Theories on what may have happened to Benjaman Kyle

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Perhaps you all can tell me if this sounds crazy? :)truce:)

Is it possible that BK's memory of traveling to "see the ocean" could be because his eyesight had already been diminishing and he wanted to SEE the ocean? (Not that it matters in all actuality, I was just curious what you all thought about it?)

Since some folks won't always have surgeries on their eyes, because of fear, lack of dollars, etc... I have been curious as to whether or not this is a valid memory? Or maybe it was just the sun where he was left?

From what I have gathered, CO does have a high incidence of cataracts- because of the strength of sun and the snow glare. What do you all think? Could this have been a trip to do something "before I go blind" type situation?
Perhaps you all can tell me if this sounds crazy? :)truce:)

Is it possible that BK's memory of traveling to "see the ocean" could be because his eyesight had already been diminishing and he wanted to SEE the ocean? (Not that it matters in all actuality, I was just curious what you all thought about it?)

Since some folks won't always have surgeries on their eyes, because of fear, lack of dollars, etc... I have been curious as to whether or not this is a valid memory? Or maybe it was just the sun where he was left?

From what I have gathered, CO does have a high incidence of cataracts- because of the strength of sun and the snow glare. What do you all think? Could this have been a trip to do something "before I go blind" type situation?
Not crazy.
IMO: If BK lived in CO, I feel he would have gone to the Pacific Coast to see the ocean. Speaking from someone who lives on the west coast, CO is a western state to us.
He could have gone to San Diego or Big Sur or the Devil's Punchbowl on Oregon coast or an island off of Washington State.
If he was living in IN, then I can see him going to Georgia.
But why not Florida, which brings us back to the hurricanes and him coming up from FL.

But about the cataracts, it is possible that BK was slowly losing eyesight and it was because of age and snow glare. But, cataract surgery is relatively common anymore and BK went through other restorative surgeries in the past.
Not crazy.
IMO: If BK lived in CO, I feel he would have gone to the Pacific Coast to see the ocean. Speaking from someone who lives on the west coast, CO is a western state to us.
He could have gone to San Diego or Big Sur or the Devil's Punchbowl on Oregon coast or an island off of Washington State.
If he was living in IN, then I can see him going to Georgia.
But why not Florida, which brings us back to the hurricanes and him coming up from FL.

But about the cataracts, it is possible that BK was slowly losing eyesight and it was because of age and snow glare. But, cataract surgery is relatively common anymore and BK went through other restorative surgeries in the past.

I'm not disagreeing with you about the ocean, but I love the Atlantic Ocean and I wonder if it could have been a goal to see the Atlantic side? Like I said, this question is pretty non consequential- it was just something that was curious to me.

You are most likely right about the cataracts and the surgeries are pretty common- just another curiousity I had.

:blowkiss: Thanks dreamweaver- it helps so much to have someone's input because it just helps balance out my thoughts.
Benjaman Kyle
His wife/partner planned to murder him.
He was seperated from his wife, considering divorce after
30 years of marriage.
He traveled often on business.
He had retired early.
He is in Georgia.
His wife knows this is the perfect
opportunity to get rid of him.
She has hired the killers.
She has an alibi, back home in ? IN.
The attackers sneak into BK's
motel room. They attack him
while he is sleeping
when he is out of the shower.
They hit him three times on the head.
They drag him out of the room.
They plan to dispose of him in the ocean.
They put him next to the ocean, thinking
he will float out in the tide.
They go back to check.
They find he did not go out
onthe tide and he is not dead.
They try to figure out what to do.
He is now covered in fire ant bites
and he is staring into the sun, not
They load him up and think,
what better than a dumpster.
They cruise back to the motel,
there it is, the dumpster next
to Burger King.
They drag him out of the trunk
They heave all his belongings
into the dumpster, the luggage,
his clothing, his wallet, his briefcase.
They start to heave ho BK into
the dumpster. They cannot.
They are interrupted.
They leave him there,
thinking he is just about
dead anyway.
And when he is found,
they luck out.
His beaten self is not investigated.
He is routed off to the hospital
and hey, he does not remember
His wife: She tells everyone
that he just up and left.
She has staged his suicide note
or i am leaving you note
and she has no idea what
happened,he is just 'missing/'
Police treat it as they do
some missing people.
He is an adult, he can go anywhere
he wants. He was depressed
about the upcoming divorce.
They will keep a lookout for
any unidentified bodies, but
they are not really concerned.
Wife has access to all
the bank accounts, savings,
And no one to report him missing.
The only thing is:
what happens when his memory returns?

