Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #1

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I'm kind of leaning now to may be she left Caylee in the trunk and was hoping the car would be stolen..I hadn't seen the purse was left there on the seat...if that had happened she could have blamed car jackers and if she was lucky and the car had been stolen right when she left it...the TOD might have matched up..IF somebody had stolen the car, but they didn't. So, she had to go back to her parents house and get the shovel...

I think that would/could put the death either right around the 24th or a couple days earlier...

I would hope that LE are going to be able to reconstruct where she was and what she did from the 15th to the 24th to get a reasonable idea of whether Caylee was alive during any of this time or not...

Not sure why the ex bf would lie, but he could be mistaken, or it could be correct, and then something happened that very day or the next day.

Hope this makes might not, not sure it matches up with the timing on the car being abandoned and the shovel being borrowed....

Your theory makes sense to me. I thought I was the only one who thinks that Caylee may have been left in the trunk for a few days. Since we haven't been told exactly where the car was between the 16th and 27th when it was towed, it could have been left in another location for a few days. Maybe a failed or aborted plan to claim carjacking. The stolen gas could have even been an idea to burn the car, and burn forensic evidence.
Something just hit me like a ton of bricks...

I was talking on the phone to my nieces who are about to turn 3 in Sept.

Since the last time I spoke with them 2-3 mos ago, their vocabularies have gotten alot bigger and they make no apologies for airing my sister and bro-in-laws dirty laundry to me on the phone.

What if Casey killed Caylee because she was starting to talk more? If she was prancing around with a bunch of different men (using them for money and making them think they were the only one) then it's likely that Caylee was in tow most of the time.

Maybe she realized that Caylee was going to let the cat out of the bag. She had no job, was mooching off Tony, and really had no where to go but home. GP's probably had made it known that they were not going to support her any longer. She would either have to grow up and be responsible or get rid of her daughter.
GP's probably had made it known that they were not going to support her any longer. She would either have to grow up and be responsible or get rid of her daughter.

I don't believe the Anthony's EVER told her to grow up
I don't believe the Anthony's EVER told her to grow up

I doubt they did either. But looking at the financial problems in the family, I am willing to bet that something transpired prior to her leaving that had something to do with them telling her that they couldn't afford to take care of her anymore. She was trying to hold on to Tony for dear life so she could live there and continue the life she had (not working and partying).

Something else that strikes me...Cindy seemed to be the mother figure and Casey seemed to be more like the sister to Caylee (Cindy has stated that she took care of her, fed her, clothed her, etc.) She may have planned on taking her kid over to Tony's so she could mooch for her kid too. Casey probably had no clue how to take care of a kid since her mom had been doing it for 2 yrs. She probably lost her temper with Caylee.

I was thinking that after viewing those "SKANKY" party pics from
June 20-21
if you look on the pics { not sure what sequence they are in }
you will see Casey/some woman & Caylee smiling[ Casey always
smiles :smiley4:

they are wearing {Casey & her gal pal ] white tank tops.
you will see in this series of pics that a line of 5 women [Casey being one of them] standing in a line for a pic.
So obviously that pic was taken of the three of them the same day and time?

then in that same series you will see Casey doing her thing "SKANKING"
drinking and showing parts of her body to everyone etc....

Also you will see a pic of people snoozing in the bedroom
I think it is Casey with her boyfriend on the bed and another guy on the floor close by.
So where was Caylee after this wild party/Who was minding her?

So you see...
if we can get positive dates on all those pics
maybe we can pinpoint when the one with the tank tops were taken?

And timeframe for her going missing could more easily be established?

Ok now;
just going on pic info tells me Casey was not concerned with the welfare or whereabouts of Caylee.I think Caylee was in an apartment { was she still using diapers} or is Caylee Potty trained ?

I doubt MOMMY CASEY checked on her at any time to change her diaper or take her potty...or to feed her?

I think this;
pure and simple;

Caylee was in an apartment which was NOT CHILDPROOF
with a bunch of party aninmals who were drinking,who knows what else?
She either wandered away or got into something
she should not have gotten into.
This is a group crime not a single one.
hypothetically of course.

We all know how curious and how much attention a 2 yr old gets.
The terrible twos....
most parents with tolerance just flow with a 2 year old but if one doesn't even know where the child is at all times and would rather hang out sleezin well
the kid goes missing or worse...

