Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh? #3

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First, I want to say, that Ron marrying Misty to find out about Haleigh just doesn't hold water for me. I can't see this type of thing in his personality. I think Ron was ordered to marry Misty by his mom who is intelligent enough to see the writing on the wall about what could possibly come down and hit Ron between the eyes. This goal was made. Now, since that has been accomplished and more intense work is being set up to garner money, Misty is no longer an asset and can be disposed of without fear of her gaining anything from this or of the Cummings having to share.

As for Crystal and MG, at best, Maury is always a sideshow and they didn't want to participate. I find that appealing and honorable of them. JMO
Did you watch the missing children's show on Maury? It was far, far from a sideshow. In fact it was one of the few shows that haven't focused on the sideshow aspect. Maybe CS and MG will be pleading for Haleigh on a more "honorable" show. Maybe they were out searching for her w/ all those Haleighbug donations.
red is mine~

OMG, Is this true??? Not doubting you kiki, but could it be a misstatement? Ron tried to call her a little after 3 when he got home??

Not everything that Nancy Grace's producers report is known to be fact. While I agree that Ronald called Misty 20 times that night, my original comment still holds true. We cannot know when the phone calls were placed until we have access to the phone records.

I find it highly suspect that there were 20 calls made that night. If we go with the story that there was an argument over babysitting that day and Misty turned her phone off after the 8:30 conversation, we can assume that the 20 calls occurred from the 8:30 period up until when Misty turned her phone back on after 3:00. We have heard reports that when Misty turned her phone back on SHE DID NOT CALL RONALD, SHE CALLED HER BROTHER. She called Ronald as he was pulling in the driveway at 3:24 but it is reported that Ronald did not answer because he was pulling in the driveway.

The part of your post that I bolded, I have never heard that Ronald called Misty after he is said to have left PDM. If someone has a link to that to prove it is fact or if it has been confirmed I would be more than open to reading and establishing that. The more factual information we have the better. What I have in my notes are that Misty called her brother and also tried to call Ronald after her phone was turned back on after 3 AM. But, Ronald didn't answer the call.
Not everything that Nancy Grace's producers report is known to be fact. While I agree that Ronald called Misty 20 times that night, my original comment still holds true. We cannot know when the phone calls were placed until we have access to the phone records.

I find it highly suspect that there were 20 calls made that night. If we go with the story that there was an argument over babysitting that day and Misty turned her phone off after the 8:30 conversation, we can assume that the 20 calls occurred from the 8:30 period up until when Misty turned her phone back on after 3:00. We have heard reports that when Misty turned her phone back on SHE DID NOT CALL RONALD, SHE CALLED HER BROTHER. She called Ronald as he was pulling in the driveway at 3:24 but it is reported that Ronald did not answer because he was pulling in the driveway.

The part of your post that I bolded, I have never heard that Ronald called Misty after he is said to have left PDM. If someone has a link to that to prove it is fact or if it has been confirmed I would be more than open to reading and establishing that. The more factual information we have the better. What I have in my notes are that Misty called her brother and also tried to call Ronald after her phone was turned back on after 3 AM. But, Ronald didn't answer the call.

Yes elle, I am well aware that not everything that is reported on NG is fact, however we were just discussing the transcripts from the show as shown in kiki's post above, since we have so few facts. (confirmed by LE) Although I do recall them stating something about the many phone calls, I can not remember exactly what they said therefore I can not/would not state anything as fact. I don't believe that anyone has. :) I would love to know for a fact how many calls there were, how far apart and when they were made. I suppose LE will tell us those things when they feel it is appropriate.
Yes elle, I am well aware that not everything that is reported on NG is fact, however we were just discussing the transcripts from the show as shown in kiki's post above, since we have so few facts. (confirmed by LE) Although I do recall them stating something about the many phone calls, I can not remember exactly what they said therefore I can not/would not state anything as fact. I don't believe that anyone has. :) I would love to know for a fact how many calls there were, how far apart and when they were made. I suppose LE will tell us those things when they feel it is appropriate.
I'm sure they will....I wish it would be soon, but guessing it probably won't be! :(

At any rate, I would not be surprised if Ron did try to get ahold of Misty again after he got off work, which was around 3. If he still didn't get through, he probably just assumed that her phone was still off and since he was on his route home, wouldn't try again. From what we've been told, Misty did finally turn on her phone to call her brother, so I imagine it was on by the time Ron got home.
Did you watch the missing children's show on Maury? It was far, far from a sideshow. In fact it was one of the few shows that haven't focused on the sideshow aspect. Maybe CS and MG will be pleading for Haleigh on a more "honorable" show. Maybe they were out searching for her w/ all those Haleighbug donations.

