Theory #2: Family Abduction by George Waters with George Brody, Part 2

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We know that GW applied for a new passport on July 2, 1971. I understand the information received from the passport office does not show any international travel. Is this correct Annasmom? The passport was not in the BFH, it was kept by his brother? Could GW apply for a new
passport even though he kept his older passport and still used the older passport after 1971? Things were not computerized back then, all he would have to do is show his passport that was issued in 1968. Then sometime after Jan 1973, this older passport was destroyed.

they dont keep reccords of travel in like a database? ive never traveld out of the us but dont they stamp the passport is that the only thing they do or is some paperwork kept on file of all the travel dates? also could the two georges have gotten a passport for anna in another name so that no trail would be left behind? maybe they used mk's name for the passport
This is precisely why I believe Annasmom should pursue what it would take to obtain a court order to determine whether or not a passport was issued for Anna. Technically this case is still open as it's never been solved, and Anna was a minor at the time- I really can't see a judge saying no.
I imagine Annasmom wouldn't be the first person to do so, and it would be a matter of getting something in writing, or a detective/LE in front of the judge for an ok. Maybe we should further inquire into someone who has already done so...... Out of my range, other than a good friend near SF who is a fathers rights activist. She might know someone in that area...... but then again, any parental abduction most likely would still be minors. I'd be happy to ask and dig around.

Also, did GW associate with anyone in Wisconsin area? I could help here.... as I am in the burbs of Chicago. Just got back from Wisconsin a few days ago.


As you know, I went round and round with the passport office and finally got copies of GW's last passport application after filing many, many papers. They refused to give any information on Anna because of privacy issues, and I have no idea how one would begin ascertaining information on any passport issued for her without knowing what name may have been used. Right now, apparently the passport office is even more behind than usual because of new laws requiring passports for people re-entering the US from Canada and Mexico. If you can find out anything which would help us hurdle these roadblocks, it would be a really good thing. Regarding Wisconsin, GW's parents lived there, and there is no possibility at all that they would have been involved in Anna's disappearance. He MAY have been going to visit them, but as far as I know, he had broken off contact with them by then.
We know that GW applied for a new passport on July 2, 1971. I understand the information received from the passport office does not show any international travel. Is this correct Annasmom? The passport was not in the BFH, it was kept by his brother? Could GW apply for a new
passport even though he kept his older passport and still used the older passport after 1971? Things were not computerized back then, all he would have to do is show his passport that was issued in 1968. Then sometime after Jan 1973, this older passport was destroyed.
Yes, the older passport was still valid when the newer passport was issued, and it would be the older one which had all the stamps showing where he had traveled. Though the newer passport would have had an indication that it was a reissued passport (which is what they do when a passport is lost or stolen), the old one wouldn't have had any such note in it. The passport information I received was a copy of the last application, and all it said under "planned travel" was Europe and Greece. There was no passport among the papers, and I don't believe his brother kept anything (however, he would have looked at the remaining passport--if there was one-- and would have brought it to our attention if it had indicated something of interest.)(I spoke to him a few months ago and he expressed his willingness to help in any way he could, including contributing DNA samples.) (However, I am reluctant to involve him any further except in a case of extreme emergency. I feel that GW's innocent family has suffered enough in all this.)
Other than GW's obvious travels to Greece, did he have any friends or associates that you may be aware of in ANY other countries? I have found some interesting databases in Greece, (will have to go through my archived info to find them again) but they are in Greek, and Annasmom might be able to read them. (websites) Was there any fascination with Italy or elsewhere that he may have known anyone? Maybe even GB talked of friends or a love of some other country?
We know that GW applied for a new passport on July 2, 1971...

*George Waters took a vacation around September 1971. He appears to have made a stop at Chicago O'Hare airport - whether this was the final destination or just a transfer-point is unknown.

The closeness of these two dates indicate to me that his September trip probably did include international travel. During this trip, he carried with him a picture of "M". The oddness of him taking a "vacation" out of the country (he was not known to take vacations - most of his travels to Europe involved work) and the fact that he took a picture of probably Margaret with him add up to a very suspicious sum total. I believe that this trip is related to Anna's disappearance.
I am going to sound dumb here probably - but would GW have stopped at the Italian Embassy if he by chance went to Italy? I don't really know about things like this but I thought if there is a chance maybe they have records going back that far. With a range of dates you might be able to see if he visited there at this particular time. And, what about convents. Could GW have placed Anna in an Italian(or some other) convent? Edited: After thinking about this last night at home I realized that convent might not be the right word. Do convents take in small children or did they at the time? I don't know anything about Catholic practices then or now, maybe some of you do.

i used to work for a travel agency, but we mostly worked in the hotel industry.... I am wondering if it would be possible to find out the flight patterns at that point in time when GW took his trip?

Here's an example: When I fly to Lauderdale, there is almost always a stop in either charlotte or atlanta. Would it be common to have chicago as a hub for flying to italy or greece when coming from san fran?

I did a couple preliminary searches on expedia and no chicago airports popped up as transfer points. Of course, maybe things have changed. Also, I live in Ohio, so I dont know if it it would be common to fly east or west (over the pacific, rather than the atlantic) to get to those locations? If I were to fly to those locations today, they would send to me NYC first... I lived in Germany as a child, we moved when I was a newborn (1971), and my mom had to drag me thru there to get an international flight.

I also wonder if it would be possible to ask the airlines that fly out of ohare for records? (or if they keep them that long?) if so, checking adjoining seats might indicate if there was a child passenger traveling with or next to him.

just a thought.
I dont know if this link is helpful, but it appears that eifee is a greek word:

this page is all greek to me (sorry for the lame joke) but I found one reference in google that attached eifee to the name of the mares of diomedes, 4 horses that hercules had to steal in his 8th ? trial. Maybe that is what this talking about?

