Theories on what happened to Haleigh #2

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Hi Jana, I think family/friends of the family took HaLeigh and that she is alive. I think this is a custody issue. I just pray she is home soon.

As much as I would like to believe this, it doesn't make sense. If it were true, the people involved would be in so much trouble, they would spend a lot of time in jail. LE has spent so much time and money investigating this case and looking for Haleigh; they would not look too kindly on such a situation. If someone decent had her, they would have owned up to it a long time ago.
When I first started "lurking" on Websleuths, this heartbreaking case was one of the first that caught my eye, and literally made me cry. First off, I know this has nothing to do with a theory, per say, but I noticed on the 1st Police Report (linked under the "Facts" thread) that Haleigh's sex was listed as "Male". That must have been a typo on the part of the transcriptionist, right? I also noticed Haleigh has Turner's Syndrome, a chromosomal abnormality that can result in heart and thyroid, among other health, problems.

Anyway, on with my theory. Like many of you, I, unfortunately, believe the sweet little girl is deceased. I am also (almost) positive that there was no "mysterious intruder" that came in and took her during the night. I believe that either a) there was an accident sometime within the night, perhaps caused by neglect (Misty was out partying) - perhaps Haleigh fell and hit her head, or something along those lines, and when Misty arrived home she panicked, knew there would be multiple party witnesses available to testify she was not home watching the kids, and thus that she would most likely be charged with neglect of some kind, perhaps even resulting in the death of a juvenile, and for that reason created the intruder story. My second theory (b) is that Misty WAS at home at the time of little Haleigh's demise. Perhaps Haleigh wouldn't go to sleep, or she wet the bed, or perhaps Misty had a "house guest" (hmmm) and Haleigh witnessed something Misty was afraid she'd reveal to Ron later, and for any of these reasons Misty "lost it" on Haleigh and the little girl died as a result of child abuse. Whether this was chronic, ongoing child abuse, and this particular night Misty just went too far, I really don't know. Has there been any documentation of longer term child abuse with these kids? Anyway, so those are my theories. Since Ron was at work, I don't think he had anything to do with it, although I think he now probably knows what happened, and/or that Misty may have even told him what happened even before the initial 911 call (hence Ron calling Misty a b$&*#, etc, during the call.) Why Ron hasn't come out with the truth yet is up for speculation. Perhaps because he initially lied, he is afraid to now tell the truth, knowing he'll be charged with aiding and abetting. Maybe he doesn't want to lose his other two children, and keep what remains of his family unit intact. Who knows, really?

And finally, as far as where sweet little Haleigh's body is, your guess is as good as mine. I do have some ideas as to what could have been done with her by Misty and perhaps one of Misty's closest friends or other boyfriends, but they are too terrible to even think about, much less write here. Unfortunately, I don't think her body will ever be found, and unless someone with inside information breaks down and confesses, a certain person/people will get away with this crime.
You could be right about Misty leaving the trailor that night but we are at a loss because LE has not released her phone records to the public. Initially I had difficulty with this theory for two reasons: I find it hard to accept that Misty would leave 2 young children alone which would endanger their lives (but others believe becuz she is only 17, that she would), and if Misty had been partying for 3 days, I feel she would be exhausted and in need of sleep. I too feel that if it was me, I would be afraid of being alone in the trailor at night while Ron worked so I would stay in rather than venture out in the dark. The trailor is situated near a heavily wooded area. Maybe due to Misty's age she isn't fearful. It is possible that if Misty went out that night that whomever Misty was with is refusing to talk. I really don't know WHY Misty would want to go out Monday night. There are two suspects (one is a RSO) that lives near Haleigh who possibly could have taken Haleigh, Donald Sapp and Snodgrass. Last night, Dalton the psychic said Haleigh is gone but refused to say more. I would like to contact Gary S. and ask him to do a reading on Haleigh however I am hesitant until I know what he will charge me; he does not list prices on his website that I am aware of.
Haleigh MAY have had special needs related to her Turner's syndrome, and could have been a challenge for even an experienced parent. I don't know how fully her chromosomal abnormality was expressed.. I haven't seen photos of her with the webbed neck feature or the ear and eye features which are severe manifestations of the disorder. Hmm.
I wonder what her medical records look like.. It would be interesting to know if she was expected to need expensive HgH treatments, speech and occupational therapy, etc.

