Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh? #3

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People get away with their crimes every day and even if the police have a suspect it often takes quite a while to collect the evidence that is enough for an arrest, so I wouldn't necessarily call lack of arrest at this point proof of anyone's guilt or innocence.
What would make sence to bring in new investigators this late in the game? Inside corruption? In 7 months this small community has not screamed for this crime to be solved! :eek: Why? Normally small communities such as this have a grapevine that is all knowing and it is odd that this small community deosnt know something. Natives from the area where out searching those first days and I would have to say left no stone un turned. HaLeigh was found not to be in that area and the investigation went from searching to a criminal investigation.

Well, I can't answer all your questions, but...

Why new investigators? Possibly because the other investigators were worn out asking a non-compliant 17 year old the same questions over, and over, and over? :)
Thoughtful post, SSM. :)
I haven't sleuthed this case like a lot of you have, so I have some questions that have been going through my mind.

First, CG, Crystal's fiance, I haven't found much on him. I think there are two pages devoted to him here on WS. What piqued my interest was reading elsewhere that there was an insurance policy on the children? Does anyone know anything about that? Is it a policy that comes through work and you can easily add the children for little to nothing? Possible motive might be to release CS of the court ordered child support. This really doesn't work for me for several reasons: She would still have to pay child support on Jr., plus the back child support owed; no insurance policy could be paid unless a body were found; and the biggest reason of all, it doesn't explain the lies coming from the Cummings camp. Still, I do wonder about him.

I hear you, SoSueMe. The only reason I think the Sheffields/Chad are innocent is because the situation is so obvious, and yet both teams of LE, both times, have come back telling us repeatedly that Misty is key - not them.
I've no doubt that LE knows a lot more than we do.

And adding to that those undeniable lies and hink coming from the Cummings side staring us in the face, and I cannot justify reaching all the way around them to point fingers at the Sheffields.
It's just an insult both to my intelligence and my conscience.

As for the Cummings camp, what is known about the gun that keeps popping up? Why this elaborate story about the gun? It was stolen, no it wasn't stolen; it was hidden in a ditch, then found; no, it wasn't hidden in a ditch; Ron told Misty where to find it; no, there was no stolen gun. I'm sure there is a thread about the gun here at WS and I admit, I need to find it, but what if this gun played a part? What if RC left that gun out at home and HaLeigh found it and fatally wounded herself? You have RC guilty of leaving that gun with 3 underaged children (including Misty). Perhaps a coverup began at that point? If something like this happened, RC would surely lose custody of Jr., and would most likely go to prison for leaving a deadly weapon around children. Once the body is disposed of and RC feels they can't connect the gun to HaLeigh, the gun can show back up? But then again, he mentions the gun to police doesn't he? I'm wondering how many guns (legal or not) he may have possessed.

That's plausible, but I don't see how it could have happened at the mobile home or any known vehicle... it would leave too much evidence, I think... We'd have an arrest by now, wouldn't we?

I still think it's more likely to have been an accidental ingestion or overdose of an illegal drug... making both Misty and Ron guilty enough to cover for each other...

I've also thought a viable scenario would be hiding the child with another family. With the records of the families involved, there seems to be a lot of charges for interference in child custody matters, so this scenario wouldn't surprise me. It would also mean an "alive HaLeigh" might still be out there. Although I was hoping this may be the case, my hopes were dashed when MC answered the question on one of her tests deceptively when she said she thought HaLeigh was still alive.

If it could ever be proven that RC was not at work for the full shift+overtime the night HaLeigh went missing, I would absolutely have a completely new theory, which I've thought all along. I just can't get past his alibi.
Ron's lawyer made it clear that LE wasn't adequately confident in Ron's alibi, last week, so...
I personally think he was at work and just let other people do the cover-up work. When he found out about it, I'm not sure.
Didn't they find HaLeigh in another state with MC's brother? Didn't they pick her up in a walmart?
Didn't they find HaLeigh in another state with MC's brother? Didn't they pick her up in a walmart?
No to both, unfortunately. That whole thing turned out to be a dead lead, afaik.
Ron smacked her in a drunken rage before work and she died-

Or Haleigh got into drugs or was given drugs to sleep and OD'd- maybe a common practice with these two, so they are both responsible-

Misty was out and Ron came home found her gone, raged out- Haleigh dies- he disposes her, stages the scene, disposes of the body and waits for Misty to come home and she finds everything the way it is, and Ron is responsible and Misty is kinda sure, but he hasn't admitted it-
I don't think Misty was ever without a phone. I think she just set RC and Tommy's numbers to ignore so they went straight to voicemail.
Ron's lawyer made it clear that LE wasn't adequately confident in Ron's alibi, last week, so...
I personally think he was at work and just let other people do the cover-up work. When he found out about it, I'm not sure.
snipped BBM respectfully
And this does not seem odd to you? Why do you think Ron's attorney clarified for us that Ron was still a POI and at the bottom of the list? It would seem to me he is clarifying that Crystal is also not cleared.
I don't think Misty was ever without a phone. I think she just set RC and Tommy's numbers to ignore so they went straight to voicemail.
Per LE she turned off her phone at 8:30 pm 2/09/09.
snipped BBM respectfully
And this does not seem odd to you? Why do you think Ron's attorney clarified for us that Ron was still a POI and at the bottom of the list? It would seem to me he is clarifying that Crystal is also not cleared.

