Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #1

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This made my day! I plan on joining the same group with you LOL

PLEASE let me know where to sign up .... My BP just went through the roof reading some of these posts ... I need HELP! Admitting it is the 1st step right?
I still lean toward the pool accident. Casey returned to an empty house on the 17th to steal $$ and, while she rummaged through the parents belongings, Caylee entered the pool via the steps that had been forgotten on her swim with Cindy the day before. Once Casey noticed, it was too late. She fished the baby out and laid her on the ground. She felt she was already in trouble since she had "left for vacation to bond with her daughter" and panicked. By the time she decided to move the body, neighbors were out. Plan B, backyard burial. Oops, the shed is locked. She borrows the shovel, but Oh what luck, the neighbor goes in to shower. She moves Caylee to the trunk, returns the shovel unused, and doesn't think anymore about it (out of sight, out of mind).

Unfortunately, decomp is not pretty and it isn't long before she has no choice but to abandon the car, dispose of the "evidence" (which I think she replaced with a random bag of trash in an effort to mask the odor), and hope it would all go away.

I think the rest of the junk is just that...JUNK.

I belive Caylee was still in the trunk when GA recovered his gas cans, but was so well wrapped that he didn't notice with the fuel odor masking anything else (and perhaps his sense of smell is diminished anyway, he was not nearly as overwhelmed as the tow yard guy).

I believe chloroform was spilled during the cleanup by the grandparents. Perhaps belonged to Casey for use in cooking meth as some others have surmised ( business that her brother may know about since she sees "mutual friends" on her odd "The Universal" visits) and was stored in the trunk but I don't think it was ever used on Caylee.

I think we spend a lot of time trying to rationalize the acts of an irrational individual. Casey doesn't function the same way the rest of us do. She lives in that blur on the line between her worl and the real one. In her world Caylee is "OK" and "close". She will never admit to any wrongdoing as she does not know where Caylee is. Caylee is not where Casey left her.

It may be that Caylee is never found as landfills are hard to search, especially after 31 days, and most certainly after 3 months. I am beginning to lose hope for any justice for this sweet baby.
Who said they could not find a way to help her out ? MANY girls finish school and work with babies. My oldest daughter did both.

She was not pregnant when she dropped out of school........she got pregnant over a year later. She dropped out of HIGH school because she was lazy is my guess. She couldn't continue with college because she never got out of high dumb is that? How dumb is it that her parents never required she finish school? There are online high schools all over Florida and she could have finished..............she just WOULDN'T.

Her whole life appears as if she did exactly what she wanted when she wanted with no regard for how it affected others. Any REAL mother who loved her child would have finished school for the sake of her child after she had it.

WHY couldn't she ? She didn't work. The most time it appears she has ever held a job is a few months total. She had SEVEN years to get her life together and refused to do it.

I am not into RUMORS but observations from life experiences with people like her. I work with them everyday and they are not VICTIMS but use other people and create victims all around them.

I cant agree with you on the any real mother would finish school

My husband was teenage father and yes he quit school to get a job to support his son and he never went back. He loves his son very much. he was awarded custody of his son when he divorced his ex wife. Not finishing school does not mean you do not love your kids

He worked a extra job to make sure his son went to college. His son decided to go to tech school he is a certified mechanic
I cant say I have not used your logic on my husband trying to get him to go back and get his GED but, I never said if you loved her son you would go back. He is 44 years old and worked the same job for over 20 years and would probably still be there if they had not went under I don't think he will go back anytime soon. We have a 4 year old now and he loves him very much too. Sorry that post just hit a nerve not trying to be mean
Thought more about the pool drowning theory last night. Essentially, the pool theory is that Casey and Caylee find themselves back at the Anthony house on or about June 16th. Caylee falls in the pool and dies. Casey fishes her out and puts her on the ground by the pool and the playhouse; explaining why the cadaver dogs smelled decomp. Then the flurry of phone calls that went unanswered. There are some variations in that theory, but essentially that is the pool theory. I thought that was very possible in the beginning. Upon reconsideration, there is a fatal flaw in the pool drowning theory. The flaw in that theory is decomp doesn't set in that fast. The body had to be brought to the pool area and playhouse area at least a day or two after the death for decomp to be present and transferrable to the ground sites. Not an expert in this area, but just my opinion. IMHO
my thoughts:

when casey took off/was booted out, she needed all the money she could get (steal) for new "club clothes" .... she borrowed the gas cans to fuel the car..... simple as that!