IF Haleigh had severe manifestations of Turner's, she may have been murdered because the cost of caring for her would have gotten higher and higher as she needed medical and ancillary help to develop. I don't know for sure, but IMO, to a young, immature drugged up couple, this certainly could add to motive.

When I first started "lurking" on Websleuths, this heartbreaking case was one of the first that caught my eye, and literally made me cry. First off, I know this has nothing to do with a theory, per say, but I noticed on the 1st Police Report (linked under the "Facts" thread) that Haleigh's sex was listed as "Male". That must have been a typo on the part of the transcriptionist, right? I also noticed Haleigh has Turner's Syndrome, a chromosomal abnormality that can result in heart and thyroid, among other health, problems.

Anyway, on with my theory. Like many of you, I, unfortunately, believe the sweet little girl is deceased. I am also (almost) positive that there was no "mysterious intruder" that came in and took her during the night. I believe that either a) there was an accident sometime within the night, perhaps caused by neglect (Misty was out partying) - perhaps Haleigh fell and hit her head, or something along those lines, and when Misty arrived home she panicked, knew there would be multiple party witnesses available to testify she was not home watching the kids, and thus that she would most likely be charged with neglect of some kind, perhaps even resulting in the death of a juvenile, and for that reason created the intruder story. My second theory (b) is that Misty WAS at home at the time of little Haleigh's demise. Perhaps Haleigh wouldn't go to sleep, or she wet the bed, or perhaps Misty had a "house guest" (hmmm) and Haleigh witnessed something Misty was afraid she'd reveal to Ron later, and for any of these reasons Misty "lost it" on Haleigh and the little girl died as a result of child abuse. Whether this was chronic, ongoing child abuse, and this particular night Misty just went too far, I really don't know. Has there been any documentation of longer term child abuse with these kids? Anyway, so those are my theories. Since Ron was at work, I don't think he had anything to do with it, although I think he now probably knows what happened, and/or that Misty may have even told him what happened even before the initial 911 call (hence Ron calling Misty a b$&*#, etc, during the call.) Why Ron hasn't come out with the truth yet is up for speculation. Perhaps because he initially lied, he is afraid to now tell the truth, knowing he'll be charged with aiding and abetting. Maybe he doesn't want to lose his other two children, and keep what remains of his family unit intact. Who knows, really?

And finally, as far as where sweet little Haleigh's body is, your guess is as good as mine. I do have some ideas as to what could have been done with her by Misty and perhaps one of Misty's closest friends or other boyfriends, but they are too terrible to even think about, much less write here. Unfortunately, I don't think her body will ever be found, and unless someone with inside information breaks down and confesses, a certain person/people will get away with this crime.
Haleigh MAY have had special needs related to her Turner's syndrome, and could have been a challenge for even an experienced parent. I don't know how fully her chromosomal abnormality was expressed.. I haven't seen photos of her with the webbed neck feature or the ear and eye features which are severe manifestations of the disorder. Hmm.
I wonder what her medical records look like.. It would be interesting to know if she was expected to need expensive HgH treatments, speech and occupational therapy, etc.

IF Haleigh had severe manifestations of Turner's, she may have been murdered because the cost of caring for her would have gotten higher and higher as she needed medical and ancillary help to develop. I don't know for sure, but IMO, to a young, immature drugged up couple, this certainly could add to motive.

The cost for the hormone replacement therapy is very minimal. We don't know about any heart conditions she may have, but nothing has been said about Haleigh missing any drug therapy, so chances are pretty good that it has not been a part of her care at this point. She would be eligible for SSI if she is having medical problems, I'll be shocked if the cost of medical care came into this case at all..

A concern for Haleigh as she matures will be behavior problems. Due to the Turners, Haleigh may not be able to "read social situations" very accurately. But most 5 y o aren't able to, so really until she gets a little older she probably acts like most 5 y o. If this is part of Haleigh's condition it would become more apparent as her peer group begins to mature in this area and Haleigh needs more assistance and patience. There are a few excellent posts in the very early days of this case, from parents and gparents of Turner girls.

