Theory #3: Other Stranger Abduction

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Thank you for clarifying this Annasmom. I don't know that I remember it being posted the neighbor on the horse heard this noise east of the creek. (Could be my brain isn't holding everything I have read here :) ) To refresh our memory can you tell us approximately how many feet are between the road and the creek?

I'm not sure if I think the noise the neighbor heard was the person who abducted Anna or it was possibly a noise from an animal.

If someone took Anna from near the creek, IIRC the bridge and access to a road or path was on the west side of the house. Is that correct? Was there easy access or a path between the road and the creek on the east side of the house? You said the fields surrounding the driveway where fenced. I'm trying to create a picture of where someone could escape with Anna from near the creek to the road. I'm sorry for so many questions and sorry if this was answered some time ago. I am just trying to create enough of a picture so I and possibly others can see this in our mind.
Here's a sketch with a guess as to the distance from the road to the creek (I am not good at estimating distances, however.) There wouldn't have been any animals in the brush beside the creek during daylight. Another point is that the tracking dogs turned east (upstream) before they gave up. Do ask me anything which isn't clear on this drawing.


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Thank you Annasmom. 400' is good. IIUC (making up a new abbv, if I understand correctly) the neighbor would have heard this withing appx 400' of wherever along the creek she heard this. I assume it was fairly close to the house. and she probably heard it pretty clearly if the 'brush' was dry enough which it sounds like it likely was.

I am going to have to respectfully disagree with you regarding the possibility she heard an animal. While it is very infrequent I have seen coyote, deer and red fox all during daylight and even between 1-3pm.

While it is also possible what she heard was a branch falling, especially if she did not hear what sounded like running or movement for a distance but rather in a single spot or limited area.

I'm not confirming or disputing so much but rather thinking outloud.

hth and JMO
Thank you Annasmom. 400' is good. IIUC (making up a new abbv, if I understand correctly) the neighbor would have heard this withing appx 400' of wherever along the creek she heard this. I assume it was fairly close to the house. and she probably heard it pretty clearly if the 'brush' was dry enough which it sounds like it likely was.

I am going to have to respectfully disagree with you regarding the possibility she heard an animal. While it is very infrequent I have seen coyote, deer and red fox all during daylight and even between 1-3pm.

While it is also possible what she heard was a branch falling, especially if she did not hear what sounded like running or movement for a distance but rather in a single spot or limited area.

I'm not confirming or disputing so much but rather thinking outloud.

hth and JMO

These were not tall trees, more like overgrown shrubs, and they were wet from the rain that day, so hearing a branch falling would be unlikely. We had gophers, birds and various domestic animals, but in all the time we lived there I never saw fox, coyote, deer or any other wild animal anywhere near the farm. I would think that there were raccoons, skunks, etc., about at night, but we never saw them. The only dog on the farm at that time was Saturn, and he did not go exploring by himself (besides which, he was at the house.) The horses and cows were all in fenced areas. The brush was very dense, so that if a person were trying to walk on the bank alongside the creek, there would have been a rustling noise. There was only an open field between the neighbor on horseback and the creek.
Ok, Anna was wearing oversized boots...if someone had picked her up, would they come off right away?

Several thoughts come to mind:

-There were no footprints at the creek and no boots were found up or downstream.
-She disappeared in such a short time (a span of 15 mins?) and she was wearing oversized boots. She couldnt have walked far that fast without a boot falling off, especially upstream/uphill.
-If someone on horseback or hiding behind some bushes snatched her, would the boots have fallen off?

How fast could Anna walk with these oversized boots on in the mud after all the rain.
Ok, Anna was wearing oversized boots...if someone had picked her up, would they come off right away?

Several thoughts come to mind:

-There were no footprints at the creek and no boots were found up or downstream.
-She disappeared in such a short time (a span of 15 mins?) and she was wearing oversized boots. She couldnt have walked far that fast without a boot falling off, especially upstream/uphill.
-If someone on horseback or hiding behind some bushes snatched her, would the boots have fallen off?

How fast could Anna walk with these oversized boots on in the mud after all the rain.

