Theories about Ron's breaks and werk schedule

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:waitasec: So greedy? For buying one beer? I am not sure I understand what you are saying.

Well I am very well aware of how court procedures work but that has nothing to do with the Judge knowing plea negotiations are going on in this case. Not all cases end in pleas or are even negotiated.

Well if they plea him on the drug case then I guess they disagree with you and does need him to testify against Tommy and Misty at their trial.

And while I am at it... can you please explain to me why some write "work" as werk? Is it to just make fun of how Ron's speaks or something or others that come from the south who may pronounce it that way?:waitasec:


Maybe it's the same reason some people make fun of the Croslin's lack of intelligence, appearance and the way they speak? I really don't know, just a guess.

IMO - Each and every player in this case is disgusting. Each and EVERY player in this case deserve to be slammed by the public for their actions or LACK of actions.

HaLeigh deserves justice... that is why there is a thread about her on this forum.
We are not here to DEFEND Ronald. We are not here to DEFEND a Croslin. We are here for HaLeigh. Maybe we should all try our best to do just that. Defend HaLeigh.
Hi there to you too...Just wanted to clarify.. I am well aware of the fact it was early on in this case when LE made the statement about... IF a crime had been committed they didn't know when or where it had been committed
I am also well aware of the fact LE has zeroed in on Misty and Tommy, and have told Lindsey they were going to be all over ALL the Croslins until they found out about what had happened to Haleigh..And like you, I too suspect more Croslins may be arrested in the future..
And IMHO.. It has become quite evident to me The Cummings Clan managed to set up Misty and the Croslins to take the fall... And as sad as that is, for the most part I have resigned myself to the painful reality LE has no plans to implicate Ronald Cummings or any members of his family in connection to Haleigh's disappearance...

Last but not least, in reference to myself..I am fully aware (as most of us here are) LE has not put any pressure on Ronald Cummings and anyone in his family, however I am still interested in what Shoemaker states, especially when what he states in regards to Ron's work schedule does not coincide with the scheduled work hours for employees at PDM.

All JMO..

I know you are aware of all that is going on in this case, and I respect your opinions and did not mean to offend you. We just see things a different way. I believe LE will convict all the guilty in whatever happened to Haleigh. If Ron was involved, he will go down as well.
I believe as another here stated, that Ron messed up LE case by trying to solve it on his own. He is guilty of the drug charges, and can't interfere with LE's case so much in jail. All JMO.
At the risk of sounding like I am trying to stop a very civil debate,which is NOT my intent, I am going to ask ONE LAST TIME to keep on topic about Ron's work schedule and breaks. I'm beginning to think this thread has sleuthed out the topic and needs to be closed.

Seriously, ONE MORE OT post about opinions other than the topic and this thread is closed.
What I am saying is its always something stupid that trips criminals up. Ron having the beer shows he bought that before 3am that night. So how could he have done that if he didn't leave work before 2 am? Don't they stop selling beer at 2am in Putnam County, because I am kinda sure they do, I don't think PDM has a sundry store for their employees to grab a cold one after work.

And if they plea him on the drug case, super, but the State has not said they offered him a deal on the drug charges, so in the mean time I am not going to operate under the assumption that is truth right now, and lets say it is, if the state offered him that deal, lol, why hasn't he accepted? Is it because hes in between a rock and a hard place? Does he dare test Misty Croslin?

I think its all very interesting, truth be told. But I think when it all comes down to it, the drug charges are the least of Ronald's problems.


In Florida by state law convenience stores can sell beer until 3:00 am or longer in some instances.


State law prohibits selling of alcohol between 3 a.m. and 7 a.m., unless the county chooses to change the operating hours later; such as for Sunday morning; Ormond Beach stays open until 7pm on Sundays. Miami-Dade County liquor stores may operate 24 hours a day.

I really have no answer but maybe the DA is planning when to announce it if he and Ron are in agreement with the plea deal. DA does things when they think it is the best time to do so just like LE releases information they have and will release it on a particular day when they know they already have the media's attention.

Maybe it's the same reason some people make fun of the Croslin's lack of intelligence, appearance and the way they speak? I really don't know, just a guess.

