Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh? #3

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Bern I appreciate your thoughtful posts. I am still plagued w thoughts about swampland and river behind North 40. :(

I had to sit down and put it all in writing to see IF it could be done. I haven't done that with any stranger abduction as LE thinks otherwise. My biggest snag is whether or not Ron came back home or Misty got the van to meet up.
The theory I posted can be changed and reworked for a scenario that would have a person Misty knew, stop by the house and drug (GHB) and then take Haleigh. But the you have to consider the LDT, hypnosis and Ron's action as in the marriage and family standing by Misty. I don't think this works unless Misty made Ron believe Haleigh's death was in part his fault; drugs. But then where would Haleigh be if a perp took her, so as I write things out, I catch the snags.
People believe he was at work without proof; I am at a loss as to understand why the possibility he wasn't, is discarded.
Is there any "proof" about anything in this case? We don't know anything for sure. We can't even trust the PCSO when they say CS and RC are not suspects. So we are left to our own devices to draw our own conclusions.
am I the only one that thinks if Law Enforcement has the slightest inkling that Ronald Cummings was not at work on February 9th we would know this already? Forget the cell phone cause anyone can leave there for where they want it to ping. I mean we can't have it both ways here. If Ronalds cell phone is pinging from PDM bridge and he wasn't at work....then someone was calling Misty all those twenty times for him and I can not believe that this is so in depth that there was a 3rd accomplice at PDM with RC's cell phone calling Misty's phone at certain intervals.
I just dont buy the kids were sitting in 59 degree weather at 7 that night in the dark eating on the porch, I think Annette plays a bigger role in this than most think- I think she is part of the 42 percent unsureness by Misty-

This is a theory based on an accident that happened in the home only. I have written it step by step to see if it is Possible for this to be carried out in the time constraints that would be imposed on Ron and Misty's involvement. This is not to say that this is HOW or WHY, only to see if it is possible. There are other possibilities but this is the one I have worked on for now.

Sometime between the hours of 8:30 February 9th and 3:24 am February 10th Haleigh Cummings went missing. In this 7 hour time frame I will attempt to recreate a scenario that shows how Ronald and Misty could have carried out and executed a cover up of her death.


The motive here is to cover up an accidental death, in order to keep custody of JR. and to escape manslaughter charges or neglect charges.


I believe there are opportunities to both cover upa accidental death of a child and the opportunity for a child to die an accidental death in the home. There is also a significant enough time to carry out a cover up given our 7 hour time line of 8:30 to 3:24 am.

There is no phycical evidence of the death of a child in the home; however, there are ways for a child to die and leave no evidence.

1 A child can overdose on illegal or prescription medication.
2 A child can receive a blow to the head and die hours later, due to bleeding in the brain.
3 A child can drown in the bathtub, slip or fall and break a neck.

(snip, underscoring, bbm) Bern, I am tentatively ruling out #3. Haleigh was five years old (rather old to be likely to drown in a bathtub IMO) and had she merely taken a terrible fall on her own, I do not believe an elaborate coverup and disposal would have been staged or put into action. JMO

Misty may have called Ron as early a 7:45 pm to tell Ron that Haleigh had died. We know that there are eyewitnesses that Haleigh was seen eating dinner on the front porch at or around 7pm to 7:30pm. So Haleigh may have had a seizer of ingested drugs found in the home just after dinner or around 7:45 to 8:00 leaving a window for Misty to call Ron and start the plan in motion. I do have to ask if her death was so suspicious that Misty would not have called 911 for help for Haleigh at his time. She would have to know for certain that Haleigh died due to Ron's direct or indirect actions; or she was solely to blame and had to involve Ron in some manner.

We do not know for certain that Misty did not have a car that night. But for Theory sake we will assume she did not. Misty would have had to have a way to get to PDM in order for the next set of steps to play out. Depending on the 20 calls and any eyewitness, we need to place Ron at work. If the calls are after 9;30 including the call to Tommy there is a window for Ron to leave his cell at work, come home, pick up Misty, JR. and Haleigh and drive back to an area near PDM. This is a very short window of time, given it is 26 minutes to PDM and home, and you must travel both ways and include time to get all the parties in the car and a dead child in the trunk.

