Theory Thread - What happened at Pistorius' house on the night of Feb. 13, 2013?

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Well ... Oscar seems to be feeling quite chipper now that the trial’s ended.

I think poor, persecuted Oscar should take his amazingly selfish, self-righteous, sociopathic tweets, print them all out, wad them up, stuff them down inside his Cheetah blades sideways, slap those puppies on and run a few hundred miles until his ice-cold soul starts bleeding.
Media Release: SANParks Congratulates Magistrate Msibi for Sentencing

Chauke was convicted of murder, rhino horn theft, illegal hunting, trespassing and illegal possession of firearms and ammunition.
In 2012, a South African court sentenced a Thai national to 40 years in prison for selling rhino horns.

South African Rhino Poacher Jailed for 77 years

Are the lives of murdered South African women worth less than rhinos?

OP (and every killer like him) must be handed down the MAXIMUM murder sentence.
Oscar Pistorius @OscarPistorius  Aug 11
Take the time today to at least once, Thank, to Show Love, to Bless, to Breath, to Forgive, to Be Still and to Care.

How many times did OP thank, show love, bless, forgive and care for Reeva?!!!

The very LAST person on this planet who should be preaching to the rest of us is Oscar Pistorius.

Neither he nor his family can f##king help themselves, can they?

This is what entrenched self-righteousness looks like. (Toss in entitlement, narcissism and sociopathy.)


p.s. His tweet sounds like a sneaky, underhanded public plea for us to forgive HIM.
I fervently hope that Judge Masipa CRUSHES Oscar Pistorius.

We’ll see then how his flashy, self-righteous “faith” fares.

I fully expect him to throw God under the bus, too.
He has posted these on 11th August

"Take the time today to at least once, Thank, to Show Love, to Bless, to Breath, to Forgive, to Be Still and to Care."


"Lord, I know you have a plan for each & everyone that is struggling, please give them peace and help them to believe."

If he wants to communicate with the public, maybe he should start using his own voice instead of speaking through cut & paste quotations and evangelical platitudes. Or, pehaps he might find something more fitting from the Old Testament.


Yes, and Reeva can't do that now, because you killed her (she can't do any of the other things, either).
Did you also notice the image/quote attached to that ..?

It says:

Start where you are.

Use what you have.

Do what you can.

(Arthur Ashe)

Yes, he is certainly doing the last two, isn't he .. he is 'fighting for his life', using what he can, doing what he can, to save his skin.
While I’m happy with OP’s psych eval for the sake of the continuation of the trial (Nel was crazy like a fox! :D), I’m totally dumbfounded as to how the doctors could have reached the consensus they did - that there’s essentially nothing seriously wrong with him*. It’s simply astounding. OP very clearly has very serious, MAJOR issues.

It’s perhaps a good thing they did not brand him “X” and “X” and “X” - he would have quietly disappeared into the bowels of Westkoppies for “treatment” and “rehab”, been acquitted on mental issues ... then just as quietly been released a few months later. All better! Let’s PARTY!!!

Bottom line, this cowardly freak knew exactly what he was doing that night and none of it involved an “intruder”.

* “Agoraphobia” - seriously?! This was the same guy who was at the VIP Room a few weeks later, looking to get his azz kicked! And “PTSD”? Well, yeah, if you’re extra-generous with your diagnosis; I guess losing everything because you murdered your girlfriend would cause a little “PTSD”. Give me a freaking break.
he made up his mind to:

find his gun
walk through to the bathroom
and shoot

Premeditated according to Nel
Oscar Pistorius @OscarPistorius  Aug 11
Take the time today to at least once, Thank, to Show Love, to Bless, to Breath, to Forgive, to Be Still and to Care.

How many times did OP thank, show love, bless, forgive and care for Reeva?!!!

The very LAST person on this planet who should be preaching to the rest of us is Oscar Pistorius.

Neither he nor his family can f##king help themselves, can they?

This is what entrenched self-righteousness looks like. (Toss in entitlement, narcissism and sociopathy.)


p.s. His tweet sounds like a sneaky, underhanded public plea for us to forgive HIM.