IMO - Each and every player in this case is disgusting. Each and EVERY player in this case deserve to be slammed by the public for their actions or LACK of actions.

HaLeigh deserves justice... that is why there is a thread about her on this forum.
We are not here to DEFEND Ronald. We are not here to DEFEND a Croslin. We are here for HaLeigh. Maybe we should all try our best to do just that. Defend HaLeigh.

I know it is hard not to ridicule the families in Haleigh's life, we are all frustated and it feels like we are letting off steam. I am talking about all of her family, they all failed her IMO. If any of them had made different choices, for the good of Haleigh instead of being immature and selfish this would not have happened. It's so easy to convict all her family and the Croslin's in the court of public opinion. JMO but doing that is not defending Haleigh.
This case has been horrible and has made me and others angry, crying for that poor baby. We all want justice for Haleigh.
I don't like the sarcastic spelling of "werk" either. It feels to me that it is OK to make fun of the Father of Haleigh, but the rest of the family is off limits. Again, just how I percieve it IMO.
We know next to nothing about what LE knows in this case. They could be looking at Ron just as many on here are. Alibi's are not always the thing that clear's the person. Many times they can be used to help clear someone, but not always. I do believe, Ron had the opportunity to leave his job site that night, and get back before he was noticed or had someone cover for him while he was gone. However I am still on the fence as to his involvement either directly or indirectly.

I would think that he may could have pulled that off if he worked that plant yard with only a couple of other employees there. IIRC, about 255 people or more work for PDM in Palatka and there are two work shifts. (morning-evening) PDM would have a normal work force for both shifts. It wouldn't be cost effective to have the plant up this large and up and running for a handful of workers. I even read that PDM has worked round the clock before 24/7 when working on a NASA project.

Since I worked for a large bridge building company for 20 years, from my own experience, I think that entire yard had surveillance cameras all over it for security reasons. Millions upon millions of dollars worth of expensive equipment is there and very expensive materials and tools used. They probably have a camera too of the parking area where they can see the employees enter and leave work.

I would think that he may could have pulled that off if he worked that plant yard with only a couple of other employees there. IIRC, about 255 people or more work for PDM in Palatka and there are two work shifts. (morning-evening) PDM would have a normal work force for both shifts. It wouldn't be cost effective to have the plant up this large and up and running for a handful of workers. I even read that PDM has worked round the clock before 24/7 when working on a NASA project.

Since I worked for a large bridge building company for 20 years, from my own experience, I think that entire yard had surveillance cameras all over it for security reasons. Millions upon millions of dollars worth of expensive equipment is there and very expensive materials and tools used. They probably have a camera too of the parking area where they can see the employees enter and leave work.


Well, PDM obviously did not have cameras all over the yard because the LE say unless they were with him all night, he cant be cleared, meaning, he must not be in tape for how many ever hours he was there because the cops would be able to verify that.

GRACE: Do you believe that law enforcement has officially cleared your client, Ronald Cummings, of anything to do with her disappearance?

SHOEMAKER: Well, it`s kind of a tough situation to say they`ve officially cleared him 100 percent. When we met with law enforcement last week, they basically said they moved him from, you know, top of the list to the bottom of the list.

GRACE: Got it.

SHOEMAKER: Unless they were with him all night long, they can`t officially rule him out.
Well, PDM obviously did not have cameras all over the yard because the LE say unless they were with him all night, he cant be cleared, meaning, he must not be in tape for how many ever hours he was there because the cops would be able to verify that.

GRACE: Do you believe that law enforcement has officially cleared your client, Ronald Cummings, of anything to do with her disappearance?

SHOEMAKER: Well, it`s kind of a tough situation to say they`ve officially cleared him 100 percent. When we met with law enforcement last week, they basically said they moved him from, you know, top of the list to the bottom of the list.

GRACE: Got it.

SHOEMAKER: Unless they were with him all night long, they can`t officially rule him out.

The night Haleigh vanished, Cummings was working a late shift at PDM Bridge in Palatka. Video camera footage from PDM Bridge confirms he was at work that night. Cummings is no longer employed there.

