Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh? #3

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Bern you must be reading my mind tonight. I was so on this too.

Here is where I can't make some of the leaps without further information. I heard MC say that the A/C man worked for the same company as RC's cousin's ex-husband, not his aunt's ex-husband and never that the ex-husband of whoever was THE A/C guy at the house. So I have to take that direct connection out of the equation until I know that relationship exists.

MC turns off her phone right after 8:30p (after GGS and Aunt Lisa leave from the spying mission - "I had someone to over there around 7:00 to check on the kids." 7:00/8:00-ish. . .then the 8:30 call, Tommy is going to babysit and she is going out but isn't telling RC - he'll never know. She turns off her phone and leaves it on the dresser, charging. Add to your scenario that Tommy is loaded and invites Cuz over to get high and watch the tube while the kids sleep. MC has no idea that Tommy has called Cuz. She is going to be out late but she will get home before RC does. She covers Haleigh before she leaves, hence the emotion every time she talks about covering Haleigh with the sheet/then the blanket.

Cuz arrives in the blue van. HC2 is in the red truck. The van gets damaged leaving the area because Cuz ran into a barbed wire fence somewhere. Or at least scratches that are consistent with the spacing of barbed wire.

It was around 10pm last night when I started to think about this, so it was late and I had been on line all day, I kid you not, trying to figure this out. Thanks for clearing up the AC guy, I just didn't go back to listen to tapes, too tired and wanted to just throw this out there for ideas. I think Tommy wasn't alone or she went out and Tommy and family said they would look in on the kids. Very possible that the van was used by Joe. This would explain why Misty never heard Haleigh scream out or put up a fight, she was already gone when she got home, just didn't know it. Also, they could have come back after Misty went to sleep and just bricked the door, turned on the light and left. But all this rests on the premise that Misty wouldn't check on the kids when she got home. If she came home and Haleigh was gone, she would have know it was Tommy, unless they just said, we will drive over and check in on the kids. She could have come home at 2:00 and called Tommy and said Haleigh is gone, I thought you were checking on them, and he said, I did, the kids were fine when I was there a half hour ago. So it is a different twist that we haven't look at. I know many hate this theory but we have to look at why Misty is so bent on her brother being involved.
We just have to remember that Misty JUST became bent on having her brother be involved. In my opinion she never mentioned any of her present thoughts about her brother to LE. If he was never questioned in depth and never given a lie detector test that tells me they never suspected him. But, Joe is riding a horse of a different color. Misty has mentioned him from the first week, correct? She even threw in the bricking of the door and related it to him. Set up from the beginning or any truth? Did LE give Joe a lie detector test? Seriously though, why did this guy tear up the road to get out of Satsuma after Haleigh went missing?
I am just looking at the LDT results where she is asked if she knows who took Haleigh and she is 42% deceptive. So they think there was more than one person. If Ron was in fact at work, and she has pointed a finger at Joe and now more recently to Tommy, I thoughts go to she really doesn't know who took her. She may have only recently thought her brother could be involved, like she said, she is hearing things about Tommy. IDK, just kicking it around based on new things that keep coming out. If she wasn't home, but had people looking in on the kids, she wouldn't be sure "who" did this. But I just read an interesting read from Concerned Papa in the RT and if his sources are correct- well this is all scrap!!! We would have to go back to the Misty/Ron theory. :crazy::crazy::crazy:
I am just looking at the LDT results where she is asked if she knows who took Haleigh and she is 42% deceptive. So they think there was more than one person. If Ron was in fact at work, and she has pointed a finger at Joe and now more recently to Tommy, I thoughts go to she really doesn't know who took her. She may have only recently thought her brother could be involved, like she said, she is hearing things about Tommy. IDK, just kicking it around based on new things that keep coming out. If she wasn't home, but had people looking in on the kids, she wouldn't be sure "who" did this. But I just read an interesting read from Concerned Papa in the RT and if his sources are correct- well this is all scrap!!! We would have to go back to the Misty/Ron theory. :crazy::crazy::crazy:

