Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #2

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This is also my understanding. After visiting her father, Cindy and Caylee went to her mother's home in Mt. Dora where they stayed for dinner.


And many people call lunch, 'dinner' and their later meal is called 'supper'. My husband is from Pittsburgh (close to Ohio) and that's how his family spoke. And especially on a Sunday, the large meal was always served sometime in the early afternoon (usually after church) and called Sunday dinner.
June 15th: I wonder what time the fight occured and what time she showed up at Tony's. Do we have her phone records for that day? Its been so long since we have discussed those.


Caylee goes with Cindy to Mt Dora

Returns and Fights with Casey because she found out she stole from her Great Grandparents.

What happens next? Who witnesses it? Lee and George?

Cindy lies about the events of the day which makes NO sense to me. even if she was embarrassed about the fight she had with Casey that is SMALL potatoes compared to Caylee being missing.

Why would she lie about the LAST day that Caylee was ever seen alive? Fight or no fight...that is obstruction and lying to LE ONCE AGAIN.

Someone pointed out on the Interview thread that there was a change in CA after the last 911 call and before her first public interview. I agree. A profound change IMO.
This is also my understanding. After visiting her father, Cindy and Caylee went to her mother's home in Mt. Dora where they stayed for dinner.

The nursing center is in Mt. Dora and her home is around the corner from the center, I believe. This would make it so late for them to come home and would not put Casey there at that time as she was already at Tony's according to Clint and Tony. :confused:
And many people call lunch, 'dinner' and their later meal is called 'supper'. My husband is from Pittsburgh (close to Ohio) and that's how his family spoke. And especially on a Sunday, the large meal was always served sometime in the early afternoon (usually after church) and called Sunday dinner.
Exactly why I think it was actually lunch instead.
not all of these are symptoms she "has" to have. my son Has PTSD which was diagnosied by 2 different drs and He has none of these symptoms the only thing he does is get into sever rages from time to time and "acts" like he is living in another reality. They can resort back to any time frame in life and live that as reality. He also went thru something very truamatic and his mind has cauesed him to "block" it out, he is only 5 but if it can effect him this way then I dont see why it cant effect kc that way. He is also Bi-polar and has slipped into sever rages tried the to attack us and then snap out of it and not remember anything. She could have one of these killed the baby in a rage and then snapped back and tried to hide it. My son has been known to live in another "reality" for weeks before snapping into the present time.

If I recall the DSM-IV requires several symptoms be present in order for there to be a diagnosis.
Ooooo...where are the phone calls and pings from towers on June 15th?!?! I want to see those!! LOL LP?!?! Hand 'em over, Dude!!
Maybe KC didn't swim because she had left at that point (or was still PO from the fight?)

I somehow don't believe that she was still there.....why would she hang out after her mother tried to choke her. Thats no normal fight. Thats a HUGE fight.
I agree, Jane. She would have been blazing up her phone on that long ride home. So Casey would have known what was coming...yes? Or was she going to ambush her when she got home with it? Sounds more like the scenario because Casey would have left before she arrived knowing she was going to "face the music". I bet she did call GA tho and possibly LA, too.

One thing to note, I don't think Casey is timid as I recall her yelling at her parents when she made that 911 call about the protesters. She also spoke very condescendingly to Cindy during those recorded calls from the jail. There is a possibility they did argue on the phone and maybe Casey lied and further escalated Cindy's rage. Casey may say she's afraid of her mother, but I think it's more afraid of her disapproval or that she will abandon her. I think she could hold her own on the screaming and yelling and probably even the physical stuff. Didn't Casey "scuffle" with George and they had to be pulled apart after she was released on bond?
One thing to note, I don't think Casey is timid as I recall her yelling at her parents when she made that 911 call about the protesters. She also spoke very condescendingly to Cindy during those recorded calls from the jail. There is a possibility they did argue on the phone and maybe Casey lied and further escalated Cindy's rage. Casey may say she's afraid of her mother, but I think it's more afraid of her disapproval or that she will abandon her. I think she could hold her own on the screaming and yelling and probably even the physical stuff. Didn't Casey "scuffle" with George and they had to be pulled apart after she was released on bond?

I believe that the neighbors said that hey heard Casey screaming and swearing at her mother. Youre right. She's no timid wallflower. She would have fought back.
If there was a violent fight with CA choking KC, perhaps the child got in the way somehow. Maybe got shoved accidentally and hit her head, dying either then or later. CA accuses KC of killing her, KC flips and runs to Tony's. Her mind can't wrap around the fact that she killed her child so she blocks it all and, since she's told stories about the babysitter before, her mind invents the 'babysitter stole her' scenario. She's been telling lies about her employment and babysitter for so long that her mind automatically invents it.

