Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #7

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I agree with that. I think she planned to dig a hole, and it was harder than she thought, and perhaps the dogs were already sniffing around and acting crazy, which I think they would do. So she decided to put her back in the trunk or somewhere else.

This is really where I am stumped.

--People say she could not have been in the trunk for much longer than 2 days. So where was she , if anywhere, before she placed her in the swampy field?

--the Freezer= Makes sense except people have argued that it would show up in autopsy.Is that true?

--the Trunk= People are saying that if she was left in the trunk for longer than a few days she would have been nearly liquified. Sorry... Is that correct?

Under Sandbox or in Playhouse= I doubt this because the family dogs would have barked and created a scene until she was discovered

The amount of decomposition that occurred by the time the body was found in December would have prevented any evidence of using a freezer. However, the theory that the body could have been in the trunk for only a couple days isn't correct. Obviously there are many factors that affect the rate of decomposition. However, based on my experience (twice having personally witnessed at least a week's worth of decomp including having to personally clean up after one), a full week of decomposition typically (sorry, this is grotesque) leaves slightly decomposed skin and liquids and liquified organs inside the body have mostly pooled in the lowest extremeties (based on elevation, not anatomical position). Where that liquification has pooled it has, for lack of a better term, eaten through the body tissue and mostly drained out. What I have observed is an extremely disgusting looking, but otherwise semi intact body, sitting in a pool of liquified organs, blood, piss, and fecal matter. All of it underneath a mass of maggots and flies. Which is why I'm convinced that for a little while (18th-23rd) the body was buried somewhere and dug up for redisposal. Otherwise the flies and maggots in and around the car would not be able to be ignored by anyone within reasonable proximity of the car.

However, I am not a doctor, anthropologist, scientist, or forensic expert. Just an opinionated person with unfortunate experience in this aspect.
Why would a kidnapper kill her though? A kidnapper would use duct tape on the mouth only to quiet their victim, not over the mouth and nose, then all the way around the head.

Nope, not buying the kidnapping thing either! lol

Why would you hide the body and not tell a soul, if you wanted someone to think a kidnapper killed Caylee? Just in case they found her?
That would indicate that KC thougth ahead. And if she thought ahead, she would have realized that LE would find the real cause of death as well as her computer searches and background issues.
She went day by day, left the body in a hurry, IMO, and did a last minute and not so thorough clean-up of her computer once she knew she could be busted. She goes all the way to the end of the hallway before she reinvents, remember? She never plans at the beginning of the hallway.
I'm sorry for posting before I read the thread but I forget things so easily.

This isn't a theory but I noticed in the jailhouse tapes that KC specifically mentioned that Caylee talked about her shoes and her book during a phone call. Of course we know that phone call never took place on July 15 as KC claimed it did.

We know Caylee did not have shoes when she was found and she was last photographed reading her book.
How do these two items fit into the picture?

KC's lies consist of mixed truths. It intrigues me why she would say Caylee spoke about her book and her shoes.

(now back to finish up the 'is GA lying' thread)

These two items KC mentioned intrigue me, as well. Another interesting thing about a book -- Tony said that the ONLY thing that KC had at his apartment that belonged to Caylee was a book. One of Tony's roommates also testified to that, but I can't remember his name.
It's been discussed ad nauseum. To me, it's always been a no brainer. IMO, she was not at home.

Then how do you explain that she was having an AOL instant messenger chat with one of her guy friends that started a 7:54 AM that morning and it was traced to the Anthony home IP address?
"But you are telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth?" Kristina asked.
"That I have no clue where my daughter is?" Casey Anthony said. "Yes, that is the truth. That is the absolute truth."

This is from Casey's call to Cindy from jail. From the second I heard this, I thought her answer sounded true. I know, I know, Casey lies so why do I think this is true? Because she qualifies her answer. If you look at the transcript of the conversation, Casey could have said "yes, everything I've said is true" or "I swear it's all true," but she doesn't. Of all the things she told Kristina (about Zenaida, about Tony not having anything to do with it, etc.), she singles out that she doesn't know where Caylee is.