So I think it comes down to not watching her and she got hurt or something from not being in a child proof area.
any child would get hurt at that party.

See all the booze bottles ?
See all the stuff she probably got slapped for touching?
Kids pull stuff down on them,etc...
poor child is all I gotta say...


Ok - here we go

Caylee is alive and well and living in Puerto Rico with her bio father - Ricardo! Amy and Ricardo took her to PR - it was ok with Casey as they just passed it off as a vaca. But- Ricardo had real suspicions that she was his. As far as we know, only Amy came back. But no one can tell me if he did. Ricardo has had enough time to do a paternity test - of course it came back that she is his.

The FBI has the resources we know that. I 'm willing to bet they have already checked this all out and even have Caylee on video in PR with daddy. They showed all this to Cindy and George on Wed - in that 6 hour meeting - the video, the paternity test - everything. Being its her father and this media circus they have - its safer right now to leave her there because. . . . .

Problem is they still have a murder - there was still a body in Casey's trunk and this body is still missing. Now the FBI doesn't get involved in "local" crime so its up to the OC sheriff to solve that one - hence the meeting with OC on Friday. Casey is still "in trouble" as this "body " was in her trunk.

With all these "players" involved and the party /drug crowd she runs with - they just can't come out and say "WE FOUND HER" without jeopardizing this other murder investigation - so they have told Cindy and George that Caylee is fine - even showed them videos - BUT - your daughter is still in trouble. Once we solve (or at least get to the bottom of this other, local investigation) we will not make a statement. If you (Cindy or George) go public - well then - GAME OVER and we charge Casey with murder (of whoever).

This explains Cindy and, especially George tonight saying Caylee is alive and well. It puts up a ruse to the public (and whoever else is involved in the "murder") that it is still all about looking for Caylee and solving HER murder. I think there are searches being done - but not for a little girls body.

I know this could be way off base - but look at how LE is handling this case. I have followed a LOT of cases and have NEVER seen LE behave this way. I don't put much credence into how the family acts - no one knows how they will act when faced with this type of situation. But - LE - this is what they do and especially the FBI - I have a HUGE respect for them and they know their "****". They have already solved that Rockefeller case - only took them a matter of days.

Only time will tell us the truth - its in those forensics. Once they come back - and I believe they do have at least preliminary ones which may already prove its NOT Caylee. I could be wrong - but if I'm wrong then that little angel is gone and I don't want to see that.

Casey is showing no emotion - because she knows Caylee is not dead - I mean even Susan Smith was snottin' and crying about her boys - until she cracked and it only took 9 days. Casey is a nut job - but she was still a mother. She is just ashamed that she had one put over on her and now "daddy" has her - Amy could have told her the jigs up when she got back. But she is still involved in some type of murder - or at least a cover up.

Crazy? What do you think?
I am with you on this one, she is too calm. I have a feeling that she knows Caylee is OK and alive and is waiting out her days. without a body and evidence she will go free and will never have to confess that she gave her away.
I am with you on this one, she is too calm. I have a feeling that she knows Caylee is OK and alive and is waiting out her days. without a body and evidence she will go free and will never have to confess that she gave her away.

not really sure she knows that.No proof so far that anybody has established any contact with whomever supposedly has Caylee.
It just all is too bizzare to believe really.
not really sure she knows that.No proof so far that anybody has established any contact with whomever supposedly has Caylee.
It just all is too bizzare to believe really.
my theory is that she gave her away and this is how she knows that Caylee is OK, not that anyone reached out to her.
not really sure she knows that.No proof so far that anybody has established any contact with whomever supposedly has Caylee.
It just all is too bizzare to believe really.

I agree, she's sitting in jail and while not officially charged with murder, its clear LE thinks she killed her daughter.

It would make no sense to sit in jail knowing that your daughter was alive and well but still refusing to remove yourself from suspicion while not giving any believable reasons for refusing to cooperate.
I am with you on this one, she is too calm. I have a feeling that she knows Caylee is OK and alive and is waiting out her days. without a body and evidence she will go free and will never have to confess that she gave her away.
she didn't "give her away" - her daddy had enough of mommie's wild ways and took her - yet there is still a "body" - there is still human decomp - there is still something else that casey is involved in.