He is now at the bottom of the list. I will bet that Tommy, Misty and Joe aren't.

The night Haleigh vanished, Cummings was working a late shift at PDM Bridge in Palatka. Video camera footage from PDM Bridge confirms he was at work that night. Cummings is no longer employed there.

He is now at the bottom of the list. I will bet that Tommy, Misty and Joe aren't.


Right, I have no doubt he was there, but no where does it say, Ronald Cummings is on videotape the entire shift. But then again, when we have the cops saying, HOWEVER, we dont know when the crime occurred or what time, him being at work at that time means nothing. And then it means nothing if she got into his drugs, hes still responsible, so it could go a few ways here, but the cops seem to be really interested in him, so much so they put his bail at 900k. There is a major reason they want him locked up, and imo its not because they are afraid hes going to do something to perp when the cops catch him or her, I think its because they dont want him to hurt himself, and they want to make sure to it justice for HaLeigh is brought forth.

Right, I have no doubt he was there, but no where does it say, Ronald Cummings is on videotape the entire shift. But then again, when we have the cops saying, HOWEVER, we don't know when the crime occurred or what time, him being at work at that time means nothing. And then it means nothing if she got into his drugs, hes still responsible, so it could go a few ways here, but the cops seem to be really interested in him, so much so they put his bail at 900k. There is a major reason they want him locked up, and imo its not because they are afraid hes going to do something to perp when the cops catch him or her, I think its because they don't want him to hurt himself, and they want to make sure to it justice for HaLeigh is brought forth.


LE said that though very early on when the case was rather new. In 15 months they have done a massive investigation now and I believe they think Haleigh was removed from her home between the hours of 10 pm and 3 am.

I certainly think it will mean a lot. There will be witnesses that saw Haleigh alive after Ron went to work and there will be employees that saw Ron throughout his work shift. I doubt his supervisor has a habit of losing one of his men. Each one has been assigned a job duty and the supervisor is there to make sure each employee is doing their job assignment for the night.

All of them got extremely high bails. Even Hope was fined $250K and I don't think police believe she knows a thing about what happened to Haleigh.

I doubt if that was their tactic they would have waited from Feb. 09 until Jan. 2010 to make arrests.

LE said that though very early on when the case was rather new. In 15 months they have done a massive investigation now and I believe they think Haleigh was removed from her home between the hours of 10 pm and 3 am.

I certainly think it will mean a lot. There will be witnesses that saw Haleigh alive after Ron went to work and there will be employees that saw Ron throughout his work shift. I doubt his supervisor has a habit of losing one of his men. Each one has been assigned a job duty and the supervisor is there to make sure each employee is doing their job assignment for the night.

All of them got extremely high bails. Even Hope was fined $250K and I don't think police believe she knows a thing about what happened to Haleigh.

I doubt if that was their tactic they would have waited from Feb. 09 until Jan. 2010 to make arrests.


Actually his lawyer did say there were times other employees didn't see Ronald, and Shoemaker never said they were intervals of 4 minutes, or 10 minutes, he said there were times Ronald was not seen, and are we going to see these same people say, yeah, we saw him in the yard, every 5 minutes he was making a phone call to Misty, because I guess thats what the phone records indicate, and the lowest number amount is 20, and the highest mention of calls is 90, so he had to be somewhere making all those calls, maybe he did do it in front of everyone else, I dont know.

And they really had to wait for Misty to turn 18 to get her on charges that would stick and have her facing an adult sentence, and it only took them a month to reel her and Ronald in.

The cops are in no hurry and Rome wasn't built in a day, I think they have done a nice job on this case and the next time they release anything to the public, we are all going understand all the hard work they have indeed been doing this whole time.

They let Ronald feel comfy and not a suspect, and look what happened.. he played into their hands big time.

Rule one Ronald should have learned, never mess with people smarter than you-

Actually his lawyer did say there were times other employees didn't see Ronald, and Shoemaker never said they were intervals of 4 minutes, or 10 minutes, he said there were times Ronald was not seen, and are we going to see these same people say, yeah, we saw him in the yard, every 5 minutes he was making a phone call to Misty, because I guess thats what the phone records indicate, and the lowest number amount is 20, and the highest mention of calls is 90, so he had to be somewhere making all those calls, maybe he did do it in front of everyone else, I dont know.

