Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #7

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Blunt Instrument
Aug 21, 2008
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[ame=""]Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #1[/ame]

[ame=""]Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #2[/ame]

[ame=""]Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #3[/ame]

[ame=""]Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #4[/ame]

[ame=""]Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #5[/ame]

[ame=""]Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #6 (New Smoking Gun Theories for DP)[/ame]

So...theories is well-trodden ground. But since we have some fresh minds @ WS, let's move forward, shall we?

To kick off #7, for my part, IMHO...

1) Caylee's remains being found in the "Big Trouble..." t-shirt is signficant. As established by pics from Ricardo's on 2 occasions in early '08, and, IIRC, further indicated by G and/or C claiming they weren't familiar w/ this a strong indication that Caylee died away from G&C's Hopespring Drive home on the evening of Monday, 6/16. And further, that Caylee was in the process of...or had been...prepared for going to sleep for the night.

2) JT's WalMart sighting isn't as rock-solid as I would like it to be. But, for the time being, I will rely on it to further support that Caylee died away from Hopespring Drive on the evening of Monday, 6/16.

3) Per the Blockbuster surveillance video Casey was with Tony for an extended period of time - at least long enough to goto the store and return to his apartment a few minutes away - by 7:54PM 6/16. This is the earliest period for which we can establish that Caylee was not in Casey's care.

4) IIRC, per Tony's statement, the evening of movie watching 6/16 was not a well-planned activity. IOW...IMHO there was no indication that Casey was hell-bent on spending the evening/night with Tony alone, hence, no indication that Casey was pre-disposed to off'ing Caylee to do so. We still don't know the content of all the texting between Casey & Tony well into the wee hours of the morning 6/ it say there certainly could've been enough sexual tension building that there was motive for some time alone.

5) After arriving in the area of Tony's apartment per pings, Casey repeatedly tried to reach Cindy - whose cell phone was off - through the afternoon of 6/16 until the two spoke for just under 2 minutes @ 7:06PM after Cindy had gotten home from work. IIRC, Cindy indicated the context of this conversation was Casey telling her that she & Caylee would be out for the night. I don't place a great deal of emphasis on what Cindy may indicate the context of the call was about. I do place significance on the fact that - UP TO THIS POINT - Casey was actively attempting to reach Cindy. AFTER THIS POINT - Casey appears to avoid contact with Cindy. IMHO, this is a strong indication that something happened around this time to cause the change in Casey's communication pattern w/ Cindy.

6) At 7:20PM Casey attempted to call Amy unsuccessfully, then, re-attempted @ 7:21PM and connected (i.e. spoke to...or more likely, IMHO, left a vmail). I speculate the context of this message was a repeat of so many times before, "What time do you get off work? Call me." IMHO, this is supported by two texts from Amy later that evening @ 10:45PM & 11:17PM.

"I think I have cramps for the first time in 3 years. This sucks! I forgot how much it hurts."

...when Casey didn't respond...and @ about the time Amy should've been getting off work from TGIF's Amy sent...​

So I'm not feeling good so I'm just going to crash at the boys. I’ll call in the morning.​

Since Amy's first text is otherwise unprovoked, and unfortunately we don't have Amy's cell records to prove it, I speculate that Amy sent the message after getting a vmail left by Casey @ 7:21PM.

The second text indicated that Amy wasn't @ Ricardo's and further supports that she was likely @ work @ TGIF's @ the time Casey called earlier in the evening.​

So...given all of the above....and given that Caylee's remains were discovered with duct tape affixed across at least the mouth (if not the mouth & nose) :( I speculate that Caylee died in the throes of being silenced by Casey - for what was probably intended to be a temporary childcare solution - AFTER 7:21PM when Caylee had been changed into her "Big Trouble..." tshirt for what Casey thought would eventually be a night @ Ricardo's (sim. to 6/9). Perhaps the <2 minute conversation w/ Cindy @ 7:06PM wasn't civil and served to rekindle the fury of the alleged 6/15PM fight 'tween Casey & Cindy. :waitasec:

Plenty of details/aspects/options intentionally left out here for brevity. And plenty of room to :poke: poke holes and offer alternatives.
bond.....are you thinking then that KC was in her car on her way to see tonE when she changed caylee into her night clothes (big troulbe shirt) thinking Amy might watch her for awhile, and when that didnt happen she duct taped her in the trunk of the car and then went with TonE to the movie rental place?