Everyone has described Haleigh as a delightful child. In her pictures, her smile just runs all over her face. Somehow I would be surprised if the real problems with Haleigh, are Haleigh's fault.
Over the last 2 days I have read and watched the videos on this case and feel it is unfortunate that Ron Jr wasn't asked more about the events that went on that night in the home after the GGM left the house. Was there was a fight that night between Haleigh and Misty Croslin? The questions Ron Jr was asked in the interview with a reporter and Crystal, his bio mom, were biased IMO and rule out the possibility that Haleigh died from an accident that resulted from a blow by Misty. I believe Ron Jr is the key to cracking open this case since he too is one of the last persons who saw Haleigh in the home that night. Maybe one day he will be able to talk about the events that occurred in the home which are locked into his memory. Unfortunately, Ron Jr's age works to support MC's abduction theory. Perhaps if a play therapist spent some time with Ronnie Jr, he could reveal important details through drawings. I believe the abduction is a cover up and a printout of Misty's phone calls that night would reveal impt clues. When Meredith asked MC why her stories were inconsistent, she said she didn't know. I believe MC's inconsistencies prove she was involved in the crime. It could very well be that HC died after a blow to the head by Misty and Misty called her brother for help. This theory has been reported by psychics and phone records and a polygraph of her brothers hold impt clues. I'm sure if one of Misty's brothers was involved in disposing of HC's body, they would remain silent out of loyalty or they are in conflict about doing the right thing. I believe the reason Misty says she had to do washing that night is simply to place herself at the backdoor where she can claim with certainty that it was locked prior to her going to bed; yet there is no evidence to support that the back door was forced open. I believe Misty called her brother to help dispose of Haleigh's body and it could have been Misty's brother that Jr saw removing Haleigh's body from the trailor. It is possible that the brother concealed his face so Ron Jr couldn't identify him. Ron Jr does not say where Haleigh's body was when someone removed it from the trailor. Misty could have told Jr to stay in his bedroom after Haleigh was killed and Misty told him to say what he did to protect herself. If in fact HC died as a result of a fall caused by MC, perhaps the head injuries did not cause external bleeding, only internal damage and hence no blood was found in the trailer. I read the psychic reports on this site and they mention Haleigh's body was wrapped in a bed sheet which explains why there wasn't a bed sheet on her mattress. Misty says she has the pink shirt Haleigh was wearing when she went to bed which IMO has no relevance. I don't buy the allegation that a perp would remove her clothing; that makes no sense especially if Haleigh's body was wrapped in a bed sheet. One psychic reported that HC's body will be found when the water level goes down. It is truly amazing how there are so many different theories to this case. I believe the focus needs to remain on MC and her family members, the abduction theory is BS, and MC is pointing the finger at Joe to shift the blame from her. One psychic reported HC's body will be found by July 4th; however by that time they may not be able to determine the cause of death and MC will have gotten away with murder even tho it may have been accidental.
As much as I would like to believe this, it doesn't make sense. If it were true, the people involved would be in so much trouble, they would spend a lot of time in jail. LE has spent so much time and money investigating this case and looking for Haleigh; they would not look too kindly on such a situation. If someone decent had her, they would have owned up to it a long time ago.
I think this is the reason for the delay, I don't think they thought it through, and didn't realize how big it would become, and are scared now.
What kind of "nice person" steals a child in the middle of the night? Anyone?

As much as I would like to believe this, it doesn't make sense. If it were true, the people involved would be in so much trouble, they would spend a lot of time in jail. LE has spent so much time and money investigating this case and looking for Haleigh; they would not look too kindly on such a situation. If someone decent had her, they would have owned up to it a long time ago.
As hard as it is to believe, I might believe it in this case if there weren't so much side shows going on.

I still think MC (possibly RC, except for the "Wild Weekend" described) brought in some sort of drug that looked like candy, and Haleigh found them. RC was surprised that Jr was okay, possibly because he loves candy. Who doesn't?