And they really had to wait for Misty to turn 18 to get her on charges that would stick and have her facing an adult sentence, and it only took them a month to reel her and Ronald in.

The cops are in no hurry and Rome wasn't built in a day, I think they have done a nice job on this case and the next time they release anything to the public, we are all going understand all the hard work they have indeed been doing this whole time.

They let Ronald feel comfy and not a suspect, and look what happened.. he played into their hands big time.

Rule one Ronald should have learned, never mess with people smarter than you-


If it is only 4 minutes or 10 minutes intervals then that sure isn't enough time to take all the necessary steps he would have to take to go home, kill his child, get the rope and block........rush to the river.......dispose of her.....come back stage the scene and rush back to work like nothing ever happened.

Not many can allot for their time so closely within 4 to 10 minutes. That is phenomenal. I know I couldn't since I am retired now.

If it is only 4 minutes or 10 minutes intervals then that sure isn't enough time to take all the necessary steps he would have to take to go home, kill his child, get the rope and block........rush to the river.......dispose of her.....come back stage the scene and rush back to work like nothing ever happened.

Not many can allot for their time so closely within 4 to 10 minutes. That is phenomenal. I know I couldn't since I am retired now.


I used 4 to 10 as an example, not what Shoemaker said, I am sorry, I thought I made that clear.

And when Ronald tells a man of God he worked his 8 hours making his "honest" living, then either Ronald didnt go in until 7pm that night, or he got off at midnight, there was plenty of time for something to happen to HaLeigh in both those scenarios, and its a fact he didn't have to be around her, or physically there to be responsible for whatever happened, he should already feel terrible about leaving his kids with a drug binging teen to begin with.
Well, PDM obviously did not have cameras all over the yard because the LE say unless they were with him all night, he cant be cleared, meaning, he must not be in tape for how many ever hours he was there because the cops would be able to verify that.

GRACE: Do you believe that law enforcement has officially cleared your client, Ronald Cummings, of anything to do with her disappearance?

SHOEMAKER: Well, it`s kind of a tough situation to say they`ve officially cleared him 100 percent. When we met with law enforcement last week, they basically said they moved him from, you know, top of the list to the bottom of the list.

GRACE: Got it.

SHOEMAKER: Unless they were with him all night long, they can`t officially rule him out.


Even Ron's lawyer says that his client Ron C has NOT been officially cleared...He called it a tough situation...why??:waitasec: This is being said in September...not February...not March (you get what I'm sayin'). Shoemaker then says LE basically said......Ron was moved from the top of the list to the bottom of the list..basically? I would like to know what was actually said to Shoemaker about Ron and him remaining on this list. I mean, LE couldn've said something like " Ron is still on the list but because we have a huge cover up and your client is not cooperating with us, we have to focus on those involved in the coverup or know something about what happened." (not in those words) Apparently, whatever LE told him, he interpreted it to us as meaning...Ron is being shuffled around on the list. In September? Really? Why couldn't Ron attorney just say: my client is completely innocent and LE knows he had absolutely nothing to do with his daughters disappearance??! This was Shoemakers chance to clear Ron's name of any guilt...BUT HE DIDN'T or HE COULDN't..why?

As far as Ron's work alibi-Shoemaker says "unless LE was with him all night long THEY CAN'T OFFICIALLY RULE HIM OUT." So LE felt the need to have had to been with Ron ALL NIGHT, in order to officially rule him out??? WOW, shouldn't the time clock verification and PDM employees witnessing Ron working that night, be enough??? Apparently it wasn't. Because as of September, long time after his shift February 9/10, Ron was still on the list and NOT officially ruled out...per his lawyer.

