Theories on what happened to Haleigh

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Most work places have time clocks where the employees run thier time card through the clock and it stamps the time. They do this when they come to work...when they take a dinner break...and when they leave for the night or day. You really can't cheat on those clocks and that is the purpose of companys having them.

You can if you have a good enough buddy that will punch your card out. Also, if you are working unsupervised you could leave & return but there is a chance of being noticed of course. Never say never in my books.
Ok now Haleigh's shoes left behind are really bothering me. If they were indeed her only pair of shoes (my daughter her age has several pair but Haleigh reportedly did not). Because this on the face seems to suggest a vehicle was used to transport Haleigh from her home. Afterall, how far can a child walk on a cold nite in bare feet? And how far can someone carry a five year-old? Unless they lived, or had car parked, close by.

Whether 5pm, 9pm, midnite or later if on foot one would think someone would have spotted perp walking w young child. Even at 2am there might be shift workers out late. If the scent trail is reliable, it suggests she did some walking yet even at 2am there were shift workers we've heard working late. While darkness would afford some cover or make it harder to spot Haleigh or identify her abductor it would raise more eyebrows if they were seen walking late at nite.

When considering an abduction, I have instinctively felt the perp was on foot. I don't know why but I have also intuitively felt it was someone close who might have been watching Haleigh. I am also not convinced that it necessarily happened late at night, that's just it the timeline has never actually been nailed down, IMO, much past 5ish.

I know it's hard for some to put store in the scent article or the route tracked by dogs that nite. But w little else to go on I need to at least have that much confidence in LE that they gave dogs more than one from which they could work. So meanwhile...

Ron's former addy was 1*3 Buchanan owned by DonaldB. His former nextdoor neighbor at 1*5 is WmB. By using interactive mapping site (provided earlier on this thread) it allowed me to identify owners of properties in area, very useful tool. Out of curiosity I decided to identify some property owners along Monroe and where dogs tracked. The first one I chose to check solely because of it's location on that mysterious loop at 2*2 Monroe is also owned by same former landlord DonaldB. So Ron's former landlord, who rents Ron property at 1*3 Buchanan, happens to owns property at midpoint either side of which route dogs track Haleigh leads. Maybe he doesn't live there, maybe he rents it out. I don't know, I just thought it odd.

Note: also shows long strip--wooded parcel--along unpaved 103 Tyler between Green La from Buchanan owned by GenevaM (sister of LSMSr, who owns three on Buchanan including vacant lot at 131 w dock.)

So what if Haleigh's abductor DID come via the shortest most direct, discreet secluded route on foot--thru woods behind (the short distance across long lot between Green La and Buchanan St.) Once there he CARRIES her back thru woods to Buchanan--which is why dogs track not thru wooded lot but instead where she had WALKED (just hours earlier to pond/outbuilding and back). He emerges w Haleigh on Buchanan and either takes her inside a location very nearby (or where he takes Haleigh in a vehicle). But IF he were headed toward an address near bend on Monroe, he could have chosen the long way around loop to the left--via Buchanan Cir., vs Monroe--for it's relative seclusion as there are fewer homes, spaced farther apart, and set back from the road than by taking the shorter more direct route of Monroe (who knows where along this route secluded van, trailer, shed or boat may have also provided coverage.) This leaves only the short portion of Monroe (between bend in Monroe and Green La) of dog's "loop" remaining. From there this final stretch would be the same exact one would need to travel to dumpster where dogs hit thus completing the balance of dog's track and "closing the loop. That is making me really swallow hard about whether heavy scent of a child that's just minutes old might be carried by perp. Praying for a happier ending than Sandra.

What would their motive be? There is the possibility that LE have warned the town to be careful or maybe they just don't think she was abducted and feel there is no need to warn people. There is the chance they are mistaken though.
We will rarely see LE issue any kind of warning to the public even if they do believe it was a stranger abduction. They don't want panic and certainly do not want people to feel "unsafe" under their watch. I think LE takes it for granted people are nervous when a young child is stolen in the middle of the night and assumes people will take obvious precautions to protect their own children.
You're absolutely right. It is a mess.

The "2 a.m." siting is one of those that I'm tending to put into the rumor circular file. It wouldn't be that hard to add a location if he was actually seen. Also, he doesn't seem to think that he needs any other alibi than he was at work. Bringing in a 2nd alibi at this point would put out the biggest red flag we have had so far.

I am sadly beginning to agree with you. I say sadly because it was a CLUE and that would have been great, but it does seem that it must just be a rumor :-(. I just wish there was something. Going to listen to more transcripts today and go over the videos again, see if I can come up with another theory.

