Theories on what happened to Haleigh

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I think Misty was partying w/Dan S and others at DS's house. I think DS went and got Haleigh. He knew where Misty was so no need to worry about turning on lights, etc. He carried her off to his waiting vehicle by the railroad tracks.

Misty came home and Haleigh was gone. Misty is now refusing to tell the truth because she knows she is somewhat responsible.


Actually - I guess this doesn't work. DS was not in Haleigh's area that night, according to LE. So maybe Misty took them with her? Maybe the cousin picked her up in the van that was not parked right? The kids were in the van and DS snatched Haleigh from the van? Hmmmmm.....

I wish we had some kind of graphic/map that would show us the range of DS's ankle bracelet...Something like the ping maps of KC's cell phone...Then we could understand EXACTLY how far he is allowed to move around from his home address.I forgot about that pesky ankle bracelet...that blows part of my water theory!!

Do you think D.Casey has really inserted his vile self in this case...Or do you think it is just an AnFL rumor? AT this point I'm not sure who or what to believe!

PS..I'm wondering if all RSO's have to wear an ankle bracelet FOREVER? Also, the FDLE web site lists some people as Sexual Predators! What is the difference in SP, RSO & SO. Guess I'd better research that tomorrow!
I'm not 100% positive how things work in FL, but where I am from, Crystal would still be responsible for Haleigh's support at this moment. There is no evidence (thank goodness) that she is no longer alive. I have no idea how long these payments would be required, but for now, it hasn't been THAT long, and there is still some hope that Haleigh will come home. She can't just stop paying support without a court order to that effect. (Again, I'm not sure how it would work in FL).

If she were to get custody of Jr, she would no longer have to pay child support, and yes, Ron would have to pay HER support. HOWEVER, she would still be responsible for any and all back support she owed. She would also be responsible for back support even if God forbid something has happened to Haleigh.

At this point, Crystal's attorney is still saying there is no custody case. (I saw Crystal and her attorney on the GR show this evening and they denied a custody case - still. IMO, they are waiting to see what the DCF investigation yields.)

Hi Atherella, I think what Crystal would have to do to have her child support legally stop is #1 have the custody of Jr awarded to her and #2 have Haleigh be made a Ward of the Court to protect her rights while she is missing.

Her attorney could then include in these matters a disillusion of the monthly child support payments.

It isi the only way I can think of, as right now I think she Crystal is legally bound to make these payments.

Within days of Madeleine McCann going missing her parents went to court and had her made a Ward of the Court since she was missing. It must solve lots of problems with the uncertain status of life or death of the child and could relate to all kinds of legal matters that could come up in the future.

Takes the parents off the hook so to speak. xox

IF Misty did not care for Haleigh as much as she says she did and actually hated the child, she could have staged the abduction and asked someone (cousin, friend) to come in during the night and take the child away. There are many "odd" players in this case and I am sure you could find one to "pay" with money, sex or drugs that would do the dirty deed.
Ive seen the resent and hatred towards a child first hand. I was 21 when the mother of my first daughter and I split up. I had started dating an 18 yr old woman shortly thereafter. This woman was terrible with my daughter, mean and hateful to her, when the three of us were together she as a good as gold to my daughter, when I wasnt around was a different story. She had told one of her friends that she wished the bio mom would just run off and disappear with the little **** so she didnt have to deal with her anymore. Needless to say she didnt last 5 minutes in my house after the friend called me to give me the heads up.

In short its perfectly plauseable that this young girl was jealous of Haleigh and in fact had something to do with her disappearance whether directly or indirectly.
The more I meditate on this case, the more I believe the blanket covering the window was taken down and placed over Haleigh so she could be carried through the livingroom without Jr noticing. Misty could have carried her easily - Jr would think it was laundry.
I have been seriously studying the dog tracking in this case, and I'm really "bumfuzzled."

The most puzzling part IMO, is why the abductor made that loop around Buchanan Circle. If you look at the dog trailing map in post #4 in the Photos/Map Images thread you can see the route I'm referring to.

If someone abducted Haleigh you would think they would want to skeedaddle outta there and head straight out on Tyler. Why then did they turn left onto Monroe, and then circle around Buchanan back to Monroe and then out Tyler?

I think there are a couple of possible scenarios.

