jail time, and perhaps no time at all in return for testimony.

The only LE action that raised the question for me about Ron's involvement was the undercover drug sting arrest. We can't know who all they hoped to get off the street in the sting, but they got Ron, Misty and Tommy. Certainly, getting them off the street for their general involvement in the local drug culture was well worth it alone. But the arrest put them all in a position in which LE has considerably more ability to gather information and use pressure to resolve the case. The result however is that Ron is cooperating with police, and Tommy is apparently trying to do the same. I think LE needed physical evidence of death and one Croslin to testify, and they may have that. but they aren't talking about Ron as being involved, based on what we are hearing in the video that has been released. So whichever way I look, I see the Croslins.

Personally, I'm wondering WHY ALL the focus is on the Croslins... And since the Croslins have stated LE doesn't want to hear anything about Ronald Cummings and his involvement, and LE hasn't allowed anything to be released except information about the Croslins I'm going with LE is not interested in revealing the TRUTH about Ronald Cummings and his involvement in his daughter's disappearance..And personally, I want to know WHY...JMO
And you are right, this case could have been solved a year ago if LE wanted to do so and Ron C would have been arrested many many months ago.. Again, I want to know WHY he hasn't been arrested and charged..... JMO
I have never sleuthed a case in my life before this one, but I am intelligent enough to know from everything that has not been revealed by LE when in fact alot of information has pointed to Ronald Cummings as being the one responsible for his daughter's disappearance there is something terribly wrong going on within PCSO ....JMO
IMHO, they have alot in common with Ronald Cumming's mother.. They don't care who is implicated just as long as they can keep the focus off Ronald Cummings as being the one who is involved and responsible for his daughter's death..JMO
IMHO... I see the Croslins as being viewed as outsiders in the community, basically of no significance at all to LE..Seems to me alot of people down there are in CYA mode and have been since day one of Haleigh's alleged abduction..And it ain't just the Croslins...JMO
Yes, but then we are back to the issue of why LE would ever consider a plea bargain or why a Croslin (take your pick) wouldn't have started talking a long time ago, once LE started putting pressure on the whole family. Or why LE has allowed all this Croslin video out there into the tabloid TV and internet world. Just the dock footage alone would be a defense attorney's dream. As the bio father, Ron would take the big fall if he were involved, and no doubt Misty's and Tommy's attorneys would have pushed very hard to get THEM to go for the plea deal. If they were accomplices, they would have gotten significantly less jail time, and perhaps no time at all in return for testimony.

The only LE action that raised the question for me about Ron's involvement was the undercover drug sting arrest. We can't know who all they hoped to get off the street in the sting, but they got Ron, Misty and Tommy. Certainly, getting them off the street for their general involvement in the local drug culture was well worth it alone. But the arrest put them all in a position in which LE has considerably more ability to gather information and use pressure to resolve the case. The result however is that Ron is cooperating with police, and Tommy is apparently trying to do the same. I think LE needed physical evidence of death and one Croslin to testify, and they may have that. but they aren't talking about Ron as being involved, based on what we are hearing in the video that has been released. So whichever way I look, I see the Croslins.


IMO the LE not releasing info regarding Ronald speaks volume. They want the info they have on him kept close to the belt, until the arrests are made.
I believe Croslins name is being flung around the internet & media because LE has to release something right? So they release the Croslin lies...that mean nothing to anyone. How can anyone believe anything that is coming out of TOmmy or Misty.. they change their stories daily. The true story of what happend to HaLeigh remains MUM by relseaing Croslin tapes/videos.

IMO, when the LE is ready, they will drop their BOMBSHELL and knock NG out of her chair!

What are they waiting for? A Croslin. A Croslin to tell the TRUTH about what she knows, the truth about Ronald and Co.
This is getting a bit off topic, but in response to some posts above, I do not believe that LE is trying to protect RC though I may be in the minority here. I think LE made sure he was in on that drug bust for a reason, to get him behind bars with the others.

As far as werk...I will never cease to be amazed that this info has not come out by a former co-worker or someone who used to work there but has since left. We have heard so many versions, now hearing that no one works there after midnight? If that is true, that blows all alibis out of the water for RC. But I am convinced LE knows when RC was there and they have not said that his work hours cleared him, as far as I know, only that they were satisfied with the hours he worked, something to that effect. I would really like to know more about no one working after midnight...this was the first time I had seen that stated...that it would have had to have been an exception and not one made for a single employee who needed to make up hours or whatever...
Ron's breaks and work hours. Please get back on track. This reminder is for many many posts that are totally off topic. Not any one in particular.
There are really only these possibilities:
This case would have been solved a year ago if Ron had lied about his work hours or if those hours didn't provide an alibi for the time after Haleigh was last seen.