WHERE IS THIS BABY? :behindbar
yes, well according to Misty's story of that night, she laundered the blankets at 8pm, and then covered Haleigh with them at 10pm when they were done. But... of course just because she said she covered her with them doesn't mean she DID IN FACT cover her with them. So, they could have started out this entire investigation based upon a lie (those blankets were covering that child that night). At best the dogs didn't have a strong scent to work with, worst case - they had no scent of Haleigh to begin with.

the point is, who knows????? I don't think the scent trail from the dogs is reliable enough to even base a theory on.

Here is my question about that Kikid - What was she washing when the LE's got there? They stated that the washing machine was running when they got there. What was it? And who has presence of mind to start a washing machine when a child is missing? The last thing I'd ever think about is doing laundry at that time. I believe I read that LE's responded at 3:45 or were at the scene at that time. My washing machine takes about 25-30 minutes to wash. So that means the load was put in AFTER Haleigh was reported missing, or found missing or whatever. No where does MC state that she got up, went to the bathroom, put a load of clothes in the washer, and THEN saw Haleigh missing. KWIM?

So did she wash the blankets a second time? Did she wash something else that may have had evidence on it? Clothing with vomit or blood or???

That would be something I'd like to find out.
I've enjoyed reading all the theories - very thoughtful and interesting posts. I'll add my quick two-cents after all these weeks. I believe this is an inside job, that Misti and Ron are fully involved. Most likely a relative or close associate (or several) are conspiring together.

The main reason I believe this is simply because: the police have not implored the local public to be vigilant of a dangerous mysterious child predator in their area.

If a complete stranger had just appeared in the middle of the night in this tiny area, broken into a home and stolen a child from their bed, I'd image the police would be howling for people to lock their doors, arm themselves, be on the look-out for this mysterious stranger. There would be security in the trailer park, at the local school, anywhere children would gather. This just hasn't happened.

I'm not sure whether or not Haleigh is still alive. If she is, then where the heck is she? Children have to eat, get some sort of fresh air, move around. They have to be seen at some point, even if just for a quick moment. After all this time, she'd be wondering where mom and dad are, why she isn't going home soon. She'd be getting anxious and acting out.

It makes more likely sense that she is no longer alive and her body may never be found. I think R&M believe they've pulled off the perfect crime, but it will catch up with them some day.

Respectfully bolded by me. That comment made me think of that Austrian man, Fritzel I think his name is, who kept his daughter kidnapped in his basement for many, many years and fathered several children by her, some of which NEVER saw the light of day at all. So.. I think she could be hid somewhere, in a basement, or attic, or just a holed up old house for all we know. I'm just trying to say it IS possible and HAS been done before :-(

Prayers though that it is that she's being kept hid and hasn't been killed or died accidentally.
Here is my question about that Kikid - What was she washing when the LE's got there? They stated that the washing machine was running when they got there. What was it? And who has presence of mind to start a washing machine when a child is missing? The last thing I'd ever think about is doing laundry at that time. I believe I read that LE's responded at 3:45 or were at the scene at that time. My washing machine takes about 25-30 minutes to wash. So that means the load was put in AFTER Haleigh was reported missing, or found missing or whatever. No where does MC state that she got up, went to the bathroom, put a load of clothes in the washer, and THEN saw Haleigh missing. KWIM?

So did she wash the blankets a second time? Did she wash something else that may have had evidence on it? Clothing with vomit or blood or???

That would be something I'd like to find out.

Good question Pope Jean! the other problem with MC statements, is that the way the bedroom is set up, the bed is 4 ft from the "queeen bed" across the main walk way into the room (please if i am wrong, please correct me), up against the wall, two things struck me as odd, 1) that when you are lying on the "queen size bed" and you get up and if you are on the right side of the bed, you would literally have to face the toddler/twin bed to get out of the queen bed. and if on the left side (you wouldn't be facing the toddler bed, but when walking around to get to the so called bathroom, how could you not see she wasn't there?) 2) you have to walk past the toddler/twin bed to even exit the room (go to the bathroom), again how could you not notice? (my son had a toddler bed when he was about three, you can clearly tell when someone is in it and when they are not. (it is not like the bed had a bunch of blankets on it and there was a lump there that MC might have thought to be HC) she got up to use the bathroom, why didn't she use the one in the master bedroom where everyone was sleeping? (she is saying b/c she noticed the kitchen light was on, she would have had to exit the room to notice the light was on. IMO!!!!

