Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh? #3

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LE had the home for over 2 weeks during which time they basically trashed it and they don't stop to clean anything. This would not have been indicative of how Haleigh lived either, imo.

I fully understand why GGS cleaned the mh before cameras arrived. I would have done the same thing as her idea of clean and Misty's were probably two different things, imo. I would want the mh to look as nice as possible for national television and have never considered leaving dirty clothes on the floor or the bathrooms a mess!

Misty cleaning is not a problem for me at all. To her, cleaning may mean she put the dishes in the dishwasher and did a load of laundry not that she went through the house and did all the household chores in order for it to be actually clean, imo. Why couldn't she clean while Rj was in bed watching a video? I used to "clean" after the kids went to bed. They were not underfoot and I would tidy up the place.

My understanding is the blanket was dry, but smelled of urine from the night before and it is why she washed it, imo. The other blanket was dust covered from hanging on the window and it is why she washed it, imo. This would mean the clothing either Rj or Haleigh wore the night before should show signs of urine not necessarily the pink shirt and the clothes in the basket would not be still wet, imo. (Sometimes, the tops do not get urine on them either.) The mattress is waterproof and would not be wet either.

Okay, I get what you are saying SS. But I guess I just think and do things differently and I don't appreciate it when people say one thing and mean another. My point being, for me to agree with the things that you stated I would have to believe that GGS was going in to only clean up what the forensic team did when they were in the house. Her statement was that she wanted to present the house to us the way it was for Haleigh. So that we could see how she lived. But if they went through the house and cleaned it up, made the beds....picked up the dirty laundry....sorted through the toys....etc etc., she was not cleaning up after what the forensic team did, she was cleaning up the house. Which is what Misty was supposed to have been doing that night while she was watching a movie with JR in the master bedroom, and Haleigh was watching her favorite movie in the livingroom "Airbuds". I don't care if their house was spotless, I like my home neat and tidy but that is just me. My sister is 100% opposite and that is just fine.

I wouldn't have minded seeing all the black fingerprint powder everywhere, I wouldn't have minded seeing a pile of laundry on the floor in every room. What I mind is that not one statement sounds truthful to me, And what is wrong with a mess, if it was okay for the kids to live in then it should have been okay for us to look at. I just wished we could have seen the house the way it was, no clean-up, black powder and all. I am left to think that someone is covering something up by presenting a nicer and tidy trailer, when that is clearly not what life was like for the kids in that home.

snipped for space from article above...The big reason Ronald’s Relatives were inside this home is because they wanted to look through and clean it up and get it ready for the media. They say they want to show you how she lived, and how much she was loved.

Okay so GGS cleaned up the home because she wanted us to see how Haleigh lived. In my opinion that don't make sense. If she wanted us to see how Haleigh lived then she should have left the clothes on the floor and the proof in the pudding. Why was a big clean up needed if Misty was cleaning all night. I just don't understand.

And a question related in no way to my post. Where is RC's bio father and who raised RC? GGS or TN?

As some have questioned, I don't think it's suspicious MC would be cleaning at night. As a single mom of three, when my youngest (4 y/o) goes to bed is when I get the most housework done.

That being said, I think it's odd the family said they needed to get the home "ready for the media". When your child is missing, who worries about getting things "ready for the media". I understand CSI might have messed things up and they'd want to fix that. BUT -- thinking if my child went missing from my house -- even after CSI went through, I'd want to leave things as they were just in case more evidence could be found.

And, by the way, the family shouldn't have to go in and "stage" the home to show how Haleigh lived and was loved.

Just sayin . . . .
I agree yellowsubmarine and that was my initial point. I can't believe people that say one thing and mean another.
As some have questioned, I don't think it's suspicious MC would be cleaning at night. As a single mom of three, when my youngest (4 y/o) goes to bed is when I get the most housework done.

That being said, I think it's odd the family said they needed to get the home "ready for the media". When your child is missing, who worries about getting things "ready for the media". I understand CSI might have messed things up and they'd want to fix that. BUT -- thinking if my child went missing from my house -- even after CSI went through, I'd want to leave things as they were just in case more evidence could be found.

And, by the way, the family shouldn't have to go in and "stage" the home to show how Haleigh lived and was loved.

Just sayin . . . .
It is hard to know if I would be thinking about preserving evidence after losing my child.Perhaps in hindsight, but who is to say?
Is it possible that some people just need to feel they are DOING SOMETHING to help, thus cleaning the house? Just a nthought
What could have happened to Haleigh? My theory is Ron and Misty had a fight some time during February 9th because of her antics the previous week end. I believe Haleigh got in the middle somehow and was fatally injured. At that point, either they both felt guilty, or one made the other believe they were equally culpable, and a story was concoted to explain Haleigh's disappearance.