I know the eifee is supposed to be a nonsense word, but i searched it again when you mentioned the international aspects. It appears in alot of webpages in greek that seem to have something to do with horses.

just another thought.
sorry to post-hog. there was a translator on the bottom of the page: it only lets you do 3-4 words at a time:
"Psacli eifee nagh" means: "Agile if cheapens."
"If healing escape."

maybe someone else can help us figure out the meaning of the word, since it is a real one?
I dont know if this link is helpful, but it appears that eifee is a greek word:

this page is all greek to me (sorry for the lame joke) but I found one reference in google that attached eifee to the name of the mares of diomedes, 4 horses that hercules had to steal in his 8th ? trial. Maybe that is what this talking about?

I know the eifee is supposed to be a nonsense word, but i searched it again when you mentioned the international aspects. It appears in alot of webpages in greek that seem to have something to do with horses.

just another thought.
No, it's not Greek. I really don't know what language this is. Greek uses a different alphabet, and I don't think there's any Greek word that even comes close to Eifee. The vowels just aren't used that way in Greek. If you still have the link to Hercules' horses, however, I'd like to look at it. Somehow I just don't think Brody knew anything about Hercules, but I could be wrong!
i could ask a friend of mine who works in the airlines about hubs and reccords going back that long. and such
Would it be common to have chicago as a hub for flying to italy or greece when coming from san fran?

I don't know much about international travel, but in general, I think it depends on the airline and where its hubs are located. For example, I flew on Frontier recently (L.A. to Chicago and back) and I had a layover in Denver because that's where Frontier is based out of. United Airlines, on the other hand, has several hubs - two of which are SF and Chicago O'Hare.
My thought on the airlines is that there could only be a few that might offer those international flights at that time, so maybe it would narrow it down?

Do you think maybe that is Latin, then? I had some in school, but it has be soooo long! Since GW was a Dr, that might make sense, as he should be somewhat familiar with the latin language?

Here are the links, etc., that I ran across:

From Google-Greece: This is just a list of search results, but because the word eifee popped up so many times, it made me believe it really is a word - and it seems like there are alot of references to horses, which is why I thought that might be related to something like that?
Hercules Reference: Read the top result carefully. The problem is that when you click the link, it takes you to an article. the word is not in the excerpt, so I think it must be somewhere in the full article. they charge you $9.95, and I didnt buy it because I cant read it. It does look like that might be greek tho? If someone (maybe you) can read it, it might be worth taking a look at it?
I also searched the source code, and the word is not in there. Again, the reference is to horses.

I did some additional searching of mares / horses of diomedes and was unable to find anywhere that listed the names of the horses.

Another point of interest is that in the first link I sent, the one you said was not Greek, the word Onide is next to Eifee, so I searched that. I found a book called Ac Onide that was a best-seller in 1970 (just before Anna disappered) that was written by John Robert Jones, who may also use the pseudonym John Dalmas. I was unable to find much other information on him or the book, but perhaps the Georges read it. I did turn up alot of informtion about a current sci fi author that goes under the same name. Here is that link: Ac Onide

My thought was perhaps the Georges read one of these books and discovered the word there?
I took a closer look at those links because I was so tired last night -- the excerpt is partially in english and partially in what I think is greek -- but it talks about how the stronger should have more than the weaker... and its got the word gorgias in it -- which must mean george!

Gorgias was an old greek philospher that lived in siciliy.... I havent read the whole entry yet, but it seems like something the Georges might have been into??
I also searched the source code, and the word is not in there. Again, the reference is to horses.

I did some additional searching of mares / horses of diomedes and was unable to find anywhere that listed the names of the horses.

Another point of interest is that in the first link I sent, the one you said was not Greek, the word Onide is next to Eifee, so I searched that. I found a book called Ac Onide that was a best-seller in 1970 (just before Anna disappered) that was written by John Robert Jones, who may also use the pseudonym John Dumas. I was unable to find much other information on him or the book, but perhaps the Georges read it. I did turn up alot of informtion about a current sci fi author that goes under the same name. Here is that link: Ac Onide

My thought was perhaps the Georges read one of these books and discovered the word there?

I looked at the Google search report, but the topics using the word "eifee" are written either in Dutch or Turkish, not in Greek, which makes me think the word isn't a name, but rather a part of speech or something. In the horse reference, they use a lower-case and an upper-case e (there are several "ee" sounds in Greek), but the second letter is an "L", not an "I", so it's ELFEE--don't know what this means without the context.
It's great that you are looking so hard at this, but I still think the most likely possibility is that GB equated certain letters with certain numbers--I don't know what--and was trying to come up with something totalling 27 when combined with the rest of Anna's name. Twenty-seven was "his" name's number (I don't understand any of his reckoning and Websleuths has looked at various kinds of numerology without reaching any conclusion. GW would not have suggested the name. He just did as he was told. They tried changing the whole name to Christiana Benedo Waters at one point, and I refused point-blank to change her name to that, which is why they just added the "Eifee" instead.
wow. annasmom, be sure to read the wikipedia entry. this guy seems to have created alot of concepts that GW and GB might have been into to - and if you look in the notes section, there are some books / articles that were published about this Gorgias in 1970-1972.

sorry for all the posts, there was alot of info.
but the second letter is an "L", not an "I", so it's ELFEE--don't know what this means without the context.

The second letter looks like a little "L" but it is actually a capital "I" in a sans serif font -- I double checked it by pulling the word into MS Word and changing the font -- also google is recognizing it as an "I" not an "L"

i understand the numerology aspect, but I figured it couldnt hurt to give it a shot again. I also tried to do some name searching on greek and italian phone books and people searching, but cant read squat.

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