7:06PM talks to her mother CA

7:21PM changes caylee into shirt thinking she would go with Amy

7:54PM video store TonE and KC seen there but no caylee

thats 33 mins from the time KC feels like there is no one to watch caylee, to when her and TonE are seen at the video store.......

am i reading your thoughts right so far?

thanks :)
bond.....are you thinking then that KC was in her car on her way to see tonE when she changed caylee into her night clothes (big troulbe shirt) thinking Amy might watch her for awhile, and when that didnt happen she duct taped her in the trunk of the car and then went with TonE to the movie rental place?

7:06PM talks to her mother CA

7:21PM changes caylee into shirt thinking she would go with Amy

7:54PM video store TonE and KC seen there but no caylee

thats 33 mins from the time KC feels like there is no one to watch caylee, to when her and TonE are seen at the video store.......

am i reading your thoughts right so far?

thanks :)

That's pretty close to it, TakeNote.

Not specifying that Caylee went into the trunk. Maybe. Maybe not.

And Casey may have been thinking that she would take Caylee over to Ricardo's later that evening (i.e. after a movie) not immediately, and was just checking w/ Amy to see when she should plan on doing it. Make sense? Recall that Casey had broken w/ making a plan that had the two of them spending the night @ Ricardo & Amy's would require she work directly w/ Amy. Hence, this call to Amy is pretty important in establishing the possibility of Casey's plans for later in the evening. This scenario would have Casey thinking something like, "It'll only be for a couple of biggie." :furious:

I could spin off on possible variations of the details (and have so often before) :bang: But will resist the urge to explore all the different possibilities for now as other's weigh in.
Bond, your post makes me think a little more about the "Big Trouble" shirt. If the shirt was not at the Anthony home, where was it? In the car? And should we buy Cindy's claim that she never had seen that shirt?
Bond I think you are on to something there with KC's communication with Cindy before and after. To me it fits with who I see KC to be...that impulsive...not thinking things completely through...spur of the moment attitude. The rage, the anger, the me focus.

We have seen that time and again...seems to come from not having to deal with consequences and not being held accountable.

And this theory makes sense to me to in regards to Cindy....I have always felt she was trying to cover up her feeling guilty or in any way responsible, you know...just trying too hard to make herself look like the loving parent/grandparent.
Great post BJB.

Ive been wondering about the pool, and the cadaver dogs hitting on the backyard...

Perhaps KC brought Caylee to the backyard with the intention of staging a drowning. She set Caylee down and gets ladder...
Suddenly realizes there would be no water in the baby lungs, change of plan....burry her!. But that would be too much like work. And shes got to get rid of she rebags and disposes of her down the road...with the intention of returning to do a better job. However shes just having too much fun and never really makes it back to the body.

I know this doesnt really cover the murder itself, but Im just considering a few different senarios. I wonder if Caylee was killed in the bedroom and if GA actually saw KC carry Caylee out as if she were asleep, wrapped in a blanket so that GA cant remember what she was wearing. I wonder if there was anything inside KCs bedroom with ducttape already on the tape was already in the room for mending a box or something. Did KC go and retrieve the tape to put on Caylee, or was in nearby and thought provoking?

Another thought on this scenario - if Casey had gotten Caylee ready to go to Ricardo's for the night, I presume she wouldn't have had the duct tape with her. So...she plans to take Caylee for Amy to babysit, gives her something to make her sleep (benadryl, etc??). Oops scenario#1 - Caylee dies from an overdose, no need to take her to Amy now, or Oops Scenario #2 - Amy cannot babysit like Casey assumes she can so Casey decides to heavily medicate her so she can either take her to TonE's asleep (presumably he would object less to a sleeping toddler) or put her in the trunk asleep. I have a hard time believing anyone (even Casey)could not know that putting someone in the trunk of a car in the Florida heat in June, even at night, would likely kill them.