ot: way too many forensic files on while i sleep.
Not crazy.
IMO: If BK lived in CO, I feel he would have gone to the Pacific Coast to see the ocean. Speaking from someone who lives on the west coast, CO is a western state to us.
He could have gone to San Diego or Big Sur or the Devil's Punchbowl on Oregon coast or an island off of Washington State.
If he was living in IN, then I can see him going to Georgia.
But why not Florida, which brings us back to the hurricanes and him coming up from FL.

But about the cataracts, it is possible that BK was slowly losing eyesight and it was because of age and snow glare. But, cataract surgery is relatively common anymore and BK went through other restorative surgeries in the past.

Sorry to bust in like this, always read yet don't post as you all are so way beyond my abilities. This is going to sound silly to some but having been born & raised on the east coast there is only one 'ocean' lol the Atlantic. Have seen others and they are all quite beautiful. But if BK was losing his sight and/or going through an emotional crisis , than imo he wasn't going to see an ocean, he was going to see the ocean that would reinforce good memories and feelings.

Okay going back to reading :blowkiss:
Umm...what novel did this theory come from? :D

Benjaman Kyle
His wife/partner planned to murder him.
He was seperated from his wife, considering divorce after
30 years of marriage.
He traveled often on business.
He had retired early.
He is in Georgia.
His wife knows this is the perfect
opportunity to get rid of him.
She has hired the killers.
She has an alibi, back home in ? IN.
The attackers sneak into BK's
motel room. They attack him
while he is sleeping
when he is out of the shower.
They hit him three times on the head.
They drag him out of the room.
They plan to dispose of him in the ocean.
They put him next to the ocean, thinking
he will float out in the tide.
They go back to check.
They find he did not go out
onthe tide and he is not dead.
They try to figure out what to do.
He is now covered in fire ant bites
and he is staring into the sun, not
They load him up and think,
what better than a dumpster.
They cruise back to the motel,
there it is, the dumpster next
to Burger King.
They drag him out of the trunk
They heave all his belongings
into the dumpster, the luggage,
his clothing, his wallet, his briefcase.
They start to heave ho BK into
the dumpster. They cannot.
They are interrupted.
They leave him there,
thinking he is just about
dead anyway.
And when he is found,
they luck out.
His beaten self is not investigated.
He is routed off to the hospital
and hey, he does not remember
His wife: She tells everyone
that he just up and left.
She has staged his suicide note
or i am leaving you note
and she has no idea what
happened,he is just 'missing/'
Police treat it as they do
some missing people.
He is an adult, he can go anywhere
he wants. He was depressed
about the upcoming divorce.
They will keep a lookout for
any unidentified bodies, but
they are not really concerned.
Wife has access to all
the bank accounts, savings,
And no one to report him missing.
The only thing is:
what happens when his memory returns?

ot: way too many forensic files on while i sleep.
I have always assumed (you know what they say about that)
that BK was hit 3 times on the head and then beaten. I was thinking
the 3 blows were meant to knock him down or knock him out.
Now, I wonder. Maybe when the attack took place, it was a fight.
At the end of it, the attacker took something, a bat or a gun or ?
and hit BK on the right side of the head to make sure he was down.
Or maybe the attacker tried to kill him.