Misty could have left her phone, shut off at he MH or shut off and taken it with her; it would not make a difference as it was not on for the pings to track her location. If Misty had access to a car she could have taken Jr. and Haleigh to PDM or near the plant to meet up with Ron. She needs to be near PDM to call her phone 20 times to give Ron a alibi that he is at work. Ronald has to be able to drive to a location in order to dispose of the body. So in order for Misty to have Jr. and make calls to her cell from the PDM location she has to have a car or van, and Ron has to have a car or van to transport and dispose of Haleigh. So Ronald leaving work to pick up Misty will not work in this theory. Misty has to have a vehicle in order for this to play out. Misty may have borrowed a vehicle form her mom or the van from Tommy (borrowed from SIL and Timmy). note: Tommy states he went there to see if she was home, so he most likely would have had knowledge that Misty took the van that night.

Misty having a van cuts down the time, to meet up with Ron aand use his phone to call her phone and also a place for Jr to be with her while Ron takes his car and drives to a location to get rid of a body. All this has to be done before 9:30 when Ron has access to his phone to call Tommy. (remember there is a call to Tommy at or around 9:30 - 9:45)


7:45 to 8:00 Haleigh dies
8:00 to 8:30 Misty calls Ron, discusses what happened and turns of f her phone.
8:15 - 8:30 Misty borrows a car, puts Jr. in, Haleigh in and drives to PDM to meet up with Ron. Ron can be making calls from his phone to Misty's cell phone that is turned off at his point until she arrives.

9:30 to 9:45 Giving Misty one hour and 15 minutes to do the above is tight, but could be done, getting her to PDM or nearby at 9;30 to 9;45. At this time, Ron would still be at PDM and calling Tommy from his phone, he could also be still calling Misty's cell to establish an alibi for himself. Misty would be presumed sleeping and not responding to his calls or Tommy's knocking at 10pm. At this point Ron has to leave work and meet up with Misty to give her his phone and instructions to call her phone. Ron at this time can take Haleigh and dispose of the body, he then needs to return to work unnoticed and unscathed. If Ron did not take the time to bury Haleigh, but placed her in a river or canal or pond, he may have been able to do this in a relatively short period of time. This could have been done on a dinner break if time permitted. I don't think anyone would cover for Ron if they knew he left work unless they were indebted to him for some reason.

Bern, another great post. A few thoughts to add. First, I've personally never been convinced Haleigh was seen alive and well by GMS at 7pm hour, therefore feel I must begin the timeline earlier than 7:30 pm. Like Mal, I simply don't believe Haleigh was seen sittin on the porch eatin "w her plate n hollerin hey Granny" in Feb. or w/e GMS said. (I think GMS started by saying the kids were inside eating at the time, but later changed to "on the porch" where she could have theoretically been seen specifically in order to stretch timeline). Taking this into consideration, under this scenario then, the timeline may not in actuality be all that tight at all.

Second, regardless of precisely when a death may have occurred I think you are right: taking Haleigh to RC (vs the other way around) is entirely plausible--and that Haleigh, and Ron's phone, could have changed hands at approximately the 8:30 pm hour (when MISTY's phone, whereever it's location, is turned off). Therein lies the brilliance of this theory IMO. It enables pings and calls to continue from Ron's phone in the area of PDM thus establishing an alibi while he can be elsewhere--and not necessarily far at all as the rear yard where he reportedly worked eg is adjacent to swampland, this and the river are literally in PDM's backyard[/b]--handling the coverup, during what could actually have been a remarkably brief absence for water disposal.

Third, this whole thing starts w asking to speak w AC man which IMO could've been the means of initiating his alibi. I don't doubt for a minute that Tommy may have been called to firm up Misty being at home w kids safely tucked into bed around the 10pm hour--altho even if she had in fact left but returned by this time she couldn't answer or let Tommy inside, as this would risk his detecting Haleigh's absence.

Lastly, I believe it's possible GMS herself (or even TN) could feasibly have provided Misty the means of transporting Haleigh to PDM. For that matter I'm wondering whether Misty necessarily went along at all, or perhaps stayed w Junior while GGMS/TN took Haleigh to Ron near PDM(?) Perhaps GMS's visit coincides and is the true reason for the "driveby laundry delivery." But I believe Haleigh could have been deceased much earlier. GMS and TN knew LE can get phone records (which TN eventually agreed to turn over). I believe TN did "send a close family member over" to 202 that day--but perhaps not simply to "check and make sure everything was alright." Maybe she knew perfectly well everything was NOT ok. And perhaps there was something other than (yet still more) containers of laundry being carried into or out of the home that nite.