I agree, some of the theories on the main thread are really far out and keeping up on that thread is difficult. I like your car snatching theory, would be interested in knowing if she left the keys in the car. The problem that bothers me with this thinking (and we can never put ourselves in Casey's mind, since she is mentally ill) but once her mother found out the car was stollen and knew Casey's had stollen it, Casey never denies it. This was her perfect chance to say she doesn't know who took it. But Casey admits to it, therefore Cindy calls the cops to have her arrested for grand theft. So if Casey staged this event, why undo the staging?

I agree, some of the theories on the main thread are really far out and keeping up on that thread is difficult. I like your car snatching theory, would be interested in knowing if she left the keys in the car. The problem that bothers me with this thinking (and we can never put ourselves in Casey's mind, since she is mentally ill) but once her mother found out the car was stollen and knew Casey's had stollen it, Casey never denies it. This was her perfect chance to say she doesn't know who took it. But Casey admits to it, therefore Cindy calls the cops to have her arrested for grand theft. So if Casey staged this event, why undo the staging?

I'm a little hazy on a few facts, such as how much access Casey had to her parents home when they were not around and so what timeframe do police theorize there was a dead body in the yard...mid June?

So, I don't know if that theory....Caylee dies/is killed...Casey stuffs her in the trunk and leaves the car somewhere hoping it will be car jacked...when that doesn't happen she then goes to her parent's house, gets the shovel and dispose of the remains somewhere else.

And on second thought, that might not be very realistic...the chances of the car being stolen..would they really outweigh it being returned or reported to its owner with your daughter's body in the trunk? That would be a REALLY risky strategy, even if you left your purse visible on the seat....IF the car was found w/the body still in it...Casey would be toast.

What IF the babysitter is actually a known pedaphile?

What if the person presented herself to Casey as a babysitter and met her outside as she claims ?
What if the woman was a child molester ?

not so far fetched,
we all have heard where molestation goes on for years before being discovered.

Casey may be protecting her child after finding out his situation/
I mean priests have done this
all sorts of people
and gotten away with it for a long time.

So just throwing another wrench into the mix...
what if a pedaphile was somewhere near where Casey was partying/
look what happened in

the Danaille Vandam case.Turned out to be a neighbor who snuck into their home while people were there...
so nothing is impossible...
if a perv wants a child

What IF the babysitter is actually a known pedaphile?

What if the person presented herself to Casey as a babysitter and met her outside as she claims ?
What if the woman was a child molester ?

not so far fetched,
we all have heard where molestation goes on for years before being discovered.

Casey may be protecting her child after finding out his situation/
I mean priests have done this
all sorts of people
and gotten away with it for a long time.

So just throwing another wrench into the mix...
what if a pedaphile was somewhere near where Casey was partying/
look what happened in

the Danaille Vandam case.Turned out to be a neighbor who snuck into their home while people were there...
so nothing is impossible...
if a perv wants a child

It still doens't explain why LE cannot find any traces of the babysitter...also pretty unlikely that a 26 year old woman...which is how Casey describes the babysitter...would be a pedophile.

Even if the babysitter used fake name...there should be witnesses and neighbors who can confirm that she existed.

Everywhere Casey claimed she lived was a lie.
If it was as simple as Casey giving Caylee away, or Casey has someone hiding her, surely she would have divulged that by now. I keep asking myself, why would she sit in jail all this time being uncooperative, with these terrible charges hanging over? To conduct her own investigation? To "protect" people, to protect Caylee? That is ludicrous. That might fly in a Hollywood movie plot, but not in real life. IRL that makes zero sense. Not only that, but in the weeks prior to her arrest, I don't think we've heard of ANY proof or behavior that shows Casey was investigating or that she was afraid of anything or concerned about protection. She came up with that after she got busted.

As wonderful as it is to think Caylee is alive somewhere, spirited away and in a safe matter how I theorize it, it just won't add up. People may lie, but the evidence does not. And sadly, the evidence thus far suggests something much more ominous. Casey has lead LE down false trails and dead ends. There has been nothing but numerous inconsistencies and outright lies told by the one person who should be moving heaven and earth to help LE locate her daughter. There is no natural justification for that. Mark Klaas has lived it and he says if you've got nothing to hide you just don't do it. I have to believe him.
And then it always goes back to the human decomp in the car and yard. Pizza and squirrels don't add up. Someone is dead, but who? Well, there is still a missing little girl and no one has a clue as to her whereabouts. And a pathological liar is sitting in jail "conducting her own investigation."

