
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Is it because of WH past criminal record? Sure that is a flag. But he hasn't been in trouble for what over 10 years?

WH got out of PRISON on 2/17/2010. I don't count being in prison as "staying out of trouble." Just my opinion. But I guess good for him he didn't murder anyone while he was locked up?
WH got out of PRISON on 2/17/2010. I don't count being in prison as "staying out of trouble." Just my opinion. But I guess good for him he didn't murder anyone while he was locked up?

Thank you for correcting my typo. Makes a difference.
And yes I sure it is good for him (and other guy/gal too) that he didn't commit murder while locked up. We don't know yet if he has committed it since he been out either. Whomever / whenever an arrest is made, I have a notes for that person too. Just don't have anyone Arrested yet.
Thank you for correcting my typo. Makes a difference.
And yes I sure it is good for him (and other guy/gal too) that he didn't commit murder while locked up. We don't know yet if he has committed it since he been out either. Whomever / whenever an arrest is made, I have a notes for that person too. Just don't have anyone Arrested yet.

Sorry arkansasmimi, you know what, I was reacting to that line growing legs. WH said it himself in an interview and it gets my back up.

"WH: I’ve never been shy about it. People that know me know.. I mean, unarmed bank robbery - it’s nothing violent. Well, it’s violent but it’s the least form of violence. I mean just, uh, forgery, uttering, I mean… B&E here and there. You know, kid stuff. I was like, literally, a kid when that was going on - seventeen, nineteen -- I made mistakes but I've been out of trouble for ten years and I do have successful employment and a business and stuff like that... "

While I'm at it, Forgery and B&E aren't "kid stuff" either. Causes lot of harm. I'm not a WH fan :)
I can't speak for anyone but myself but I will say that WH is the only one in this case that to me, stands out as the most likely suspect. Despite the fact has not been named as such by LE. I came to this opinion for many reasons:

1. his own statements in interviews
2. shifting timelines of last sighting
3. his violent criminal past
4. the way he spoke of AJ on SM
5. his current cocaine usage
6. being in possession of ammo
7. Work history of being in Franklin
8. Comments from his own sister, to the media
9. His attempt to set up a local kid
10. LE stating her phone pinged in the same area he was working in

That's the short list or red flags that popped up for me (and some may or may not be directly related but all of them together doesn't bode well for him).

There's a longer one that began to form when I began to really dig a bit deeper into his SM & read comments from others that have known him for years. Stuff that can't be posted here without a link and stuff I can't link to because it's considered rumor. That being said, he's the ONLY one in this case that has a list as long as he does, for those reasons.

If Wes Hadsell DIDN'T kill Anjelica Hadsell, he's the unluckiest guy on the planet. But, I believe he did.


I do agree with everything you said above Ontario Mom. Wes is still my only suspect.
I am interested in other theories though and I have been wondering if anyone has considered the possibility that a person unknown to AJ could have been involved? A complete stranger.
I'd be really interested in that angle.
I do agree with everything you said above Ontario Mom. Wes is still my only suspect.
I am interested in other theories though and I have been wondering if anyone has considered the possibility that a person unknown to AJ could have been involved? A complete stranger.
I'd be really interested in that angle.

The problem I have with that theory, is Wes has narrowed the window down to 22 minutes for us. He , himself, places her back home at 2-ish, being seen by 2 neighbors, alive and well. And then claims someone comes and meets her at home and she goes off with them, apparently.

I have a hard time believing that a total stranger was able to nab her at her home in that 22 minute window. Especially if they were 'following' her 2 minutes BEHIND HER TRUCK. That is not 'following.'

And why would her jacket be in CF's house if a stranger took her? IMO, Wes knocks out the 'stranger-did-it' theory himself.


I know that Wes is lying about all of this. But there is no reason for him to do so, unless HE is involved and/or covering for someone close to him, imo.
I do agree with everything you said above Ontario Mom. Wes is still my only suspect.
I am interested in other theories though and I have been wondering if anyone has considered the possibility that a person unknown to AJ could have been involved? A complete stranger.
I'd be really interested in that angle.

