Theories on what happened to Haleigh

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Ok - my theory. This can be easily disproved if only LE would release whether dad was at work and at what times the night in question. Since LE has not done this - I'm still going with this.

Keep in mind the verbal abuse dad projected toward MC on the 911 call and police report. Also, I take RC's actions that night - just a tad over the top - he is ANGRY, very angry - not upset, not confused, nope just very very angry. And I also don't think that anger is because she (HC) is missing.

Ok - here goes.

Dad has had suspcions that MC is leaving the kids alone at night. He's new to this shift so there has been no "routine" of MC staying home alone at night with the kids. Either friends or "associates" have told RC that they heard or seen her out when she is supposed to be home.

This could be rumor or truth - so I'll throw it in here. If RC had just "found" MC after a 3 day binge he could be even more worried about her NOT being there and possibly even being with "another man". More fuel for the fire.

Dad leaves work early - maybe not too early - let's say 1 - 1:30. Sure 'nuff he gets there and no MC. Haleigh wakes up. Dad is seeing red - he has anger issues and control issues. Haleigh begins to defend MC - saying "she's never gone long or she always comes right back - I'm a big girl - I can watch out for Jr." Dad is really loosing it now. He "throws something" or turns to "punch the wall" (as we all know some controling men like to do) - either way he "strikes out" - accidentally hits Haleigh or she gets in the way or whatever. Hits her head or whatever and is gone.

Dad is over the top now - running on pure adrenline. He loads up HC (now this could be in car or this "john boat" that LE impounded on day 1). I'm thinking he put her in the car and drove to the end of the road - where the pond is - probably where the boat was as well. And he "disposes". He also "stages" the door - just in case MC does come back home before him.

Time now - around 2 - 2:15. He gets back in car. Drives around - tries to calm down a little. He drives home at the regular time - or maybe when MC calls him telling him HC is missing - we still don't know the phone situation.

Now - he's home. He's angry. He's over the top - and (he thinks) rightfully so because his daughter is missing. I thought it was just too much - threatening to kill whoever took her - why was he SO SURE she was taken? Unless he knew.

MC doesn't know squat. She wasn't there - or maybe she did come home while RC was out and found "a bloody blanket" and washed it? Scared out of her mind - she doesn't know what to do.

RC can't fess up to knowing MC wasn't there - cause that would blow his cover. MC can't fess up about not being there cause that would blow her cover.

Now with all these conflicting stories coming out about MC - why is RC still so "lovey dovey" with her? Walking arm in arm - having mom (TN) come on TV defending her. Its because he believes the focus is on MC and he'll be off the hook.

Meanwhile, LE is slowly piecing the puzzle together. Dad's work time - talks with co workers that night - maybe that "nosy" landlady that surfaced yesterday "saw" some things - either in the past or that night. Anonymous tips maybe being called in that MC was at such and such's drinkin' and partyin'.

I think LE is feverishly searching for lil HC's body. And I think they're getting close. They have to remain quiet because once they arrest or even announce a POI or suspect all he77 is going to break loose in that town.

Until I hear from LE about when RC was at work that night and what time he left, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

I think your theory is consistent with the words and behavior that has been observed. TYVM for your post. You pieced it together very well imo.
I will say that years ago I worked in an office for a company and we found out that some of the guys would leave the building and no one was the wiser. One guy it turned out went home every night for a nap and then would come back. It was almost funny. It all depends on if you have a way to slip off without anyone realizing it. It was always assumed he was just somewhere else in the plant. He was home asleep.
“What he(Junior) stated to his mother(Crystal) was that he saw a black man in black clothing take Haleigh…she asked him, if you were asleep Junior how could you have seen that if you were asleep? And he said well I woke up because had squeaky shoes…and the couch was bouncing,” said Picazio.

Junior's story is either hokie or is being made sound hokie. Personally I don't like it - but it has raised the 'where was he sleeping' question, especially after Misty got that all confused again - with her latest interview.

If he is reporting on the movement of the sofa - it could be assumed he was sleeping on the sofa. I don't think we are at all clear as to where these children were sleeping yet and at what times, etc.

Hopefully Ronald and Misty will stop talking to the Press - then at least the media can't mess up their statements more than they have .... and they- the media has mis-reported stuff .... basically whatever the media wishes to mis-report, etc.. When you have mis-reporting on mis-speaks .. ugh!!