There's only one reason for Casey to behave as she has. It is because the child is not ok, Casey knows the child is not ok and she is the only one to answer for it.
What if the real father wanted Caylee and Casey hid her, a fight broke out between Casey and the father and he ended up dead. Casey then went to her parents for help and they helped hide the body of the father. The person that Casey gave Caylee to found out what happened and is holding out for a pay out or they are going to give up the Anthonys.
What if the real father wanted Caylee and Casey hid her, a fight broke out between Casey and the father and he ended up dead. Casey then went to her parents for help and they helped hide the body of the father. The person that Casey gave Caylee to found out what happened and is holding out for a pay out or they are going to give up the Anthonys.

I think that's within the realm of possibility. I wouldn't rule out that there is some other serious crime that is being covered up here, hence the hits from the dogs.
Maybe the real father came forth on Father's Day. Cindy telling Casey that she gave her 31 days is refering to cleaning up this mess and getting Caylee back. Caylee went out to the clubs to keep up appearances as if nothing had happened, if they were covering up the murder of someone else this would make more sense. I think that they planned on the car being stolen but when it was towed it linked them back to the evidence in the trunk.
Hello—I’ve been lurking on this thread for quite a while. Here’s my theory:

What if Casey had an alcohol/drug blackout? Imagine her waking up, and feeling something awful happened, but not remembering it exactly. (“What happened last night?! Where’s Caylee?!”) Maybe she found Caylee’s body, maybe she dumped it, maybe she gave her to someone-- and she remembers some of it, but not clearly. She really doesn’t know what happened.

So, she makes stuff up or tells half-truths (“I took her to Zanny”, “I didn’t have much gas or money , she must be close”, ”She’s with her father”, “Oh, she’s at the sitter’s”). She tells Lee what she suspects, and he says write down what you remember. A blackout kinda explains their cryptic conversations.

What would everyone think?! Shame, guilt, horror close in. She’s frantic. She’d lose her friends, custody of Caylee (if she’s alive), family would be devastated, Mom furious—it’s all too much. So, she just clams up and carries on as usual, talks in code, lies to everyone, and now she’s stuck in jail. Gps suspect but don’t know what’s going on, so they cover up, hoping against hope that Caylee shows up.

Now, DNA is in, Casey is pretty sure Caylee’s dead, maybe she fesses up to a blackout, and now LE doesn’t know where Caylee is, either.

So LE tries to catch up on WebSleuth posts. :)

This is NOT an excuse for anyone’s behavior, including the family. I just can’t think of any other reason why a seemingly loving (but narcissistic) Mom would do this. It sort of explains the 911 calls, and the general family goofiness.

Sorry if I posted to the wrong thread, or if it has been discussed already. Keeping up with Casey is more than a full time job, as many people in her life have already discovered.

Poor Caylee. If she’s alive, she must be so confused and scared to death. Poor little girl.
I do not believe Caylee is alive. Those cadaver dogs 'hit' on the trunk of that car for a reason. They are highly trained animals, with no agenda other than to work as trained and get the job done.

So, with that said, Caylee, IMHO, is dead and has been the entire time she's been "missing."

Mother is responsible for her death, though I don't know if it was 'murder' or 'manslaughter,' intentional or unintentional, but I believe her mother killed her or caused her death.

I also believe Casey put that body in either some body of water like a marshy swamp (hoping that alligators would dispose of her--sorry--but that's my theory) or something similar. I don't believe Caylee's body is going to be found UNLESS her mother confesses and then leads them to it (again, IMHO).

I further believe that Casey will continue to lie, obfuscate, and make up little riddles as a way to keep the ruse going. She's a pathological liar and I don't think she's going to break unless there's some deal cut on her behalf, and even then, maybe not. She's a tough little nut, that one.

As for the family, who knows. The grandmother is histrionic and I think she either knows or believes deep/deep/deep down that her granddaughter is dead, but she's continuing with the ruse to try and protect her daughter. Her lashing out at the media is one indication. She's doing the proverbial 'bite the hand that feeds you' dance, which to me indicates 2 parts deception mixed with 1 part pure whackadoo. Shaken, then stirred.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!
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