In the beginning I did consider a total stranger theory. 2 things led me away from that:

WH's words and actions, and the extremely low statistics on stranger abduction compared to known abductor. It would sure be nice of the NPD would just come out and say "we have NO suspects at this time" or "we have a person of interest at this time, and that person is Wesley Hadsell". Their lack of disclosure to the public is so frustrating. Although, I do believe that if they thought it WAS a random stranger, they'd make SOME kind of statement to the public, since that person may still be out there. They haven't done that, and they haven't asked for the public's help in quite a while.

To me, that speaks volumes, even though they haven't said anything. I think they know good and well the person who did this to AJ is tucked away behind bars.

All I have to say to that is theres only one person sitting in jail right now.

I think Ontario Mom hit the nail on the head here.

If the public were in any kind of danger then LE has an obligation to make them aware of that danger. For them to neglect to do so could be both criminally negligent on their part and a violation of their sworn oaths to protect and serve.

IMO they arent worried about it because they already have the person who did it in custody....where he can do no more harm.

WH is going to end up blabbing to someone, if he hasnt done so already.

One thing is abundantly clear in his interviews; WH has a terminal case of diarrhea of the mouth....and thats going to be his undoing.

Mark my words.
The problem I have with that theory, is Wes has narrowed the window down to 22 minutes for us. He , himself, places her back home at 2-ish, being seen by 2 neighbors, alive and well. And then claims someone comes and meets her at home and she goes off with them, apparently.

I have a hard time believing that a total stranger was able to nab her at her home in that 22 minute window. Especially if they were 'following' her 2 minutes BEHIND HER TRUCK. That is not 'following.'

And why would her jacket be in CF's house if a stranger took her? IMO, Wes knocks out the 'stranger-did-it' theory himself.


I know that Wes is lying about all of this. But there is no reason for him to do so, unless HE is involved and/or covering for someone close to him, imo.

Did CF drive a white car? Was WH trying to frame him that way back then? (Sorry if that was already discussed)
In the beginning I did consider a total stranger theory. 2 things led me away from that:

WH's words and actions, and the extremely low statistics on stranger abduction compared to known abductor. It would sure be nice of the NPD would just come out and say "we have NO suspects at this time" or "we have a person of interest at this time, and that person is Wesley Hadsell". Their lack of disclosure to the public is so frustrating. Although, I do believe that if they thought it WAS a random stranger, they'd make SOME kind of statement to the public, since that person may still be out there. They haven't done that, and they haven't asked for the public's help in quite a while.

To me, that speaks volumes, even though they haven't said anything. I think they know good and well the person who did this to AJ is tucked away behind bars.


Which is why I think that we see no sense of urgency. LE can take their time, make sure that they have all the bases covered. They don't need to hurry, but they do need to get it right and they know that. WH has answer for everything. He is a piece of work.
Did CF drive a white car? Was WH trying to frame him that way back then? (Sorry if that was already discussed)

Not that I'm aware of but I couldn't say for sure.

Zapped I love your "mark my words" it reminds me of Jodi Arias and I always think Wes is very similar to her. He's giving interviews right left and centre and digging himself a deeper hole every time he speaks.
I don't know, maybe I'm going crazy? All of the WS pack whose opinions I've found myself respectinb the most are continuing to lean heavily towards Wes as the main/sole perp (and I can totally understand why). For some reason, though, just me personally, I am finding myself more and more and more convinced that WH did not do it. Or, maybe he did commit the crime but perhaps did not play the largest role in the cover up/motive. I am starting to think it is far more likely that any of the ten or so troubled individuals that we know she was exposed to in Norfolk over the break might have been the person who slipped.
Did CF drive a white car? Was WH trying to frame him that way back then? (Sorry if that was already discussed)

CF's best friend owns a white car and CF doesn't drive, so many people think that Wes tossing the "white car" out there was just another ruse to implicate CF.
I don't know, maybe I'm going crazy? All of the WS pack whose opinions I respect the most are continuing to lean heavily towards Wes as the main/sole perp (and I can totally understand why). For some reason though, just me personally, I am finding myself more and more and more convinced that WH did not do it. Or, perhaps he did commit the crime but did not play the largest role in the cover up. I am starting to think it is far more likely that any of the ten or so troubled individuals that we know she was exposed to in Norfolk over the break might have been the person who slipped.