I am going with the trend that most likely the lifestyle and associates of Ronald Cummings left the door open, so to speak, for this to happen to Haleigh. (Misty was an associate before being his wife)

I don't think there will be any arrests made in this case.jmo
When this story first broke we were told that RC came home after 3:00am and found his daughter missing. He woke Misty from a deep sleep to find out what was going on.

My how things change and twist up! What a shame we don't have reliable journalists anymore. The papers starting going downhill by 1990. I remember calling a reporter and asking a specific question and why don't you know. You were there near the scene....the body was found..Why can't you say if she was wearing a white shirt? Not one person could answer the question and the body was found???? She told me that the police don't talk to reporters anymore so they just grab info off the AP and run with it. It may not be correct but that is what they do. They make no calls and they verify nothing.....they just report what someone else has said or written.

It is a shame what has happened to American Journalism!
When this story first broke we were told that RC came home after 3:00am and found his daughter missing. He woke Misty from a deep sleep to find out what was going on.

My how things change and twist up! What a shame we don't have reliable journalists anymore. The papers starting going downhill by 1990. I remember calling a reporter and asking a specific question and why don't you know. You were there near the scene....the body was found..Why can't you say if she was wearing a white shirt? Not one person could answer the question and the body was found???? She told me that the police don't talk to reporters anymore so they just grab info off the AP and run with it. It may not be correct but that is what they do. They make no calls and they verify nothing.....they just report what someone else has said or written.

It is a shame what has happened to American Journalism!

The first report I heard was "the babysitter heard a loud noise that woke her up at 3:00 AM and she discovered 5 yr old Haleigh was missing."

I agree with you about journalism.

It reminds me of that old saying...

"Don't believe anything you read or hear and half of what you see."

As far as what happened to Haleigh .... obviously at least one of the doors was left unlocked. Maybe with their routine being disturbed by the ac man, they thought they locked the door but didn't.
If RC was on a 10 hour shift like stated, he would have already left for work when the ac man showed up at 5:00 PM.

This case is too easy to pin it on Misty. All I keep thinking about is the high numbers of sex offenders living in the immediate area of the home.

We need a motive thread. IMO

I have a question that just keeps bugging me. If RC or MC had anything to do with it or covering something up in any way then why would they insist that the back door was always locked? Why not let it be assumed that perhaps it had gotten left open and someone could have gotten in? It makes it harder to believe someone else is involved if you say there was no forced entry. That has always bugged me. I guess it could be that it was a known fact by others that the door was always locked or only MC was involved and RC knows the door is to be kept locked. Just wondering.

That door sounds like it is a pain in the arse. We know they moved into this trailer on Jan. 1. Haleigh was taken 40 days later. They have stated it was dificult to shut and open (correct me if I am wrong) and that he rarely went out the back door. So...... with this in mind I would argue the fact that said AC repair man would be so uncurtius to not use the door he came in from. To prop the door and leave it that way and not lock the door would be cause for me to be pissed (personally if it were me and my home.)Why would AC guy prop the door? Next we have Misty washing clothes in the same area. Would she not of noticed door even open slightly? (remember it is hard to close)Would she go climb in bed with said door ajar and unlocked? MOO :D
I am still going with the theory that Ron harmed Haliegh and he dispose of her body far from where the trailer was where he lived. He did all this earlier and forced Misty to go along with his story or he would harm her to. I feel she is scared to death of Ron.

As far as others seening Haliegh earlier that evening she vanished is just hog wash and no one seen her at all that day, but it was the day before her disappearance she was seen.
She was at school on Monday, according to her attendance records.
I am still going with the theory that Ron harmed Haliegh and he dispose of her body far from where the trailer was where he lived. He did all this earlier and forced Misty to go along with his story or he would harm her to. I feel she is scared to death of Ron.

As far as others seening Haliegh earlier that evening she vanished is just hog wash and no one seen her at all that day, but it was the day before her disappearance she was seen.

With all respect SissyPo, IMOO your theory ignores all the truths that have been revealed to us from LE. :angel:
Something bothered me last night after seeing NG and the new photos. It's been a week since the original "school fall" photos came out and now we have "new ones". I think someone connected with TN has Haleigh and she knows it.