My question on this scenario - she would have gone back to the Anthony home the next day and gotten the duct tape to stage a kidnapping. Would that have been enough time for decomposition to set in so that the tape would not have stuck like it did?
Bond, your post makes me think a little more about the "Big Trouble" shirt. If the shirt was not at the Anthony home, where was it? In the car? And should we buy Cindy's claim that she never had seen that shirt?

Hi, TH. IMHO, this shirt was serving as Caylee's away-from-home pajamas, and as such was being stowed in the Pontiac. I'll buy Cindy's claim in this instance...although we don't have to for it to be true. IOW...the pics from Ricardo's help to establish the role of the shirt, IMHO. Cindy and/or George not knowing about it just serves to strengthen the claim...not make it.

Bond I think you are on to something there with KC's communication with Cindy before and after. To me it fits with who I see KC to be...that impulsive...not thinking things completely through...spur of the moment attitude. The rage, the anger, the me focus.

We have seen that time and again...seems to come from not having to deal with consequences and not being held accountable.

And this theory makes sense to me to in regards to Cindy....I have always felt she was trying to cover up her feeling guilty or in any way responsible, you know...just trying too hard to make herself look like the loving parent/grandparent.

We're on the same page, MamaBear. I try to fit in all the parameters you describe when I dream up this stuff. ;)

Great post BJB.

Ive been wondering about the pool, and the cadaver dogs hitting on the backyard...

Perhaps KC brought Caylee to the backyard with the intention of staging a drowning. She set Caylee down and gets ladder...
Suddenly realizes there would be no water in the baby lungs, change of plan....burry her!. But that would be too much like work. And shes got to get rid of she rebags and disposes of her down the road...with the intention of returning to do a better job. However shes just having too much fun and never really makes it back to the body.

I know this doesnt really cover the murder itself, but Im just considering a few different senarios. I wonder if Caylee was killed in the bedroom and if GA actually saw KC carry Caylee out as if she were asleep, wrapped in a blanket so that GA cant remember what she was wearing. I wonder if there was anything inside KCs bedroom with ducttape already on the tape was already in the room for mending a box or something. Did KC go and retrieve the tape to put on Caylee, or was in nearby and thought provoking?


Thanks, OKaraMia.

The "Big Trouble..." shirt takes a death-@-home scenario pretty much off the table, IMHO. We can go through the details of Casey/George interactions @ the house that day on another thread (has been done in a few places already), but, I'm convinced :twocents: Caylee died away from Hopespring Drive.

And, as Jolynna taught me...absence of blowflies is a strong indication that the body was never 'exposed' (e.g. outdoors, like the backyard) prior to being in the trunk. The body was either in the trunk @ the TOD, or it went in there after being contained elsewhere (like the backseat of the Pontiac..or Amy's totalled car).

IMHO, the backyard K9 alerts are most likely the result of cross-contamination with the gas cans.

Also, IMHO, Casey did very, very little thinking & little as possible. I think included :bang:...we tend to give her too much credit for doing things to keep from being caught. Casey got lucky in some instances...but, IMHO, the evidence is overwhelming that she wasn't very crafty or concerned. No thinking two steps ahead. :snooty:

Another thought on this scenario - if Casey had gotten Caylee ready to go to Ricardo's for the night, I presume she wouldn't have had the duct tape with her. So...she plans to take Caylee for Amy to babysit, gives her something to make her sleep (benadryl, etc??). Oops scenario#1 - Caylee dies from an overdose, no need to take her to Amy now, or Oops Scenario #2 - Amy cannot babysit like Casey assumes she can so Casey decides to heavily medicate her so she can either take her to TonE's asleep (presumably he would object less to a sleeping toddler) or put her in the trunk asleep. I have a hard time believing anyone (even Casey)could not know that putting someone in the trunk of a car in the Florida heat in June, even at night, would likely kill them.

My question on this scenario - she would have gone back to the Anthony home the next day and gotten the duct tape to stage a kidnapping. Would that have been enough time for decomposition to set in so that the tape would not have stuck like it did?