I wonder if BK received his medical records.
They would have the information about where exactly the three blows were,
how long they were, how wide, the depth of the wounds. It would give
an idea what kind of weapon was used.
The medical records would also show if BK had defensive wounds on his hands and arms.
Did BK show signs of being tied up?

If this was a simple mugging, then maybe the attackers thought they had gone too far and he would die, so they put his body next to the dumpster and threw away his i.d. and clothing.
If this was more than a simple mugging, if the intent was to beat him up and maybe kill him, then someone is still out there. That someone is hoping like heck that BK will
not regain his memory.
Yes, I think that's him!!I also think the show I saw was on PBS. I'll read up on him and see if what I remember is the case (that he can identify people to within a certain area). If anyone else want's to do it - feel free. Even if it is - could he help Benjaman, I wonder?

Oh good, I had been wondering about this since I posted what I had found! From what I recall in reading the link, I would think he'd be a good person for Benjaman to talk to!
dreamweaver, I read all of your pondering theories. You have a better imagination than me :) Have you looked at the area on a Live Search Maps map? You can zoom in and out and move around as you like in a very clear 3D aerial picture of the area. I thought perhaps looking at exactly where the dumpster was in relation to the motel next door, the woods behind, etc. might be very interesting to you, if you hadn't already.

I have always assumed (you know what they say about that)
that BK was hit 3 times on the head and then beaten. I was thinking
the 3 blows were meant to knock him down or knock him out.
Now, I wonder. Maybe when the attack took place, it was a fight.
At the end of it, the attacker took something, a bat or a gun or ?
and hit BK on the right side of the head to make sure he was down.
Or maybe the attacker tried to kill him.

I wonder if BK received his medical records.
They would have the information about where exactly the three blows were,
how long they were, how wide, the depth of the wounds. It would give
an idea what kind of weapon was used.
The medical records would also show if BK had defensive wounds on his hands and arms.
Did BK show signs of being tied up?

If this was a simple mugging, then maybe the attackers thought they had gone too far and he would die, so they put his body next to the dumpster and threw away his i.d. and clothing.
If this was more than a simple mugging, if the intent was to beat him up and maybe kill him, then someone is still out there. That someone is hoping like heck that BK will
not regain his memory.
dreamweaver, I read all of your pondering theories. You have a better imagination than me :) Have you looked at the area on a Live Search Maps map? You can zoom in and out and move around as you like in a very clear 3D aerial picture of the area. I thought perhaps looking at exactly where the dumpster was in relation to the motel next door, the woods behind, etc. might be very interesting to you, if you hadn't already.

snowme: Good idea. Thanks for the link.
I did look on a google map last fall. I thought the same as you, I could tell more where the dumpster was at in relation to Burger King and the hiway and the motel.
But, then I remembered that they tore down that Burger King where BK was found.
I cannot remember where I read that.

In my town, Burger King's dumpster is in an enclosed fence area.
You cannot see the dumpster as you drive by.
Just as the dumpster was situated re: Caylee A case: where the car was left.

In writing this, I just thought, google maps are all at different dates. My area is three years ago. I need to check the date on the maps of that area. Savannah, Ga is a much more populated area than where I live.
Back to maps.
Thank you.
Oh, I hadn't heard that about that Burger King no longer being there. You've got a good point tho with the map dates. My area for most maps indicates '08 or even '09 on some and I know the pic is actually from 6-7 years ago!

When I was looking yesterday at the Richmond Hill area on Live Search I happened to note the date of '09 but it seems to me the same "shot" as it was in '08... and if the Burger King has actually been torn down we know that date has no bearing on the current-ness of what we're looking at! That could get sticky.

Whatever timeframe the shot I was looking at was taken, if the layout was the same as when Benjaman was found there, then I can imagine no one noticing anything happening back there (even if it were many minutes as opposed to a quick "dumping"). There are woods to the back, an empty lot to one side, the front and busier/busiest part of the restaurant is quite a distance from the dumpster as the buidling is longer than wide, etc. Especially if it was at a time of day/night when you'd think traffic in general to the restaurant and motel next door would be slower.