Now, WHY would a story be needed IF it was an accident? Were there drugs involved, alcohol, a gun? Did Haleigh get run over when Ron or Misty were "showing" the other how big and bad they were? There are many possibilities here, in my opinion.

At that point, if they were afraid, for some reason to call the police/ambulance, they had to cover it up to protect one or both, or make one or both believe they were involved.

I further believe, after the "accident", other people were enlisted to help out - family members. Possibilities are endless here.

My opinion only
It is possible that Misty could have handled this whole thing on her own...but not RC. RC strikes me as a pansy and totally co-dependent. Can't picture him doing anything alone, no less this. If an accident happened he would blame Misty...that is his MO. Misty may have done all the clean-up of the scene. She may have gone with him for support if Ron was there at the time.

The one theme that keeps running through this entire mess is that both of these people MUST present a front of good parenting. It is embedded in almost every word. This screams defensive posturing and ensures them (they think) of looking and behaving like they truly do all the things normal parents really do. Routines of bedtimes, caring about school, caring about how Haleigh looks when she leaves, washing blankets for her that smell good. Ron gives us all the hugs and loves and kisses he can when he leaves for work. He tells us he is an honest man trying to earn an honest wage and provide for his family. They are trying to sell us "Father Knows Best" here.

In actually their lives couldn't be further from the truth. IMO they are both lying to protect themselves and to appear like normal people who love and protect their children.....this was not the case. Ron did not provide protection. Ron felt entitled and Misty is disturbed...IMO.

My problem is 1. did M cover this up all alone, or 2. Did R & M cover together...
It is possible that Misty could have handled this whole thing on her own...but not RC. RC strikes me as a pansy and totally co-dependent. Can't picture him doing anything alone, no less this. If an accident happened he would blame Misty...that is his MO. Misty may have done all the clean-up of the scene. She may have gone with him for support if Ron was there at the time.

The one theme that keeps running through this entire mess is that both of these people MUST present a front of good parenting. It is embedded in almost every word. This screams defensive posturing and ensures them (they think) of looking and behaving like they truly do all the things normal parents really do. Routines of bedtimes, caring about school, caring about how Haleigh looks when she leaves, washing blankets for her that smell good. Ron gives us all the hugs and loves and kisses he can when he leaves for work. He tells us he is an honest man trying to earn an honest wage and provide for his family. They are trying to sell us "Father Knows Best" here.

In actually their lives couldn't be further from the truth. IMO they are both lying to protect themselves and to appear like normal people who love and protect their children.....this was not the case. Ron did not provide protection. Ron felt entitled and Misty is disturbed...IMO.

My problem is 1. did M cover this up all alone, or 2. Did R & M cover together...

IMHO..M did not do this all alone..
I highly suspect whatever it is that happened, Ron C is the one MAINLY responsible.
Did they cover this up together? Are you speaking of what occurred after the FACT? If you are, I suspect Ron C isn't too good at handling too much of anything on his own and ALL the women in his life were called in to assist in his rescue.JMO.
What could have happened to Haleigh? My theory is Ron and Misty had a fight some time during February 9th because of her antics the previous week end. I believe Haleigh got in the middle somehow and was fatally injured. At that point, either they both felt guilty, or one made the other believe they were equally culpable, and a story was concoted to explain Haleigh's disappearance.

Now, WHY would a story be needed IF it was an accident? Were there drugs involved, alcohol, a gun? Did Haleigh get run over when Ron or Misty were "showing" the other how big and bad they were? There are many possibilities here, in my opinion.

At that point, if they were afraid, for some reason to call the police/ambulance, they had to cover it up to protect one or both, or make one or both believe they were involved.

I further believe, after the "accident", other people were enlisted to help out - family members. Possibilities are endless here.

(bbm) Back in Theories #1, I proposed a number of these possible accident scenarios since shared culpability was one way to explain their apparent willingness to marry and mutually protect one another. I was keenly interested in the timeline and to date am still not the least convinced Haleigh was seen "outside eating on the porch" 7ish (as would later be "remembered" or claimed by GGMS). What was the purpose of this alleged visit? Ostensibly a drive-by laundry delivery. If it was necessary to establish Haleigh alive and well after RC left for work this is serving to stretch the timeline. Unless to also explain why she was there at all...

An od/drugs scenario occurred to me too of course--but that was one of the few shared MC/RC complicity scenarios* that ever really made sense to me. One of the accident scenarios I explored was the pond at the end of the dirt road. It's troubling to me knowing Haleigh walked back toward there, as I was also never convinced Haleigh may not have been back there unaccompanied where she could feasibly have fallen in and not been discovered until too late. Any of these or similar negligence scenarios could easily have occurred after alleged "dinnertime;" and for that matter prior to alleged "sighting" of Haleigh happily eating outside if GGMS never actually saw her... and we do not have any verification that AC man ever saw Haleigh either.