I think you're doing an amazing job of exposing some real holes and connecting some potential dots tho. JMO

No. Unless Marty had been in the trailer and knew that the door that was hardly used would snap shut so quickly, and he knew were the bricks were in the yard- Maybe if someone could prove that, then I would think differently, but I dont-
I have to ask why do you need proof of Marty's involement before you would consider it a possibility and the fact that there has been no proof that Misty nor Ron did anything to HaLeigh, but, you believe they have?
(snip, underscoring, bbm) Bern, I am tentatively ruling out #3. Haleigh was five years old (rather old to be likely to drown in a bathtub IMO) and had she merely taken a terrible fall on her own, I do not believe an elaborate coverup and disposal would have been staged or put into action. JMO

Bern, another great post. A few thoughts to add. First, I've personally never been convinced Haleigh was seen alive and well by GMS at 7pm hour, therefore feel I must begin the timeline earlier than 7:30 pm. Like Mal, I simply don't believe Haleigh was seen sittin on the porch eatin "w her plate n hollerin hey Granny" in Feb. or w/e GMS said. (I think GMS started by saying the kids were inside eating at the time, but later changed to "on the porch" where she could have theoretically been seen specifically in order to stretch timeline). Taking this into consideration, under this scenario then, the timeline may not in actuality be all that tight at all.

Second, regardless of precisely when a death may have occurred I think you are right: taking Haleigh to RC (vs the other way around) is entirely plausible--and that Haleigh, and Ron's phone, could have changed hands at approximately the 8:30 pm hour (when MISTY's phone, whereever it's location, is turned off). Therein lies the brilliance of this theory IMO. It enables calls to continue being placed from Ron's phone thus establishing an alibi while he can be elsewhere--and not necessarily far at all as the rear yard where he reportedly worked is adjacent to swampland, this and the river are literally in PDM's backyard[/b]--handling the coverup, during what could actually have been a remarkably brief absence for water disposal.

Third, this whole thing starts w asking to speak w AC man which IMO could've been the means of initiating his alibi. I don't doubt for a minute that Tommy may have been called to firm up Misty being at home w kids safely tucked into bed around the 10pm hour--altho even if she had in fact left but returned by this time she couldn't answer or let Tommy inside, as this would risk his detecting Haleigh's absence.

Lastly, I believe it's possible GMS herself (or even TN) could feasibly have provided Misty the means of transporting Haleigh to PDM. For that matter I'm wondering whether Misty necessarily went along at all, or perhaps stayed w Junior while GGMS/TN took Haleigh to Ron near PDM(?) Perhaps GMS's visit coincides and is the true reason for the "driveby laundry delivery." But I believe Haleigh could have been deceased much earlier. GMS and TN knew LE can get phone records (which TN eventually agreed to turn over). I believe TN did "send a close family member over" to 202 that day--but perhaps not simply to "check and make sure everything was alright." Maybe she knew perfectly well everything was NOT ok. And perhaps there was something other than (yet still more) containers of laundry being carried into or out of the home that nite.

I think you're doing an amazing job of exposing some real holes and connecting some potential dots tho. JMO


Bern & Kiki....these posts deserve more than the "thanks" button. Very well thought out and very plausible IMO.
Not to butt into the current conversation but I wish everyone who hasn't would watch that geraldo interview where the whole Sheffield family is all lined up sitting down talking to him. I never was suspect of any family member at all until I watched that video(I still don't know what that guy's story is.) He never looked over once, never looked at the camera at all. Very strange behavior indeedy. I forget how long that video is what 10 minutes or more maybe....everyone's talking and going back and forth and Mr. Sheffield is looking in the opposite direction like there is something going on a block over or something.

I seriously don't know what his story is for real but.....that video is strange.
I included the dinner on the porch and GGMS reporting seeing them because I am trying to work with what we have. I know people lie or have motives to lie but for theory sake, I put them in as others debate it. But even if I keep the time line with this sighting, it still can be done. That was my point of walking through each step and putting a time on how long it would take.