The new photos are new bruises from "another fall." I don't know of any camera that most people would own that the date is not set manually,.
Sorry if you all disagree with me. But he could have picked her up from school and then harmed her.....
It seems like this just keeps getting closer and closer to having actually seen Haleigh, even as it's pushed farther and farther ahead in time... like I'm gonna take their word. And it annoys me not becuz I really even believe dad's responsible but because it p*s me off a family might stick together like white on rice and even stretch the truth when a CHILD is MISSING. This whole drive-by-laundry-service-but-I-happened-to-see-Haleigh-eating-outside-on-the-porch-in-um-40-degree-weather-at-oh-yea-it-was-closer-to-8:00pm-but-still-before-watching-movies-on-a-school-night thing... Sorry call me crazy, but I'm just not feelin it. JMO


I agree. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the story of GGma dropping some clothes by and seeing both children did not come out until several days, maybe a week later. Now, granted... in times of crisis, people can forget little details. BUT didn't TN say that she was there within minutes that night? I assume LE would ask who might have seen Haleigh that evening besides Misty... so why didn't she offer this information right then? Why wait a week and then say..."Oh, yes... now I remember...!"
I don't want to accuse anyone in either family of lying or deliberately trying to mislead LE, but I don't trust people whose stories keep changing.
And... I admit to being a clock watcher, but when I go to visit somebody, I know what time it was, within a few minutes... not an hour's difference. Just a habit of mine.
OK. This is my theory: Ron comes home early (before 3 a.m.) because Misty has called him ranting and raving about how she is sick and tired of constantly cleaning up after Haleigh wets the bed. That night Misty has had to wash the bed clothes and also wash Haleigh in the bathtub. That's why why she was doing the laundry that night and that's why the pink pajama top was in the dirty clothes pile.

Either Misty or Ron lost it and possibly drowned Haleigh in the bath tub. One of them then panicked and took her out in the van, drove deep into the woods (thus the scratch on the van) and disposed of the body.

They put the block at the backdoor to stage a possible kidnapping scenario.

I think they are in it together. Ron's rage during the 911 call sounds fake to me. Their marriage at a time like this is suspicious too. I don't believe Ron's lies to Cobra about keeping his enemy close, etc. He seems like the type of man that would not put up with his woman cheating on him....

Just my thoughts!
I think that whoever took Haleigh sat over in that place across the way that someone had made a chair to sit the woods I believe...and just watched the comings and goings of the Cummings family. They would have known when the family went to bed and when Ron went and came home from work. I don't think it had anything to do with getting revenge...Ron...for some drug deal gone bad. LE can have questioned the SO's in the town but that doesn't mean that they were told the truth. I wonder if LE went into the homes of the SO's and looked everywhere?

I think it was either a SO who took her or Crystal's stepbrother/boyfriend and Crystal may or may not be involved. This man was going to have to pay $4,000 of his hard earned money for back support for Haleigh and I would like to know how he felt about that. Crystal doesn't work so he would have had to pay it for her. It sounds like he has kids and we know they have a baby together. I wonder how he felt about her two kids. Or he went in and took Haleigh and they have her somewhere for now. She is trying to get RJ and if she does and they have Haleigh stashed somewhere they won't stay in Florida long after the custody is final.

I can't think of anyone else besides a SO or Crystal and her boyfriend or just her boyfriend who even have a motive to take that little girl. Time keeps flowing by and there is no sign of Haleigh anywhere. Are we ever going to know what happened to her?
OK. This is my theory: Ron comes home early (before 3 a.m.) because Misty has called him ranting and raving about how she is sick and tired of constantly cleaning up after Haleigh wets the bed. That night Misty has had to wash the bed clothes and also wash Haleigh in the bathtub. That's why why she was doing the laundry that night and that's why the pink pajama top was in the dirty clothes pile.

Either Misty or Ron lost it and possibly drowned Haleigh in the bath tub. One of them then panicked and took her out in the van, drove deep into the woods (thus the scratch on the van) and disposed of the body.

They put the block at the backdoor to stage a possible kidnapping scenario.

I think they are in it together. Ron's rage during the 911 call sounds fake to me. Their marriage at a time like this is suspicious too. I don't believe Ron's lies to Cobra about keeping his enemy close, etc. He seems like the type of man that would not put up with his woman cheating on him....

Just my thoughts!

Hi Seeker, One thing that sits in my mind is that Misty said she was very tired that night as she had a busy week. Any cleaning or laundry she said she did that evening IMO would have been done out of necessity.

It just rings as suspicious to me.

I think if Haleigh died that night she was moved out of the mobile home real soon. I haven't read if the cadaver dog was taken to the home, and we never heard of a hit there. That means if this happened, the body was removed before an hour and a half after death.

I hope Haleigh is alive too but am just taking a look at everything we have learned so far. xox
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