I'm rambling at this point. I just ocassionally find myself studying that map and pondering. I think I'll go see if I can find something that indicates that Burger King was torn down. Not sure how I missed that.


snowme: Good idea. Thanks for the link.
I did look on a google map last fall. I thought the same as you, I could tell more where the dumpster was at in relation to Burger King and the hiway and the motel.
But, then I remembered that they tore down that Burger King where BK was found.
I cannot remember where I read that.

In my town, Burger King's dumpster is in an enclosed fence area.
You cannot see the dumpster as you drive by.
Just as the dumpster was situated re: Caylee A case: where the car was left.

In writing this, I just thought, google maps are all at different dates. My area is three years ago. I need to check the date on the maps of that area. Savannah, Ga is a much more populated area than where I live.
Back to maps.
Thank you.
Just spent the morning reading this post and have a few I want to quote for one reason of another. This will make it easier for me in the long run.

Let's say for the sake of argument BK flew into Savannah in 2004...perhaps even from Denver.

One of the hottest restaurant associated leads we had at the beginning of the year was from a woman who was sure she knew him from food trade shows in Orlando. She was in the industry for 15 years and was certain she had a nodding acquaintance with him but did not know him directly. She could not recall if he had a booth or he was attending like everyone else. She remembered seeing him at more than one trade show.

What if he did travel for business? So let's go backwards and try and figure out how do we figure out what airlines were flying into Savannah from the west during the time he was missing. Then we can either kick it to FBI Bill or approach the airlines directly to check manifests if they still have them available. Did they have someone who did not come back???

Am I insane or does this seem doable??

I think you are looking in the wrong direction and wonder if he left from the east coast.

Burger King was not in a bad part of town at all. Richmond Hill is a fairly affluent area, in the three years that I lived there I never once saw a transient or witnessed any crimes. It (Burger King) is in your typical "restaurant row" right off of the exit. McDonald's, Taco Bell, Wendy's, Arby's, KFC are all grouped in that area. There is also a truckstop right across the highway. VERY busy truckstop, might I add.

Quoting to come back to if need be. Good info to know about the area.

the restaurant industry is a tight community. i believe the National Restaurant Assoc. still has a monthly magazine. see if you can get his face in there. the food industry also includes, schools, hospitals, nursing homes etc... all distributors have food shows. usually 2 big ones each year. it is put on by distributors, the vendors all have booths and restaurant owners, school lunch ladies etc...come to them. GFS has an annual show in the fall in Ft. Wayne along w/ other cities.

Quoting because I'm unsure of if this was looked into more?
Also possible for one of us to find a web site to post his info to.

Benjaman Kyle:
Mugged. Beaten. Car stolen.
no abandoned rental car reports checked at the time.
no abandoned personal car reports found, Benjaman K
did his own search.

The gay possibility:
He could have been traveling, something happened, they
beat him up and put him next to the dumpster.
Would we ever know?

Hurricane Charley: 2004 Aug. 9 – 15
It hit Florida hard and the up the coast too.
Victim of that hurricane?

He could have been in town for a visit. a convention.
a funeral. a wedding. a reunion.
a vacation. a boating trip. a fishing trip.
I looked up Aug. 2004, Savannah, Ga and there were many conventions and groups and events then.

It was the time of the 2004 elections.
Aug. 31, Florida primary.
Aug. 30 to Sept. 2, Republican Nat’l Convention, New York

I looked up funerals, Aug. 04, Savannah, Ga.
There was one that looked promising. The woman could have been a sister, no picture available. The obituary listed a brother that lived in Ohio.
I checked that person's name. It seems he is still living in Ohio.

The restaurant industry vendors or convention sounds like a good lead.
He did say he thought he worked in a nice restaurant and was familiar with
the appliances and design.
What would be the convention for those who design restaurants? a kind of architect firm?

