Theories on what happened to Haleigh

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I must also amend my theories to reflect what seems to be an apparent abililty and willingness to "move on" (ie make plans such as a wedding, new home etc) so soon amidst these tragic unfolding events which seem suggestive to me of one of the following two scenarios:

Either one or both knows that Haleigh is not in any danger, thus naturally has no reason for concern about her safety or wellbeing being in jeopardy...

OR one or both knows Haleigh is not coming back and figures there is also therefore no point in waiting or putting off a future w/out her.

Of course we all hope and pray if anything it's the former, that Misty's apparent defiance is just an immature reaction to feeling on the defensive. Maybe it's her youth--or just me, expecting others to react the way in which I think I might under what are unimaginable circumstances... but would anyone else here agree that for whatever reason "we" seem to be advancing beyond hope of search, progressing past the grief stage and transitioning rather rapidly thru the Planning & Redevelopment, into the Building a New Life Together phase? JMO


The bolded part is the part I'm having a real problem with, KiKi. I know what it's like to have a family member missing. It has to be even worse when the family member is child. I just cannot comprehend how anyone can think of such things as a new home or a marriage. I just can't believe anyone could "progress past the grief stage" this fast. No, no. Even after I realized my sister was never coming back, I wasn't able to really get back to life until well after the trial. (TG for grandkids) That leads me back to wondering if they know Haleigh is OK. To me, it can only be that or all of this is somehow a way of trapping Misty. These are just my thoughts when my emotions kick in. I am just baffled by everything that has been going on. Thanks for the theory. I enjoy reading everyone's thoughts as I continue to try and put all the pieces together.
I think Ron and Misty share a secret - that Misty left the trailer around 10 and left the kids alone. She went to Ron's work to talk, or have dinner with him, had a blanket in the van to sit on. She came back around 2:20 and
1. either realized Haleigh was gone or
2. yelled at Haleigh and hurt her

Neither of them can admit to where Misty was - they would take the kids from them for being left alone.
I think Ron and Misty share a secret - that Misty left the trailer around 10 and left the kids alone. She went to Ron's work to talk, or have dinner with him, had a blanket in the van to sit on. She came back around 2:20 and
1. either realized Haleigh was gone or
2. yelled at Haleigh and hurt her

Neither of them can admit to where Misty was - they would take the kids from them for being left alone.

Whether they admit it or not, I think losing the kids is a real possibility right now.
I have already posted my theory and am still thinking that scenario. As more facts become known (ever so slowly), then we all will have to change what we think happened.

The only new development has been the outer door LE took late this afternoon. If a print had been lifted from that door, it would seem that LE might have taken it then, rather than now. Maybe the bottom of that door is very dented in the same areas that might indicate a cinder block placed at the door had been done repeatedly. I just cannot begin to imagine why that door was not taken earlier than today if there was any evidentiary value to it.

Right now I still think that it is Ronald and Misty that have the answers.
Here's a snip from an FBI publication that explains how all that extraneous information is viewed. This article is about 911 calls and homicide investigations, but the principle can be applied to any statement:

Thank you, Indigo. This is very informative and explains all of the extraneous information from Misty!
Whether they admit it or not, I think losing the kids is a real possibility right now.

Just trying to understand what you meant- do you think Ron and Misty losing the kids is a real possibility, or the parents in general losing the kids (to foster care, for instance) is a real possibility?
We were in Wedding Thread and got off track so I wanted to post this here in the event that someone was interested.

Why I don't think Misty is guilty.

From what I have read, heard from Crystal herself and their neighbor, Misty adored those kids. She took good care of them, played with them and by all of the above accounts she cared for them deeply.

We do not know what Misty has told LE however I do think she would've broken down by now if she was involved at all.

It may be a family member but I don't think for the reasons other people do. I think it was sexually motivated, period. If this is the case, I don't think the family knows anything about this persons deep rooted evil. They do tend to hide it well.

An unknown SO. There are so many in that area they could've been watching her since she moved in. A great oppurtunity happened when Ron went on nights. A young girl home alone with 2 young children. He could've been looking in the window many times getting their schedule, seeing the layout of the home. It wouldn't be that hard. I can name another case where the perp had never been in the house before but he managed to navigate to the little girls bedroom, leave no DNA and leave through a locked alarm door. Go figure. This, is what I think happened.
I think that Ron and Misty have had their own suspicions of who took Haleigh and why. Ron seemed certain right from the time of the 911 call that someone had taken her and I am guessing that it is someone from Misty's past. Perhaps the marriage is to send a message to the perpetrator.
We were in Wedding Thread and got off track so I wanted to post this here in the event that someone was interested.