HMMMM could the answer to this be as simple as Haleigh was in the bedroom watching one movie and JR in the living room watching another? She found the "candy" and ate it herself without telling anyone. And could the "candy" have been RC's and NOT MC's--hence the marriage etc. Kind of makes you wonder.
I think this is the reason for the delay, I don't think they thought it through, and didn't realize how big it would become, and are scared now.

I pray you are right... because that would mean Haleigh is alive and hopefully being taken care of properly. I do recall LE saying they have reason to believe she is alive, so there is a basis for this theory. But I cannot grasp the idea that someone did not realize that it would become a big deal, or that they would be too scared to come forward now. Or more importantly, that LE would not be able to track them down and find Haleigh. Hopefully... if this is the case, they will find her soon!!

HMMMM could the answer to this be as simple as Haleigh was in the bedroom watching one movie and JR in the living room watching another? She found the "candy" and ate it herself without telling anyone. And could the "candy" have been RC's and NOT MC's--hence the marriage etc. Kind of makes you wonder.

My theory is Haleigh is gone.... Ron C and Misty staged the kidnapping... Could be she accidentally got into some drugs that were in the MH, or some one gave her something, per Ron's orders...She could have even got caught up in the middle of an altercation between, Ron C and Misty or Ron C and someone else, but IMHO whatever it was or is that happened to Haleigh...Ron C is responsible...I do not believe she was abducted by anyone.
There is always the possibility that some stranger actually came into the mh during the night and took Haleigh from her bed. The chances of Haleigh being held alive are extremely low or zero if this is the case.

No one has cared to entertain the idea of a stranger abduction because of things said by PCSO about the case, Misty, and other details. However, PCSO could be absolutely wrong in their assessment of the case. It would not be the first time crucial clues were missed and the concentration on one person led LE down a dead end path.

Strangers really do sneak into homes, take their time inside, and steal little girls from their beds. We have at least 2 men within 2 hours of the area who have been charged for it: Reyes and Reynolds (both have threads here).
SeriouslySearching: I agree. Although stranger abductions are rare, we have seen too many instances where some monster did in fact enter the house undetected and stole a child in the middle of the night. This possibility can not be ruled out especially in light of the numbers of RSO's living all around this area of Satsuma.

I wonder how all of these RSO's ended up in Satsuma. Is there a government program to help them assimilate back into society? The concentration of RSO's has me perplexed. How did they all choose Satsuma?
Over the last 2 days I have read and watched the videos on this case and feel it is unfortunate that Ron Jr wasn't asked more about the events that went on that night in the home after the GGM left the house. Was there was a fight that night between Haleigh and Misty Croslin? The questions Ron Jr was asked in the interview with a reporter and Crystal, his bio mom, were biased IMO and rule out the possibility that Haleigh died from an accident that resulted from a blow by Misty. I believe Ron Jr is the key to cracking open this case since he too is one of the last persons who saw Haleigh in the home that night. Maybe one day he will be able to talk about the events that occurred in the home which are locked into his memory. Unfortunately, Ron Jr's age works to support MC's abduction theory. Perhaps if a play therapist spent some time with Ronnie Jr, he could reveal important details through drawings. I believe the abduction is a cover up and a printout of Misty's phone calls that night would reveal impt clues. When Meredith asked MC why her stories were inconsistent, she said she didn't know. I believe MC's inconsistencies prove she was involved in the crime. It could very well be that HC died after a blow to the head by Misty and Misty called her brother for help. This theory has been reported by psychics and phone records and a polygraph of her brothers hold impt clues. I'm sure if one of Misty's brothers was involved in disposing of HC's body, they would remain silent out of loyalty or they are in conflict about doing the right thing. I believe the reason Misty says she had to do washing that night is simply to place herself at the backdoor where she can claim with certainty that it was locked prior to her going to bed; yet there is no evidence to support that the back door was forced open. I believe Misty called her brother to help dispose of Haleigh's body and it could have been Misty's brother that Jr saw removing Haleigh's body from the trailor. It is possible that the brother concealed his face so Ron Jr couldn't identify him. Ron Jr does not say where Haleigh's body was when someone removed it from the trailor. Misty could have told Jr to stay in his bedroom after Haleigh was killed and Misty told him to say what he did to protect herself. If in fact HC died as a result of a fall caused by MC, perhaps the head injuries did not cause external bleeding, only internal damage and hence no blood was found in the trailer. I read the psychic reports on this site and they mention Haleigh's body was wrapped in a bed sheet which explains why there wasn't a bed sheet on her mattress. Misty says she has the pink shirt Haleigh was wearing when she went to bed which IMO has no relevance. I don't buy the allegation that a perp would remove her clothing; that makes no sense especially if Haleigh's body was wrapped in a bed sheet. One psychic reported that HC's body will be found when the water level goes down. It is truly amazing how there are so many different theories to this case. I believe the focus needs to remain on MC and her family members, the abduction theory is BS, and MC is pointing the finger at Joe to shift the blame from her. One psychic reported HC's body will be found by July 4th; however by that time they may not be able to determine the cause of death and MC will have gotten away with murder even tho it may have been accidental.