BK could study restaurant design books or magazines or ask to go into
kitchens. The more he is around things he thinks are familar, maybe it will jog his memory.
I wish BK or his nurse or the Dr Phil show would post updates, once a month, at least.
What I do know is that there are so many people who are searching to find his identity.
So glad there is someone on this board that knows the Richmond Hill area, that is a big help.

IMO, and not to keep bringing this up.. the gay comment should be looked into and if you (not you - general you) know someone that has ties, please pass this on. I hope to get something up within the next week if possible that will be easy for people to email.

what I have not seen mentioned - online dating
Long shot - he met someone on line - possibly while gaming.
His wife found out - he ended up driving to clear his head or meet up with this person.

If he is gay, he feels bad that it wrecked his kids lives. Look at the NJ Governor.
Could be he hid it for so long that subconsciously he's still hiding it?

I actually wrote on the other thread about his surgery and possible pins/plates
I remember reading somewhere where these pins / plates have serial numbers.

I know it would be a big ask but if its true that he has pins/plates (can tell via xray) and that they have a serial number - then he could be traced as to who he is that way, if it cant be seen on xray - the serial number then they could open him up.
Id be willing to suffer surgery to find out who I was .

I think he was a businessman on his way somewhere, and he was mugged and severely beaten, clothes stripped off him (was he sexually assaulted ?) and his car taken.
Thats what I think happened to him. I think he was on his way through from another state ...

I would think they could find out what type of surgery he's had from Xrays. My lower back is fused. Technology has changed a lot, they should be able to pin point what year it was done. I think this is his best shot.

Is he in pain?
Is he on pain meds?

The fire ant bites make me also think that BK may have been hiking or camping nearby. My nephew hiked the Appalachian trail through Georgia and would often hike into towns near trail heads to eat at fast food joints or stock up on supplies. They would leave their huge packs of hiking gear hidden near a trail head. There are registries all along the trail and even a website for the Appalachian trail. I will do some research to see if there are any major hiking trails in the area. August 31, 2004 was very close to labor day and many people take long vacations at that time to go camping or hiking.

I like this idea as well.
Next thought - what if they were not ant bites?
My hubby has had lots of skin problems since late summer, they are now calling it some sort of lupus. It looked like insect bites. Were the bites documented?
Does Ben remember what the bites looked like (probably not)
Can someone else that was around him comment on what the bites looked like, or find a picture online of fire ant bites to look at? Tons of skin pictures online. I know that from when my hubby had something.

I've heard back from the Great Grand Hobo Duke of Cyber Space and he will be posting the information about BK on their Hobo Grapevine.
I also emailed 3 others from the Hobo Society but haven't heard back from them.

If it is the hobo site I found online there is nothing posted about him.
This needs to be revisited.

Theory number 1 for Monday:
BK had moved to Florida to retire. BK still has his regional accent. BK is a loner, with few family or friends.
Hurricane mid Aug. 2004. BK decided to leave FL and go north. He comes up to the
Savannah, GA area. He is attacked, either robbed for money or carjacked and then beaten and left by a Burger King dumpster.
Hotel records are a mess what with the hurricane and Red Cross in town and other organizations. His car was sold for parts or dumped in a deep lake or river.

His home in Florida destroyed. He never filed for homeowner's insurance. Insurance companies did not mind. His neighbors did not know him well, and when no body was found, assumed he left FLorida and moved back home. Mortgage company had a destroyed house on their hands and either wrote it off or thought BK had skipped out and was living somewhere else.
BK has never had his fingerprints taken. In the Viet Nam war era, he either lucked out on the draft or he was considered 4F or he was a college student.

Somewhere, maybe, his brothers wonder why they have not heard from BK for so long, but just think, oh, you know Ben.

We can hope that the Y-DNA search will find something. Or that the drivers license facial recognition software will find him.