MC & RC needs to be put in lock down until they confesses what really happened!!!!..again IMO!!!!
Respectfully bolded by me. That comment made me think of that Austrian man, Fritzel I think his name is, who kept his daughter kidnapped in his basement for many, many years and fathered several children by her, some of which NEVER saw the light of day at all. So.. I think she could be hid somewhere, in a basement, or attic, or just a holed up old house for all we know. I'm just trying to say it IS possible and HAS been done before :-(

Prayers though that it is that she's being kept hid and hasn't been killed or died accidentally.

good theory! do you think that RC & MC are capible of this, and really doing it for attention and money, that they would get from being on different shows? if this is the case, they are way more sick than i ever thought!!!:waitasec:
Here is my question about that Kikid - What was she washing when the LE's got there? They stated that the washing machine was running when they got there. What was it? And who has presence of mind to start a washing machine when a child is missing? The last thing I'd ever think about is doing laundry at that time. I believe I read that LE's responded at 3:45 or were at the scene at that time. My washing machine takes about 25-30 minutes to wash. So that means the load was put in AFTER Haleigh was reported missing, or found missing or whatever. No where does MC state that she got up, went to the bathroom, put a load of clothes in the washer, and THEN saw Haleigh missing. KWIM?

So did she wash the blankets a second time? Did she wash something else that may have had evidence on it? Clothing with vomit or blood or???

That would be something I'd like to find out.

Is the information above new? I have not heard that the washing machine was running. Is there a thread or some place I can read this? TIA
Is the information above new? I have not heard that the washing machine was running. Is there a thread or some place I can read this? TIA
I would also like to see where it states that the washing machine was running when the officers arrived.
I would also like to see where it states that the washing machine was running when the officers arrived.

Ok sorry I thought this was common knowledge. I read it on

It is quite a way down the page, waaay down. Its from an interview with Cobra, and it states:

“It all comes back to Misty,” Cobra tells me, “and her timeline. No one knows what she was doing after she visited her Dad at the hospital Monday. Or whether she was even home that night (Monday). So many conflicts in her stories. She said she put blankets in the washing machine at 8 p.m. so why did police note the washing machine was running hours later? She said she called Ronald when she couldn’t find Haleigh, but Ronald was standing outside, supposedly just home from work.”

Does this mean it could still be a rumor? If so I am very, very sorry to bring it up!

good theory! do you think that RC & MC are capible of this, and really doing it for attention and money, that they would get from being on different shows? if this is the case, they are way more sick than i ever thought!!!:waitasec:

Personally, if this is the case I would lean more towards SO/RSO, KWIM? Because RC and MC would never be able to get away with it, with LE everywhere and all over them an in their business.

However, an SO/RSO would have reason to keep a child hidden, IMO.

However, each time I lean towards SO/RSO abducting this child, I start to think again about the inconsistencies from MC, the "I was at work" from RC all the time in response to any questions that could seemingly be useful, and frankly the look on his face during some of his interviews.

Something does not add up, I just don't know what it is. With no news being reported really, nothing from LE, there are just too many possibilities in this.

If it were an RSO/SO, WHY Does RC's emotional responses not add up. Why does he look smug in some of the interviews? Why would MC not just come out and say what happened, or say I wasn't home, or something if it was an RSO/SO.

On the other hand... with RC having a solid alibi, the only other thing I can come up with is it happened before he went to work, and maybe the rest was staged.

The other thing that gets me, is I look at the pics of RC and Haleigh and they both seem so happy. Genuine, you know? Not forced, not trying to put on a show. So that leads me to think that RC wasn't intentionally invovled.

But then I come back to the smug smile face when he was interviewed (forget which interview it was, I think NG, there is a link in the statement analysis forum) - Ok its post 179 there and here is the link

Maybe you guys can let me know what you think of that post and what the implications are? I'd appreciate some other input :-)
Good question Pope Jean! the other problem with MC statements, is that the way the bedroom is set up, the bed is 4 ft from the "queeen bed" across the main walk way into the room (please if i am wrong, please correct me), up against the wall, two things struck me as odd, 1) that when you are lying on the "queen size bed" and you get up and if you are on the right side of the bed, you would literally have to face the toddler/twin bed to get out of the queen bed. and if on the left side (you wouldn't be facing the toddler bed, but when walking around to get to the so called bathroom, how could you not see she wasn't there?) 2) you have to walk past the toddler/twin bed to even exit the room (go to the bathroom), again how could you not notice? (my son had a toddler bed when he was about three, you can clearly tell when someone is in it and when they are not. (it is not like the bed had a bunch of blankets on it and there was a lump there that MC might have thought to be HC) she got up to use the bathroom, why didn't she use the one in the master bedroom where everyone was sleeping? (she is saying b/c she noticed the kitchen light was on, she would have had to exit the room to notice the light was on. IMO!!!!