Then there were the scenarios I considered occurring much later (post bedtime), either while unsupervised during some period while left home alone... OR, one recurring idea is that after thinking the kids had been put safely to bed, MC may have had someone over (WBG eg) which Haleigh awoke to discover. It is hard, almost impossible, for me to imagine someone going to such dire lengths simply to keep this kind of secret... but neither am I able to easily think exactly quite like a 16 or 17 year-old panic-stricken, possibly drug-influenced teenaged gf/babysitter caught redhanded...

Misty's Midnight MH Cleaning Service. I consider myself a fair judge of character. And given the three-day weekend she was reportedly just rounded up from, Misty's alleged activities that night have always struck me as a little odd or incongruous with what one would expect from someone her age at that late hour, I mean so hardworking, such dedication and conscientiousness and all... between Misty and GGMS there sure was an awful lot of attention to laundry that day. Besides...

TMIB! Too Much Info re Blankets...

I've noticed when people are not being straight or covering up something, they go into TMI mode. Misty rambled on and on re those confounded blankets. I like many here have long thought it concerning that laundry and cleaning became so much the focus of Misty's activities and early accounts of that evening. I just can't help wondering what else (if anything) was washed, delivered or picked up by GGMS that day. JMO :waitasec:

*ETA: There could also just as conceivably be another od/drugs scenario involving MC alone (one in which she drugs her eg in order to make sure she doesn't awaken--during either a period of absence, or an interlude there at the house).

ITA kiki regarding the blanket.

I have been trying to make sense of why it is so important to metion the blanket and the clothes. I am wondering if there was any laundry in the washing machine at all. (i mean i don't think i have read anything about that, so maybe this is one contradiction that LE is speaking about. Then try to add in the van and the scratch, we don't know if related, but i have to say that i can't just turn a blind eye to that.

How much laundry do the four of them have, that GGM has to wash laundry and so does MC, just to get it done? hmmmmm...something i am now going to ponder....
ITA kiki regarding the blanket.

I have been trying to make sense of why it is so important to metion the blanket and the clothes. I am wondering if there was any laundry in the washing machine at all. (i mean i don't think i have read anything about that, so maybe this is one contradiction that LE is speaking about. Then try to add in the van and the scratch, we don't know if related, but i have to say that i can't just turn a blind eye to that.

How much laundry do the four of them have, that GGM has to wash laundry and so does MC, just to get it done? hmmmmm...something i am now going to ponder....

(bbm) Presumably because one or a combination of the following

a) to confuse or cover for why a blanket was missing?
b) to explain why it was necessary to wash a particular blanket?
c) to explain why any wash was being done so late at night?

Ya got me. But the devil is in the details. If there was a bedwetting accident eg, and Misty snuck back home just before RC and crawled in the larger bed (to pretend she'd been there sleeping) and found Haleigh was there and had wet the bed she and RC were supposed to sleep in... it does cause me to wonder what her reaction would have been. Or had a blanket been taken and used to wrap Haleigh in eg, there would have been one missing for which to account or try to deflect. Had there been an overdose (to put Haleigh to sleep eg) there might also have been vomit to launder away... and there is a strong likelihood of an effort on MCs part to create the impression she'd been at home, not only to assure RC she was being responsible, but to stretch the timeline, establish her whereabouts or otherwise "prove" to LE she was innocent of any wrongdoing. JMO

I think that we are making this too hard. LE said, Haleigh wasn't abducted by a Stranger. Put the period behind the word abducted.

Haleigh wasn't abducted. Not by a stranger or family member. Period.

We were supposed to think that, look at how many of us think the MH was staged, the 911 call dissected, too many stories, too many lose ends. Misty couldn't remember what Haleigh was wearing, cause too many things happened that day. Who puts the shirt at the bottom of the laundry pile? The kidnapper just doesn't change her cloths, leave a light on, leave a brick as evidence behind. No lock is forced, no one came in that MH to take her away. Someone left the MH to take her away, that means someone that lived in the MH.

I think LE and FBI think there was an accident. They covered it up. Haleigh could have eaten drugs, that could account for the cover up. Someone could have slapped her and she fell and hit her head. These two things wouldn't leave evidence of her accident or could be cleaned up. They just have to figure out how to get her to talk. She may have played a part in disposal of the body, thus she wasn't home.... if anyone spotted her, it would give them an idea where to look. Either accident would result in the loss of Jr and possible jail time for Ron.