Since you mention FL, maybe he was driving down to fish but couldn't due to weather.
Maybe he did fish in FL but started driving back home?
Maybe he got sunburned from being on a fishing boat?
Maybe his "ant bites" where gnat bites?

I posted earlier in 50-60 year old thread, asking about fingerprints for the military. I found some interesting facts about this. Leads me to believe
1. Ben was from English Canada, and came to the states some 20+ years ago(would make sense for the voice expert theory)
2. Ben has been declared deceased.(prints no longer in military database)
3. Ben left the states prior to military call in 1968, and only returned due to family passing
Any other thoughts on this.....

Article of fingerprints

Does the FBI have your fingerprints?

What is in the Defense Manpower Data Center Data Base

Military Entrance Processing Command (MEPCOM) applicants

Quoted for your thoughts mostly..

I actually think he did not serve because he's too young or lucked out in the draft.

“Do you have any idea of what you were doing in Georgia?” Dr. Phil asks.

“I think I came down there to see the ocean,” Ben says.

Is CAME DOWN THERE a colloquoism? Something that someone from Indiana would say?

I live in Oregon and if I was in Georgia and I was asked, what are you doing in Georgia? I would say, I CAME OVER HERE to visit Savannah.
and if I was back in Oregon after the trip .... and then asked.... what were you doing in Georgia? I would say, I WENT DOWN there to visit Savannah.

It makes me think he lived in a state above Georgia.

Maybe I am making too much of his choice of words, but he does have a good grasp of the English language and appears intelligent.
So, it is a regional way of saying things? Anyone?

carolwood: What would you say if you were asked, what were you doing in Georgia?

Anyone else? What would be the way you answered the question? What were you doing in Georgia?

Normally it would be went down there.
People in NJ say it all of the time, we are always going down somewhere; unless you ski, then you went up to such & such.
Yes, I can see myself saying that I came down there, depends on who I was talking to and where I was at the time.

I don't think that BK was taken to Burger King to dispose of his body in the dumpster. If the attacker wanted him dead, they would have just left him somewhere isolated, where there was no chance of recovery. If his attacker brought him to Burger King it was because the attack was an accident ,self-defense perhaps or mistaken identity or the attack was purely to take money or a car. The intent was never to kill BK. They/ She/He wanted him found.

The other possibility is that somehow BK wandered around with a head wound, totally out of it, for some time. It was long enough to get sunburned, he took his own clothes off to get the fire ants off from him and eventually collapsed by the dumpster. Was there any evidence taken to find out what was used to cause the head wounds? That could be telling about where the attack actually occured.


-Great sites:
Here is another one.
number 11 appears to be where they have identified BK's speech is from. 'snipped'
North Midland (11)
Created as the people in Pennsylvania migrated westward and influenced by Scotch-Irish, German, and English Quaker settlers. This and the South Midland dialect can actually be considered a separate Midland Dialect region that serves as a transition zone between the north and south. They call doughnuts belly sinkers, doorknobs, dunkers, and fatcakes.

Thank you for the link.
It gives me an idea of where to focus posts I'm going to make.

Lurker here, just had to comment.

I'm originally from Ontario, Canada and that is what I would say.

Edit - though I can definately say that his current dialect is not Canadian. Not Michigan either - similar but more nasal on the vowels. He has a very distinctive way of saying the word 'thought.' Almost like Pittsburghese. I know that he was evaluated by a speech expert - I will go look for that info.

Can you post a link to videos you've watched?
I did not get to see the Dr Phil show, but from 2 videos I've seen, I do not rule out NJ/Pennsy. I originally come from Union County NJ, I do not talk like the Sopranos.

My hubby's grandma lives in Miami, the only time has a weird way of talking is when she says Miami.
Reminds me of people from or not from Oregon. If you live there you pronounce it differently.