Very interested to hear why you feel this way and what changed your perspective, if you're willing to share. :)
I don't know, maybe I'm going crazy? All of the WS pack whose opinions I've found myself respectinb the most are continuing to lean heavily towards Wes as the main/sole perp (and I can totally understand why). For some reason, though, just me personally, I am finding myself more and more and more convinced that WH did not do it. Or, maybe he did commit the crime but perhaps did not play the largest role in the cover up/motive. I am starting to think it is far more likely that any of the ten or so troubled individuals that we know she was exposed to in Norfolk over the break might have been the person who slipped.

This is very interesting to me because I seem to have gone in the opposite direction to you. At first I thought maybe those close to AJ knew more about her death than we knew. As time has ticked on I very strongly lean towards Wes and only Wes. Reasons are his lies, his past, his present and my own perception of his family/friends and AJs friends on social media and MSM AND their testimony against him.
I am just curious as to why you feel that way because I very much appreciate your point of view Lucky.
CF's best friend owns a white car and CF doesn't drive, so many people think that Wes tossing the "white car" out there was just another ruse to implicate CF.

His interview response on that was particularly odd. He seemed particularly annoyed that the interviewer went "off script" with the questions.
CH: Do you have any idea being in the area of anybody who drives a small compact white car?

WH: I did not at the time. I do now. We can speak on that on your other questions down the road if you’d like to, um, keep on track with the questions or not is up to you. I don’t really care how we do this because the facts are the facts. I have a wealth of facts, and I want to find my daughter
It is also pretty clear that he was trying to play innocent by not knowing who has a small white car "at the time", meaning when it was eventually reported by the neighbors. Since he was actively planning a break-in by Thursday at the latest it seems very likely that he knew exactly who had access to a white car "at the time".
His interview response on that was particularly odd. He seemed particularly annoyed that the interviewer went "off script" with the questions.
It is also pretty clear that he was trying to play innocent by not knowing who has a small white car "at the time", meaning when it was eventually reported by the neighbors. Since he was actively planning a break-in by Thursday at the latest it seems very likely that he knew exactly who had access to a white car "at the time".

His nephbro was said to have a white car too, but Wes says he nephbro was work all day, at some point in his various ramblings. He could have been at work all day and been free in the morning to help Wes move cars around without knowing what was up, it seems possible.
His nephbro was said to have a white car too, but Wes says he nephbro was work all day, at some point in his various ramblings. He could have been at work all day and been free in the morning to help Wes move cars around without knowing what was up, it seems possible.

I am inclined to discount DH at this time. He laid out a pretty good and easily verifiable alibi on social media and has been relatively open of late. Just wish he would become a VI on here so he could share his story without immediately getting slapped with a random accusation. The mods here would clean that up real quick.

Also, WH clearly was being deceptive in that interview. The few criminal liars that I have direct experience with seem to protest very loudly about facts that they know would be a dead end, almost as if they are goading you into pursuing those leads. When he talked about DH having a small white car I think that was the loudest and angriest part of the interview.

Of course that wouldn't rule out WH borrowing the car while DH was at work or (more likely) it was a completely different small white car. IMO of course.
Did CF drive a white car? Was WH trying to frame him that way back then? (Sorry if that was already discussed)

I don't believe he had a car at all.

Take that as rumor, if you like...I can't provide a link. ;)
I don't believe he had a car at all.

Take that as rumor, if you like...I can't provide a link. ;)

He did find the car while walking home from work, so it seems likely he didn't have one. Plus, he knew he wasn't going to need a car real soon going into the services and all...
I wasn't sure where to put this, so if there's a more appropriate thread, please move it:

I had a thought today that may or may not be relevant in any way, but it puzzles me. On February 10th, AJ tweeted this:


She was looking forward to going home the weekend of the 14th/15th - Valentine's Day weekend (I know this has come up before but I can't find the exact discussion on it). In more than one place (MSM, but I also can't find the exact reference I was looking for, ugh!) it's been reported that WH was kicked out of the home approximately 2 weeks before AJ went missing. 2 weeks before AJ went missing was February 16th.

Did something happen that weekend that she was home, that compelled JH to kick him out? I'm specifically wondering if AJ did something or said something that ticked WH off, and that had something to do with him being told to get out. The timing just seems like another one of those "coincidences" WH is fond of talking about, but it also seems like it may (possibly) provide some insight into a motive for what happened 2 weeks later.


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