Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh? #3

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I do think that it is along these lines or those of Pondering Mind's theory. We should explore and discuss these theories based on what we know, which admittedly is little.

No offense but ... we should not simply seek to knock them down based on personal beliefs or out-dated statements. We are Sleuthers and we should explore the theory completely and fully absent what attorney's or LE say or said.

There is no concrete timeline so something could have happened to HaLeigh before Ron went to work (or as a result of something that happened before Ron went to work). Also, given recent revelations on the heated argument, non response to 20+ calls and, Tommy reportedly going to the MH at 10pm --- everything and everyone is back on the table.

You don't get to the truth by closing your mind, you need to test each and every theory. As NG admitted about the Somer case tonight, you cannot assume it was a male SO and exclude everyone else from the search.

Likewise, as Kiki posted things have changed a LOT since Day 1 and recent developments do not mean we can definitively rule anyone in or out at this time, as I am sure LE is doing today. ETA: We even got news that Ron's work hours are far from concrete and he was working on odd jobs outside and it is un-certain if he was present all shift.

I'd like to discuss and explore these theories, both with Ron's and Misty's temper and jealousy because I don't believe it was intentional murder but an accident or overdose that was not good. Based on the 3-day bender, events of that day and, the heated argument -- the incident is simple, nothing elaborate. Like Occams razor.

I am open and comfortable with discussing since this is the thread for theories and not media or LE statements on public info.

EXCELLENT post. I totally agree we should concentrate on what happened to Haleigh and park our personal prejudices at the door - everyone. Let's find this child, not matter who takes the hit - guilty is guilty!
BBM the only problem I have w/ that is, she wasn't the only person he could have gotten to wacth the kids. I'm sure TN or AS would have come over or he could have taken them there.

Hi C...TN was called. As has been said before, she lives 84 miles away. She called AS to go over there per her statement. We don't know if RC reached AS first; he likely called his mother and she eventually go a hold of her mother.

What was interesting with TN is her choice of wording; she also is careful, not wanting to be real clear but very vague, TN says, "I sent a "Family Member" there to check on the kids". I believe this statement has been updated. Does anyone really convey important information like this in such a way when your grandchild is gone? Her style of communication leaves a lot to be desired.
TN was called. As has been said before, she lives 84 miles away. She called AS to go over there per her statement. We don't know if RC reached AS first; he likely called his mother and she eventually go a hold of her mother.

What was interesting with TN is her choice of wording; she also is careful, not wanting to be real clear and lock any certain person in, she say says, "I sent a family member there to check on the kids". I believe this statement has been updated.

If she lived 84 miles away, how did she get there so fast that night?
I have a clock radio with red numbers and it is impossible to look at and see only I number. Has anyone else looked at their clock radio to see what I mean? Misty Croslin said she woke up and only saw '3' on the clock radio; this is not possible IMO.

When people want to deceive, they speak in vague terms. There is another one or two in this case who does the same...TN and RC but they mix it up with double - speak.
Malesherbes....her official residence is in Fruitland Park. She was called early evening...remember? She sent her mother over to Green Lane. There is a place in PP. Much research done on that place and various family members are associated with that addy. Don't know what can be posted here, you can pm me though
If she lived 84 miles away, how did she get there so fast that night?

Depends on what time she got the first call.

Even from PP, she could not have got there as quickly as she did w/o prior knowlege.
Depends on what time she got the first call.

Even from PP, she could not have got there as quickly as she did w/o prior knowlege.

Well, if she truly lived that far away, and got there so quick after she knew Ron would be getting home from work- something is really wrong-
As far as I am concerned, even if she lived in PP, something is very wrong. She could not have made it to Satsuma and did all she did and make a call to CS by 3:49. According to her she "thinks" she was called during 911.
Way too much coincidence that she arrive at the time of LE...IMO.

This is a major Red Flag for me and always has been.
As far as I am concerned, even if she lived in PP, something is very wrong. She could not have made it to Satsuma and did all she did and make a call to CS by 3:49. According to her she "thinks" she was called during 911.

