Theory: Tammi as the Third Party to put Gabe in hiding w/couple

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:wave: Happy Easter Everyone! I've only been gone a couple of days and reading back so much progress has been made!! Exciting!

I keep thinking back on the foster parent info LE confiscated from TayJays house. Can't find the link...looked everywhere but I know I remember this being mentioned by LE. Let me know if I imagined this or if someone else rememebers this too . A foster parent would make perfect sense if TS was looking for someone to hide Gabriel. All it would take is someone who truly believed TS's carp about LM being abusive, drug addict and anything else she could make up to get these people to "rescue" Gabriel.
:wave: Happy Easter Everyone! I've only been gone a couple of days and reading back so much progress has been made!! Exciting!

I keep thinking back on the foster parent info LE confiscated from TayJays house. Can't find the link...looked everywhere but I know I remember this being mentioned by LE. Let me know if I imagined this or if someone else rememebers this too . A foster parent would make perfect sense if TS was looking for someone to hide Gabriel. All it would take is someone who truly believed TS's carp about LM being abusive, drug addict and anything else she could make up to get these people to "rescue" Gabriel.

Yes, and easy to pass as normal. People would think, oh just another foster child in their home.
Yes, and easy to pass as normal. People would think, oh just another foster child in their home.

Not a bad thought...but I just can't see EJ giving him to foster parents, especially, after her many years in foster homes. I think she wanted something more stable for Gabriel...or I sure hope she did! Plus, wouldn't a foster parent have to register a child to get funding by the state ??? Just a thought....
Not a bad thought...but I just can't see EJ giving him to foster parents, especially, after her many years in foster homes. I think she wanted something more stable for Gabriel...or I sure hope she did! Plus, wouldn't a foster parent have to register a child to get funding by the state ??? Just a thought....

She probably would not have known they were foster parents.
Not a bad thought...but I just can't see EJ giving him to foster parents, especially, after her many years in foster homes. I think she wanted something more stable for Gabriel...or I sure hope she did! Plus, wouldn't a foster parent have to register a child to get funding by the state ??? Just a thought....

EJ could of not known they were foster parents OR if TS is involved she could of told EJ that they would take care of him until she could get him. I think at this point EJ was so hell bent on starting her new life and not going back to AZ that she would be open to any plan.
Who could TS have contacted that would not only drive to SA to help her by getting Gabriel, but would also risk so much in doing so. I'm sure they felt it was hinky, but they probably had no idea just how deep they were about to get? What do you all think? If they were simply "fooled", I think they would have come forward. They havn't, so I think Ken is right, they have strong beliefs about Gabriel, and TS for that matter.

Ken says these people have strong beliefs about this that is suggestive to me that it wasn't a monetary benefit to the couple (though that's a possible extra incentive). From everything that comes out about her, TS seems to leave behind a lot of unhappy this suggests to me it is a more recent person in her life (someone since her and JS have been together), or a close relative. Their life together, on the surface, would appear to be religiously involved, so maybe it's a religious connect? I'm also thinking about how she would have contacted them. She could have passed off any phone calls to and from them easily as it was the Holidays. She could have used someone else's phone. Or, I guess she could have visited them in person, which unless she flew somewhere the week of Christmas herself, then the people would have come from AZ. Coming from AZ makes the most sense to me...she has family and religious connections there. Maybe someone who even got to meet little Gabriel while he was staying with the S's? Being close to her, means she can slip off and meet the person(s) who has him and get updates and make sure they are sticking with the plan.

Bear with me, I'm trying to brainstorm and figure out the most likely scenario so we have a better idea of where to look for this needle in the haystack ;) Feel free to poke and offer another likely scenario...enlighten me, and let's get sleuthing again.
Who could TS have contacted that would not only drive to SA to help her by getting Gabriel, but would also risk so much in doing so. I'm sure they felt it was hinky, but they probably had no idea just how deep they were about to get? What do you all think? If they were simply "fooled", I think they would have come forward. They havn't, so I think Ken is right, they have strong beliefs about Gabriel, and TS for that matter.

Ken says these people have strong beliefs about this that is suggestive to me that it wasn't a monetary benefit to the couple (though that's a possible extra incentive). From everything that comes out about her, TS seems to leave behind a lot of unhappy this suggests to me it is a more recent person in her life (someone since her and JS have been together), or a close relative. Their life together, on the surface, would appear to be religiously involved, so maybe it's a religious connect? I'm also thinking about how she would have contacted them. She could have passed off any phone calls to and from them easily as it was the Holidays. She could have used someone else's phone. Or, I guess she could have visited them in person, which unless she flew somewhere the week of Christmas herself, then the people would have come from AZ. Coming from AZ makes the most sense to me...she has family and religious connections there. Maybe someone who even got to meet little Gabriel while he was staying with the S's? Being close to her, means she can slip off and meet the person(s) who has him and get updates and make sure they are sticking with the plan.