As you can see I am over the drug dealer kidnapper theory, LOL.... JMO

That would explain why they question her for such lengths of time. You know how they lay out a hypothetical story that the perp might confess to because it doesn't sound so bad, like "I understand that a 4 year old can climb on something or fall down and seriously hurt themselves. Maybe a parent is afraid that they will be blamed in some way. But if that is what happened, you need to tell us and put everyone's mind at ease." Those kinds of LE interviews take time and she didn't want to hear it. They were rude to her. :rolleyes:
I have to say that I am really frustrated by the fact that the trailer was cleaned up before we got to see it. Why not let us see a walk-though of the mobile home as it was? Who cares if the mobile home was a mess. If it was a mess that is just another contradiction in Misty's story in my opinion. She said she was cleaning. What was she cleaning? Why was she cleaning at that hour? How could she be cleaning and be in the bed with RJ watching a video? How can Haleigh be put to bed a few feet from her and RJ which is where she said she put her right, and then also be out in the living-room watching a video?

And the pink shirt, if Misty pointed out the shirt in the laundry pile to LE then why didn't she know Haleigh didn't have it on? Did Haleigh wake up and take her pink shirt off because she wet the bed? if LE have the pink shirt now perhaps it had urine on it. I have so many questions.

If so, could they test the urine for drugs?
If so, could they test the urine for drugs?

I did some google searches on this funnily enough you can buy freeze dried urine on the internet to fool drug tests, you mix the dried with water lol. So I guess it is possible. :yuck:
Maybe Misty didn't hurt Hayleigh and maybe she never knew what happened to her but if she had just told the truth about the evening who knows if Hayleigh might be alive and home by now. That's the actions of someone who professes to love a child so much..I don't get it.
Prayers for Haleigh
I find it hard to believe that Misty isn't involved as many times as she changed her story. Her 1st statement was "my cousin was at the trailer that night" but she was scared of him b/c he was a drunk, drug user and child molester! Whatever happened with that statement and also when she said that she and Ron were fighting and she left all weekend but came back home Sunday night? On the 911 call Ron was yelling in the back ground: "how could you let someone take my kid bycth"? or was that just to throw off the cops? Did the cops take dirt samples from tire marks near the dumpster or drive way? Something stinks and it's not my feet!!
I find it hard to believe that Misty isn't involved as many times as she changed her story. Her 1st statement was "my cousin was at the trailer that night" but she was scared of him b/c he was a drunk, drug user and child molester! Whatever happened with that statement and also when she said that she and Ron were fighting and she left all weekend but came back home Sunday night? On the 911 call Ron was yelling in the back ground: "how could you let someone take my kid bycth"? or was that just to throw off the cops? Did the cops take dirt samples from tire marks near the dumpster or drive way? Something stinks and it's not my feet!!

Do you have a link for the two statements I bolded? I don't recall Misty making either one.
Do you have a link for the two statements I bolded? I don't recall Misty making either one.
I have the link right up here in my 'blotter brain'...I remember on Nancy Grace when this story first happened and Misty said these things to the local news reporters. I can still see her saying it while smoking a cigarette in a big red jacket.
I so enjoy reading these theories. You people are so bright. However, in every theory, I have to remind myself that there is another person who has to be accounted for - Ron Jr.
If something happened to Haleigh earlier in the evening at the hands of Ron and Misty or either one alone, how does Ron Jr. fit into the picture?
Was he awake, was he around?
No matter how we build a theory, Ron Jr.'s whereabouts have to be figured into each and every idea of what happened in that home the night this little girl disappeared.
I know he was interviewed but I am not sure we really know the truth of what was reported he said - the bouncing couch, the black man....
I just want to remind all of you when you compile your theory to humor me and included Ron Jr.'s whereabouts in your ideas.
the sad part is we may never know what happened to Haleigh.....and both ronald and crystal and their families will have to live with that guilt that they failed little Haleigh.. SAD someone needs to start talking.:blowkiss: Prayers for Haleigh
I so enjoy reading these theories. You people are so bright. However, in every theory, I have to remind myself that there is another person who has to be accounted for - Ron Jr.
If something happened to Haleigh earlier in the evening at the hands of Ron and Misty or either one alone, how does Ron Jr. fit into the picture?
Was he awake, was he around?
No matter how we build a theory, Ron Jr.'s whereabouts have to be figured into each and every idea of what happened in that home the night this little girl disappeared.
I know he was interviewed but I am not sure we really know the truth of what was reported he said - the bouncing couch, the black man....
I just want to remind all of you when you compile your theory to humor me and included Ron Jr.'s whereabouts in your ideas.

Well, my theory for quite awhile has been that the reason Haleigh is gone and Jr isn't is that they were in separate rooms. Hayleigh found some type of drug she thought was candy (xanny bar or whatever) and ate it. Of course she didn't offer to share because she knew she shouldn't have candy at bedtime--plus he was out in the living room.

MC found her when she put Jr to bed--called RC and some form of getting her out of there was decided on. My assumption is that the drugs belonged to RC and MC held it over his head as insurance---marry me or I squeal. That's the only logical explanation I can come up with. And of course, JMO
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