Not a stupid question.
We have discussed the draft extensively.
Since his fingerprints did not show up in the military, he was not in the service.
He is just the right age to have gone to Viet Nam.
But, there was a draft in those years. He may have had a 'good' number and did not have to register. the viet nam lotteries 1969 draft for 19 yr olds.
BK probably 21 that year.

He could have been in college and exempted. He may have been 4F.
He may have ran off to Canada, that was the popular place in those years.
Canada wants to build memorial for Viet Nam war draft dodgers who went to Canada.

This is what I dug up the other day when I started devoting time to this. I'm going to c/p my whole thinking...

I was watching 24 last night. The character Bill Buchanan looks to me to be around Benjaman's age so I looked him up; he was born in 1954. James Morrison/Bill Buchanan link

This is all before my time, but I wonder if this has been considered to figure out his age? The draft was for people born between 1944 and 1952 from what I can see. People born in 1953 were never called.

The Vietnam Lotteries - December 1, 1969 -determined the order of call for induction during calendar year 1970 - for registrants born between January 1, 1944, and December 31, 1950 (all men within the 18-26 age range)

RESULTS FROM LOTTERY FOR MEN FACING THE DRAFT IN 1971 - The highest lottery number called for this group was 125. All men assigned that lottery number or any lower number, and who were classified 1-A or 1-A-O (available for military service), were called to report for possible induction.

RESULTS FROM LOTTERY FOR MEN FACING THE DRAFT IN 1972 - The highest lottery number called for this group was 95; all men assigned that lottery number or any lower number, and who were classified 1-A or 1-A-O (available for military service), were called to report for possible induction.

RESULTS FROM LOTTERY FOR MEN FACING THE DRAFT IN 1973 - The lottery drawing held February 2, 1972, determined the order in which men born in 1953 were called to report for induction into the military. no new draft orders were issued after 1972.


In closing, and if you've actually read what I've posted lol
If you go to any forums, think to put this in your profile.. say a link to the flier or if the forum gives you a photo album like the one I met believe on, make a photo album & upload his pics.

Once I switch to my windows computer, I was going to take print screens (computer picture) of a word file, then I'd be able to upload that as well.
Where were you on Sept. 11, 2001?

From another post..
This is a very good question and I hope he thinks about it.
If he is from the east coast this might play an important part of his amnesia and what he possibly was running from (assuming he was getting away)

If he was from NJ, it is very possible he lost someone that day, or a lot of someone's
I just had a food thought:
In different parts of this beautiful country we live in, we eat different foods. What foods does Benjamam prefer to eat?
Rice or Potatoes
tomato gravy or white gravy or brown gravy
Steak or seafood
grits or hash browns or biscuits with or without gravy
The reason I am asking this, my husband is from Ms. and I, from La.
My preferred foods:
steak and brown gravy on rice
My hubby preferred food
steak and potato with butter
all southern people love grits, up north alot of places don't have it. I have a friend in Jersey, i used to mail her grits, she could not buy it there.
My husband would prefer to eat tomato gravy with his biscuits
I would prefer bacon with the biscuit, and white sausage gravy.
My hubby not big on seafood at all. Well I'm a cajun, I am sure you know what I like.
How would he spell the word crawfish? crayfish?
Prefer salmon, trout or catfish, bass?
Likes lobster? or shrimp?
I grew up on rabbit, seafood, beef and pork.
My husband, deer, turkey, beef and pork.
Some people I know from up north, eat lots of deer and elk.
What are your food eating habits. What is Bens?
Does Ben like homemade soups and if so, what would he like in these soups?
Gumbo, no tomatoes in mine, but friends I know from Ca. like tomatoes in there gumbo.
Something to think about. Maybe Ben can give us some feed back, may help to weed down even further, the states.
I have friends and family in Co, In, Tx, Ga, Fl, Oh, NM, NJ, LA, MS and probably a few more, if I think about it. I can contact and ask these specific questions, and see what we come up with.
What do you all think? I'm sure WS has people from all over, maybe we could get something on the front board and ask everyone for a survey of the foods they grew up eating and compare with the foods Ben prefers, if this is something he would like to do and with WS help.
Just a thought...had to get it out...
The mention of online dating is an interesting thought. I've heard of people flying across the country to meet a "love interest"...

