Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #4

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Which Listed Below Did Caylee Die From?

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I feel that that the remarks she said, "Maybe I am an unfit mother, This should have been done a long time ago" were just to gain sympathy for herself. I can remember when I was a kid and got in big trouble when something I did was found out, I would say, "Oh, I am so stupid" or "I don't want to live any more". My parents would then say "Oh, don't say that, you are not stupid, honey, we love you." It took the focus off what I had done very fast and then they felt sorry for me instead of being angry with me.

I interpreted those sayings as a momentary slip of profound consciousness, as if she stood outside herself for a brief moment, a truthfull self-analysis of her own ego, of knowing the remedy to her actions, "Maybe this should have been done a long time ago", "Maybe I am a spiteful Bi##h", glimpses of the truth, which I feel in her mind, is letting out what she feels most people are too stupid to recognize. She is smarter than everyone & even has the answers. And then, Switch....a text to Tony, "I hate myself, I will never forgive myself"....Switch......" If they don't find her, guess who spends an eternity in jail"......this last statement is seriously revealing....What innocent mother of a kidnapped child would EVER make that statement:eek: and this was on the first day, July 16th!
If George was in on it why would he tell FBI he was 'scared it could be his granddaughter in there' and why were there high traces of chloroform in the car?
If you were "afriad" you were about to be caught - what would YOU say? I have heard lots of talk around here about how cholorform can be a by product of someone that has died in a swimming pool - it is a natural by-product anyway its just the levels were extremely high. IMO the choloroform was used as a cleaner and not part of the actual deed.
I can't believe that GA wouldn't call 911 if this had happened. Why a coverup?
When they found her - she was already gone. GA knew this and being ex-LE knew the ramifications of it all. Plus with monster KC telling - no screaming at him - this is all YOUR fault - YOU had her - YOU were here with her. Sure, he can go and say I didn't know she was here - BUT that really isn't going to fly with a jury. Negligent homicide. Plus the finger pointing back and forth by the two of them - its HIS fault - NO, its HER fault.

Then there's the messy little problem of CA - WHAT do we tell her? HOW do we keep her "out of the loop"? CA is a nutjob and would have immediately gone to LE had she known.

So, the weeks that followed GA being ex-LE was doing little things here and there to set-up KC and cast blame. The ladder left in the pool for example.

I don't know IF this is the case - THERE IS SOMETHING that is causing the "supposedly innocents" in this case to lawyer up. If you haven't done anything wrong - then why do you need a lawyer much less immunity? This visit just casts more suspicion on the whole story.
I feel that that the remarks she said, "Maybe I am an unfit mother, This should have been done a long time ago" were just to gain sympathy for herself. I can remember when I was a kid and got in big trouble when something I did was found out, I would say, "Oh, I am so stupid" or "I don't want to live any more". My parents would then say "Oh, don't say that, you are not stupid, honey, we love you." It took the focus off what I had done very fast and then they felt sorry for me instead of being angry with me.

Just another thought on your comments. There was obviously some kind of relationship between CA and KC - even if it was love/hate. There would be times where they got along and things seemed normal. CA would tell her she is proud of her and she is being a good mom. Then KC would make a stupid decision, like go out all night and not call home. At that point, the relationship would turn a little bitter. CA would tell her to grow up and act responsible and that good parents don’t do that kind of stuff.

Most young girls know that even if we don’t want to accept what our mothers are telling us at the time, we do go home and think about what they say to us. Those comments seem to just sit there and feaster in our heads. I deeply believe that KC did worry about what her mom thought of her. It might not be as apparent to the outside world, but young mothers do look for acceptance and advice from their moms. Even KC's best friends had no idea how hard and frustrating it is to have a 2 year old. Her mother was really the only one that understood KC from that aspect.