Bear with me, I'm trying to brainstorm and figure out the most likely scenario so we have a better idea of where to look for this needle in the haystack ;) Feel free to poke and offer another likely scenario...enlighten me, and let's get sleuthing again.

I think Mr. Gamble's statement that they have strong belief's speaks a bunch!
We know through interviews that TS had custody paperwork filled out for Gabriel, prior to EJ leaving him at their home in early Dec, correct? Filled out, but not legal IIRC. These are what they showed CPS when they came looking for Gabriel after EJ gave him to the S's and called LE saying LM kidnapped him.

We know TS wrote CC's name on the paternity documents, she admitted this to Tempe LE as well as the media only once confronted.

From TayJay interview as TS was released from jail after starving and freezing for a whole day...:angel:
JS:...I’m gonna change my social security number [which TS admitted to trying to help with once her computer's were seized with a warrant]. I’m gonna, I’m gonna just become nobody. Okay? And , we’re saying, woah, woah, wait a minute, wait a minute, don’t do that. Let’s, let, let’s try this. Let’s see if maybe you can change jurisdiction, okay? And, we have a place in Tennessee, you can go there...

...what we were trying to do, is trying to get her to stop and come back. Or, or, or, at least get her to a place where we could, where somebody could go get her...

Let's try this, let's try that, try this, do that...nothing worked, so last resort, give him to someone we trust, go to FL and get settled, get your head on your shoulders and let this blow over. TS was desperate to get Gabriel, and IMO desperate to keep him away from LM, which I think she still is. I think more than EJ not wanting LM to win, I think TS doesn't want him to win...refer to the TS psych profile thread. Whoever they sent to get him, had to feel as passionately as TS does...IMO has to feel FOR TS. Someone who probably feels as strongly as her against someone else with a troubled past, one similar to TS'? Multiple marriages, court battles with father's, the "oh, he is abusive" thing to rally the troops (nevermind evidence to the contrary of course)?

Oh..and that elusive phone call from EJ to TS from jail, the one we've only heard TS talk about, where she says it is so rediculous that EJ says "You set this up!" Framed? I don't think so! Responsible? Not a doubt.
January 26

In Scottsdale on Monday, Tammi Smith revealed that Elizabeth Johnson called her from jail on Friday and tried to lure her into some type of confession.

"Basically, she just started yelling at me. She said, 'You're the one who set this up' and I said 'What? What are you talking about?' And I was really freaked out by that because I didn't think she would just tell a lie like that," Smith said.

Both Smith and Johnson have been caught in lies during the investigation, but Smith said appears Johnson is now trying to spread the blame.

"I said then, 'OK, tell me how I did this. How did I do it?' And she couldn't do it," said Smith.

She said Johnson slammed the phone down and hung up when she warned her that she will take the rap for anything that has happened or will happen to Gabriel.

"If I were her, I would really, really think twice about holding her tongue. I would tell the truth now and God will give grace for that," said Smith.

This video talks about the phone call:

Also note in this video Logan talks about how Tammi and Jack contacted him asking him to go on a media tour with him with them apologizing to him for having slandered him. Love it.

Another video about the phone call starting at 1:10 w/interview of Tammi:

This is a different video from azfamily:

Strange phone call from 'Baby Gabriel's' mom to Tammi Smith 2:27

"She said we helped her find the family" "So I asked her what's the phone number? What's the name? And she said I don't know."

Wow, this is really adding up. EJ didn't know the name or number, they used a code name. TS is throwing it in her face that she doesn't even know who the couple is and doesn't have any proof.
This is a different video from azfamily:

Strange phone call from 'Baby Gabriel's' mom to Tammi Smith 2:27

"She said we helped her find the family" "So I asked her what's the phone number? What's the name? And she said I don't know."

Wow, this is really adding up. EJ didn't know the name or number, they used a code name. TS is throwing it in her face that she doesn't even know who the couple is and doesn't have any proof.

TPS "I'm like..why are you even calling me?" listen to the pitch in her voice. Look at her hands, then she immediately smiles. TPS is throwing this in EJs face.
I have thought that since that interview came out! TS directs all the conversations we've heard between her and EJ, so this is no exception. I have always thought EJ had no clue who the people were. Maybe TS should have asked "who sent them to meet you?"
This is a different video from azfamily:

Strange phone call from 'Baby Gabriel's' mom to Tammi Smith 2:27

"She said we helped her find the family" "So I asked her what's the phone number? What's the name? And she said I don't know."

Wow, this is really adding up. EJ didn't know the name or number, they used a code name. TS is throwing it in her face that she doesn't even know who the couple is and doesn't have any proof.

