Theories: How Would Elizabeth have killed Gabe?

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I don't think she was drugging Gabe with Tylenol. She may have been using something like Benadryl. Unfortunately, some parents use antihistamines to sedate their kids. Too much Tylenol could definitely cause liver damage to an infant, but I think she was using something with more sedative properties. I would think a Tylenol overdose would cause a slow, miserable death for an infant.

As far as Gabe's development, didn't EJ post on her myspace page that he was starting to crawl? That's pretty normal for an infant to start crawling at 8-9 months. I would say he's right on track. Just because there are no photos of him sitting alone does not mean he wasn't able to do so.

never though about the benadryl
very true artsy... but her bro and grandpa also aren't missing and weren't drugged with a quart of tylenol...
but, it's not just not mentioning him in the will, it's EVERYTHING added together- her not providing a full honest story even after months of being in jail (IMO), her mental issues (she is incompetent to stand trial who knows what other issues she had that were not diagnosed or latent - she certainly is capable of hurting people in jail and destroying objects in her rages), the fact there's no gabe sighting at all after 12/26, and her own admission in the original text, .... isn't there a chance she made up the couple to backpeddal and save her but since she got caught by the police? she's still competent enough to know that murder = either life in prison, or a long time in prison, or death penalty.

yep, it's everything added together.

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