MC & RC needs to be put in lock down until they confesses what really happened!!!!..again IMO!!!!

Well I can say if it were me, I'd use the bathroom furthest from where folks were sleeping too, but, um, I have my reasons for that... I'll leave that there.

The fact that she used a different bathroom does not really bug me much. Maybe she didn't want to wake them, or she liked the privacy of the other bathroom - remember she is a 17 year old girl. So that fact alone never stuck with me as being weird, IMO.

However, what you said about noticing the bed was empty when she got up, now that gets me. I agree with you, even in my most out of it sleep state, I notice when things are not right. I dunno how to say that. I don't have children, but if I notice my dog is not in his kennel or on our bed, I'm sure I would notice if my child was missing.

And like you said, how did she sleep through someone coming into the room, bending down to the floor like that, grabbing Haleigh, even if she stayed asleep the entire time - I dunno, I like to think I'd wake up. But if my husband came in at 3am each morning, maybe I wouldn't, you know?

Too friggen confusing! :bang::bang:
Ok sorry I thought this was common knowledge. I read it on

It is quite a way down the page, waaay down. Its from an interview with Cobra, and it states:

“It all comes back to Misty,” Cobra tells me, “and her timeline. No one knows what she was doing after she visited her Dad at the hospital Monday. Or whether she was even home that night (Monday). So many conflicts in her stories. She said she put blankets in the washing machine at 8 p.m. so why did police note the washing machine was running hours later? She said she called Ronald when she couldn’t find Haleigh, but Ronald was standing outside, supposedly just home from work.”

Does this mean it could still be a rumor? If so I am very, very sorry to bring it up!

Yes, when a Blogger claims second hand info. from another it's considered "Hearsay/Rumor" at this point.
Yes, when a Blogger claims second hand info. from another it's considered "Hearsay/Rumor" at this point.

Ah, ok. I thought he was someone other then just a blogger, like an authority. So sorry, I will keep that in mind!
Personally, if this is the case I would lean more towards SO/RSO, KWIM? Because RC and MC would never be able to get away with it, with LE everywhere and all over them an in their business.

However, an SO/RSO would have reason to keep a child hidden, IMO.

However, each time I lean towards SO/RSO abducting this child, I start to think again about the inconsistencies from MC, the "I was at work" from RC all the time in response to any questions that could seemingly be useful, and frankly the look on his face during some of his interviews.

Something does not add up, I just don't know what it is. With no news being reported really, nothing from LE, there are just too many possibilities in this.

If it were an RSO/SO, WHY Does RC's emotional responses not add up. Why does he look smug in some of the interviews? Why would MC not just come out and say what happened, or say I wasn't home, or something if it was an RSO/SO.

On the other hand... with RC having a solid alibi, the only other thing I can come up with is it happened before he went to work, and maybe the rest was staged.

The other thing that gets me, is I look at the pics of RC and Haleigh and they both seem so happy. Genuine, you know? Not forced, not trying to put on a show. So that leads me to think that RC wasn't intentionally invovled.

But then I come back to the smug smile face when he was interviewed (forget which interview it was, I think NG, there is a link in the statement analysis forum) - Ok its post 179 there and here is the link

Maybe you guys can let me know what you think of that post and what the implications are? I'd appreciate some other input :-)

ok, well put! here is another possible theory. Maybe a third party that LE isn't aware about is involved (i know it is a little far fetched but possible) and is holding her until things settle down a bit.... i think at this point, if this were the case, in a way, they have gotten away with it. after watching the case build against CA for the murder of her daughter CA, i think anything is possible and it is possible that anybody could do something like that.

i do have to say, that my brother always has that smug smile, i think for some it may be nervousness causing the smile, but in my mind, i don't think this is the case with RC.
ok, i have another possible would explain a few things. i am so all over the place, i wish we could all go there and look for her!!!!!! MC was not in the home at the time (whether she was on the front porch or in the yard or somewhere other than where she was suppose to be) she got back to the house about two hours prior to RC arrival home from work. When she went in she saw the light on in the kitchen and knew she did not leave it on when she left, so she went to check it out and saw the back door "bricked" (propped open) that is when she ran in the room and noticed HC gone. she calls RC, he leaves work, but doesn't clock out (has someone else clock out for him when their shift ends) goes to the house to help MC clean up the drugs and put them where they can't be seen by LE (knowing they will come in and want to take a good look around) then RC leaves the house and goes to the gas station/store (not sure if this is confirmed by LE) to back him up just in case someone at his job gets questioned and tells LE he left an hour earlier, he can say that he was on his way home (this could be a routine to him, stopping there before going home, we don't know, and atleast this cashier can account for him being in the store at a certain time) then MC calls RC as if (phone records will show) there is an emergency and then RC pulls up and she is then instructed to call 911...