So, what if someone else actually disposed of Caylee's body and didn't tell Casey in order to protect her? If she wasn't told where Caylee was, she couldn't lie about it. Now, I'm not saying that Casey didn't cause Caylee's death because I think she did. But I also think she told someone about it and that person took Caylee to where she was eventually found.

Could it be George? I'm leaning a long way towards no, but I want to hear what the defense has to say.

I know this isn't a theory about how Caylee died, but I didn't know where else to post this.
I've been working on this theory for a while and would like to hear opinions on it. I'm not going to include every detail for the whole day but the ones I think are important.

June 16

8.03am - IM whiteplayboi - Casey states she is moving into her house at the end of the mouth (she already told him 4 days ago the house/apt will at Andover or around her parents place)

So far this is the story as normal, moving out into a place with Amy and Caylee at the end of the mouth.

11.47pm - Tony calls Casey 19mins - Casey's made up her mind that she's staying at Tony's and Caylee will never be coming home again.

12.50pm - Casey and Caylee leave the house
Casey has told her father that they will be staying overnight at Zany's.
Caylee's backpack(once recovered) contains no extra clothes and is found in the trunk.

12.53pm - Casey texts Tony
12.55pm - Tony texts Casey
1.00pm - Tony calls Casey 14mins

1.14pm End of call - Casey and Caylee are in the car somewhere, she could be driving but doubtful as no money for gas - Tony does not mention hearing Caylee on this phone call

1.26pm - Casey texts Jesse - I think Caylee was killed or chloroformed -before or after this text.

1.44pm - Casey calls Amy 36mins

2.20pm - End of Call - Casey and Caylee still in the car, Amy does not mention hearing Caylee on this phone call. If Casey parks car just down the street this is the approx time George is leaving and Casey sees him, ends call with Amy as so she knows the coast is clear to go back to the house.

2.15pm-2.30pm - George is leaving the house

2.30pm - Casey must be back in the house as computer usage is high again - Did she duct tape Caylee to finish the job at this point, there really is no time to do that and also be on the computer.

2.52pm - Jesse calls Casey 12mins
This is the first time the story now changes and Casey's mother has changed her mind and it is now Casey that has to move out, tells Jesse she can't stay at home. There would only be one reason that Casey can no longer stay at home because Caylee is no longer alive or Casey has made the decision that she will finish Caylee off.

2.00pm-3.00pm - High computer usage, suggesting that Casey is in the house and on the computer.

3.04pm - End of call with Jesse

3.04pm - George calls Casey

3.35pm - Casey calls Tony 22sec

3.00pm-4.00pm - Low computer usage, suggesting that Casey is getting some stuff together and tidying house to make it look like she's not been there - there is time available here for her to duct tape Caylee - if there is no post mortem banding on the hair in the duct tape and Caylee was still alive when it was put on it would have to be on this day that she does that - if Casey had just chloroformed Caylee and left her in the car until 2pm the next day I believe Caylee would have been dead already by that point - Also Casey backs her car into the garage the next day so she knew that Caylee was dead in the back.

4.10pm - Casey calls George 34sec - Casey wants to know where George is and why is he calling.

4.11pm - 4.13pm - Casey calls Cindy 4 times - I suspect to find out where George is and is he on his way home.

4.14pm - Casey calls George 98secs - Casey is still trying to find out where he is.

4.18pm - Casey leaves the house and starts driving towards Tony's place

4.19pm - Casey calls Tony 1min

4.21 pm - Casey calls Jesse 2 times 75secs

4.25pm - Casey calls Cindy

6.31pm - Casey calls Cindy
6.32pm - Casey calls Cindy
6.32pm - Casey calls Home

7.06pm - Casey calls Home 83secs

Crisis averted

7.50pm - Casey and Tony at Blockbuster Video

I suspect it is George's call to Casey that sets off the flurry of calls from 4.10pm. I think she tries to find out from Cindy why he is calling her then says what the hell and leaves the house at 4.18pm.
After she left house I think some panic may have sent and so there are numerous calls to set up alibis/stories and to let Jesse/Tony/Cindy know that all is good in Casey world.