hmmm....I haven't been down to the rumor thread in a few days seems I may need to peek my nose in...
We just have to remember that Misty JUST became bent on having her brother be involved. In my opinion she never mentioned any of her present thoughts about her brother to LE. If he was never questioned in depth and never given a lie detector test that tells me they never suspected him. But, Joe is riding a horse of a different color. Misty has mentioned him from the first week, correct? She even threw in the bricking of the door and related it to him. Set up from the beginning or any truth? Did LE give Joe a lie detector test? Seriously though, why did this guy tear up the road to get out of Satsuma after Haleigh went missing?

Don't know if it's fact or rumor but I remember reading he was on parole and not supposed to travel out of state without getting in trouble with the probation officer.
I ask all what theory do you think they (LE) are operating on if they are under this belief?
NO stranger took HaLeigh.
HaLeigh was abducted.
HaLeigh is still alive.
Okay here is theory 999

Misty got into a fight with Ronald after he went to work, just after the AC guy talked to Ron on the phone. The AC guy is the ex husband of Ron's aunt IIRC from the VSA. So this ex uncle of Ron's tells Ron by the way Tommy's over here smoking pot. Ron tells Misty to tell Tommy to leave, so that is why the AC guy left the same time as Tommy. So Ron calls GGMS and tell her to check up on Misty, make sure she is home, no pot smoking going on. They go over with cloths as an excuse to check up on her. Later Misty calls Ron to tell him to stop checking up on her and they get into this big fight. Misty calls Tommy and asks him to come over and watch the kids while she goes out for whatever. She comes home, Tommy tells her the kids are in bed (own rooms) and he leaves. She never check on the kids and just passes out, on the couch.

She wakes up and goes past Haleigh's room and doesn't see her. Now she calls Tommy and SIL. That would explain the radio transmission about the last seen comment of 1 1/2 to 2 hours ago comment at Tyler. Also the neighbor said she heard screaming at 2am, which lines up with the radio comment. There is also some rumor that someone saw a red truck that night , but I don't have a link, we were talking about that on the RT. So Misty can't find Haleigh and knows Tommy was the last person there, but can't say she was out and she or her and Tommy stage the MH to make sure Ron believes she was taken like she is going to tell it. Tommy doesn't want to be accused, he swears she was there when he left, Misty can't say she left the kids with Tommy, so now she is pointing a finger at him, without telling the whole story. Just thought I would throw another theory out there to confuse everyone some more.

Bern, this sounds very plausible, and some variation of this could be exactly what happened. I agree that the 2:00 timeframe is more likely because of the reason you gave. I wish we knew if the neighbor heard any specific words in the yelling at 2 or 2:30. I do think Tommy was over there sometime that night, and possibly the cuz, but it could have been earlier. This would have allowed one of them to unlock that back door, and would have allowed someone to slip Misty something in her drink or they could have done some drugs and she could have passed out on the sofa. In either case, if Haleigh made any kind of issue of what they were doing, someone could have taken Haleigh then or come back later. I think Misty must have passed out for some time and then woken up and found Haleigh missing. Otherwise, she would not have been screaming about it. I think she was surprised about Haleigh being gone and tried to find her or did some damage control. That part is true, but she lied about the time frame. I still don't understand why the police went to Tyler, however. What tipped them off to go there? Possibly innocuous, like they asked Misty if there was anyplace nearby that Haleigh might have gone to & she gave them her brother's address.
Another possibility is the same scenario, but different players. Instead of Tommy/cuz, it could have been Misty's "friends" from the weekend. I do feel sorry for Ron because he didn't like Misty's "friends" and apparently he didn't feel too good about Tommy or cuz either. He could control who was in the MH when he was there, but when he wasn't, Misty did what she wanted. Poor little Haleigh may very well have said that she'd tell her daddy. I hope that baby is still alive.
I ask all what theory do you think they (LE) are operating on if they are under this belief?
NO stranger took HaLeigh.
HaLeigh was abducted.
HaLeigh is still alive.