torching a body would require forethought ... why bother when she could so easily toss it out (and never look back, just the same as the rest of the garbage) .......then be on her merry way.... gotta make a pasta dinner for her new honey & his friends before they all go dancing.

as long as she avoided cindy, caylee's absence was no big deal........ unimaginable to normal minds!
Thought more about the pool drowning theory last night. Essentially, the pool theory is that Casey and Caylee find themselves back at the Anthony house on or about June 16th. Caylee falls in the pool and dies. Casey fishes her out and puts her on the ground by the pool and the playhouse; explaining why the cadaver dogs smelled decomp. Then the flurry of phone calls that went unanswered. There are some variations in that theory, but essentially that is the pool theory. I thought that was very possible in the beginning. Upon reconsideration, there is a fatal flaw in the pool drowning theory. The flaw in that theory is decomp doesn't set in that fast. The body had to be brought to the pool area and playhouse area at least a day or two after the death for decomp to be present and transferrable to the ground sites. Not an expert in this area, but just my opinion. IMHO

Actually, the experts said that dogs can hit on the scent within an hour, especially if it has been hot. I think she laid the baby there while she tried to figure out what to do--possibly several hours...
Thought more about the pool drowning theory last night. Essentially, the pool theory is that Casey and Caylee find themselves back at the Anthony house on or about June 16th. Caylee falls in the pool and dies. Casey fishes her out and puts her on the ground by the pool and the playhouse; explaining why the cadaver dogs smelled decomp. Then the flurry of phone calls that went unanswered. There are some variations in that theory, but essentially that is the pool theory. I thought that was very possible in the beginning. Upon reconsideration, there is a fatal flaw in the pool drowning theory. The flaw in that theory is decomp doesn't set in that fast. The body had to be brought to the pool area and playhouse area at least a day or two after the death for decomp to be present and transferrable to the ground sites. Not an expert in this area, but just my opinion. IMHO

Would you please explain what the flurry of phone calls was? I had not heard this before. TY!
Someone on here said the other day that the most simple answer is usually the answer....
That said, personally, [IMO], with ALL the twists & turns this case has taken, I think kc was simply a 'kept woman' whose means came to an end towards the end of June for whatever reason....

Maybe he was an affluent [married?] Irish guy [would explain the tattoo 'Bella Vita', her obsession with shamrocks & her caseyomarie accounts - especially the one with Caylee's birth pics.....

IF her & this guy had a falling out or something actually happened to this guy around this time, that would have inadvertantly cut her off & would then explain suddenly stealing from friends 1st of July after [according to MF interview] kc had been so freely spending cash before....
would explain all the deciet of who the real baby-daddy was & not really caring who she told what story to about that situation - main focus would be just "lie" period.... [so as to not mess up the gravy train ride]....
would explain the 2 yrs of her life no one noticed she wasn't actually 'employed' yet she still had extra cash [since no one has said she was a hooker/call-girl or involved in drugs use or sales heavily or any more than partying with friends]
Could possibly explain what she had called to say to MH in Cali & was what she'd already told LA & her mom [the truth about Caylees bio-dad]....
Could possibly explain why she was bragging about having big cash in the bank - [maybe it just didn't get a chance to happen for whatever reason?]
Would explain why she keeps getting bailed out & who's paying all the attny fees- & lemme tell ya that 6hrs a day with Baez & Walsh has gotta cost a fortune & IMO, I doubt any of them are working for free!!?!

Some rich old dude [or even younger but married immediate family member] would probably have connections to several states other than FL either through business or otherwise.... the list goes on & on....