I like where you're going, TH, w/ one exception - the staging (see my last post).

I'm working on an explanation re: the tape that would simplify things significantly.

In the meantime...lemme suggest that you don't hafta require that Caylee was put into the trunk.
Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #1

Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #2

Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #3

Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #4

Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #5

Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #6 (New Smoking Gun Theories for DP)

So...theories is well-trodden ground. But since we have some fresh minds @ WS, let's move forward, shall we?

To kick off #7, for my part, IMHO...

1) Caylee's remains being found in the "Big Trouble..." t-shirt is signficant. As established by pics from Ricardo's on 2 occasions in early '08, and, IIRC, further indicated by G and/or C claiming they weren't familiar w/ this a strong indication that Caylee died away from G&C's Hopespring Drive home on the evening of Monday, 6/16. And further, that Caylee was in the process of...or had been...prepared for going to sleep for the night.

2) JT's WalMart sighting isn't as rock-solid as I would like it to be. But, for the time being, I will rely on it to further support that Caylee died away from Hopespring Drive on the evening of Monday, 6/16.

3) Per the Blockbuster surveillance video Casey was with Tony for an extended period of time - at least long enough to goto the store and return to his apartment a few minutes away - by 7:54PM 6/16. This is the earliest period for which we can establish that Caylee was not in Casey's care.

4) IIRC, per Tony's statement, the evening of movie watching 6/16 was not a well-planned activity. IOW...IMHO there was no indication that Casey was hell-bent on spending the evening/night with Tony alone, hence, no indication that Casey was pre-disposed to off'ing Caylee to do so. We still don't know the content of all the texting between Casey & Tony well into the wee hours of the morning 6/ it say there certainly could've been enough sexual tension building that there was motive for some time alone.

5) After arriving in the area of Tony's apartment per pings, Casey repeatedly tried to reach Cindy - whose cell phone was off - through the afternoon of 6/16 until the two spoke for just under 2 minutes @ 7:06PM after Cindy had gotten home from work. IIRC, Cindy indicated the context of this conversation was Casey telling her that she & Caylee would be out for the night. I don't place a great deal of emphasis on what Cindy may indicate the context of the call was about. I do place significance on the fact that - UP TO THIS POINT - Casey was actively attempting to reach Cindy. AFTER THIS POINT - Casey appears to avoid contact with Cindy. IMHO, this is a strong indication that something happened around this time to cause the change in Casey's communication pattern w/ Cindy.

6) At 7:20PM Casey attempted to call Amy unsuccessfully, then, re-attempted @ 7:21PM and connected (i.e. spoke to...or more likely, IMHO, left a vmail). I speculate the context of this message was a repeat of so many times before, "What time do you get off work? Call me." IMHO, this is supported by two texts from Amy later that evening @ 10:45PM & 11:17PM.

"I think I have cramps for the first time in 3 years. This sucks! I forgot how much it hurts."

...when Casey didn't respond...and @ about the time Amy should've been getting off work from TGIF's Amy sent...​

So I'm not feeling good so I'm just going to crash at the boys. I&#8217;ll call in the morning.​

Since Amy's first text is otherwise unprovoked, and unfortunately we don't have Amy's cell records to prove it, I speculate that Amy sent the message after getting a vmail left by Casey @ 7:21PM.

The second text indicated that Amy wasn't @ Ricardo's and further supports that she was likely @ work @ TGIF's @ the time Casey called earlier in the evening.​

So...given all of the above....and given that Caylee's remains were discovered with duct tape affixed across at least the mouth (if not the mouth & nose) :( I speculate that Caylee died in the throes of being silenced by Casey - for what was probably intended to be a temporary childcare solution - AFTER 7:21PM when Caylee had been changed into her "Big Trouble..." tshirt for what Casey thought would eventually be a night @ Ricardo's (sim. to 6/9). Perhaps the <2 minute conversation w/ Cindy @ 7:06PM wasn't civil and served to rekindle the fury of the alleged 6/15PM fight 'tween Casey & Cindy. :waitasec:

Plenty of details/aspects/options intentionally left out here for brevity. And plenty of room to :poke: poke holes and offer alternatives.
This is the closest to my theory that I've seen posted, and with the details of the phone calls, it reinforces my thoughts as to when Caylee died. I believe the child perished in the trunk, suffocated by duct tape. I believe her little body was beginning to decompose precisely when her mother nonchalantly strolled into Blockbusters and selected her viewing materials for the night.
I like where you're going, TH, w/ one exception - the staging (see my last post).