Made some amendments and corrected time line.
"But you are telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth?" Kristina asked.
"That I have no clue where my daughter is?" Casey Anthony said. "Yes, that is the truth. That is the absolute truth."

This is from Casey's call to Cindy from jail. From the second I heard this, I thought her answer sounded true. I know, I know, Casey lies so why do I think this is true? Because she qualifies her answer. If you look at the transcript of the conversation, Casey could have said "yes, everything I've said is true" or "I swear it's all true," but she doesn't. Of all the things she told Kristina (about Zenaida, about Tony not having anything to do with it, etc.), she singles out that she doesn't know where Caylee is.

So, what if someone else actually disposed of Caylee's body and didn't tell Casey in order to protect her? If she wasn't told where Caylee was, she couldn't lie about it. Now, I'm not saying that Casey didn't cause Caylee's death because I think she did. But I also think she told someone about it and that person took Caylee to where she was eventually found.

Could it be George? I'm leaning a long way towards no, but I want to hear what the defense has to say.

I know this isn't a theory about how Caylee died, but I didn't know where else to post this.

Casey was a loner. She had a lot of 'friends' but none that really knew her. Her so called friends thought she was an event planner, college student, wonderful mother. None of them knew the real Casey, and I cannot see ANY of them helping dispose of a dead child.
That would only leave family as possible accomplices. I just cannot see ANY of her family members willing to cover for her for the tragic death of little Caylee. I think this was ALL on Casey. imoo
"But you are telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth?" Kristina asked.
"That I have no clue where my daughter is?" Casey Anthony said. "Yes, that is the truth. That is the absolute truth."

This is from Casey's call to Cindy from jail. From the second I heard this, I thought her answer sounded true. I know, I know, Casey lies so why do I think this is true? Because she qualifies her answer. If you look at the transcript of the conversation, Casey could have said "yes, everything I've said is true" or "I swear it's all true," but she doesn't. Of all the things she told Kristina (about Zenaida, about Tony not having anything to do with it, etc.), she singles out that she doesn't know where Caylee is.

So, what if someone else actually disposed of Caylee's body and didn't tell Casey in order to protect her? If she wasn't told where Caylee was, she couldn't lie about it. Now, I'm not saying that Casey didn't cause Caylee's death because I think she did. But I also think she told someone about it and that person took Caylee to where she was eventually found.

Could it be George? I'm leaning a long way towards no, but I want to hear what the defense has to say.

I know this isn't a theory about how Caylee died, but I didn't know where else to post this.

This has always puzzled me, too. Casey also said it in a similar way when LE was questioning her in the room at Universal. Maybe she meant that she didn't know where Caylee's spirit was. At the time she answered those questions, she knew that Caylee was no longer in her physical body.
This has always puzzled me, too. Casey also said it in a similar way when LE was questioning her in the room at Universal. Maybe she meant that she didn't know where Caylee's spirit was. At the time she answered those questions, she knew that Caylee was no longer in her physical body.

But, IIRC, she qualified other 'statements' in that same exact way. Like , It was absolutely the truth that the last person she saw Caylee with was her nanny, Zenaida. And she swore to her grieving, broken down mother, that Casey was still alive and coming home soon. NOTHING she says is true, imoo.
I believe Caylee was given chloroform at the Anthony house, then duct tape went around her mouth and nose which is what killed her. KC may have thought about burying Caylee in the yard, but of course that would be dangerous. KC put baby girl in trash bags and laundry bag, placed her body in the trunk and proceeded to drive around with the body for a few days. The odor became very bad, so she dumped her close to her home and never looked back. Poor little Caylee never had a chance with a monster for a mother. I hope the jury finds her guilty.
Casey was a loner. She had a lot of 'friends' but none that really knew her. Her so called friends thought she was an event planner, college student, wonderful mother. None of them knew the real Casey, and I cannot see ANY of them helping dispose of a dead child.
That would only leave family as possible accomplices. I just cannot see ANY of her family members willing to cover for her for the tragic death of little Caylee. I think this was ALL on Casey. imoo

