Theories we have regarding Kyron's disappearance

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I wonder if Kyron even was at the school that day
If TH just showed up and walked around a bit to make it look like they were there and then left .
I guess I do feel she was involved in his disappearance . I have never tried to make a hit on my husband no matter how upset I was with him .
The fact that she did that really bothers me . It shows me she isn't a nice person at all .
Everyone has bad thoughts but most don't act on them - she did and trying to find someone to actually kill her hub instead of divorcing him . It scares me that she crossed that line .

There are pictures of Kyron at school that day and the witnesses.

I'm with cluciano on the hit. It might have happened or it might have been a misinterpreted joke or it might be total BS. I have no idea since we've seen zero evidence of it. As much as Desiree has given us hints and talked in code about things that happened, she has never really even mentioned this. I can't possibly take it into consideration.

As far as I can tell, the only thing Terri has definitely done wrong is the sexting and who knows what else with whats his face. And that isn't illegal, just incredibly inappropriate and gross.

Until I see more, I'm staying right here on my fence.
I don't think she doctored as the prof would have figured that out quick enough . I would trust it more if there were other people in the photo,
It could have been taken days before for all I know .
Well the PTA lady, or whoever she was, would have to be lying too, she said she saw Kyron and Terri that morning...
TMH seems like a keen manipulator, in a Pontious Pilot kind of way. I believe she opened the door to what happened to Kyron, never having the kahoonas to do the deed herself. Were she a clever woman of action, she could have disposed of Kaine on her own, but alledgedly hired someone else. Distance from the deed. Her history seems to reflect she prefers to be seen as the victim, or the hero. No middle ground there. Scary.

Just MHO but I believe LE is at a stand still on Kyron's disappearence, but step one signs point to TMH. She is incapable of taking responsibility for anything Kyron. I do not believe she would ever utter a word because in her mind she is not now, nor has ever been responsible for Kyron missing or not. Her ability to dismiss her baby as well makes me shiver.

My dream is for Kyron to be returned to those who love him. This has been far too long and for 14 months the only thing that remains the same is the desire to bring Kyron home. Who ever/what ever darkness caused this, may you be blinded by the Light.


Do you mean "Pontius Pilate"?
Where is the proof of the attempted hit on her husband, anyway? It has not been mentioned by LE in over a year...I don't think it should be considered a fact.


I don't recall this ever being mentioned by LE in MSM.

Do you mean "Pontius Pilate"?

Thank you ever so, and yes, that is exactly who I meant. I could have butchered that more, but it would have taken a lot more effort. Thank you for the correction.
Where is the proof of the attempted hit on her husband, anyway? It has not been mentioned by LE in over a year...I don't think it should be considered a fact.

I too have doubts about this MFH scheme that has been talked about for a year now. I wonder if LE jumped the gun when the gardener mentioned this, rushed ahead with the sting, then felt like fools as they realized the gardener wasn't on the level?
I certainly wish that MCSO would release more info. It's hard to watch the case remain stagnant, blossom with slight promise, and then quiet again for what seems like an eternity.

And TH may be guilty of a variety of things, but I certainly wouldn't trust her a second without some hard core proof that her motives are innocent. We have few facts, but we have 14 months of silence and actions where she once seemed rather impulsive.
TH doesn't seem to be a particularity shy person, text messaging, body building competition. When Desiree knocked on her door, the day she was passing out the new flyers, if she was innocent, and if it was me, I would have answered that door and blasted Desiree with both barrels. How would that have hurt her in court?
If Terri had blasted Desiree, Desiree would be on TV telling everyone about Terri's temper and rage, just like she told us about how Terri said, "I loved your son."
TH doesn't seem to be a particularity shy person, text messaging, body building competition. When Desiree knocked on her door, the day she was passing out the new flyers, if she was innocent, and if it was me, I would have answered that door and blasted Desiree with both barrels. How would that have hurt her in court?