I'm working on an explanation re: the tape that would simplify things significantly.

In the meantime...lemme suggest that you don't hafta require that Caylee was put into the trunk.

BBM. Any ideas on where she would have been so that TL would not have seen her if she wasn't in the trunk?
Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #1

Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #2

Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #3

Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #4

Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #5

Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #6 (New Smoking Gun Theories for DP)

So...theories is well-trodden ground. But since we have some fresh minds @ WS, let's move forward, shall we?

To kick off #7, for my part, IMHO...

1) Caylee's remains being found in the "Big Trouble..." t-shirt is signficant. As established by pics from Ricardo's on 2 occasions in early '08, and, IIRC, further indicated by G and/or C claiming they weren't familiar w/ this a strong indication that Caylee died away from G&C's Hopespring Drive home on the evening of Monday, 6/16. And further, that Caylee was in the process of...or had been...prepared for going to sleep for the night.

2) JT's WalMart sighting isn't as rock-solid as I would like it to be. But, for the time being, I will rely on it to further support that Caylee died away from Hopespring Drive on the evening of Monday, 6/16.

3) Per the Blockbuster surveillance video Casey was with Tony for an extended period of time - at least long enough to goto the store and return to his apartment a few minutes away - by 7:54PM 6/16. This is the earliest period for which we can establish that Caylee was not in Casey's care.

4) IIRC, per Tony's statement, the evening of movie watching 6/16 was not a well-planned activity. IOW...IMHO there was no indication that Casey was hell-bent on spending the evening/night with Tony alone, hence, no indication that Casey was pre-disposed to off'ing Caylee to do so. We still don't know the content of all the texting between Casey & Tony well into the wee hours of the morning 6/ it say there certainly could've been enough sexual tension building that there was motive for some time alone.

5) After arriving in the area of Tony's apartment per pings, Casey repeatedly tried to reach Cindy - whose cell phone was off - through the afternoon of 6/16 until the two spoke for just under 2 minutes @ 7:06PM after Cindy had gotten home from work. IIRC, Cindy indicated the context of this conversation was Casey telling her that she & Caylee would be out for the night. I don't place a great deal of emphasis on what Cindy may indicate the context of the call was about. I do place significance on the fact that - UP TO THIS POINT - Casey was actively attempting to reach Cindy. AFTER THIS POINT - Casey appears to avoid contact with Cindy. IMHO, this is a strong indication that something happened around this time to cause the change in Casey's communication pattern w/ Cindy.

6) At 7:20PM Casey attempted to call Amy unsuccessfully, then, re-attempted @ 7:21PM and connected (i.e. spoke to...or more likely, IMHO, left a vmail). I speculate the context of this message was a repeat of so many times before, "What time do you get off work? Call me." IMHO, this is supported by two texts from Amy later that evening @ 10:45PM & 11:17PM.

"I think I have cramps for the first time in 3 years. This sucks! I forgot how much it hurts."

...when Casey didn't respond...and @ about the time Amy should've been getting off work from TGIF's Amy sent...​

So I'm not feeling good so I'm just going to crash at the boys. I’ll call in the morning.​

Since Amy's first text is otherwise unprovoked, and unfortunately we don't have Amy's cell records to prove it, I speculate that Amy sent the message after getting a vmail left by Casey @ 7:21PM.

The second text indicated that Amy wasn't @ Ricardo's and further supports that she was likely @ work @ TGIF's @ the time Casey called earlier in the evening.​

So...given all of the above....and given that Caylee's remains were discovered with duct tape affixed across at least the mouth (if not the mouth & nose) :( I speculate that Caylee died in the throes of being silenced by Casey - for what was probably intended to be a temporary childcare solution - AFTER 7:21PM when Caylee had been changed into her "Big Trouble..." tshirt for what Casey thought would eventually be a night @ Ricardo's (sim. to 6/9). Perhaps the <2 minute conversation w/ Cindy @ 7:06PM wasn't civil and served to rekindle the fury of the alleged 6/15PM fight 'tween Casey & Cindy. :waitasec:

Plenty of details/aspects/options intentionally left out here for brevity. And plenty of room to :poke: poke holes and offer alternatives.