That was so uncalled for imo curvecuti, UNLESS you believe that CS and Marie are responsible for HaLeighs disappearance. (even then it sounds like nothing more than a dig which you have professed not to be a part of) If you do, then I would love to hear your theory on that. You do know that most likely Ron and Teresa were paid (at least licensing fees :rolleyes:) to appear for the couple of minutes they were on there and IMO most of those few min. were spent speaking not of HaLeigh, but about how they were coping.

I know that Flossie is of the mind that Marie, Crystal or some Sheffield family member is responsible for HaLeighs disappearance, as she states that often, but despite repeated requests of WHYshe feels that way, I have never gotten an answer and I sincerly would love to know what facts or theory points someone in that direction above all else.

Flossie ~ If you read this, I have tried and tried in vain to find your post in the theory thread re: Marie or Crystal taking and hiding HaLeigh and I respectfully ask once again for you to direct me to your post or just a brief explanation as to why you believe this to be the case. TIA!
Yes elle, I am well aware that not everything that is reported on NG is fact, however we were just discussing the transcripts from the show as shown in kiki's post above, since we have so few facts. (confirmed by LE) Although I do recall them stating something about the many phone calls, I can not remember exactly what they said therefore I can not/would not state anything as fact. I don't believe that anyone has. :) I would love to know for a fact how many calls there were, how far apart and when they were made. I suppose LE will tell us those things when they feel it is appropriate.

I didn't say everything on NG is a fact?:waitasec:

I was trying to give you information about a question you had about Ronald calling Misty's phone after 3 am. It was reported that Misty was the one that called RC and RC didn't answer because he was pulling in.

Sorry for any confusion. : )
I don't care if it's 20+ calls in one hour or five. TWENTY CALLS in ONE SHIFT to one number is alot. Why do you bother if everything is fine? How do you manage this number while operating a crane? And these are just the ones to Misty's cell.


The crane may be irrelevant, based on this.

GRACE: And again, you said he operates a crane. Was he operating a crane that night?

SHOEMAKER: I don`t believe he actually was that evening.
I know he had a couple different things he was doing, but...

GRACE: Like what?

SHOEMAKER: I can`t really answer that specifically. I know when we spoke...


SHOEMAKER: Well, when we spoke with law enforcement the last time, they asked him about his different jobs that evening, and he said that he had to move some material from different locations and -- so I know that he had a number of different responsibilities, but his primary responsibility at that job was as a crane operator.

GRACE: Indoors or outdoors?

SHOEMAKER: Well, the crane is outdoors, but he -- you know, he would move things to different aspects of the job site and take care of material that way.

GRACE: So we know absolutely he did not leave the job site?

SHOEMAKER: Absolutely
That was so uncalled for imo curvecuti, UNLESS you believe that CS and Marie are responsible for HaLeighs disappearance. (even then it sounds like nothing more than a dig which you have professed not to be a part of) If you do, then I would love to hear your theory on that. You do know that most likely Ron and Teresa were paid (at least licensing fees :rolleyes:) to appear for the couple of minutes they were on there and IMO most of those few min. were spent speaking not of HaLeigh, but about how they were coping.

I know that Flossie is of the mind that Marie, Crystal or some Sheffield family member is responsible for HaLeighs disappearance, as she states that often, but despite repeated requests of WHYshe feels that way, I have never gotten an answer and I sincerly would love to know what facts or theory points someone in that direction above all else.

Flossie ~ If you read this, I have tried and tried in vain to find your post in the theory thread re: Marie or Crystal taking and hiding HaLeigh and I respectfully ask once again for you to direct me to your post or just a brief explanation as to why you believe this to be the case. TIA!
:waitasec: So CS and MG should only search for Haleigh if I think they had something to do w/ her disappearence? The Haleighbug foundation was supposedly started to solict donations for searches for Haleigh and eventually other missing children. I guess it is far fetched or a "dig" to think the money should actually be used for that purpose? :rolleyes:

Matter of fact I don't think CS had anything to do w/ Haleigh's disappearence, I think she was fine w/ the arrangement she and RC had. I do have suspicions about MG and the faked search. I aslo have suspicions about Marty S. And finally I suspicions that this could be the work of a SO/SK, especially since what happened to poor little Somer, so close to where HC was last seen.
:waitasec: So CS and MG should only search for Haleigh if I think they had something to do w/ her disappearence? The Haleighbug foundation was supposedly started to solict donations for searches for Haleigh and eventually other missing children. I guess it is far fetched or a "dig" to think the money should actually be used for that purpose? :rolleyes:

Matter of fact I don't think CS had anything to do w/ Haleigh's disappearence, I think she was fine w/ the arrangement she and RC had. I do have suspicions about MG and the faked search. I aslo have suspicions about Marty S. And finally I suspicions that this could be the work of a SO/SK, especially since what happened to poor little Somer, so close to where HC was last seen.