Because he was asked if Ron was a suspect. There was nothing mentioned about whether Crystal was or not at the time so no........I have to disagree with your post. It was just about Ron.
Ron smacked her in a drunken rage before work and she died-

Or Haleigh got into drugs or was given drugs to sleep and OD'd- maybe a common practice with these two, so they are both responsible-

Misty was out and Ron came home found her gone, raged out- Haleigh dies- he disposes her, stages the scene, disposes of the body and waits for Misty to come home and she finds everything the way it is, and Ron is responsible and Misty is kinda sure, but he hasn't admitted it-

I suspect Haleigh got caught up in an altercation between Ron and Misty...She paid the ultimate price... I also believe whatever happened to Haleigh was not intentional but occurred due to his uncontrollable rageful temper ... And that even infuriates me more.. He is the one responsible for what happened but he wasn't man enough to step up to the plate and take responsibility for his actions, so he called on all the women in his life to come in and protect him... JMO
Because he was asked if Ron was a suspect. There was nothing mentioned about whether Crystal was or not at the time so no........I have to disagree with your post. It was just about Ron.
IMO He had to of had a dang good reason for mentioning his client was still not in the clear and at the bottom of the list and the question did not only mean Ron but would also of included Crystal since LE stated the bio parents.IMO.
Yes....that dang good reason was because Nancy ASK HIM if Ron was a suspect.
Crystal and Ron may have been mentioned together by LE more than once but because it's very unlikely that they made Haleigh disappear together and they are not each other's alibi they are cleared or suspected separately, independently of each other.

What Ron's atty said about LE not being able to completely clear anyone who wasn't 24/7 police surveillance naturally applies to Crystal too since she wasn't in jail that night, to my knowledge, nor anyone else in the families.
Why does LE even respond to questions like this? They just hedge and never give a clear answer and then we all play the game of semantics. Then the media - they are worse than anyone or anything when it comes to confusing issues.

I figure LE say what they want to say and if they change their mind, then all bets are off.

Speaking of LE in Putnam County, I can't say I'm very impressed with them. Thank goodness someone new is looking into this case. I also think it's time to start leaking information. It's gets people talking and we all know that loose lips, sink ships.
thank you Seeker,

We have had so little to work with on this case and what we did know; didn't add up for us. Now that we have a little more to go on you can add anyone that Misty was with that night if she left the trailer and the kids alone. She can't say she was out. The Croslins can't say they checked on the kids; because that places them at the crime scene, and Misty if she was with somebody or at a party, they would have knowledge of the kids being alone and could have left to head over there without her knowing.

I still don't understand some of Ron actions. One stopping for the beer, cigarettes and peanuts, if he was worried she had left the kids alone. I would have raced to get there. I don't understand the marriage, for the reasons they stated. There is more just don't want to rehash it all.

Just wanted to add to this today. I can't get Ron figured into this with the time line and the phone records. We know that one call from Ron was to Tommy, but not what time. My bet is that when Misty shut off the phone, Ron called Tommy to see if she was there sitting for the kids. Tommy or some one with him, now knew Misty wasn't home and Haleigh was alone....Ron was at work. So maybe Tommy stopped by the MH, maybe he staged the MH to look like cousin Joe's MO. Maybe Misty gets home, see all of this and calls Tommy because she can't call Ron because she left the kids alone. Now Tommy knows Misty was out and Misty thinks at first this is Jo's doing but later thinks it is Tommy. So Tommy has the goods on Misty, she can't admit she wasn't home and Misty can't prove it was Tommy. Misty may have staged the MH herself, if she thought it would help her story. But if Tommy did this, he can't say, cause that puts him in the MH. Just my theory for today, subject to change. The last four people to see Haleigh alive was Misty, GGMS, Aunt Lisa, and Jr. The last people to visit that day before the above were, Tommy, and kids, and the AC guy.
I think I am following you Bern, do you think that RC called Tommy when he couldn't reach Misty because the fight everyone is talking about was a babysitting fight and RC had a suspicion that Misty decided that she would go against RC's wishes? I was trying to figure out why RC would call Tommy to report that Misty wasn't answering his calls instead of calling his mother or granny Sykes. Your scenario makes sense in that regard. Wish we had access to those phone records huh?
Just wanted to add to this today. I can't get Ron figured into this with the time line and the phone records. We know that one call from Ron was to Tommy, but not what time. My bet is that when Misty shut off the phone, Ron called Tommy to see if she was there sitting for the kids. Tommy or some one with him, now knew Misty wasn't home and Haleigh was alone....Ron was at work. So maybe Tommy stopped by the MH, maybe he staged the MH to look like cousin Joe's MO. Maybe Misty gets home, see all of this and calls Tommy because she can't call Ron because she left the kids alone. Now Tommy knows Misty was out and Misty thinks at first this is Jo's doing but later thinks it is Tommy. So Tommy has the goods on Misty, she can't admit she wasn't home and Misty can't prove it was Tommy. Misty may have staged the MH herself, if she thought it would help her story. But if Tommy did this, he can't say, cause that puts him in the MH. Just my theory for today, subject to change. The last four people to see Haleigh alive was Misty, GGMS, Aunt Lisa, and Jr. The last people to visit that day before the above were, Tommy, and kids, and the AC guy.

This theory makes a lot of sense, and it is something i've considered myself (although not necessarily Tommy). I think this is a highly likely scenario.
I also think that the accidental ingestion of a drug is likely, and that Misty covered it up.
My other theory is that Ron and/or Misty owed someone money, and they took Haleigh as a retribution. I think that's less likely though, since Misty definitely knows more than she is telling.

Either way, I do feel that what happened to this little girl was accidental.
Why does LE even respond to questions like this? They just hedge and never give a clear answer and then we all play the game of semantics. Then the media - they are worse than anyone or anything when it comes to confusing issues.

I figure LE say what they want to say and if they change their mind, then all bets are off.

Speaking of LE in Putnam County, I can't say I'm very impressed with them. Thank goodness someone new is looking into this case. I also think it's time to start leaking information. It's gets people talking and we all know that loose lips, sink ships.

Yep and pressure bust pipes!
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