Bluesky, very interesting and believable theories on this case.
I too believe Misty is the key and that Ron Jr. knows more than is being revealed.
I am sorry to say that I think Haleigh isn't alive anymore. It's been such a long time. You comments about the shrinking water level is interesting. I have always thought her body was placed underwater somewhere nearby or further away.
I look at what we have gathered about this case via Misty and others and see that nothing adds up. If Haleigh was taken from the home, I believe Ron Jr. would be aware of it.
Your idea that Misty turned to her brother for helping in disposing of the body is very probable.
It's just terrible sad a little girl is gone and families will never be the same again.
SeriouslySearching: I agree. Although stranger abductions are rare, we have seen too many instances where some monster did in fact enter the house undetected and stole a child in the middle of the night. This possibility can not be ruled out especially in light of the numbers of RSO's living all around this area of Satsuma.

I wonder how all of these RSO's ended up in Satsuma. Is there a government program to help them assimilate back into society? The concentration of RSO's has me perplexed. How did they all choose Satsuma?


As of 2009, Satsuma (zip 32189)'s population is 6,377 people.

In Satsuma, there 82 hits from FL from (32189) .
Here is the link to the list.

The scary thing is, these are only the people in SATSUMA. And, these are only the ones who have been CAUGHT. How many people are out there that haven't been caught?

I just read this:
SATSUMA, FL -- Investigators say there are 44 sex offenders living within five miles of where Haleigh Cummings (special report) disappeared.

Makes me feel ill.
I have had many thoughts on this and how it could have happened.Maybe MC did do something to Haleigh by accident or on purpose.Did MC or some one said there was a fight between Haleigh and JR so MC put them in different rooms to watch different movies?Didn't MC's mom say there was no movie in the player.Maybe something happened possibly in the bedroom between MC and Haleigh and the movie was never put in to watch.was Haleighs pink shirt on the bottom of the laundry pile?Did some one try to hide her shirt and why?Maybe MC had a african american friend JR possibly saw take Haleigh out of the house.MC may have let some one or persons into the house.I think some one or some people are being very loyal to MC for something and are not saying anything.MC and RC fought before maybe she was getting back at RC and took it out or her anger on his kids.I agree little JR does hold the answers also about what happened that night.I don't know what happened.they need to do something though to find out.It has gone on way too long.
SeriouslySearching: I agree. Although stranger abductions are rare, we have seen too many instances where some monster did in fact enter the house undetected and stole a child in the middle of the night. This possibility can not be ruled out especially in light of the numbers of RSO's living all around this area of Satsuma.

I wonder how all of these RSO's ended up in Satsuma. Is there a government program to help them assimilate back into society? The concentration of RSO's has me perplexed. How did they all choose Satsuma?
With the location of schools etc., the population will grow on the fringes outside the areas where they are not allowed to live.

The real concern are the SOs who have absconded or who have not been caught yet.

I noticed in today's report of the round table meeting, LE have not completed the forensic tests on evidence they collected at the scene. No wonder they can't clear anyone or move forward in this case. :waitasec: Sheesh! All the theories in the world don't matter if they have no evidence to give them a real direction!
Just to see if that number of RSO's was unusally high, I did a search of the RSO's around my address. There are 4 within 1 mile. Scary enough. Within 5 miles there are 48. However, we are talking about a densely populated area here, nothing is rural or remote. About 10 are non-compliant.
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