I wish EJ would have said "You know I don't know their names, Bi@tch! But the code phrase was "Hosanna Hallelujah Taco!" "Shack & Tammi told me to tell you "green is better than blue!" :wink:
I wish EJ would have said "You know I don't know their names, Bi@tch! But the code phrase was "Hosanna Hallelujah Taco!" "Shack & Tammi told me to tell you "green is better than blue!" :wink:

MomT you are the best! :)
This is a different video from azfamily:

Strange phone call from 'Baby Gabriel's' mom to Tammi Smith 2:27

"She said we helped her find the family" "So I asked her what's the phone number? What's the name? And she said I don't know."

Wow, this is really adding up. EJ didn't know the name or number, they used a code name. TS is throwing it in her face that she doesn't even know who the couple is and doesn't have any proof.

You are on such a roll, Txhope. Good sleuthing.
I have thought that since that interview came out! TS directs all the conversations we've heard between her and EJ, so this is no exception. I have always thought EJ had no clue who the people were. Maybe TS should have asked "who sent them to meet you?"

I previously thought it was ludicrous that Elizabeth wouldn't know who the couple is, but it's all falling into place with the new info Ken released. One piece after the next that was previously confounding to me is now all making perfect sense.

I keep going back and reviewing and finding more and more connections I didn't see before. I'm trying to think of a way we could have a thread to do a complete case review, start to finish, and see what else we can pick up on.

First I have to finish pulling out quotes and facts and details from the articles and interviews in Ken's New Info thread, so we have a good easy-to-use reference to review against. I sure would appreciate some help with that :)
I would love to help, but I'm out for the day. I'll be here to help later. This is a big THANK YOU to Bean, because the button isn't ever enough!!!
She said, 'You're the one who set this up' and I said 'What? What are you talking about?' And I was really freaked out by that because I didn't think she would just tell a lie like that," Smith said ~~ Why would she be shocked about EJ lying? She had already said she realized that was all she'd been doing

"I said then, 'OK, tell me how I did this. How did I do it?' And she couldn't do it," said Smith. ~~ Just because TS kept EJ in the dark about the process, doesn't mean crap

She said Johnson slammed the phone down and hung up when she warned her that she will take the rap for anything that has happened or will happen to Gabriel. ~~ I'm sure TS told EJ if she talked, TS would deny it all and she had no proof

"She said we helped her find the family" "So I asked her what's the phone number? What's the name? And she said I don't know." ~~ Because she DIDN'T know!

RBM --

They need to get some friendly LE to sit down with EJ and explain they know she didn't do this herself and they'll go much easier on her if she talks. I think TS is a great manipulator and has convinced EJ no one would believe her. You know, TS being a "woman of God" and all.

The above statements have me completely convinced TS had a hand in this. Anyone who denies doing something before it's even known about must be guilty. It's just like when my 4 y/o tells me "I'm not doing anything wrong, but don't come in my room"
January 8, NG show title: Smiths Take Polygraphs in Missing Baby Gabriel Case

CASAREZ: I`m Jean Casarez of the legal network “In Session” in for Nancy Grace tonight.

I want to tell everybody, just to remind you. There is a criminal complaint out of the state of Arizona, and this is what Elizabeth Johnson is being held on in Florida. The charge is custodial interference.

Well, as part of that complaint there is a summary. Now this is not rumor, innuendo. This is on the criminal complaint and it says that the last-known whereabouts of Elizabeth Johnson was from her cell phone pings in Victoria, Texas, headed toward the Mexican border.

Now we do know she ended up in Florida. She is incarcerated in Florida. But
I`ve got to go out to Tammi Smith on that.

Talk to us again about your thoughts about Victoria, Texas. There`s not a date on this. And when do you say her cell phone pinged in Victoria?

T. SMITH: They said it was on the 27th. And that was the day that she sent the text that he was dead and that was the day that she wouldn`t speak to me verbally.

CASAREZ: OK. That`s the day that she did leave on the bus from San Antonio to Florida?

T. SMITH: Yes.

CASAREZ: So you`re saying she had to go to Victoria and come all the way back to San Antonio?

T. SMITH: Correct. She went two hours south and then came back up to get on a bus.

You know, suggesting a 2 hour drive and back to board a bus was a nice attempt at distracting everyone from SA. And, in the video where TS nudges JS in regards to Victoria...I said it before, and will say it me, it was like a "see, it worked to throw them off" type nudge. TS is now protecting the people she sent to take Gabriel, and suggesting and throwing everyone off by spinning their wheels looking at this phantom Victoria, TX. It was a great spoke in the wheel. Now we know EJ couldn't have had the time to do that on the 27th. So I call more BS, TS.

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