BBM, respectfully.

Every angle I look at it and every idea I've come up with always points to that exact same outcome. I hate to think that Caylee was murdered heinously, so I've always "comforted" myself, so to speak, by going about it this angle.

However, given the amount of time that's passed since July of 2008 and Casey's demeanor since then..I often wonder if she really did do this in a more atrocious manner. Not that drugging your child isn't still a horrific thing to do, I think in my mind I'd just rather she had died drugged than a painful, violent death. :(
I see a couple of problems with the scenario that Casey intended for Caylee to be away from the Anthony house overnight on June 16/17. No shoes. No clothes for Caylee to wear the next day. No car carpet fibers were found in Caylee's hair mass or on any of her clothes -- which I think points to Caylee being bagged before ending up in the Pontiac. No sippy cup. No Teddy...the Teddy bear Ricardo said always slept with Caylee and the Mama doll. Cindy said Teddy was left behind and that she slept with Teddy because Teddy smelled like Caylee. If Teddy smelled like Caylee and Ricardo says Teddy was part of Caylee's night routine, both Mama doll and Teddy were probably needed for overnighters.

I think Casey didn't bring shoes or extra clothes or Teddy or any other Caylee provisions along with Caylee when Caylee went into the Pontiac for the last time on June 16 because Casey knew Caylee wouldn't be needing them.
That's pretty close to it, TakeNote.

Not specifying that Caylee went into the trunk. Maybe. Maybe not.

And Casey may have been thinking that she would take Caylee over to Ricardo's later that evening (i.e. after a movie) not immediately, and was just checking w/ Amy to see when she should plan on doing it. Make sense? Recall that Casey had broken w/ making a plan that had the two of them spending the night @ Ricardo & Amy's would require she work directly w/ Amy. Hence, this call to Amy is pretty important in establishing the possibility of Casey's plans for later in the evening. This scenario would have Casey thinking something like, "It'll only be for a couple of biggie." :furious:

I could spin off on possible variations of the details (and have so often before) :bang: But will resist the urge to explore all the different possibilities for now as other's weigh in.

OK - following along here with the "It's only a couple of hours, no biggie" line of thinking. I'll have to go read TonE's interview again, but I think I remember him saying that she didn't leave his apt that night at all. You'd think that she would have come up with some excuse as to an errand she needed to run after the movie if she had been thinking along those lines. And where the heck was Caylee if not in the trunk???? Is it possible she had some air conditioned place to stash her, drugged and duct taped, which made things OK in her mind?? Then (and this is just about too horrible to type) it might have been possible for Caylee to vomit (either from crying or drugs) and choked on it thanks to the duct tape over her mouth???? I just can't fathom Casey not making some excuse to leave to check on her that night. And this scenario has Casey with the duct tape - as if she took it with her as a Plan C if Cindy (plan A) and Amy (plan B) didn't pan out.
With all the fluid and decomp found in the trunk, is there any way forensics could tell if Caylee was in there pre or post mortem?
OK - following along here with the "It's only a couple of hours, no biggie" line of thinking. I'll have to go read TonE's interview again, but I think I remember him saying that she didn't leave his apt that night at all. You'd think that she would have come up with some excuse as to an errand she needed to run after the movie if she had been thinking along those lines. And where the heck was Caylee if not in the trunk???? Is it possible she had some air conditioned place to stash her, drugged and duct taped, which made things OK in her mind?? Then (and this is just about too horrible to type) it might have been possible for Caylee to vomit (either from crying or drugs) and choked on it thanks to the duct tape over her mouth???? I just can't fathom Casey not making some excuse to leave to check on her that night. And this scenario has Casey with the duct tape - as if she took it with her as a Plan C if Cindy (plan A) and Amy (plan B) didn't pan out.