Good questions Grace.
One more question...wasn't Purisima Creek Rd higher up in elevation than the house? I vaguely remember this being mentioned. So if Anna went to get the mail in the oversized rainboots, she would've had to walk up a 'hill' Correct? So when CB arrived at the house at 2:10pm Anna was playing in front of the house...she was discovered missing around 2:15-2:20 pm. How long would it have taken Anna to walk up the hill in the mud, in oversized boots to the mailbox? Or did she already get the mail?
One more question...wasn't Purisima Creek Rd higher up in elevation than the house? I vaguely remember this being mentioned. So if Anna went to get the mail in the oversized rainboots, she would've had to walk up a 'hill' Correct? So when CB arrived at the house at 2:10pm Anna was playing in front of the house...she was discovered missing around 2:15-2:20 pm. How long would it have taken Anna to walk up the hill in the mud, in oversized boots to the mailbox? Or did she already get the mail?
We had a gravel driveway leading to the hard-packed farm driveway which came off Purisima Creek Road, so she wouldn't have walked in mud and it would only have taken a few seconds to go from the house to the road. I think I have misled you about the boots. They were actually Anna's boots, inherited from her brother, somewhat oversized, but not so much it would have impeded her walking. She and the neighbor had jokingly exchanged boots, but then went back to their own. The reason this was mentioned was that when tracks were noticed near the creek, the neighbor said she thought they were her tracks...she had been down there, looking for Anna, before the police came; she explained that her feet and Anna's were nearly the same size. Anna had not already gotten the mail. She may have been on her way to get it when she greeted the visitor.
Thank you for clarifying that Annasmom. I dont know why I thought she was still wearing the adult boots, I feel silly :eek:
Thank you for clarifying that Annasmom. I dont know why I thought she was still wearing the adult boots, I feel silly :eek:
I really described the boot-trading as if Anna were still wearing Suzy's boots, but when I thought about it a bit, it became more clear in my mind. I'm the one who should feel silly, GraceBlue! But the more I think about it, the more problematic it becomes about how the visitor could have seen Anna out in front of the house minutes before she went missing--versus placing her near the brush. Oh, and I didn't answer your question about the road being higher than the house. Yes, it was a very steep little grade and there was only one small window and also a large wild rose bush on the street side of the house, so we couldn't see the road from the living room.
Was the mailman checked out?
How convenient for Anna to run up to the mailbox just in time for the mail truck....
The last visitor apparently did not see anyone parked near the house if I am recalling correctly?

Sorry my question is short but to the point, yesterday we were at the hospital with my motherinlaw for 11 hours, she underwent a leg amputation, poor 90 yr old woman, such a trooper. I'll be back most of today as well if I don't reply or contribute over the weekend. Needless to say we are more than exhausted.

much love
Was the mailman checked out?
How convenient for Anna to run up to the mailbox just in time for the mail truck....
The last visitor apparently did not see anyone parked near the house if I am recalling correctly?

Sorry my question is short but to the point, yesterday we were at the hospital with my motherinlaw for 11 hours, she underwent a leg amputation, poor 90 yr old woman, such a trooper. I'll be back most of today as well if I don't reply or contribute over the weekend. Needless to say we are more than exhausted.

much love
That day's mail had not yet been delivered. Our neighbor was looking at her previous day's mail, which is why we thought maybe Anna thought the mail had come. The mail delivery person (a woman) came somewhat later and was questioned. I had lunch with her a couple of weeks ago. The visitor did not see anyone parked near the house.

I'm sending hugs and good thoughts for recovery for your mother-in-law...get some rest!

bumping the theory threads back to the top of the page.
I know we've hacked this thought two and fro, high and low but it nags at me because I don't feel (in my gut) that the thought of Bill Sharp (the handyman in San Mateo) didn't have contact with Anna. Bill's daughter? was approached and SherlockJR and Dr. Doogie spoke with her but she was hesitant and giving information out and they felt she was holding something back. This daughter may have had her own issue's at the time however, I still feel more investigative should take place with this family. What if Bill Sharp had contact with Anna, changed her name to Anna Sharp? Is there an Anna Sharp in San Mateo County? Did Anna give birth - would it be on the California Birth Index?
Sorry... but I need clarification that there is NO WAY Sidekick!! We're done with that avenue. Are we really done with that avenue?

Hugzz.. SK.
I know we've hacked this thought two and fro, high and low but it nags at me because I don't feel (in my gut) that the thought of Bill Sharp (the handyman in San Mateo) didn't have contact with Anna. Bill's daughter? was approached and SherlockJR and Dr. Doogie spoke with her but she was hesitant and giving information out and they felt she was holding something back. This daughter may have had her own issue's at the time however, I still feel more investigative should take place with this family. What if Bill Sharp had contact with Anna, changed her name to Anna Sharp? Is there an Anna Sharp in San Mateo County? Did Anna give birth - would it be on the California Birth Index?
Sorry... but I need clarification that there is NO WAY Sidekick!! We're done with that avenue. Are we really done with that avenue?

Hugzz.. SK.

Maybe I am just having a senior moment, but I can't think for the life of me who Bill Sharp is.
I just find the conversation with the tipster very interesting. Why would she comment on Bill and Anna at all? Would she have been that mentally ill and perhaps confused? Can we find out this Bill's last name?

Thank you for finding this, SideKick. I was pretty tired last night when I was searching for the area where this info was posted.

(thinking outloud) .... so the tipster has the same last name as this person who was charged with abducting another child, but she remembers Bill as a possible tenant. Her memory was 3 years after Anna was abducted, and also after the William Sharp (Jack someone or other, haven't had enough coffee yet) mentioned in the thread I linked had been charged with kidnap.

As others, I'm not sure where we can go with this to answer any further questions. Do you have any idea's how we might pursue further exporation of this area, because I'm stumped on this one as far as the tipster.

I did notice it appears we did not uncover where this William Sharp that was mentioned was in 73 nor did I see where his sentencing was found after his charges. Perhaps that might be an area to pursue?

Real life has been pretty hectic lately so I won't be able to spend much time delving into this area again, if anyone else is able to please do so!

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