Kiki thank you for the evaluation and insightful critique. I appreciate it. It helps to have others look at it and see where something falls apart or just doesn't add up. I think PDM North yard should be searched. I don't know if the waters would be willing to give up a body after all this time, but a blanket or some cloths may be found.
I have to ask why do you need proof of Marty's involement before you would consider it a possibility and the fact that there has been no proof that Misty nor Ron did anything to HaLeigh, but, you believe they have?

I dont need proof of anything "Marty" because I dont think hes involved, lets not put words in my mouth- If you have proof that Marty was ever at the trailer and knew the inside, and knew about the door, and was such a frequent visitor there, then maybe I would consider it, but I wont, because I know the people involved in haleighs disappearance for the most part lived in that trailer- Any other questions?


I too have ruled out # 3 as a COD. But many here have debated as to what kind of accident would leave little or no evidence for LE. So I had to include drowning. Suffocation is another from of COD, but again not likely in this scenario.
I dont need proof of anything "Marty because I dont think hes involved, lets not put words in my mouth- If you have proof that Marty was ever at the trailer and knew the inside, and knew about the door, and was such a frequent visitor there, then maybe I would consider it, but I wont, because I know the people involved in haleighs disappearance for the most part lived in that trailer- Any other questions?
Yes, I have one. There is no proof Ronald did anything to Haleigh, and there is no proof his Uncle Sykes was involved and you believe that. Why the difference?
I included the dinner on the porch and GGMS reporting seeing them because I am trying to work with what we have. I know people lie or have motives to lie but for theory sake, I put them in as others debate it. But even if I keep the time line with this sighting, it still can be done. That was my point of walking through each step and putting a time on how long it would take.

Kiki thank you for the evaluation and insightful critique. I appreciate it. It helps to have others look at it and see where something falls apart or just doesn't add up. I think PDM North yard should be searched. I don't know if the waters would be willing to give up a body after all this time, but a blanket or some cloths may be found.

Bern, do you believe that Teresa Neves and Annette Sykes are involved in Haleigh's disappearance?
I included the dinner on the porch and GGMS reporting seeing them because I am trying to work with what we have. I know people lie or have motives to lie but for theory sake, I put them in as others debate it. But even if I keep the time line with this sighting, it still can be done. That was my point of walking through each step and putting a time on how long it would take.

Kiki thank you for the evaluation and insightful critique. I appreciate it. It helps to have others look at it and see where something falls apart or just doesn't add up. I think PDM North yard should be searched. I don't know if the waters would be willing to give up a body after all this time, but a blanket or some cloths may be found.

Oh nothing at all falls apart friend--you're just being even more cautious or conservative in your time estimates than I necessarily would, that's all. Much as I hate to be, I'm right there w ya. JMO

Bern, do you believe that Teresa Neves and Annette Sykes are involved in Haleigh's disappearance?

In this Theory no. It is just that a theory, to explain if it was possible given the alibis and time line we have to work with; alone with the inconsistencies, phone calls and Tommy's 9:30 9:45 visit to the MH.

I have a hard time believing it was a family cover up, only because Grandmothers as a rule love the grandchild so much, they would want some sort of decent burial and it is a huge risk to cover up this sort of crime. But I have heard of grandparents obstructing justice in order to save their child. My mother would save her son's. I have seen her do it, and stand by them; not that they killed anyone, but just about.

I too have ruled out # 3 as a COD. But many here have debated as to what kind of accident would leave little or no evidence for LE. So I had to include drowning. Suffocation is another from of COD, but again not likely in this scenario.

I think whatever it was that happened to haleigh was not something the LE could be called in on without someone being in big trouble- Had it been a simple accident and no one was at blame, I think LE would have been called-


I too have ruled out # 3 as a COD. But many here have debated as to what kind of accident would leave little or no evidence for LE. So I had to include drowning. Suffocation is another from of COD, but again not likely in this scenario.

Drowning in pond out back was something I did consider early on (kids reportedly had walked back there earlier that day) since if alone, there would be implied negligence. But due to being February and other factors, seemed unlikely.

What do we know about Marty Sheffield?

Wasn't there a court hearing that Mon. or Tues.
in regards to Crystal needing to pay child support?
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