1) The abductor really wasn't that familiar with that neighborhood and possibly thought he could get out of there by going north on Monroe.

2) The abductor resides on Buchanan.

3) The abductor's vehicle was parked on Buchanan. (there is a vacant lot & long secluded drive to a dock to the river at the first curve on Buchanan.)
The more I meditate on this case, the more I believe the blanket covering the window was taken down and placed over Haleigh so she could be carried through the livingroom without Jr noticing. Misty could have carried her easily - Jr would think it was laundry.
The only problem I see with direct involvement by Misty is how could she possibly not show deception during a polygraph when asked if she had anything to do with Haleigh's disappearance? And, if she did show deception, wouldn't LE have said more than she's "inconsistent"? I do think it's possible for her to harm Haleigh; just can't see how she could fool LE. MOO
txsleuth said:
I have been seriously studying the dog tracking in this case, and I'm really "bumfuzzled."

The most puzzling part IMO, is why the abductor made that loop around Buchanan Circle. If you look at the dog trailing map in post #4 in the Photos/Map Images thread you can see the route I'm referring to.

If someone abducted Haleigh you would think they would want to skeedaddle outta there and head straight out on Tyler. Why then did they turn left onto Monroe, and then circle around Buchanan back to Monroe and then out Tyler?

I think there are a couple of possible scenarios.

1) The abductor really wasn't that familiar with that neighborhood and possibly thought he could get out of there by going north on Monroe.

2) The abductor resides on Buchanan.

3) The abductor's vehicle was parked on Buchanan. (there is a vacant lot & long secluded drive to a dock to the river at the first curve on Buchanan.)

txsleuth... am bumping my former post #663 (on 3/17) in response to your's. Yes, while possible alternative explanations may be offered for other portions of route that dog's tracked Haleigh--her walk to and from bus along Tyler, and perhaps a portion of the route in blue could be accounted for by walk to outbuilding or pond w Misty, nephews or neighbors--as I said there is no known reason for Haleigh to have traveled to Buchanan via Monroe St. None. Exactly as I've been asking, WTH WAS SHE DOING ALL THE WAY UP THERE? Omg you're gonna get me virtually touring w the google streetview again... JMO


JWG's map tells us alot!! If we eliminate the section of the dog's route along Tyler between Monroe St. and Buffalo Bluffs--the path that Haleigh would have traveled to and from bus stop earlier that day--we are left w a short, circuitous route, consistent w sequence of movement I too would suspect had someone first lured Haleigh toward outbuilding eg, then taken her in direction of Buchanan Cir. Actually if we attribute even this first loop instead to possible route children may have walked earlier eg (w Misty, her nephews, or the neighbor's children), it leaves us w an even shorter more direct route still that perp could've taken Haleigh--straight in the direction of Buchanan. Bearing in mind that what appears on the map to not be connected--the woods between there and Buchanan--is in actuality a very short distance which if walking could have served as a short-cut (esp by someone who owned or was familiar w these properties) providing a secluded temporary drop-off point and in turn pick-up site as you say once perp secured vehicle for concealing and transporting her from there. Last nite I did 'virtual tour' via drivable route along Buchanan (using 'street view' of google's driving route). It gives us non-locals a feel for area and a bird's eye view of some of the properties. Going to now try re-routing "Walking" directions, but of course it's never as good as actually being there, to see the layout of the land along the short distance between the two neighborhoods. "kiki"
In google street view, you'll note that all the mailboxes are at the street edge on posts, and are of course, about the height of the scratch on the blue van. I'd be curious to know if law enforcement looked at all the mailboxes around there.

Also, in google street view, the stop sign where Buchanan curves back around to Monroe is leaning over and appears people take a really sharp turn there.
I posted this on the Misti thread but everyone is on the rumor thread anymore so I'll post it again here under theories. Could Misti be obsessed with some children and have had Haleigh taken because she thinks she loves her so much? Misti could have been planning on leaving Ron for good (not just the weekend) and wanted to take Haleigh with her. Maybe even because she though he was going to break up with her. She's already told the ex that she'd get her man and her baby, called Haleigh MY baby and said she wanted to stay with her instead of seeing her real Mom. She said Haleigh wanted to be with HER, didn't even mention Ron. Just a thought and possible theory to add to the other poster's jealousy theory.