On Feb 9, at 7pm, when Annette puts herself there- its 59 degrees, its dark- no way in a million years do I believe those kids were sitting on the porch eating-
See, these are the things that have locked me into Ron being involved or at least being aware of the crime occurring before he arrived home at 3:27.
RC painted a "Walton Moment" by saying he picked up Haleigh and she loved on him and he went to work.

Misty continued the PIC by telling us he came home from the bus stop and kissed her, Haleigh and jr and left for work.

AS continues and tells us, she came by and loved on Haleigh and said "Goodbye". Lots of loving going on that day from 3:30 to 8:00pm..approximately.

THEN...BAM!....we are slammed with one volatile call and then many (20) phone calls at 8:30 from RC. He states it was concerning babysitting. Make sense? Nope.
RC painted a "Walton Moment" by saying he picked up Haleigh and she loved on him and he went to work.

Misty continued the PIC by telling us he came home from the bus stop and kissed her, Haleigh and jr and left for work.

AS continues and tells us, she came by and loved on Haleigh and said "Goodbye". Lots of loving going on that day from 3:30 to 8:00pm..approximately.

THEN...BAM!....we are slammed with one volatile call and then many (20) phone calls at 8:30 from RC. He states it was concerning babysitting. Make sense? Nope.

He says that Misty did not leave that night, and he had to reason to think she did, yet he called her brother, and he says he asked if Misty was there, at 9pm, and hour after Haleigh should be in bed- we have 23 phone calls- then nothing, and he works 3 extra hours, and we still dont know if Hank called Ron back and said Misty was not there- if Hank called Ron back, and said, hey I dont think shes here- then there is another huge problem with Rons story-

Somewhere between the loving pick up of Haleigh at the bus stop and GGMA arriving, RC called TN. TN sent GGMA over to check on the kids....

My take is there is a possibility that something may have occurred between the bus stop and the phone call to TN. It would be necessary to find out WHY RC called his mother and WHY she sent AS over there.
Somewhere between the loving pick up of Haleigh at the bus stop and GGMA arriving, RC called TN. TN sent GGMA over to check on the kids....

My take is there is a possibility that something may have occurred between the bus stop and the phone call to TN. It would be necessary to find out WHY RC called his mother and WHY she sent AS over there.

Misty and Ron were fighting before he left 45 minutes early for week that day, I think there was a physical altercation and Haleigh got in the middle and sustained a wound, which got worse as the hours progressed- Annette was also not alone going to the trailer, I think whoever was with her also holds answers as to where Haleigh is now-
It has been at least a week today from the divorce. Has RC distanced himself? Has he shared all the things he has learned about Misty? Has LE cleared him officially and opened up the door to scare the jebeezies out of Misty? Imagine if LE completely cleared RC right now, how scared would Misty be? That throws the entire thing in her lap alone.

Why won't LE state RC has been cleared of no involvement in the disappearance of his daughter? But to up the ante, RC continues to retain counsel. WHY? If your alibi is solid and can be proven as solid, what is going on here?
Misty and Ron were fighting before he left 45 minutes early for week that day, I think there was a physical altercation and Haleigh got in the middle and sustained a wound, which got worse as the hours progressed- Annette was also not alone going to the trailer, I think whoever was with her also holds answers as to where Haleigh is now-

Then that makes RC and AS and TN as untruthful with their story. If they are not telling the truth, then they are complicate in a crime or a cover-up.

Come think of it, have they been cleared? It is unreasonable after 8 months to not have cleared someone in this case. They are working it very similar to Drew Peterson (which I did not follow closely), I think.
If Misty had not made that call, she may not be in the same situation. By calling in the crime, she became the main focus. Whether she indeed harmed Haleigh still needs to be determined.

If she did, and the rest knows she did or even suspects she did, why aren't they saying?
I think the thing about Ron that bothers me the most is, why did he call his house all night long that particular evening?...Did he always call home that many times from work?..Why is this time different?..I'm sure he and Misty have argued many times before that night. That many Calls,all night long..on the very evening his daughter goes missing..I don't know, just bothersome to me.
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