The drug sting was supposedly started in December,(although I read another article that stated it started 4 months prior to the bust-which would've started sometime around September/October), if you factor in Ron and Misty being the target of that bust, that tells me that RON, up to the day of the drug bust, has NEVER been cleared or OFFICIALLY ruled out. There is no way LE wouldn've taken Ron off the list, at some point, after this September interview with his lawyer...but yet...had RON as a target in the drug bust just months later.

HIS WORK not enough. Clearly.

JMO though
Well thank goodness it is the actual police department in charge of the case, who really knows the on going investigation, that has to be satisfied with Ron's alibi and imo they are and have been for a very long time now.

Since they have long wanted to know Misty's whereabouts from 10 pm until 3:00 am it is obvious they think this is the time line in which Haleigh was taken from her home and Ron was at work. They have never asked for help in anyone establishing Ron's whereabouts before and after work and IMO they have him on video at PDM working and most likely leaving as he departed early morning. I think they have footage of him too at the convenience store.
Wonder if any of the other players can document their alibis with video footage? Such as dropping by a convenience store or video store late at night, early morning?


If LE truly believes Ron was working until 3:00 a.m., why would LE question him as to why it took him so long to get home (by Ron's own admission)? If he truly punched out at 3:00 a.m., arriving at 202 Green at 3:23 a.m. would not have been cause to question a long drive home.

Even Ron's lawyer says that his client Ron C has NOT been officially cleared...He called it a tough situation...why??:waitasec: This is being said in September...not February...not March (you get what I'm sayin'). Shoemaker then says LE basically said......Ron was moved from the top of the list to the bottom of the list..basically? I would like to know what was actually said to Shoemaker about Ron and him remaining on this list. I mean, LE couldn've said something like " Ron is still on the list but because we have a huge cover up and your client is not cooperating with us, we have to focus on those involved in the coverup or know something about what happened." (not in those words) Apparently, whatever LE told him, he interpreted it to us as meaning...Ron is being shuffled around on the list. In September? Really? Why couldn't Ron attorney just say: my client is completely innocent and LE knows he had absolutely nothing to do with his daughters disappearance??! This was Shoemakers chance to clear Ron's name of any guilt...BUT HE DIDN'T or HE COULDN't..why?

As far as Ron's work alibi-Shoemaker says "unless LE was with him all night long THEY CAN'T OFFICIALLY RULE HIM OUT." So LE felt the need to have had to been with Ron ALL NIGHT, in order to officially rule him out??? WOW, shouldn't the time clock verification and PDM employees witnessing Ron working that night, be enough??? Apparently it wasn't. Because as of September, long time after his shift February 9/10, Ron was still on the list and NOT officially ruled out...per his lawyer.

The drug sting was supposedly started in December,(although I read another article that stated it started 4 months prior to the bust-which would've started sometime around September/October), if you factor in Ron and Misty being the target of that bust, that tells me that RON, up to the day of the drug bust, has NEVER been cleared or OFFICIALLY ruled out. There is no way LE wouldn've taken Ron off the list, at some point, after this September interview with his lawyer...but yet...had RON as a target in the drug bust just months later.

HIS WORK not enough. Clearly.

JMO though

They could not rule him out completely. At that time even in September 09 they did not know Haleigh was deceased. For all LE knew he could have hired someone to take Haleigh and hide her out so her mother couldn't see her at all.

They just didn't know at that time what had happened to Haleigh. In Hardy and Bowling's PC they said it was the prior few weeks investigation that have led them to believe Haleigh is dead.

They will not come out and say they have ruled anyone out or in until they have the PC announcing there has been an arrest(s) in the case, imo.

They owe the public no explanation or knowledge that they have uncovered about the case. All they have told us is they are looking at several POIs and sent evidence off to several labs to be analyzed.

If LE truly believes Ron was working until 3:00 a.m., why would LE question him as to why it took him so long to get home (by Ron's own admission)? If he truly punched out at 3:00 a.m., arriving at 202 Green at 3:23 a.m. would not have been cause to question a long drive home.

I think at first he forgot to tell them he had stopped off at the convenience store.

I think at first he forgot to tell them he had stopped off at the convenience store.


So, how long would it take to go in grab peanuts, a beer, and get some smokes, I mean is that enough time to really concern police?
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