Not sure about the child's body, what was done with it. Or the further involvement of the A's, esp CA.
Possible, Jane. Then again...not everyday your mom wraps her hands around your neck in an attempt to choke you either. Casey did say she was "petrified" (twice) of her mother. While we can take that both ways...a physical altercation such as this has to bring some weight to that statement. Was this the first time it went that far? What did Casey do in response?
I believe that the neighbors said that hey heard Casey screaming and swearing at her mother. Youre right. She's no timid wallflower. She would have fought back.
I agree she is not timid, but she probably knew exactly how far she could push her mother with screaming and words. This went far beyond that, imo.
Woohoo! I just read that another 600 pages of discovery documents will be released shortly! Any one else heard about this???
If there was a violent fight with CA choking KC, perhaps the child got in the way somehow. Maybe got shoved accidentally and hit her head, dying either then or later. CA accuses KC of killing her, KC flips and runs to Tony's. Her mind can't wrap around the fact that she killed her child so she blocks it all and, since she's told stories about the babysitter before, her mind invents the 'babysitter stole her' scenario. She's been telling lies about her employment and babysitter for so long that her mind automatically invents it.

Not sure about the child's body, what was done with it. Or the further involvement of the A's, esp CA.
The problem I see with this scenario is that I believe Cindy was truly "out of the loop" during the 911 call where she said the part about the dead body. I tend to believe they would have made up a story about the baby falling or something and called 911.
If there was a violent fight with CA choking KC, perhaps the child got in the way somehow. Maybe got shoved accidentally and hit her head, dying either then or later. CA accuses KC of killing her, KC flips and runs to Tony's. Her mind can't wrap around the fact that she killed her child so she blocks it all and, since she's told stories about the babysitter before, her mind invents the 'babysitter stole her' scenario. She's been telling lies about her employment and babysitter for so long that her mind automatically invents it.

Not sure about the child's body, what was done with it. Or the further involvement of the A's, esp CA.

KC said something about this being "pinned on me," and the phone conversation in the jail when KC questioned her Mom about not knowing what happened to Caylee.

Not exact quotes, but both of those statements have continually made me question CA's involvement too.
The problem I see with this scenario is that I believe Cindy was truly "out of the loop" during the 911 call where she said the part about the dead body. I tend to believe they would have made up a story about the baby falling or something and called 911.

True, you have a point. Guess I'm grasping at straws; the whole thing is just so bizarre.
Possible, Jane. Then again...not everyday your mom wraps her hands around your neck in an attempt to choke you either. Casey did say she was "petrified" (twice) of her mother. While we can take that both ways...a physical altercation such as this has to bring some weight to that statement. Was this the first time it went that far? What did Casey do in response?

I doubt it was the first time, but maybe it was the worst. I believe Cindy has her own "issues" mentally and it would be interesting to note the way she was raised and her own relationship with her parents, especially her mother. I think Cindy is all about "appearances" and when her mother was angry that Casey stole from her, Cindy was very embarrassed. Her embarrassment turned to anger, and then to rage, IMO. Maybe her mother was/is very critical of her?

In my experience, parents who resort to physical "altercations" with their children have often been on the receiving end of either severe verbal abuse or physical abuse themselves. I am not accusing Cindy's parents of anything, but I think it's important to look at the extended family dynamics. In some families, screaming and yelling is an everyday occurrence. If a child is raised in that environment they are immune to what outsiders may think. (ie...the neighbors)
Woohoo! I just read that another 600 pages of discovery documents will be released shortly! Any one else heard about this???

I haven't heard it, but if it is true.......there goes the housework, laundry, grocery shopping____________(fill in the blank) again.:crazy:
I agree, Jane. She would have been blazing up her phone on that long ride home. So Casey would have known what was coming...yes? Or was she going to ambush her when she got home with it? Sounds more like the scenario because Casey would have left before she arrived knowing she was going to "face the music". I bet she did call GA tho and possibly LA, too.

The jail phone call between Casey and CA leads me to believe CA handled Casey with kid gloves. Remember... "Mom, I saw your little cameo on the news.... "

"sweetheart, you're not telling them the truth. Don't waste your phone call to yell at me."

"I don't *advertiser censored**ing know where she is, are you KIDDING ME??"
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