Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh? #3

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I posted this under the Haleigh thread and TehCloser suggested to post over here because if anyone can fnd holes in this possible theory; you guys can! lol, Jr and Haleigh were over that bro's; mc was having probs w/ haleigh and called rc an he said come to work on his break? Jr stayed at bro's trailer while mc took the infamous van to his job. rc's temper got the best of him. Possibly he disciplined Haliegh in his "loving" way (yes, I say that w tongue in cheek) hitting her too hard in the head and/or he gave her some of the "bad shi%" to get her to calm down and sleep not realizing the drug he gave her was the "bad shi% that mc was talking about at the bus stop that day when picking up Haleigh from school. I am "guessing" that one of rc's breaks would be around that time. Guessing mc was mad at rc how he handled the situation and that is why she turned the phone off. Haliegh falls asleep/passes out in the van and mc says screw it; i'll leave her in the van; covering her w a blanket and go back in bro's trailer. Later, the three go back to rc's trailer around 2 and she then realizes Haliegh isn't sleeping.......she's dead. This explains the scream that was allegedly heard. She then call's her bro and takes jr back to his trailer. Bro and mc go back w Haleigh still in the car and bro and possibly joe then stage rc's. This also would explain, possibly, the "loud" car that was either jennifer's or joe's that came racing up Place poor Haliegh on/at the dumpster and then the loud car comes in to play and takes Haleigh and disposes of her somewhere......

Very strange..........very weird. I got goosebumps as I was typing just came to me

This would also explain why rc married mc and why tc at first was raving about mc but as mc has started to mess up per say or break down.........she changed her tune and would also explain rc's behavior (if that's at all possible). I'm thinking being the manipulative "person" that he is he told her he was going to shift blame on her and that he loves her and if she takes "the fall for this" she won't do hardly any time because she's a minor.........................

Thoughts? Am I nuts??? DON'T ANSWER THAT! ")
Krt, what about the 8:30 phone conversation between Ron and Misty? What time was his break/lunch? What about Misty's phone being off until 3:15 AM?
When did Misty tell Ron Haleigh had died? What time did RC get off work and how did they plan the staging? Who did the staging?

Sorry....You asked for it... :crazy:
Krt, what about the 8:30 phone conversation between Ron and Misty? What time was his break/lunch? What about Misty's phone being off until 3:15 AM?
When did Misty tell Ron Haleigh had died? What time did RC get off work and how did they plan the staging? Who did the staging?

Sorry....You asked for it... :crazy:

Ok...lookit. Say Misty called Ron and said she was driving her nutz...maybe that IS the 8:30 call. They get to PDM..something happens there.....Ron tells Misty to turn the phone off, and tells her where to go for help.......she does and.........................
Krt, what about the 8:30 phone conversation between Ron and Misty? What time was his break/lunch? What about Misty's phone being off until 3:15 AM?
When did Misty tell Ron Haleigh had died? What time did RC get off work and how did they plan the staging? Who did the staging?

Sorry....You asked for it... :crazy:

Yes I did. This is just another "theory" not factual. Re the 8:30 phone call it could be a number of things; maybe re Haleigh's behavior after they left rc at work or she couldn't remember where her phone was and had rc call her to hear it ring? or mc and Haleigh were running late to meet rc dt her acting up?

I don't know..........Just going on a feeling. Please bare in mind I stated "POSSIBLY". lol
Yes I did. This is just another "theory" not factual. Re the 8:30 phone call it could be a number of things; maybe re Haleigh's behavior after they left rc at work or she couldn't remember where her phone was and had rc call her to hear it ring? or mc and Haleigh were running late to meet rc dt her acting up?

I don't know..........Just going on a feeling. Please bare in mind I stated "POSSIBLY". lol
I'm trying to help you get your creative juices flowing, Krt...

