Theories On What Happened To Susan Powell

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I have not read the whole thread, so apologies if this has been discussed, but wasn't there mention at some point of JP taking the kids sledding? Perhaps he put her body on a sled for transport...(wow, that's hard to type). In fact, I do think a lot of winter campers use sleds to transport their gear. I know I have been around ice fisherman and they drag their gear out on what I can only describe as a sled (there is probably some official name for it in the ice fishing/winter camping world).

Interesting. Yeah, they went sledding earlier in the day. But sleds are still made of wood, aren't they -- except for the runners and front. Maybe the burned wood in the hole was sled wood.
I’m taking a break from writing one of the hardest papers I’ve ever done, turned on the TV and I am watching ‘Criminal Minds’ one of my favorite programs. One of the actors said something that made me think of jp. The line was about “carrying a 110 lb woman who was deceased, it would be a difficult task”. It appears that Susan was more than 110lbs and jp is certainly not a muscular male. In fact he is the embodiment of the ’99lb weakling’.

He could not, alone, have carried Susan very far. Did someone help him? Did he park near or next to where she was placed? What about ‘putting a body in a sleeping bag and dragging it’. Could the snow/ice have made this easier to do?

That's true. I weigh 110 and am always told how bony I am (can't help it!). I had foot surgery once and my boyfriend (who --bodywise-- was like JP - the ONLY similarity!) had to carry me a ways. He could barely walk straight and was really struggling. He put me down and said, "I never would have thought you'd be that hard to carry." So no way could JP have carried Susan like that a ways. No way. He would have had to drag her or put her on a sled.
Interesting. Yeah, they went sledding earlier in the day. But sleds are still made of wood, aren't they -- except for the runners and front. Maybe the burned wood in the hole was sled wood.

It would seem LE would know if that sled is still around. Still in the van when he returned since they were there waiting for him, or they found it in the home. You know, I don't think this issue has ever come up before....Where was/is the sled?.
...possibly, but IIRC, the sledding and camping trips were seperate so its possible that JP would't have taken the sled camping, and therefore it wouldn't have been in the car. I agree though, it at least should have been in the garage or back deck or something....
I do hope LE looked for evidence of s'more supplies. And the generator. See if it was used or not.
I do hope LE looked for evidence of s'more supplies. And the generator. See if it was used or not.

I would also be curious as to what was in the car that could have been PLUGGED into the generator. As I understand it, a generator only produces what was the electricity used for again? ....Furthermore, a generator couldn't have been used in the car because of the carbon monxide produced by the gas engine and I believe that it would have been to cold (not to mention LOUD) to use the generator to "heat" a tent if they slept outside- which I don't think they could have done because it was too cold. personally, I don't do ICE camping so I'm scratching my head as to what a generator would have been used for in a camping blizzard.:waitasec:
I would also be curious as to what was in the car that could have been PLUGGED into the generator. As I understand it, a generator only produces what was the electricity used for again? ....Furthermore, a generator couldn't have been used in the car because of the carbon monxide produced by the gas engine and I believe that it would have been to cold (not to mention LOUD) to use the generator to "heat" a tent if they slept outside- which I don't think they could have done because it was too cold. personally, I don't do ICE camping so I'm scratching my head as to what a generator would have been used for in a camping blizzard.:waitasec:

This is a really good question. You don't need a generator to run a lantern.
Hope this is ok to post... Since the forensic astro forum was closed.
I saw this on FB

Before I even got to the astrology part, I was struck by this statement, "The father of Susan Cox Powell has asked people to stop focusing on her husband Joshua. "I don't see him as capable of harming her," said Charles Cox, who flew in from his home in Washington State to assist in finding his daughter."

Really? Chuck Cox is asking people not to focus on Josh? I know I've been MIA for a few days but I just can't imagine Mr. Cox saying that. Did he?

As for astrology, I don't understand it. I don't deny its usefulness - I just don't know.

ETA: After looking at this again I think that quote must have been made very early in the case (if made at all). However, the blog post is dated 10/16. I think it's misleading in that it appears Mr. Cox said that very recently.

The part about he wasn't capable of harming Susan makes me doubt the truth of the whole post. Because the Cox's knew he was controlling from before her disappearance. And his statements after her disappearance were very carefully worded. He made a point that he wasn't accusing JP or wasn't going to accuse JP. But I don't believe that he ever said JP wasn't capable.

Remember that before her death she had a talk with family about the problems in her marriage and they helped her to set up a bank account separate from her joint account.
Based on what is known about Susan's father-in-law, Steven, and what appears to be significant dysfunction between the father and son, AND the astrological factors, I believe Susan became sleepy due to something put in her food and went to take a nap, Josh put the kids in the car and let his father into the house unseen by the children. Josh came back home and put the kids in bed, then joining his father in their mutual perverted sickness concerning "sharing" Susan. I believe Susan was choked (silenced) long enough, regurgitated her poisoned food while being choked, and died of asphyxiation and cardiac arrest. Both covered up the crime.