I guess I am part of all....I just don't know what theory LE is working off of. I do know that the two people that LE says they are not looking at is RC and CS.

I think many people can fall under the category of "not a stranger". Anyone that Haleigh would not consider a stranger more importantly. I am thinking that Haleigh was not as shy as people would like us to assume. The Bards described Haleigh as very friendly. Haleigh could have waved to some weirdo driving by in the car and that weirdo might have thought Haleigh was coming on to him.

Perhaps, the fight over the gun is real and Cousin Joe wanted to go get the gun back and Haleigh caught him. Was Cousin Joe staying with Hank JR?

LE has now confirmed that there is physical evidence to support that Misty's story is not true. This opens up a lot of doors in my opinion. If Misty stepped out and anyone knew it...Haleigh and RJ had no chance.

Texasmommy what would be Crystal's motive in just taking Haleigh from the home?
Thanks Kamsky,

I am just trying to entertain all the possibilities here. For the most part I have stuck with the accident theory because of Ron's work hours and so little info. I even ran though the drug dealer scenario, but the staging and lock picking just doesn't fit IMO. I think they just come in, kicking down doors and waving guns and take your kid. Demands to follow. So I have pretty much ruled that out. But I have been listening to what Misty is saying and what is coming out from the families, Cummings and Croslins. Along with the other things we have access to like the radio transmissions and the MH and now what didn't happen in the trailer, like laundry or no one sleeping in the master bed. Some times it is not so obvious as to what took place. With all the lies and different stories this is a pond full of mud and we need to let it settle for a clearer picture. I keep going back to what we actually know and what we actually hear.
I ask all what theory do you think they (LE) are operating on if they are under this belief?
NO stranger took HaLeigh.
HaLeigh was abducted.
HaLeigh is still alive.

No stranger took HaLeigh; well a stranger as in someone off the street wouldn't know enough about the MH or occupants to safely get in and get out with her and know for sure, no one would shoot them. So the person has to have knowledge of Misty, Ron's work schedule, and the lay out of the MH as in where the kids sleep. Also there is the comment from GGS that something from Haleigh's dresser was missing. So this person has knowledge of the above. In other words you have to know there is an opportunity to commit the crime.

HaLeigh was abducted; there is no evidence that we know of that she was killed in the home, as in blood or decomposition. She is clearly gone, her cloths that she had on were left behind, so maybe there are things other than the item from the dresser that was taken, as in cloths, but they haven't released that info. I think until they find a body, she is considered abducted.

Haleigh is still alive; again I think until they find a body, she is considered alive.
Thanks Kamky,

I am just trying to entertain all the possibilities here. ~SNIP~ With all the lies and different stories this is a pond full of mud and we need to let it settle for a clearer picture. I keep going back to what we actually know and what we actually hear.
Yep, I hear you. I don't think the drugs theory is viable either because, if it were, I think that LE would have solved this crime 6 months ago. There are too many people who would have heard about it and someone would have spoken up.
The lack of facts from LE is what has allowed all the rumors to muddy the pond. I understand why LE has been so closedmouthed, but I think the new guy has changed the strategy a bit and is allowing a bit more to get out. Hope this raises the stress level and allows the case to break. I do think the pond is starting to clear!
If Tommy was babysitting and told MC the kids were asleep when she got home, perhaps she didn't notice until later that Haleigh was gone. So she would call Tommy who would deny knowing anything but put the bug in her ear about Cuz. She would believe her brother and so started talking about Cuz. LE seemed to have confirmed that Cuz was in the MH that night in a press conference where the question was asked. Now that Tommy is acting so strange and doing more and more drugs, she is also supsicious of him. "People" say that a red truck "come and took Haleigh".