Again, I have no idea - these are just my thoughts & opinions -
Ok - everyone can chop up my theory now... LOL

I could be way off base but it's an angle I haven't really seen really pursued...[?]
& Caylee wouldn't actually need to *be* this guys child.... kc could have just been telling him she was his child to milk the situation for what it was worth after their 'encounter'....?

So.... did any old rich [irish?] guys fall off the face of the earth in that area around June 2008? lol
I still lean toward the pool accident. Casey returned to an empty house on the 17th to steal $$ and, while she rummaged through the parents belongings, Caylee entered the pool via the steps that had been forgotten on her swim with Cindy the day before. Once Casey noticed, it was too late. She fished the baby out and laid her on the ground. She felt she was already in trouble since she had "left for vacation to bond with her daughter" and panicked. By the time she decided to move the body, neighbors were out. Plan B, backyard burial. Oops, the shed is locked. She borrows the shovel, but Oh what luck, the neighbor goes in to shower. She moves Caylee to the trunk, returns the shovel unused, and doesn't think anymore about it (out of sight, out of mind).

Unfortunately, decomp is not pretty and it isn't long before she has no choice but to abandon the car, dispose of the "evidence" (which I think she replaced with a random bag of trash in an effort to mask the odor), and hope it would all go away.

I think the rest of the junk is just that...JUNK.

I belive Caylee was still in the trunk when GA recovered his gas cans, but was so well wrapped that he didn't notice with the fuel odor masking anything else (and perhaps his sense of smell is diminished anyway, he was not nearly as overwhelmed as the tow yard guy).

I believe chloroform was spilled during the cleanup by the grandparents. Perhaps belonged to Casey for use in cooking meth as some others have surmised ( business that her brother may know about since she sees "mutual friends" on her odd "The Universal" visits) and was stored in the trunk but I don't think it was ever used on Caylee.

I think we spend a lot of time trying to rationalize the acts of an irrational individual. Casey doesn't function the same way the rest of us do. She lives in that blur on the line between her worl and the real one. In her world Caylee is "OK" and "close". She will never admit to any wrongdoing as she does not know where Caylee is. Caylee is not where Casey left her.

It may be that Caylee is never found as landfills are hard to search, especially after 31 days, and most certainly after 3 months. I am beginning to lose hope for any justice for this sweet baby.

Here is where I have trouble...[I believe chloroform was spilled during the cleanup by the grandparents. Perhaps belonged to Casey for use in cooking meth as some others have surmised ( business that her brother may know about since she sees "mutual friends" on her odd "The Universal" visits) and was stored in the trunk but I don't think it was ever used on Caylee.]

The problem with this part is she was looking up chloroform on her computer.
Polygraphs don't mean a thing. Not admissable in court.


Kisses back, however.......LOL....the polygraph is the best way to show you have NO involvement. Not to be used in court, as you said. Now both Geo and Cindy agreed to it. Yet, the 26 year old Lee is the one who put a stop to it. Do you follow my thinking?
I have no clue whatsoever. This case seems to still be on day 1.
Someone on here said the other day that the most simple answer is usually the answer....
That said, personally, [IMO], with ALL the twists & turns this case has taken, I think kc was simply a 'kept woman' whose means came to an end towards the end of June for whatever reason....

Maybe he was an affluent [married?] Irish guy [would explain the tattoo 'Bella Vita', her obsession with shamrocks & her caseyomarie accounts - especially the one with Caylee's birth pics.....

IF her & this guy had a falling out or something actually happened to this guy around this time, that would have inadvertantly cut her off & would then explain suddenly stealing from friends 1st of July after [according to MF interview] kc had been so freely spending cash before....
would explain all the deciet of who the real baby-daddy was & not really caring who she told what story to about that situation - main focus would be just "lie" period.... [so as to not mess up the gravy train ride]....
would explain the 2 yrs of her life no one noticed she wasn't actually 'employed' yet she still had extra cash [since no one has said she was a hooker/call-girl or involved in drugs use or sales heavily or any more than partying with friends]
Could possibly explain what she had called to say to MH in Cali & was what she'd already told LA & her mom [the truth about Caylees bio-dad]....
Could possibly explain why she was bragging about having big cash in the bank - [maybe it just didn't get a chance to happen for whatever reason?]
Would explain why she keeps getting bailed out & who's paying all the attny fees- & lemme tell ya that 6hrs a day with Baez & Walsh has gotta cost a fortune & IMO, I doubt any of them are working for free!!?!