Poor Susan. What can we all learn from this? NEVER EVER EVER underestimate the capacity of a person to committ unimaginable crimes. Who would have EVER believed either of these Powell's were capable of anything worse than being bad husbands and fathers (well, BEFORE Susan disappeared anyway).
Based on what is known about Susan's father-in-law, Steven, and what appears to be significant dysfunction between the father and son, AND the astrological factors, I believe Susan became sleepy due to something put in her food and went to take a nap, Josh put the kids in the car and let his father into the house unseen by the children. Josh came back home and put the kids in bed, then joining his father in their mutual perverted sickness concerning "sharing" Su.san. I believe Susan was choked (silenced) long enough, regurgitated her poisoned food while being choked, and died of asphyxiation and cardiac arrest. Both covered up the crime.

Poor Susan. What can we all learn from this? NEVER EVER EVER underestimate the capacity of a person to committ unimaginable crimes. Who would have EVER believed either of these Powell's were capable of anything worse than being bad husbands and fathers (well, BEFORE Susan disappeared anyway).

IDK...I'm not convinced SP was directly involved in Susan's demise. I can understand a desire to "share" but I just don't know that SP was actually there in WVC. I think it was much more like SP talked and reasoned with JP to the point that JP was about to crack. And, crack he did. Then, SP was pulled in again to clean up the mess/situation. I think most of this occurred over the phone(s).

Do we have clarification as to where SP was on the night Susan went missing? I may have missed that critical point.

IDK...I'm not convinced SP was directly involved in Susan's demise. I can understand a desire to "share" but I just don't know that SP was actually there in WVC. I think it was much more like SP talked and reasoned with JP to the point that JP was about to crack. And, crack he did. Then, SP was pulled in again to clean up the mess/situation. I think most of this occurred over the phone(s).

Do we have clarification as to where SP was on the night Susan went missing? I may have missed that critical point.


I've posted the question of what SP's alibi was that night & apparently LE is keeping a tight lid on that which may be normal procedure with an ongoing/active investigation.

There have been so many cases where LE has "botched up" forensic evidence, etc...I really hope that is not the case here.
Based on what is known about Susan's father-in-law, Steven, and what appears to be significant dysfunction between the father and son, AND the astrological factors, I believe Susan became sleepy due to something put in her food and went to take a nap, Josh put the kids in the car and let his father into the house unseen by the children. Josh came back home and put the kids in bed, then joining his father in their mutual perverted sickness concerning "sharing" Susan. I believe Susan was choked (silenced) long enough, regurgitated her poisoned food while being choked, and died of asphyxiation and cardiac arrest. Both covered up the crime.

Poor Susan. What can we all learn from this? NEVER EVER EVER underestimate the capacity of a person to committ unimaginable crimes. Who would have EVER believed either of these Powell's were capable of anything worse than being bad husbands and fathers (well, BEFORE Susan disappeared anyway).

I think Susan is dead, though I also think there is credence to the idea that she was for at least for a short time held captive and perhaps still is). I don't think SP would share Susan with his son or anyone. He's a master controller and manipulator. He's probably a pedophile (based upon media reports of police activity in his home and the arrest record) and perhaps a psychopathic killer. And I too am wondering why Susan's father asked people to stop focusing on JP. I think he's capable of much more than Susan's father apparently believes.
It seemed that after Jaycee was found alive after being held captive by her kidnapper for decades that there were other cases reported as well. A (Australian?) man who kidnapped his 18 year old stepdaughter and held her in the basement, impregnating her 6 or more times. Those children were in poor condition because they never saw daylight, and couldn't even walk. He rented apartments in this building, over the years - some tennants claim that they heard pounding on the walls from below, but didn't do anything. I think I saw another story from PA (?) where a man was kidnapping young women (possible prositutes) and kept one at a time in this basement as a sex slave. One woman escaped, and many people didn't believe her story (because she had a substance abuse problem before her disappearance) but she was able to show the police the place and they saw proof of previous occupants in the same basment (writings on the wall).

Never in my life, could I have ever dreamed up such a scenario. Could Steven have build an underground soundproof shelter in his own home?

As for the question about Josh being able to carry deadweight of a 135 pounds (or whatever). Never underestimate the power of a human to do amazing tasks when necessary. We are capable of doing much more than we give ourselves permission to do. If feeling threatened - if in a life or death scenario - we can focus our strength to do what is necessary to accomplish our goal.
Personally I fail to see any positive trait in Josh which would make Susan want to make that marriage work. If my father-in-law was treating me inappropriately, and I complained to my husband and he didn't take my concerns seriously - that would really make me question his loyalty to me. How can anyone tolerate another person treating their spouse disrespectfully?

If Susan was concerned enough for her own safety that she would write a letter to her sons explaining that she would never commit suicide or abandon them because she is afraid of threats from SP; I can't imagine dealing with SP without the support of my spouse. Either he is with me, or is against me and is siding with the creep.

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