JACKSONVILLE, FL -- The fear Haleigh Cummings’ family is dealing with is the same thing two Jacksonville families felt four years ago. It was on February 10, 2005 that two boys, Mark Degner and Bryan Hayes, vanished after leaving Paxon Middle School.

I have found it very interesting,to say the least,of the connection of Haleigh and Caylee.As I've mentioned numerous times,I can't seem to forget it.
bd 8/17 8/9
Haleigh taken hours before Caylee's Memorial.If a person was a serial/copykat or an individual just looking for attention,they can repeat from others or start thier own sick pattern.Four years to the day of the missing boys,and you have a close proximity to Satsuma.I believe we're 95% sure what happened with Caylee,but it's very odd about the timing of Haliegh's disappearance to both of the other cases.
I posted this on the Misti thread but everyone is on the rumor thread anymore so I'll post it again here under theories. Could Misti be obsessed with some children and have had Haleigh taken because she thinks she loves her so much? Misti could have been planning on leaving Ron for good (not just the weekend) and wanted to take Haleigh with her. Maybe even because she though he was going to break up with her. She's already told the ex that she'd get her man and her baby, called Haleigh MY baby and said she wanted to stay with her instead of seeing her real Mom. She said Haleigh wanted to be with HER, didn't even mention Ron. Just a thought and possible theory to add to the other poster's jealousy theory.

I know the feeling,kind of feels like lonely little ducks in here,doesn't it sometimes?:blowkiss:
You know,I've not thought of it this way before,she does talk about her like she was her little sister.Maybe she didn't think Ronald was going to marry her or being so young,not imagining it would be this nationwide media event.Maybe she was going to move to Tennessee.Teens think of running away and not the consequences or see past thier right now moment in time.
I think something happened to Haleigh under Misty's care.
Misty "bricked" the door and mentions Joe used to do the same to divert attention.
Ron protects Joe because there is drugs involved - possibly why Joe was visiting and then took off as soon as LE was around Ron's house looking for Haleigh.
Ron thinks if he protects Joe, Joe will not tell about Ron's drug activity and possibly more violent activity that both may have been a part of.
Ron is in denial and decides it is better not to know. He is somewhat relieved that Haleigh is gone since she was a handful though he does love her.
Ron marries Misty to keep her close - she knows about illegal activity and possibly violent doings. He feels if he protects her - by not wanting to know the truth - he will never have to say anything bad about her and she will not turn on him.
So the two of them live in married bliss now, with an unspoken secret between them. Joe is not involved - Misty would not point at him if he had done anything since he could point right back at her.
Misty acted alone or with the help of a very close friend or family member. A family member would not snitch. A close friend would eventually talk but would incriminate him or herself. If Misty acted alone and Ron never questions her, she will never admit it.
If she sought help - it was from someone close by, related or that has intimate ties to Misty.
At the present time, I'm inlcined to believe Haleigh was either given some type of drug to make her go to sleep or accidentally got into the drugs that Ron and Misty kept in that trailer... She OD...They staged an abduction to cover Ron's rear-end due to the fact Ron and Misty were BOTH into dealing and selling drugs BIG TIME. He is the adult and would be the one held responsible and nailed to the cross for neglect and having illegal drugs in that trailer...
No way would he or his family be covering for Misty if they thought she was the one responsible , but they would ALL rally around and cover for Ron to keep his rear out of jail...Sad that their lifestyle and mind-set would lead ALL of them to protect the villian rather than an innocent child...JMHO...
I think Misty was partying w/Dan S and others at DS's house. I think DS went and got Haleigh. He knew where Misty was so no need to worry about turning on lights, etc. He carried her off to his waiting vehicle by the railroad tracks.

Misty came home and Haleigh was gone. Misty is now refusing to tell the truth because she knows she is somewhat responsible.


Actually - I guess this doesn't work. DS was not in Haleigh's area that night, according to LE. So maybe Misty took them with her? Maybe the cousin picked her up in the van that was not parked right? The kids were in the van and DS snatched Haleigh from the van? Hmmmmm.....