If it were me I really don't think I would answer the door to someone who had been stalking me and of who I was sure would cause a scene then tell the world about it via TV. Desiree should never be anywhere Terri's house IMO.

Do you mean "Pontius Pilate"?

Thank you ever so, and yes, that is exactly who I meant. I could have butchered that more, but it would have taken a lot more effort. Thank you for the correction.

Crack me up Cajun Girl. It's great to see you. xox
Where ever Kyron is, TH is confident that he will never be found or at least there will be no evidence against her. But everyday she has to get up and at least worry that there is a chance someone will find him. So it is a waiting game for her. As long as she is silent, she hopes she can wait it out until time passes and there is no trace of him that links this to her.

I have never believed she did this alone, never felt there was enough time to or opportunity (with a small child in hand) to kill Kyron and stash his body so well, that he is not yet found. If there is an accomplice, that person gets up every day with the same thoughts of TH, they worry. If he is alive and with another person, he would be so far off the grid, it will be hard to spot him. There are millions of places like that, I see them all the time in FL.

Praying for a mistake, praying for a someone to come forward, praying for a break, praying for Kyron and his family.
If Terri had blasted Desiree, Desiree would be on TV telling everyone about Terri's temper and rage, just like she told us about how Terri said, "I loved your son."

That would have been in one of my barrels, if I was Teri and innocent, I would have told her, go ahead, go to the media and while you're at it, tell them exactly what were in those emails, if Teri is innocent.
I would have started with Kaine, if I were Teri and innocent, when it came to the divorce, bring it on, show the proof of a murder for hire, I don't have to say a word, you better bring more than allegations to court, you better bring proof. You better bring proof that LE is investigating me for some responsibility in Kyron being missing, if you are going to keep my baby from me, bring the proof, not allegations, if Teri is innocent. IMO.
In a situation where an individual is being investigated for the disappearance of a stepchild and has been in the public eye as someone who tried to cook up a murder for hire plot, it wouldn't take much for a judge to grant full custody to the other parent. What judge would risk the public outcry for letting TH have unsupervised visitation? TH could say "bring it on" and the civil process would open her up to all sorts of questioning that might make her vulnerable for indictment in Kyron's case. Remember, a divorce proceeding or custody hearing is not like criminal court; it isn't about proof. It's about whether in that adverserial process, the attorneys for one side can show that the other side is abusive, unfaithful, mentally ill, dangerous, or incapable of caring for children. Kaine's attorneys could get into lots of areas relative to the marriage that the criminal justice system can't touch. Whether TH is innocent or guilty, so long as no one knows where Kyron is or who took him, she would be stupid to give anyone an opportunity to circumvent her right to remain silent relative to the criminal investigation. There are lots of people in prison because LE and prosecutors got tunnel vision on a case.

As to the anguished questions about why TH or whoever took Kyron doesn't give the family an opportunity to recover Kyron (whether or not he is alive), it
goes without saying that someone who would abduct a child or stage an abduction to cover up a murder isn't going to care AT ALL about how the parents feel or the community feels. It hurts my heart to see a dead animal on the side of a road. Whoever did this either took a child or killed him. A person who could look at little Kyron, with his hopes and dreams for birthdays
and Christmases and summer vacations, and just end that life wouldn't have a second thought about the emotional pain of others. The abductor or the killer will never talk. And an innocent person who can't prove that innocence can't talk.
It is not a matter of giving the parents peace by telling where Kyron is (whoever is responsible); it is a matter of staying out of prison or off of death row, IMO. It's not like the person could lead LE to Kyron and go on their merry way. I don't think someone would be able to remain anonymous, even if the person were to try to do it that way, so they would be giving up their freedom, most likely. Someone who would kill a child (if that is what has happened) is not concerned about how Desiree may feel, IMO.
Well, I don't like to have back-to-back posts, but the last post was 9 days ago...and Kyron would have been 9 on the I am posting, with nothing much to say...
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