Why I don't think Misty is guilty.

From what I have read, heard from Crystal herself and their neighbor, Misty adored those kids. She took good care of them, played with them and by all of the above accounts she cared for them deeply.

We do not know what Misty has told LE however I do think she would've broken down by now if she was involved at all.

It may be a family member but I don't think for the reasons other people do. I think it was sexually motivated, period. If this is the case, I don't think the family knows anything about this persons deep rooted evil. They do tend to hide it well.

An unknown SO. There are so many in that area they could've been watching her since she moved in. A great oppurtunity happened when Ron went on nights. A young girl home alone with 2 young children. He could've been looking in the window many times getting their schedule, seeing the layout of the home. It wouldn't be that hard. I can name another case where the perp had never been in the house before but he managed to navigate to the little girls bedroom, leave no DNA and leave through a locked alarm door. Go figure. This, is what I think happened.

Then what are your thoughts on how happy go lucky, Misty is acting right now? Why do you think she acts as if it's all ok now, and not horribly worried or sad, as she should be?

Just curious ...
The more I watch this unfold the more I think it is immediate family involved. I'm not sure what the reasons, but there are many as to why bio mom and Dad and GF would each have motive.

From an observation point I was watching bio mom's latest plea. She was squeezing tears the other day. Actually poor choice of words, NO TEARS, she was merely wiping the heck outof a dry face. Her motivation? A child that is alot to care for, she owes support and has a new daughter and life that she may have wanted to get on with. Or she wanted to get even with Ron and make him and MC look bad and prove the courts wrong for custody reasons.

As for Dad and GF, his initial reaction still bothers me. He was in a rage and sounded like he went into multiple personalities during the 911 calls. I know when you are distressed due to a missing child, you may do or sound like anything, but this was seemingly different. MC is his puppet and she would do anything for him. She is also young and maybe the responsibility of a child with problems was too much. that can go both ways, for Ron too. Perhaps he got home and lost his temper. The bed wetting incident and blanket is as strange as her changing beds and where they were sleeping story.

In the GRV interview he tells her to look into the camera, he directs the whole interview. She does too much explaining as to how she would never hurt the children and how much they love her. The gun and fight incident doesn't set right with me either, another possibility that they know more. If she was out it seems Ron would be so steaming mad at her, they'd be broke up now, not getting married. If indeed she was out, I have a feeling she may have been out many nights as a runner for Ron?

The cinder block was placed as a stage. I know someone said why stage it, I say you would have to stage something, somewhere if you are involved. Also not sure if there are life ins. policies on the children. Does Ron owe mucho money to shady characters? The dumpster hit is a big clue, somebody dropped something in there that was lefg behind before LE arrived.

Lots of questions, but whoever is responsible, knew the door makes a noise and the screen door swings. It is actually a ruse and not totally relevant to a quick escape, but it sounds feasible enough to turn LE's thought processes to an intruder theory.
These are my opinions right now, not really too sure about any of the players.
Do you ever wonder if we're being played though?I was thinking about it this morning,we were asked about Ronalds truck by someone here the morning right after we had seen it on the Today Show.We were asked if it was a new truck,so we're all like,oh my goodness,did he seriously get a new truck,too?Then that afternoon on the presser,Crystal is crying at the podium and goes and gets down on the ground right in front of his white truck.Was it to draw attention to the saying on the back window.She then has a chair pulled up to sit right in front of it,instead of where she was sitting in the crowd with everyone.I hope this isn't about custody.I felt sorry for her crying up there,but why the game afterwards?Come to find out it's a 1999 or so truck he's had.
I just care about Haleigh and Jr.This is all so very confusing with all of them.I just feel that a neutral person should have custody of Jr until this is all worked out with some truth.Then come to find out Chad isn't divorced and has to pay child support,also.Could someone have done this and they don't know about it,to help them out and it's gotten out of control?I just don't know.
Do you ever wonder if we're being played though?I was thinking about it this morning,we were asked about Ronalds truck by someone here the morning right after we had seen it on the Today Show.We were asked if it was a new truck,so we're all like,oh my goodness,did he seriously get a new truck,too?Then that afternoon on the presser,Crystal is crying at the podium and goes and gets down on the ground right in front of his white truck.Was it to draw attention to the saying on the back window.She then has a chair pulled up to sit right in front of it,instead of where she was sitting in the crowd with everyone.I hope this isn't about custody.I felt sorry for her crying up there,but why the game afterwards?Come to find out it's a 1999 or so truck he's had.
I just care about Haleigh and Jr.This is all so very confusing with all of them.I just feel that a neutral person should have custody of Jr until this is all worked out with some truth.Then come to find out Chad isn't divorced and has to pay child support,also.Could someone have done this and they don't know about it,to help them out and it's gotten out of control?I just don't know.