Let's see, MC is smoking pot with HC2. Maybe RC finds out about it and gets TN to have GGM and Aunt Lisa go to check it out and make sure that MC doesn't have company. I think Bern is right on this one. Would the A/C guy tell RC's cousin's ex-husband that the babysitter was caught smoking weed on the porch with her brother and then a call to the cousin, then to RC? Do any of these people care about anyone smoking pot or is it Tommy's presence that they didn't like?

I know it's an issue of a dysfunctional group of interrelated people, but I really doubt that I would get high with the brother that molested me as a child. However, I don't come from a messed up family of alcoholics, drug addicts and child molesters and don't do drugs so I guess I can't really have an educated opinion here. Anything is possible.

It would be very interesting if the A/C man was RC's uncle through marriage. Wasn't there a rumor that MC was dabbling with one of RC's uncles?? "You took my baby (MC), so I'll take yours (Haleigh) "?

Are we sure that the Brooks Granny is still in town and was her home searched? Why else would RC and MC be driving past Granny's house unless they were looking for Amber and/or Haleigh. Granny has custody of the baby, right?

I always go back to my own possible abduction at the age of 8. The guy came over with my cousin and waited in the car as my cousin went into our home to have words with my mom and dad. Same dysfunction in the home, same bad cousin, and this guy saw an opportunity to grab a little girl. It was broad daylight, I was on the front porch, my parents just feet away inside. So I know they are bold and relentless. So it is not out of the realm that Misty had someone checking on the kids, and that person had someone over that knew there was an opportunity to grab a little girl. Just saying...
I would like to know who are the people that supposedly say a red truck took Haleigh. How do they know?

The AC guy is the ex husband of Ron's cousin. I was incorrect about it being an uncle.
I guess I am part of all....I just don't know what theory LE is working off of. I do know that the two people that LE says they are not looking at is RC and CS.

I think many people can fall under the category of "not a stranger". Anyone that Haleigh would not consider a stranger more importantly. I am thinking that Haleigh was not as shy as people would like us to assume. The Bards described Haleigh as very friendly. Haleigh could have waved to some weirdo driving by in the car and that weirdo might have thought Haleigh was coming on to him.
Perhaps, the fight over the gun is real and Cousin Joe wanted to go get the gun back and Haleigh caught him. Was Cousin Joe staying with Hank JR?

LE has now confirmed that there is physical evidence to support that Misty's story is not true. This opens up a lot of doors in my opinion. If Misty stepped out and anyone knew it...Haleigh and RJ had no chance.

Texasmommy what would be Crystal's motive in just taking Haleigh from the home?

I too see Haleigh as having an outgoing personality. I think when HaLeigh was around, she could "steal everyones heart". At 5 y.o., Haleigh is beautiful and unfortunately if cousin Joe has sexually molested another 5-year old girl and was caught in a bitter power struggle with Ron and Misty, he may very well be involved in HaLeigh's disappearance. Misty has made some very damaging statements against Joe stating he isn't trustworthy and Misty alleges Ron and Joe were fighting and quarreling over a gun, altho Ron has consistently denied it ever happened. Cousin Joe was in Satsuma County about 3 weeks prior to HaLeigh's disappearance which means Joe met Haleigh and during those meetings, he may have formed an illicit desire for her. At age 20, Joe is single as far as I know and he came alone to Satsuma. Joe was staying with Timmy and Chelsea who live in Crescent City (13 miles from Satsuma) Feb 9th-10th and I cannot confirm whether Joe stayed at Timmy's the entire 3 weeks. Misty is closer to Timmy then Tommy, the brother she presently has a RO against. Allegedly Tim looked in Joe's room the evening of the 9th of Feb and Joe wasn't there. We all know about the van being moved, scratched and parked in a different location that evening without Chelsea and Timmys knowledge. Does Cousin Joe own his own car and if so, what color is it? My question is...If Joe has his own vehlcle, what reason would he have for taking the van Monday night? If Joe does have a vehicle and he intentionally took the van that night, this raises serious questions about his motive IMO. Misty has suspicions about a red truck that Tommy owned and sold immediately after HaLeigh disappeared and that one is presently being sought by LE. The van and Joe's cars were tested by LE and released.
Question: Did you intentionally withhold any information regarding Haleigh's disappearance?