Some rich old dude [or even younger but married immediate family member] would probably have connections to several states other than FL either through business or otherwise.... the list goes on & on....

Again, I have no idea - these are just my thoughts & opinions -
Ok - everyone can chop up my theory now... LOL

I could be way off base but it's an angle I haven't really seen really pursued...[?]
& Caylee wouldn't actually need to *be* this guys child.... kc could have just been telling him she was his child to milk the situation for what it was worth after their 'encounter'....?

So.... did any old rich [irish?] guys fall off the face of the earth in that area around June 2008? lol

It's Italian not Irish. And maybe she got the tat just because Lindsey Lohan did. Not trying to be snarky, just saying.
How do we know these 2 things.

We know she took Caylee to drinking and drug parties while she drank and did drugs.
We know she slept at men's apartments with Caylee in the room.

I'm just curious because I have never read or heard that anywhere.:waitasec:
from the detective's interviews with her friends. It's all in the 400 pages/
hi fuzzymuffin! :) LOL no - didn't take u for being snarky at all lol [I love that word 'snarky' - teehee but yes, I always assumed they were italian [the A's], but the shamrock thing is Irish... [I'm 1/2 Irish myself ;)
ohhh - i get what your saying! - I do think I read somewhere she had a shamrock tat also? [could be mistaken - could be one of the friends in pics] but the Bella Vita meaning 'good life' or 'beautiful life' I'd interpreted as meaning 'rich'.... so I was thinking along the lines of sugar daddy figure [if there were one] being some rich old dude.... possibly irish.... that's what I meant.... sorry for confusion! lol
OK -- here's a theory I just came up with. Came across reference to docket entries for Jesus O. (alleged dad candidate), and how he was suing a Zenaida-Fernandez Rosado in landlord tenant court.

I did some digging into the records, and here's my theory. Jesus owned a house. He died in or before 5/07. His father (also named Jesus O.) is named personal representative. Someone named Olga (maybe mother, not sure from record) is named beneficiary. The Pers. Rep is appointed in July/August 2007. Then, a couple of months later, a Jesus O. (can't tell if its the same one), moves to evict a tenant named Zenaida Fernandez Rosado.

Here's where the theory part comes in -- What if Casey was angling to get the house owned by Jesus by telling his family that Caylee was the rightful owner and beneficiary. The eviction was settled in 12/07, which might mean that ZFR was still living there. What if Casey she did know this person, and had some kind of arrangement with her about a house? What if Jesus O. was actually trying to evict a relative who had been living in Jesus's house? What if this really is related to the Zenaida Ortiz who wrote about her grandchild?

Just thinking . . .
Wow...jomasano...good, detailed theory..I agree with the premise that Caylee accidentally died and she did something with her body..Up until now I discounted thinking that she burned her (I dont like typing this), but maybe thats how KC is dealing with this...By knowing she "Creamated" her and she is not laying around somewhere. In her psychotoc mind..shes just "gone" closed.

I agree. I think that Casey has the ability to just store info in her mind and forget about it, until she's ready to deal with it.
I already wondered about the gas cans and the possibility that KC used the gas to 'cremate' Caylee but....I googled it and from what I read, it would take a long time and a lot of gas to cremate a body. Apparently gas would burn at a lower temp than crematoriums use. Still, I do believe it could have happened. Or that at least an attempt could have been made.
The only thing that stymies me on that is, where could a fire have been made? Surely someone would have noticed a bonfire.