Ok, the whole point I am trying to make is that if this is an accident then she could never call 911 and report it. All of those comments her mother made to her about KC being irresponsible would be true. She would not only prove her mother right, but she would never receive that acceptance from her mother again. KC needs acceptance, look at her love life, she is looking everywhere for love. Her mother loves and accepts her but would she continue to do that after she killed her daughter. No way!
Yes, I also happened to bring it up last week, as I recall that one of her friends may have worked for a Vet, whom I thought was Annie D??, who has been under the radar. Apparently, one response I got was that certain individuals used chloroform to come down from meth. I will try to find the posts or threads & get back to you.


Thanks! After posting, I realized that if sources from LE are saying that KC acted alone and deliberately, then I guess this theory doesn't hold much water and was just a rumor and/or someone trying to get their 15 minutes in this case. It is interesting, though and will also be interesting to see if anything comes of it.
I feel that that the remarks she said, "Maybe I am an unfit mother, This should have been done a long time ago" were just to gain sympathy for herself. I can remember when I was a kid and got in big trouble when something I did was found out, I would say, "Oh, I am so stupid" or "I don't want to live any more". My parents would then say "Oh, don't say that, you are not stupid, honey, we love you." It took the focus off what I had done very fast and then they felt sorry for me instead of being angry with me.

Well KC was in "big trouble" for something, that goes w/out question. But based on what you're saying it sounds to me like maybe one doesn't necessarily have to be guilty of first degree murder then to try to minimize the guilt one is feeling...? Unless you have something you'd like to get off your conscience lol (J/K!) JMO
I was just having morbid thoughts about how they found the people who they knew were gonna die so they could have the dogs on the spot. I think I'd get a bit worried if I looked up and there was a cadavar dog sitting there, tongue wagging, just waiting.

Blaise (back off, you stupid dog. It's just a cold!)

ROFL you have a very "thorough" imagination and a "highly functioning" sense of humor lol, I just hadn't even thought about that!


Thanks! After posting, I realized that if sources from LE are saying that KC acted alone and deliberately, then I guess this theory doesn't hold much water and was just a rumor and/or someone trying to get their 15 minutes in this case. It is interesting, though and will also be interesting to see if anything comes of it.
The fact that LE supposedly leaked this "acted alone and did it intentionally" has never sat well with me. WHY would they leak something like that? Reaks of LE setting a trap and that statement is the "bait". Did they or have they (LE) found something that implicates someone else - NOT in the actual deed - but defnintely a cover-up?
Just another thought on your comments. There was obviously some kind of relationship between CA and KC - even if it was love/hate. There would be times where they got along and things seemed normal. CA would tell her she is proud of her and she is being a good mom. Then KC would make a stupid decision, like go out all night and not call home. At that point, the relationship would turn a little bitter. CA would tell her to grow up and act responsible and that good parents don’t do that kind of stuff.

Most young girls know that even if we don’t want to accept what our mothers are telling us at the time, we do go home and think about what they say to us. Those comments seem to just sit there and feaster in our heads. I deeply believe that KC did worry about what her mom thought of her. It might not be as apparent to the outside world, but young mothers do look for acceptance and advice from their moms. Even KC's best friends had no idea how hard and frustrating it is to have a 2 year old. Her mother was really the only one that understood KC from that aspect.

Ok, the whole point I am trying to make is that if this is an accident then she could never call 911 and report it. All of those comments her mother made to her about KC being irresponsible would be true. She would not only prove her mother right, but she would never receive that acceptance from her mother again. KC needs acceptance, look at her love life, she is looking everywhere for love. Her mother loves and accepts her but would she continue to do that after she killed her daughter. No way!

Such an insightful response will get no argument from here, only a word to the (very) wise, just be ready to face the wrath of WS! JMO

:thewhip: :rage: :fight: :eek:uch:
Is it possible that KC would leave Caylee at the abandoned house in the last days of her life?

Is it possible that since a Gonzalez owned the house she would say she's with ZG and really think that/mean that?

Has anyone read on the daily updates thread what the person on Scared Monkeys said about the Annie/Zanny connection?

Didnt CA say in the beginning she thinks Zanny is Annie?

God this whole thing makes my head hurt! How could a mother/grandmother know there was no nanny all along, no job by KC and yet go along with all of this? This is really psycho stuff!