Makes you wonder what enjoyment she could have POSSIBLY had from being around those people. They knew nothing about her and she could have been discovered at any moment.
Originally Posted by Betty Boop:
This has always puzzled me, too. Casey also said it in a similar way when LE was questioning her in the room at Universal. Maybe she meant that she didn't know where Caylee's spirit was. At the time she answered those questions, she knew that Caylee was no longer in her physical body.

But, IIRC, she qualified other 'statements' in that same exact way. Like , It was absolutely the truth that the last person she saw Caylee with was her nanny, Zenaida. And she swore to her grieving, broken down mother, that Casey was still alive and coming home soon. NOTHING she says is true, imoo.

Yeah, you're right, katydid23. I had just thought that she sounded more adamant about not knowing where the baby was.
Makes you wonder what enjoyment she could have POSSIBLY had from being around those people. They knew nothing about her and she could have been discovered at any moment.

Seriously, it was unreal the amount of huge lies she was juggling. Every single person in her life was on the verge of finding out she was a pathological freak. She was juggling so many crazy scenarios--her folks thought she was in Jacksonville with Jeffrey her wealthy suitor, at his cancer survivor mom's wedding, who was coming to dinner at the Anthony's soon, and she was also away on business for her dream job as an event planner, ---which is also the job Tony thought she had, and he also thought she was a student @ Valencia, and was moving in with Amy H soon---which is also what Amy thought, in fact she was having her camera sent to Hopesprings drive, and she was days away from being homeless, and her furniture was in storage, and everyday she asked Casey when she could call the movers to set up an appt., and when she could meet the parents and thank them for 'everything', meanwhile she was going to figure out about the stealing anyday soon.... HOW COULD SHE STAY CALM?

Having all of those lies and cons and betrayals hanging over her head,some of them about to unravel, had to make her edgy. I know I used to snap at my kids and be impatient if I was stressed, But she was under an inordinate amount of major stress because a few of her lies were about to be revealed and she knew it.
Made some amendments and corrected time line.

I think it's close but for two things:

1) George worked the 3-11 shift. He wasn't coming home. Cindy on the other hand had gone in early that day because Mondays are their busy days....IMHO she was worried about Cindy coming home. That's why she calls her so many times, both work and cell. She called GA first probably trying to ask "is mom working late tonight?" or something IMHO.

2) You have it as ICA leaving house at 4:18, but at 4:18 is when she starts pinging off of a different tower (not one of the ones she pings from when she's at home). So in actuality, she was probably anywhere from 2 - 8 minutes into her journey by these calls have to begin when her car is fully loaded and she's walking out the JB sees these as "reaching out" calls, I'll never know.

WELCOME to the forum. Great post. I agree with most of it. Except one part, and that is a part that has me stumped.

You mentioned the body being buried in the yard for a few days. The only problem is that they have 2 dogs and I really think they would be going crazy, pawing, sniffing, and digging if Caylee were buried there. I know my dogs would go nuts if one of our kids were buried out in the back yard.

Besides that--:Welcome1:

That is such a good point about the Anthony dogs...wouldn't they be running to Caylee if she were in the backyard on those nights? I used to think maybe KC did leave Caylee in the backyard for one or two nights but I forgot about the dogs!

I have a question. If KC killed Caylee on the 16th and then put her body in the trunk at around 4:30 or so(?) did she back her car into the garage that day also and nobody the heck did she get Caylee into the trunk?
Continue here please: [ame=""]Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #8[/ame]
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