Don't you guys in florida have big parks where they have these big barrils where people can make a fire at night to keep warm? Or somewhere on the side of the beach? Maybe something like that..
Here are my thoughts, I believe the MOST important issue in this case is the timeline and who the masterminds are, or lack thereof. That being said, here is my theory, I am not convinced Casey killed her daughter, nor am I convinced it was an accident, however, I do BELEIVE beautiful little Caylee is deceased. Now, with that belief and George being retired law enforcement, Cindy being a Nurse, BOTH being unstable. It seems to me the delay in reporting is the KEY. Let's just say they (the THREE of them) were now dealing with a dead body, how it happened is unclear to possibly 2 of them, that brings me to these questions - -who would know firsthand how to get rid of a body and the amount of time is needed for decay/consumption of animals etc., along with a location that would work other than a law enforcement officer. He would have known through his previous training what it all entailed, and how to insure the wild goose chase we are experiencing as we speak!! Now on to Cindy, SHE would know how to clean the "evidence" up, AKA chloroform, she would also know as we have all witnessed her unraveling that she could spin this whole thing out of control and take the heat off her daughter just by being herself, UNSTABLE. As for Lee, I am a firm believer that he has removed his presence from this case because he has experienced FIRSTHAND the dysfunction since he was born. Now to Casey, I am at a loss with her, she has perplexed me to a point that is unexplainable. Her demeanor alone has challenged in me emotions that are soo raw and brought me to the point of questioning what ANY human life could possibly mean to her including her HER OWN!!! So to me, the whole delay in reporting was planned and is going according to THEIR plan . . . .that is why, CINDY is a NUT and playing it UP, George is sitting in the background outside of his occasional mishaps (possibly when someone is getting close to an answer on something does this happen)for the most part QUIETLY watching this play out and Casey is as smug as she can be!!! Lee is removed and distancing himself from what will prove to be his families final display of dysfunction!!!

I am telling you they want to fill us with CONFUSION to avoid the obvious. The 31 days!!! I mean EVERYONE is getting so caught up on the details, as there are MANY, BUT the fact remains, 31 days IS the key, and in my opinion what the focus should be on. We, myself included haven gotten so caught up on dates, times, people, parties, etc. and making the focus Casey, SHE is NOT that SMART, maybe cunning, smug, aloof but NOT SMART!!!! You can tell that just by her choices in life thus far!!! The parents, well they have been protecting Casey and controlling her life for the most part, she tries to break away aka move out, they FLIP OUT and take CONTROL once again. I am convinced they are laughing at us all and our DAILY dose of details. I really do not believe there are ALOT of pertinent details to this case, a child is dead and the FAMILY has the only details needed. The angle being played must change its direction, in order to get results. Just look at the money, time and emotion being played out in "The Anthony Families Dysfunction". I am by no means discounting ANYONES passion for this case, I am merely stating my opinion. I think we try so hard to understand something that the only way we think we will is by getting ALL the details. In this case, we must go back to the VERY beginning and acknowledge the FIRST plan of Action this Family took and that was to DELAY REPORTING!!!

I am sorry if this in not on the proper thread but this case has me nutty and I just had to share this, if for nothing other than my own sanity!!!!
Does anyone remember early on in the investigation, CA did an interview with someone and in attempting to paint her daughter as a good mother she stated that KC was the kind of mother that always carried a spare set of car keys in her pocket so that Caylee would not get locked in the car? Struck me as odd because if KC were in the habit of leaving Caylee in the car sleeping she would need a second set of keys if she were to leave the car running in order to prevent hyperthermia, especially in the heat and humidity of sunny Orlando. Does anyone own or have access to a car like KC's? Any idea if it is the type of car where you can lock it from the outside while the engine is running? At Caylee's age, she would have required a daytime nap somewhere between 1 1/2 hours to 3 hours. If they were running the roads all day that baby would have needed a rest. This might also explain why she went through gas like nobody's business. Also, if anyone has access to this kind of car, does it also have a part of the backseat that would open into the trunk to ensure that Caylee would not overheat if she were placed there to sleep? It would have bought KC plenty of time to shop or hang at the tattoo parlor on a regular basis. Any idea if this second set of keys were ever retrieved? Would a car left running for an hour to 3 hours fill with carbon monoxide if the car were running idly? Just some extra thoughts!
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