No, that is NOT what I said and you know it. :snooty: There is no need to twist someones words if you are so confident in what you are stating. I was just asking why, IF you thought that they had nothing to do with HaLeighs disappearance, why you felt the need to make such a snarky comment. Unless of course it was for no other reason to get in a dig at them. Very simple, no need to twist or roll your eyes, but each to their own, eh? How much money is the HaLeighbug foundation pulling in anyway?
I didn't say everything on NG is a fact?:waitasec:

I was trying to give you information about a question you had about Ronald calling Misty's phone after 3 am. It was reported that Misty was the one that called RC and RC didn't answer because he was pulling in.

Sorry for any confusion. : )

elle, I was just responding to this response of yours to my post~
gently snipped~
originally Posted by elle1919~
Not everything that Nancy Grace's producers report is known to be fact.
While I agree that Ronald called Misty 20 times that night, my original comment still holds true. We cannot know when the phone calls were placed until we have access to the phone records.

That's all...I know that everything that she reports is not correct and I appreciate the info on the calls. I really wish we knew more for a fact about those calls, (as I posted earlier, re: time of calls, length of time between calls, when they started and ended, etc.) but I imagine that we won't know for a fact until an arrest is made. So we are left pondering each and every piece of info that we do hear, not stating it as fact. To my knowlege, No One outside of LE knows the particulars of the calls, or if they do, I have totally missed it! :)
elle, I was just responding to this response of yours to my post~
gently snipped~
originally Posted by elle1919~
Not everything that Nancy Grace's producers report is known to be fact.
While I agree that Ronald called Misty 20 times that night, my original comment still holds true. We cannot know when the phone calls were placed until we have access to the phone records.

That's all...I know that everything that she reports is not correct and I appreciate the info on the calls. I really wish we knew more for a fact about those calls, (as I posted earlier, re: time of calls, length of time between calls, when they started and ended, etc.) but I imagine that we won't know for a fact until an arrest is made. So we are left pondering each and every piece of info that we do hear, not stating it as fact. To my knowlege, No One outside of LE knows the particulars of the calls, or if they do, I have totally missed it! :)

No worries pondering, I wish we had accurate information to work with as well. If we did we could all work together and put our heads together without disagreeing on every little thing. After reading and joining in the conversations on this thread it is quite obvious to me that we all disagree on a lot of things. The things we disagree on are, in my opinion, causing a separation of sorts with all of our discussions. I would like to put aside all the points that we disagree on and work on the things that we do agree on. I only want to get to the truth. I don't care if it implicates anyone related to family. I think we have had some information released by Law Enforcement over the past few weeks that is very important. Especially the tid bit about Hankjr going over to 202 Gr Lane on the night Haleigh disappeared. Now we have two Croslin's with conflicting statements. I would be willing to work a theory that Misty left that night, I would even be interested in sleuthing where she could have went and who was there, and many other theories. Believe it or not I have about 17 spiral notebooks filled up on my desk with notes and information on every person who's name has ever been mentioned inside this case. Anyway....I know that my statements about RC are never going to convince anyone and I don't care about convincing anyone of anyone's innocence...I want to find who's guilty and see Haleigh come home.:praying:
No worries pondering, I wish we had accurate information to work with as well. If we did we could all work together and put our heads together without disagreeing on every little thing. After reading and joining in the conversations on this thread it is quite obvious to me that we all disagree on a lot of things. The things we disagree on are, in my opinion, causing a separation of sorts with all of our discussions. I would like to put aside all the points that we disagree on and work on the things that we do agree on. I only want to get to the truth. I don't care if it implicates anyone related to family. I think we have had some information released by Law Enforcement over the past few weeks that is very important. Especially the tid bit about Hankjr going over to 202 Gr Lane on the night Haleigh disappeared. Now we have two Croslin's with conflicting statements. I would be willing to work a theory that Misty left that night, I would even be interested in sleuthing where she could have went and who was there, and many other theories. Believe it or not I have about 17 spiral notebooks filled up on my desk with notes and information on every person who's name has ever been mentioned inside this case. Anyway....I know that my statements about RC are never going to convince anyone and I don't care about convincing anyone of anyone's innocence...I want to find who's guilty and see Haleigh come home.:praying:

bbm~ ITA as finding HaLeigh and bringing whomever is responsible for her disappearance to justice (in that order, for me) is all that matters in the end.