Also, the idea of a survey about a persons tastes, as carolwood suggested is a creative idea. I'm not sure if amnesia changes your sense of taste, but it could be worth a little survey?

I just had a food thought:
In different parts of this beautiful country we live in, we eat different foods. What foods does Benjamam prefer to eat?

What are your food eating habits. What is Bens?

What do you all think? I'm sure WS has people from all over, maybe we could get something on the front board and ask everyone for a survey of the foods they grew up eating and compare with the foods Ben prefers, if this is something he would like to do and with WS help.
Just a thought...had to get it out...

Right and this was going to be my next post but our internet kept cutting out this morning.

I was thinking last night and wondered things about Ben such as..

Coffee or Tea?
Does he smoke?
Like to read the paper in the morning?
What does he like for breakfast?
Does he eat lunch?

Then I thought that perhaps he could note what he does for a week, then give it to his nurse friend for her to see if something might help figure out where he's from or be a clue.

What shampoo does he like? Does he feel he can't find his favorite brand?
How about tooth paste? Soap?
As silly as this sounds, boxers or briefs? He doesn't have to post this; but men I know (my hubby & son) both like certain underwear, not only style but brand. If this was my son, I'd know he was my son just by the pattern of underwear he has.

Then my other questions:
Does he remember Princess Diana? Her wedding and funeral service were all over.
How about someone like Andrew Dice Clay?
Then you have my favorite singer (well band) Blondie - does he remember her music? Joan Jett? I have tons of music CD's from the 80's I could zip and email or throw online for him to hear if need be.

Then on the east coast we have a product called Entenmann's - has he ever had one? for some reason my image isn't hotlinking, it will be below..Entenmann's raspberry danish twist

We also have Taylor Ham aka pork roll, people fry this up and throw it on a hard roll with cheese, some times an egg.

The mention of online dating is an interesting thought. I've heard of people flying across the country to meet a "love interest"...

Also, the idea of a survey about a persons tastes, as carolwood suggested is a creative idea. I'm not sure if amnesia changes your sense of taste, but it could be worth a little survey?


One of my son's friends fathers left his family for someone he met online, it popped into my head. Back then it was pretty popular, and may have been at a peak because these days people are a little more cautious.

Then, I've known people going through a divorce that do things they normally wouldn't do, such as jumping on a plane or driving somewhere to meet someone.

It very well could be he has a child or two and a biatch ex wife that doesn't let him see the kids. IMO, he is stuck in the 80's and if he didn't have kids in the 80's it's possible he doesn't feel like he should be concerned his children have been missing him.

I'm game for a food survey.


  • RaspberryDanishTwist.jpg
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It sounds kind of silly, but foods he may like could also hint to his upbringing as far as cultural influence. Not that it's a big hint, but what the heck? Doing a little survey of sorts can't hurt.:blowkiss:
It sounds kind of silly, but foods he may like could also hint to his upbringing as far as cultural influence. Not that it's a big hint, but what the heck? Doing a little survey of sorts can't hurt.:blowkiss:

I think you should add to the survey:

soda or pop
hotdish or casserole
sub or hoagie

I've lived in the midwest and on the east coast, these are just a few of what I'm sure can be a long list.
Hi guys, can we post these in the appropriate threads? The questions for mr kyle etc? I hate to sound like the thread police, but it is so hard to follow when a topic is spread through so many different threads.

ty ty!
Hi guys, can we post these in the appropriate threads? The questions for mr kyle etc? I hate to sound like the thread police, but it is so hard to follow when a topic is spread through so many different threads.

ty ty!

Sorry, I was bouncing ideas off of the people here.
I have a few other questions, haven't gotten them down in a post yet.
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