Who is Dan S? I looked in the "players" thread and can't find the guy.
I think something happened to Haleigh under Misty's care.
Misty "bricked" the door and mentions Joe used to do the same to divert attention.
Ron protects Joe because there is drugs involved - possibly why Joe was visiting and then took off as soon as LE was around Ron's house looking for Haleigh.
Ron thinks if he protects Joe, Joe will not tell about Ron's drug activity and possibly more violent activity that both may have been a part of.
Ron is in denial and decides it is better not to know. He is somewhat relieved that Haleigh is gone since she was a handful though he does love her.
Ron marries Misty to keep her close - she knows about illegal activity and possibly violent doings. He feels if he protects her - by not wanting to know the truth - he will never have to say anything bad about her and she will not turn on him.
So the two of them live in married bliss now, with an unspoken secret between them. Joe is not involved - Misty would not point at him if he had done anything since he could point right back at her.
Misty acted alone or with the help of a very close friend or family member. A family member would not snitch. A close friend would eventually talk but would incriminate him or herself. If Misty acted alone and Ron never questions her, she will never admit it.
If she sought help - it was from someone close by, related or that has intimate ties to Misty.

I like your theory that RC is trying to keep people hush hush about his drug activity. I really feel a lot of RC and MC's shiftiness is due to things they have to hide, but not related to Haleigh's disappearance. Unfortunatey, RC, MC and CS all have tattered histories, which muddies the case.

Is Joe the cousin from Tennessee that may have messed with MC in the past? I'm suspicious of him, and the others that were in the house earlier that day. I know LE has questioned these people, but perhaps they haven't been thorough. As we saw with Caylee, LE "searched" the woods where her remains were eventually found.
I was five when my Dad and Stepmom got married.She raised us,was awesome and I couldn't imagine a better mother.She couldn't be more loved.Just because a person is a stepmom,doesn't mean they're not able to love the children they raise.I think Misty was more like a big sister,hadn't known Haleigh that long,but pictures of her with her families' siblings,does show she loves kids.I don't know what's wrong with the girl,teenager,knows where Haleigh is,whatever.I don't think she harmed Haleigh,I can't explain the girl,though.
In google street view, you'll note that all the mailboxes are at the street edge on posts, and are of course, about the height of the scratch on the blue van. I'd be curious to know if law enforcement looked at all the mailboxes around there.

Also, in google street view, the stop sign where Buchanan curves back around to Monroe is leaning over and appears people take a really sharp turn there.

Good eyes! I would call that into the tipline if I were you. LE may have already checked those things out but........somehow, I have my doubts. It could be a big clue.

I don't have a solid theory as to what happened to Haleigh but........things that keep bugging me about the case are the blue van damage, knowing it had been moved THAT NIGHT and Misty going to bed after stating the kids were asleep and yet she left the TV on with a kids video running. Things just aren't adding up.
Hi everyone,

I've been lurking for a while, reading up on the Haleigh case, trying to make sense of things. I live in PA, quite a ways from FL, but I would like to be of help if that is possible. I am unsure of the correct place to post this, I was looking for a general Haleigh forum, but this seemed to be as close as I could get. I am very sorry if it is not in the correct place.

I do not know what I can do from here, but if anyone needs an extra set of eyes/hands for research, or making phone calls, anything, please let me know. I saw in one area where people were posting Haleigh's fliers on craigslist, I'd be happy to do one of them for my area of PA, if anyone thinks that will help.

Feel free to call me Pope - not religious, just how my initials work out. I guess I should not give out my email address here, but I understand those of you who have been here for a while are able to find that out through mods, whatever. I'm more then happy to do whatever I can to bring this little girl home. Praying for her return daily.. hourly really. You guys are amazing, with all that you do. I am very glad I joined!


Pope Jean
At the present time, I'm inlcined to believe Haleigh was either given some type of drug to make her go to sleep or accidentally got into the drugs that Ron and Misty kept in that trailer... She OD...They staged an abduction to cover Ron's rear-end due to the fact Ron and Misty were BOTH into dealing and selling drugs BIG TIME. He is the adult and would be the one held responsible and nailed to the cross for neglect and having illegal drugs in that trailer...
No way would he or his family be covering for Misty if they thought she was the one responsible , but they would ALL rally around and cover for Ron to keep his rear out of jail...Sad that their lifestyle and mind-set would lead ALL of them to protect the villian rather than an innocent child...JMHO...

That makes sense and could be why he was in such a hurry to marry her...maybe she's blackmailing him.....(if he marries her, she will keep quiet).
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