i know maybe way out there....
ok, well put! here is another possible theory. Maybe a third party that LE isn't aware about is involved (i know it is a little far fetched but possible) and is holding her until things settle down a bit.... i think at this point, if this were the case, in a way, they have gotten away with it. after watching the case build against CA for the murder of her daughter CA, i think anything is possible and it is possible that anybody could do something like that.

i do have to say, that my brother always has that smug smile, i think for some it may be nervousness causing the smile, but in my mind, i don't think this is the case with RC.

Bolded by me :-)

The question that I keep coming to with that is WHY?

Or maybe I misunderstood you - did you mean a 3rd party somehow involved with RC and MC, or a third party like an RSO/SO?

If RC or MC had her taken and she is being hidden - WHY? There has to be a motive right?

What would be a motive for that? I honestly can't think of one, but my brain is super fried right now :rolleyes: So if you could give me insight into that I'd appreciate it!
ok, i have another possible would explain a few things. i am so all over the place, i wish we could all go there and look for her!!!!!! MC was not in the home at the time (whether she was on the front porch or in the yard or somewhere other than where she was suppose to be) she got back to the house about two hours prior to RC arrival home from work. When she went in she saw the light on in the kitchen and knew she did not leave it on when she left, so she went to check it out and saw the back door "bricked" (propped open) that is when she ran in the room and noticed HC gone. she calls RC, he leaves work, but doesn't clock out (has someone else clock out for him when their shift ends) goes to the house to help MC clean up the drugs and put them where they can't be seen by LE (knowing they will come in and want to take a good look around) then RC leaves the house and goes to the gas station/store (not sure if this is confirmed by LE) to back him up just in case someone at his job gets questioned and tells LE he left an hour earlier, he can say that he was on his way home (this could be a routine to him, stopping there before going home, we don't know, and atleast this cashier can account for him being in the store at a certain time) then MC calls RC as if (phone records will show) there is an emergency and then RC pulls up and she is then instructed to call 911...

i know maybe way out there....

I don't think its "way" out there at all! And I can see that almost working even without a 2am sighting really.

MC puts kids to bed, waits until they are sleeping and then leaves the home.
She goes and does her thing, be it sleeping around, smoking, drugs, or just hanging out - whatever, and goes home just before RC gets home so that he does not know she was gone while the kids were in her charge.
She walks to the house, notices the back door is propped open, goes inside sees the light in the kitchen, checks the kids, and Haleigh is not there.
She looks around for Haleigh, and can't find her so she calls RC.
RC is just about getting home, and he meets her on the porch (the front door).
RC looks for Haleigh, and gets busy getting rid of drugs/paraphernalia while MC makes the call to 911.

Her not being home would explain a lot IMO. How she didn't wake up when someone just walked in and took Haleigh from the same room she was sleeping in for instance.

I read today (I am sure this is old news) that their home had been cleared as a crime scene. Does that mean that there is NO evidence inside the home? If someone walked into that trailer and stole a little girl from her bed, how is it not still a crime scene until its solved? And I'm not even talking RC/MC involvement. Know what I mean? I guess eventually they just have to release scenes so people can get on with their lives to a point, but I thought the wording was weird for some reason.

Anyway Lil Momma, great thoughts!! You keep it up!:clap::clap:
Bolded by me :-)

The question that I keep coming to with that is WHY?

Or maybe I misunderstood you - did you mean a 3rd party somehow involved with RC and MC, or a third party like an RSO/SO?
If RC or MC had her taken and she is being hidden - WHY? There has to be a motive right?

What would be a motive for that? I honestly can't think of one, but my brain is super fried right now :rolleyes: So if you could give me insight into that I'd appreciate it!

bolded by me.

maybe one of MC & RC's mothers, maybe CS was threating custody before the abduction, they figure as long as they don't have HC then CS can't gain custody of the her...hey, it is a thought, sure wouldn't be the first time..and HC grandmother (RC mom) could have sent her off somewhere for a while, then MC & RC move out of Fl ( it hurts too much to live there, that would be the excuse for them to move) then end up with HC in another state. ok, way out there, didn't even consider JR.... anything is possible.
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