I do indeed feel we are being played - especially in the Parking Lot, and by both sides.
Then what are your thoughts on how happy go lucky, Misty is acting right now? Why do you think she acts as if it's all ok now, and not horribly worried or sad, as she should be?

Just curious ...

I do think Misty is sad however as so many of you have pointed out, she was Haleigh's mom. Actually I think she is the only person in this whole thing that is probably not putting on an act. I am not sure if she feels the "crushing" sadness that I would expect from Ron and Crystal. Maybe one of them should give her acting lessons.

Is she happy or relieved? Happy that she is getting married and relieved that she stated she passed the LDT? She was being taken in for questioning everyday. That hasn't happened lately. I tend to believe that she was cleared and they are satisfied with her answers.

Maybe LE did tell them something and they know where Haleigh is. Who knows with this case.

I still stick with it's someone that was watching her and the kids. He/she knew the routine and the layout of the home. The last case I saw this happen most people were SHOCKED that Westerfiedl could come through doors with alarms, KNOW where the girls bedroom was, WITH a dog in the house and take her out without anyone knowing UNTIL 6 hours later. If there is a way these SO will find it. Just odd that it happened AFTER Ron started working the night shift.

I really don't think it was Ron, Misty or Crystal and I don't think it's any one of them are responsible for this. I may have to eat crow but I will stand by what I think.
I also do not think it is Ron, Misty, or Crystal. I was thinking it was a family member who had Haleigh and was keeping her safe, but with each passing day I am leaning more and more to a predator.

No matter what Misty says she feels for those children, she does not have maternal feelings. She is more like a big sister. I know in my own personal case my children moved on faster then I did...much, much faster. Not to say they weren't grieving or hurting, but they bounced back faster then I did. So seeing Misty moving through her grief faster then a "mother" would does not surprise me at all.
I was feeling confident that LE knew more then they were saying and had a good handle on this case, but after todays search my confidence in that thought has dwindled.
I also do not think it is Ron, Misty, or Crystal. I was thinking it was a family member who had Haleigh and was keeping her safe, but with each passing day I am leaning more and more to a predator.

No matter what Misty says she feels for those children, she does not have maternal feelings. She is more like a big sister. I know in my own personal case my children moved on faster then I did...much, much faster. Not to say they weren't grieving or hurting, but they bounced back faster then I did. So seeing Misty moving through her grief faster then a "mother" would does not surprise me at all.
I was feeling confident that LE knew more then they were saying and had a good handle on this case, but after todays search my confidence in that thought has dwindled.


i dont agree with step mothers not have maternal feelings for there step children.

I raised my step son from the age of 6 and I was 18
Im just like my mother My step son lives 500 miles away and i can tell when when is sick or worried. I have freaked him out a few times by calling when he was sick
the night i got up and got dressed and waited by the phone when he was 16 I knew something was wrong just didnt know what
he called his car had cought on fire. I knew he was fine but he was scared

when is wife gave birth. I woke up about 2 am that morning and called the hospital and she was in labor. I heard my step son in the back ground I guess i cant get out of saying im not scared

I could not love my step son anymore then i love my own son

I dont think ronald or misty had anything to do with is
I just dont have enough info on crystal whereabouts on the night she went missing
we need alot more info before anybody can say anybody is involved

I hope she is with family somewhere and safe
I do think Misty is sad however as so many of you have pointed out, she was Haleigh's mom. Actually I think she is the only person in this whole thing that is probably not putting on an act. I am not sure if she feels the "crushing" sadness that I would expect from Ron and Crystal. Maybe one of them should give her acting lessons.

Is she happy or relieved? Happy that she is getting married and relieved that she stated she passed the LDT? She was being taken in for questioning everyday. That hasn't happened lately. I tend to believe that she was cleared and they are satisfied with her answers.

Maybe LE did tell them something and they know where Haleigh is. Who knows with this case.