I wish someone would finally crack all of this! There are so many loose ends!

OK better go before my theories turn into a rant!
I believe she was sedated and chloroform was used as well. I also think that she may have possibly drown in the pool while being sedated. Here's why I think that... Remember when Biaz held that news conference where he stated that little Caylee may have died from an unwitting dose of sedatives etc.? He also mentioned something to the effect, why mothers sometimes kill their children? I believe it's called Filicide. I looked filicide up on the net back then and it said something about sedating and then drowning a child, somewhere in the article. And the whole pool deal,Cindy discovering the ladder had been removed, the dogs hit near the pool, Casey stating back then that she borrowed the neighbor's shovel to scoop out some bamboo that was at the bottom of the pool and the neighbor's a little noise, such as people playing in the pool that afternoon. IDK. I could be wrong, but JMO.:twocents::eek:nline:

P.S. You can choose more that one answer.

***MOD NOTE: I merged your thread here since it deals with Theories***
I voted smothered. I've always thought Casey killed Caylee in a fit of rage, and after seeing that new jail video of the "Monster Mom" yesterday, it just solidified it for me.
I think she was sedated and drowned. But ther is no option for that.
I voted smothered as first choice. Strangulation is also possible, but not mentioned. I think it was done in a fit of rage and for spite. In the jail visitation videos, her eyes and voice are so creepy, I find it hard to look at or listen to her. Yuk.
After watchng the video yesterday, & the look on Cindy's face, with her hands up to her mouth, it was the look of someone seeing Horror:eek: for the first time....she was watching & listening to KC & it was a look of disbelief. Why then, after this visit & KC's subsequent release from jail, does she goes right back to, 100% belief that KC did nothing to harm Caylee?

I'm back to the pool theory:waitasec: (I can hear the groans) What if KC, while she is home, admits to Cindy that Caylee did in fact climb the stairs & drown in the pool. I know Kline had asked on a different thread, that KC would have had to put up the ladder!

On the night of June 15th, when there was an argument, supported by the latest docs., pg 2499 from Mark F. to LE, & Cindy tells LE that she & Caylee were swimming in the pool that evening. KC comes home & the altercation begins.......If it was as heated as it has been reported, it would be easy to understand that it was Cindy:eek: who forgot to put the ladder away. This would explain why KC was not worried about Caylee, (on June 16th) whilst texting & working on the computer, as she knows she didn't attach the ladder. Now, Cindy feels guilty & becomes complicit in & has no choice, but, to stick with the runaway story, that at this point cannot be altered. Each know it was not deliberate, & feel they are victims of circumstance, of a horrible tragedy! Possible??:confused:
After watchng the video yesterday, & the look on Cindy's face, with her hands up to her mouth, it was the look of someone seeing Horror:eek: for the first time....she was watching & listening to KC & it was a look of disbelief. Why then, after this visit & KC's subsequent release from jail, does she goes right back to, 100% belief that KC did nothing to harm Caylee?

I'm back to the pool theory:waitasec: (I can hear the groans) What if KC, while she is home, admits to Cindy that Caylee did in fact climb the stairs & drown in the pool. I know Kline had asked on a different thread, that KC would have had to put up the ladder!

On the night of June 15th, when there was an argument, supported by the latest docs., pg 2499 from Mark F. to LE, & Cindy tells LE that she & Caylee were swimming in the pool that evening. KC comes home & the altercation begins.......If it was as heated as it has been reported, it would be easy to understand that it was Cindy:eek: who forgot to put the ladder away. This would explain why KC was not worried about Caylee, (on June 16th) whilst texting & working on the computer, as she knows she didn't attach the ladder. Now, Cindy feels guilty & becomes complicit in & has no choice, but, to stick with the runaway story, that at this point cannot be altered. Each know it was not deliberate, & feel they are victims of circumstance, of a horrible tragedy! Possible??:confused:

As I've posted ad infinitum, not only possible... IMO probable. It has long been my theory as well that this is likely why there is a mutually shared secrecy because there may be mutually shared responsibility. JMO2!!
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