Your whole post is wonderful and very well stated! :blowkiss: We do all disagree on alot of things, even those who agree on who they believe to be the culpable parties. Like you, I ask nor expect anyone to agree with me, I do wish that we could respect all opinions, whether we agree or not. For the most part, I do believe that we try. It seems that a very few are more interested in instigating than getting to the bottom of what really happened and that tends at times to put me on the defensive. I know that I shouldn't let it, as it makes me just as guilty since it has nothing to do with finding this precious little girl.
elle, I'm am just so afraid that HaLeigh will never be found and not knowing what evidence LE has (or doesn't have) I'm terrified that they will not be able to prosecute whomever is responsible without finding her. With so much time having gone by and with this most recent case...finding little Somer's body in a landfill :( , when I heard LE say that if they had not found her so quickly, she would probably would have never been found, it was like a punch in the stomach, regarding HaLeigh.

So sorry for going OT, this case is just so confounding and frustrating and the idea of HaLeigh spending another night 'somewhere out there' is unbearable to all of us and obviously to her family. :cry:
I am becoming a little agitated about the donations aspect, and nothing productive in the search for Haleigh being done.
My theory.......any one of the 150 or so known sex offenders in the area, or any one of the countless others that haven't been caught & convicted yet, waltzed into that trailer and took her. Not sure if Misty had left the children home alone or not....

IMO If she did something to her, her body would have to be real real close by............
I am becoming a little agitated about the donations aspect, and nothing productive in the search for Haleigh being done.

I'm not sure that there is much in the way of donations to anyone at this point, that's why I was asking curvecuti. I just highly doubt it, as this case seems to be fading very quickly everywhere (even here) I'm sad to say. Is that what you mean?
No, that is NOT what I said and you know it. :snooty: There is no need to twist someones words if you are so confident in what you are stating. I was just asking why, IF you thought that they had nothing to do with HaLeighs disappearance, why you felt the need to make such a snarky comment. Unless of course it was for no other reason to get in a dig at them. Very simple, no need to twist or roll your eyes, but each to their own, eh? How much money is the HaLeighbug foundation pulling in anyway?
Well, Pondering, It is exactly what you said. I did not twist it at all. I try to say what I mean, although I am trying harder to not type how I would speak, things are going to be interpreted wrongly, because intent and tone can not be conveyed well in writing. The reader, any reader, tends to cast their own tone and intent to the words, it's human nature. What I said about CS and MG was not snarky, it was true.

Since the Haleighbug records have not been released, nor do I think they ever will be, I have no way of knowing how much they have received to date. However Ms. Kanger stated they were making and selling $3 (IIRC it was $3) t shirts for $20. That kind of profit adds up. Since this was stated to be a "career path" for CS, and she is not employed, it must be doing well. IMO. Afterall, no independent searches for Haleigh have been made, so I guess the money is being used for something. I may be wrong, it may be lounging in a bank account somewhere, waiting for a search to come along, but somehow I doubt it. Again, IMO.
Just a couple of questions about the calls. Would it make any difference if the calls were made to a cell number or to a push to talk radio number and did they have that kind of phone? Do push to talk ping when you use them like a cell call?
Ot but I would love an accounting of the money. I have heard some people think donations were part of the plan. It would be interesting to see amounts and if there is some merit to that theory
Ot but I would love an accounting of the money. I have heard some people think donations were part of the plan. It would be interesting to see amounts and if there is some merit to that theory

Flossie, as I sit back and think about things in general and overall. I haven't leaned towards a copy cat/Caylee Anthony possibility as some, but the theories of that plus a money making side at this point would be appropriate and almost negligent not to look concerning the donations.

When I get time, I'm going to post more on this subject, it's been on my mind for two weeks. But it would definately need its own thread. I didn't stay with Caylee's case, as I was scarce around here for a long time, especially when the donation threads, etc.... got crazy here. I don't want to see that happen in Haleigh's case. Much restraint and sensibility needs to be exhibited in posting. Not getting personally involved, but sleuth and investigate legally, LOL Know what I mean Flossie Jean? hehehehe start the thread if you would like, I'll be over.
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