Keep going, it's excellent...You wanted holes, I'm giving them to you....I love your theory..'s good because some of us have wondered for awhile if anything really happened at the trailer.
OK, let me help...LOL

Maybe the loud car was this "Jennifer" that brought cousin Joe to and from TN. I've always had something about Joe that didn't sit quite right with me.
That could also be the reason that they haven't found Haleigh yet, because she could be anywhere between Florida and TN. :(
OK, let me help...LOL

Maybe the loud car was this "Jennifer" that brought cousin Joe to and from TN. I've always had something about Joe that didn't sit quite right with me.
That could also be the reason that they haven't found Haleigh yet, because she could be anywhere between Florida and TN. :(

Ok NOW I hav to RE-EDIT and add possibly the "loud" car was Jennifer's or joe's! lol
If Misty went to PDM the guard would have a record of her arrival and tag number. LE would be able to check that out pretty easily.
I can't remember the lay out of PDM in the back where Ron worked, was that part gated off and guarded too?
If Misty went to PDM the guard would have a record of her arrival and tag number. LE would be able to check that out pretty easily.

I have met hubby at breaks and lunch many times when he worked nights.....and yes maybe that's what they are supposed to do.......but that does not mean it always happens...................I was there many times and it was never recorded.........and this was at a very "secure" facility............ever hear of General Dynamics/Lockheed in Ft.Worth? It is supposed to be VERY ain't.
Maybe Ron snuck out...the pix I saw of PDM suggest more than one egress...:waitasec:
Doesn't someone mc or rc know have a boat? For some reason I have that in my head.

Meaning, why Haleigh can't be found or never will be found.
I was just thinking and trying to fit reasons for RC's behavior. It popped into my head that maybe Haleigh drowned in the tub. ...either accidentally or on purpose. Misty tells Ron that Haleigh drowned and Misty is a nervous wreck. He or relatives removed her and hid her. This could explain RC's behavior towards Misty and why Misty feels so protected by Ron. IOW, they are both covering for each other. Ron is not blaming Misty for an accident. He does not look bad if somebody came in and stole his daughter, so they contrived the scenario. Neither want the truth to be known but for different reasons.
I was just thinking and trying to fit reasons for RC's behavior. It popped into my head that maybe Haleigh drowned in the tub. ...either accidentally or on purpose. Misty tells Ron that Haleigh drowned and Misty is a nervous wreck. He or relatives removed her and hid her. This could explain RC's behavior towards Misty and why Misty feels so protected by Ron. IOW, they are both covering for each other. Ron is not blaming Misty for an accident. He does not look bad if somebody came in and stole his daughter, so they contrived the scenario. Neither want the truth to be known but for different reasons.

That's been my theory too - some sort of accident, maybe involving accidental ingestion of drugs, punishment gone wrong, or as a result of neglect, like the bath.
It explains everything and everyone's behavior, to my mind, and it's simple - which makes it harder to solve with evidence.

I think Ron learned about it in the 8:30 call with Misty, and his calls to her brother(s) were to recruit help. If they believed it was a real accident, they might have felt it was too late to help Haleigh, but not too late to help their sister out of trouble from LE or Ron.
Hi Muffet....sounds right!

Or Ron called TN and since she is not close by, she sends GGMA over...TN gets to town later in evening.
Yup, he could have. I can see them feeling like Cindy Anthony, "I lost one child and don't want to lose another."...and the other could be Jr. Even if Ron had no direct involvement in the incident, exposing his poor choice of Misty as a caretaker puts his custody of Jr in jeopardy.
Definitely explains everyone's behavior..

Very simple......really.
I think Ron learned about it in the 8:30 call with Misty

if he was at work his whole shift, this makes no sense to me. could he really work the rest of his shift and be "normal" after hearing about the death of his child? surely he'd be upset, crying, angry?? could one really hide these raw emotions and competently continue to work for hours? i couldn't.

are there any reports of his co-workers stating what RC was like that night @ work?
I don't think the 8:30 time is solid about when Ron knew. This is all speculation but it does explain many things.
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