I still stick with it's someone that was watching her and the kids. He/she knew the routine and the layout of the home. The last case I saw this happen most people were SHOCKED that Westerfiedl could come through doors with alarms, KNOW where the girls bedroom was, WITH a dog in the house and take her out without anyone knowing UNTIL 6 hours later. If there is a way these SO will find it. Just odd that it happened AFTER Ron started working the night shift.

I really don't think it was Ron, Misty or Crystal and I don't think it's any one of them are responsible for this. I may have to eat crow but I will stand by what I think.

I agree and I think that we are not looking at obvious SO. I too will eat crow with you and give up Starbuck. I think Ron and misty and crystal are very young but i don't think they are involve. I not sure about this wedding what so urgent. Misty is 17 she kid.

i dont agree with step mothers not have maternal feelings for there step children.

I raised my step son from the age of 6 and I was 18
Im just like my mother My step son lives 500 miles away and i can tell when when is sick or worried. I have freaked him out a few times by calling when he was sick
the night i got up and got dressed and waited by the phone when he was 16 I knew something was wrong just didnt know what
he called his car had cought on fire. I knew he was fine but he was scared

when is wife gave birth. I woke up about 2 am that morning and called the hospital and she was in labor. I heard my step son in the back ground I guess i cant get out of saying im not scared

I could not love my step son anymore then i love my own son

I dont think ronald or misty had anything to do with is
I just dont have enough info on crystal whereabouts on the night she went missing
we need alot more info before anybody can say anybody is involved

I hope she is with family somewhere and safe

I am not saying that step-moms can't be maternal and love their step-children as their own. But we are talking Misty here. She has been on the street pretty much through her teenage years. She has not exactly had a mother teaching her how to be a "mother". She let a known sexual predator near the children, she had no clue what she put the child to bed wearing. Sorry those are not "motherly" things imo. While I don't believe Misty had anything to do with Haleighs disappearance, I do not believe she had motherly instincts towards the children.

For the record some of the best moms in the world are step-moms....but reality is at 17 it is hard for a girl to be a mom for her own child....much less a mom for somebody elses. JMO
I am not saying that step-moms can't be maternal and love their step-children as their own. But we are talking Misty here. She has been on the street pretty much through her teenage years. She has not exactly had a mother teaching her how to be a "mother". She let a known sexual predator near the children, she had no clue what she put the child to bed wearing. Sorry those are not "motherly" things imo. While I don't believe Misty had anything to do with Haleighs disappearance, I do not believe she had motherly instincts towards the children.

For the record some of the best moms in the world are step-moms....but reality is at 17 it is hard for a girl to be a mom for her own child....much less a mom for somebody elses. JMO

I just a few months older then misty
If i was 17 it would of not happend
My parents was very strick
they liked my now husband

I hope misty got the same speech i did when i moved in with my now husband

that boy becomes your responsibly too, the kids comes first
yes, my mom thought i was too young but they knew my now husband and they knew he was good man and still is a good man
that what i was told by my mother

yes when things got rough i had to help with child support before my husband got full custody
he was my responsibility too.
I really don't think Misty has any idea "what" happened to Haleigh because she was wasted out of her head. Whoever took Haleigh knew Misty was out of it. I really don't believe someone just broke into the home and took her with Misty only sleeping and just a few feet or inches from her. Who ever took her knew Misty would not wake up. I can't explain why whoever took Haleigh didn't just use the front door unless it's because they just didn't want to be seen by neighbors or unless they carried a passed out Misty into the house from their auto. Maybe they pulled up to the side/back door since you'd be able to pull closer to the door there. Probably propped the door before carrying passed out Misty in. Put Misty on the bed or wherever and took Haleigh. Out the door they went and never looked back. Listening to the 911 call Misty sounded really groggy and like she was in a fog, possibly still high or drunk. My thought is she was high. I'm thinking she put the kids to bed, went out and partied and maybe got a little too wasted. Friends brought her home, she crashed and they took Haleigh or after they left someone else took Haleigh.

This is pretty much what I feel happened too also.I feel some of the inconsistencies she said are because she honestly doesn't remember how things happened.I do feel she was wacked out and strung out on drugs and never woke up.I feel some one from the party she said she did not go to kidnapped Haleigh at some point that night or some one came in and kidnapped Haleigh while she was gone and when misty got back she never even realised Haleigh was gone because she was too waisted.
How about some theories on where each possible suspect would have hidden Haleigh?

That is the $24 Million Question here, imo. I also think it is what is holding up law enforcement.
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