Answer: No

Result 99%deception

So what does that mean? She has withheld information; but what? She hasn't told if she was gone from the MH that night? She wasn't doing laundry or washing blankets, so is that what she is not telling, that she wasn't home, or somebody else was watching the kids? Or she saw what happened and isn't saying?

Question: Do you know what happened to Haleigh?
Answer: No- deception 99%

But this is a double edge sword of a question. She said, No, but she has said someone came in and took her, so if the answer is No, that would be deceptive. If she said Yes, It could be interpreted as "yes, someone came in and took her. Or LE would think she does know, but not what she has said. Did that make sense?

Do you know where Haleigh is now?
No- 95% deceptive
Do you know who took Haleigh?
No- 42% deceptive

So she knows where she is. Isn't that enough to bring her back in to question her? If she knows where she is but not who took her, how does that compute? If she wasn't home, how would she know where she is at, but not who took her? Does she have an idea of where she is, but not who took her?

This makes me crazy:crazy::crazy:
My grim theory was that maybe the 42 % could be because there is an erroneous assumption in the question and in fact she wasn't really "taken" but "killed", either accidentally or on purpose and that screwed the test up.

IDK. I don't have a clue what the percentages mean and how they arrive at them.
Question: Did you intentionally withhold any information regarding Haleigh's disappearance?

Answer: No

Result 99%deception

So what does that mean? She has withheld information; but what? She hasn't told if she was gone from the MH that night? She wasn't doing laundry or washing blankets, so is that what she is not telling, that she wasn't home, or somebody else was watching the kids? Or she saw what happened and isn't saying?

Question: Do you know what happened to Haleigh?
Answer: No- deception 99%

But this is a double edge sword of a question. She said, No, but she has said someone came in and took her, so if the answer is No, that would be deceptive. If she said Yes, It could be interpreted as "yes, someone came in and took her. Or LE would think she does know, but not what she has said. Did that make sense?

Do you know where Haleigh is now?
No- 95% deceptive
Do you know who took Haleigh?
No- 42% deceptive

So she knows where she is. Isn't that enough to bring her back in to question her? If she knows where she is but not who took her, how does that compute? If she wasn't home, how would she know where she is at, but not who took her? Does she have an idea of where she is, but not who took her?

This makes me crazy:crazy::crazy:

They say the results of a polygraph vary depending on the interruptation of the person administering the test, and bearing that in mind, my findings on Misty's polygraph are completely opposite in that if we were to substitute the word truthful for deception, the answers support Misty's claim that she was sleeping and has several POIs.

Question: Do you know what happened to Haleigh?
Answer: NO- 99% truthful

Question: Do you know what happened to Haleigh?
Answer: NO- 99% truthful

Question: Do you know where Haleigh is now?
Answer: NO- 95% truthful

Question: Do you know who took Haleigh?
Answer: NO- 42% truthful
Taking an opposite approach to the test results support Misty's theory that she was sleeping.

I always go back to my own possible abduction at the age of 8. The guy came over with my cousin and waited in the car as my cousin went into our home to have words with my mom and dad. Same dysfunction in the home, same bad cousin, and this guy saw an opportunity to grab a little girl. It was broad daylight, I was on the front porch, my parents just feet away inside. So I know they are bold and relentless. So it is not out of the realm that Misty had someone checking on the kids, and that person had someone over that knew there was an opportunity to grab a little girl. Just saying...
Thank God you ended up being safe! Maybe it's because the news publicizes these cases so much more now, but I, for one, never realized that this happens as much as it does. My parents drilled into me to not talk to strangers and to stay away from bad situations, but I was allowed at the age of 8 to walk a few houses away to play with a friend. Of course, my mama may have sneakily watched me. But bad things can happen anywhere, anytime, even in supposedly safe environments. We need to keep an eye on all and any children that we see.
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