AND at what point did she actually discover what had happened? IF it was only meant to be temporary, like you said wouldn't she have checked on her? Did she not check on her until TL left the next morning? I have to read his transcript again too to see when he left the next day. Didn't he play hooky from school?
I have thought about the duct taping and how we are basing our thoughts on that heppening before the movie, what if that happened after she saw the movie. The movie may have been what gave her the whole duct tape and kidnapping scenario instead of the other way around.
I see a couple of problems with the scenario that Casey intended for Caylee to be away from the Anthony house overnight on June 16/17. No shoes. No clothes for Caylee to wear the next day. No car carpet fibers were found in Caylee's hair mass or on any of her clothes -- which I think points to Caylee being bagged before ending up in the Pontiac. No sippy cup. No Teddy...the Teddy bear Ricardo said always slept with Caylee and the Mama doll. Cindy said Teddy was left behind and that she slept with Teddy because Teddy smelled like Caylee. If Teddy smelled like Caylee and Ricardo says Teddy was part of Caylee's night routine, both Mama doll and Teddy were probably needed for overnighters.

I think Casey didn't bring shoes or extra clothes or Teddy or any other Caylee provisions along with Caylee when Caylee went into the Pontiac for the last time on June 16 because Casey knew Caylee wouldn't be needing them.

ITA For me, the fact that KC did not pack any of the essentials is the strongest proof of pre-meditation. Even, CA testified that none of these were in the Dora backpack when they found it in the car. Why KC didn't dump that backpack is beyond me. She was an extremely careless and sloppy murderess.

IMHO, the backyard K9 alerts are most likely the result of cross-contamination with the gas cans.

ITA with this, too. I think after KC handed him his f'ing cans, GA took those cans out back and probably set them down on the ground while he unlocked the shed. The dogs hit on the scent of decomp. Makes total sense to me.
JT's WalMart sighting isn't as rock-solid as I would like it to be. But, for the time being, I will rely on it to further support that Caylee died away from Hopespring Drive on the evening of Monday, 6/16.

For whatever reason, my gut tells me to trust this guy's testimony, too. I can't recall....have we ever seen any surveillance video? :waitasec:
Timeline Revisited

After the discovery of the remains, Local 6 News investigative reporter Tony Pipitone revisted cell phone records released in the Casey Anthony case to track her whereabouts.

Caylee was last seen June 16, the day George Anthony said he last saw his daughter and granddaughter together.

"Ten minutes to 1 (o'clock) that afternoon on the 16th is when I actually saw Casey and Caylee together -- both leaving with backpacks. My daughter said she was going to work, and she was taking Caylee to the nanny, to the babysitter," George Anthony said in a released police interview.

Investigators said they do not believe the baby sitter existed.

Seven hours later, Casey Anthony was seen on surveillance video renting a movie at a Blockbuster with her boyfriend, Tony Lazzaro, and Caylee was not with them.

Casey Anthony returned home on Tuesday, June 17 around 2:30 p.m. but went back toward Lazzaro's home less than three hours later, phone records show.

But June 17 was just one day after Caylee was last seen alive, and investigators believe that's when Caylee likely died, Pipitone reported.

Scientific evidence suggests that human remains that decomposed in the trunk of Casey Anthony's car were there for up to two-and-a-half days after death.

Pipitone said that fact may lead investigators to focus on Wednesday, June 18 to June 19.

A neighbor told investigators that Casey Anthony borrowed a shovel on June 18 and also backed her car into her grandparents' garage, which was unusual, the neighbor said.

Cell phone records show that Casey Anthony pinged a tower near her parents' home from around 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on June 18, then her phone pinged along the Econ Trail, south of Lake Underhill.

The area between those two locations is the wooded area where the remains and skull of a child were located on Thursday, Pipitone reported.

Casey Anthony's phone pinged near her boyfriend's apartment before going silent at 6:57 p.m., records show, and did not ping another tower until 8:32 a.m. Thursday, June 19, also near his apartment.

It is not known where Casey Anthony was during that 13-hour span.
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