What I said was that it would have been solved a year ago if Le investigated and found that Ron had lied about his work.

Of course he started out at the top of the suspect pile, along with Crystal, Misty and Crystal's husband, whose name escapes me right now. The bio and step parents and siblings if of age and any other live-in individuals (relatives, friends, boarders, etc.) would be at the top of the list because, sadly, most children are abused or killed by the very people who should protect them.

But LE said Ron and Crystal went from top to bottom. That simply could not happen if Ron had lied about his work hours or the fact that he was at work or the times he arrived and departed. The lie itself would point to guilt--and once again, I am not, not, not talking about statements in the media, which can be misleading because of editing, context, TV nerves or whatever. I mean on the record statements made to LE in official interviews or interrogations. Certainly, there are many instances when LE officers have conducted poor interviews, etc., but they are far, far better at getting people to contradict themselves, to unwittingly give up information, to trap themselves in mutually exclusive explanations, etc. The work hours had to be a primary focus of the investigation because that would either rule in or rule out Ron Cummings, once it was established when Haleigh was last seen. That Ron was moved to the bottom of the list with Crystal is a strong indicator that his story has been corroborated by objective evidence, like the time clock.

It's interesting to note that LE has said on many occasions that Misty's stories contradict each other and the physical evidence collected on the night Haleigh disappeared. I've never heard one word from LE that Ron's account of his work hours or movements on the day contradicts other objective elements or other statements he has made to LE. And as I argued the other day, the 911 tapes show a very deceptive Misty talking about her actions that night but a Ronald whose statements are clear, straightforward and focused on Haleigh. It's clear that Ron has a number of faults and has made many mistakes, one of which was to put his children in harm's way with Misty. That doesn't mean that he killed his daughter or covered up her murder. I give LE enough credit to assume that they did the very easy job of finding out when Ron arrived and work, when he left, and if it was possible for him to leave the premises long enough to cover up a murder.

Frankly, the big conspiracy theories about Ron are puzzling, since he doesn't appear to be a crack critical thinker or strategist. He got caught on tape selling dope. He dated and married Misty. The most reasonable scenario is the simplest. Haleigh was in Misty's custody. Either she killed her and the others (TC, for sure, and who knows who else) helped her cover it up or someone she let into the mobile home did it and they all agreed to dispose of the body. JO wouldn't talk because it would always be his word against Misty and Tommy; the other two wouldn't talk because Misty was always most vulnerable and Tommy had the most to lose. Add Ron to that scenario and it doesn't work. The only person who might cover up for him would be Misty, and that not for long if she was indicted for murder and faced the death penalty. So--Ron was at work.
I wonder why in the Cobra tapes rc will not in any way express the time on the clock. He uses words like "such and such a time" when referring to his leaving PDM. If he honest and forthcoming he would say I left work at 3:00am and LE wanted to know what took me so long...NO,...he says I left work at a certain time and they questioned me about it...(not his exact words). Why wouldn't he just simply state the time when relaying the story?

This guy speaks out of both sides of his mouth and has done so since day one. This kind of playing around and his behavior after the disappearance puts ron in the hot seat.

When has LE stated that Ron AND Crystal moved to the bottom of the list? I've heard Ron's own lawyer say that he was moved to the bottom, yet still on the list...Where is it stated that Crystal was moved to the bottom of the list? IMO, Crystal is no longer on that list.

To stay on topic: Ron didn't work 24 hours that day, the fact that 8 hours of that is linked to him being at work, what about the other 16 hours??? Unless he can be accounted for that whole day, Ron can not be ruled out.

JMO though

When has LE stated that Ron AND Crystal moved to the bottom of the list? I've heard Ron's own lawyer say that he was moved to the bottom, yet still on the list...Where is it stated that Crystal was moved to the bottom of the list? IMO, Crystal is no longer on that list.

To stay on topic: Ron didn't work 24 hours that day, the fact that 8 hours of that is linked to him being at work, what about the other 16 hours??? Unless he can be accounted for that whole day, Ron can not be ruled out.

JMO though

I don't think that is true suspicious.

Even If you back track the time line to 12 hours then at 3:00 pm the day before and she was at school and then seen at the bus stop. The AC man was also at her home around 5 pm. and then GGS was there around 7/7:30 pm.

The police wanted to know Misty's whereabouts from 10 pm until 3 am. That has to be the time line they think something happened to Haleigh and as far as we know her alibi was never verified. LE has never come out wanting information about Ron's whereabouts when he wasnt at work.

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