Lux et Veritas... you are on a tear! :clap: :giggle: I always enjoy your posts!
Thinking about things OP claimed on the stand that Roux did not call witnesses to support:

That he was shot at while driving: Why didn't Roux produce the person/s who picked him up and returned with him the next day to retrieve OP's car?

That he'd bought RS bracelet charms for Valentine's Day: Why didn't Roux call the salesperson/jeweler? He couldn't even produce a VD card from OP to Reeva.

That he'd been the victim of an assault that fall that resulted in his needing stitches to his head: Why didn't Roux produce the medical record and/or a witness to the "attack"?

That his mother slept with a gun under her pillow and, fearing intruders, had frequently called police to their home: If no police reports, why didn't Roux call Carl to support this story?

If OP's story was true, why did Roux not show The Evidence Room's reenactment video?

If OP's story was true, why did Roux not call actual forensics expert Jannie van der Westhuizen, who'd been present for the outside bangs-shots tests, instead of Dixon?

What else did OP claim under oath that Roux would have buttressed if true, but didn't because he couldn't?
Deb Roux couldn't produce any of these corroborating witnesses because of OP's "Fibular deficiency".

he made up his mind to:

find his gun
walk through to the bathroom
and shoot

Premeditated according to Nel

BIB - Which he found in a pitch dark room under the bed rather quickly considering he allegedly slept on and had his gun on the opposite side than usual.
Thinking about things OP claimed on the stand that Roux did not call witnesses to support:

That he was shot at while driving: Why didn't Roux produce the person/s who picked him up and returned with him the next day to retrieve OP's car?

That he'd bought RS bracelet charms for Valentine's Day: Why didn't Roux call the salesperson/jeweler? He couldn't even produce a VD card from OP to Reeva.

That he'd been the victim of an assault that fall that resulted in his needing stitches to his head: Why didn't Roux produce the medical record and/or a witness to the "attack"?

That his mother slept with a gun under her pillow and, fearing intruders, had frequently called police to their home: If no police reports, why didn't Roux call Carl to support this story?

If OP's story was true, why did Roux not show The Evidence Room's reenactment video?

If OP's story was true, why did Roux not call actual forensics expert Jannie van der Westhuizen, who'd been present for the outside bangs-shots tests, instead of Dixon?

What else did OP claim under oath that Roux would have buttressed if true, but didn't because he couldn't?

If OP's story was true, why did their STAR forensic pathologist Reggie Perumal, who was hired early enough for him to attend Reeva's autopsy, refuse to testify?
Lux et Veritas... you are on a tear! :clap: :giggle: I always enjoy your posts!

Why, Thank You very much, Lisasalinger! :D

(I love reading Juror13 - you've done such a thorough, concise, outstanding job in covering the entire trial. Amazingly great work! After OP's done, can't wait for the Next Big Trial! :))
There are some interesting interviews about the possible motives here :

An older detective weighs in on how guilty he is too..

Thanks for this. It interviews Nick van Der Leek. Whilst it's all speculation, he gives his take on how the argument probably started. I bought one of his e books a couple of weeks ago to read his motives scenario. The book account is very plausible and definitely worth the 80 pence or so.

I'm not sure about Nick's explanation of Shot A being aimed at the phone in her right hand to stop her calling the cops- how could OP be sure it was held at that height in her right hand?
However IT IS perfectly plausible that she was indeed threatening to call the police, this is why he armed himself but she didn't manage to carry that out.... or indeed hesitated.*

But if Nick's right I speculate that she would not have known that her telling him she was about to call would be the worst thing she could say to a man like OP, the hair trigger for him that would send him over-the-edge.

Whilst she thought "I'll call the police" would make him stop, she did not know him well enough to know that brand protection/covering up the real OP had been an over-riding 'neurosis' for OP for many years.
I suggest if you warn someone ur calling the police it's cause you think u have a chance to try to just calm the situation down, otherwise you just call them and say nothing.

*hesitation: it's just before her new reality show aired and she is on the verge of a new exciting career - there's no way she would want the cops and publicity IF it could,at all, be avoided. Don't misunderstand me - obviously she'd rather call the cops, risk the bad publicity than be assaulted by this lunatic.
808, That caricature is brilliant.

One of the best writers throughout the whole trial has been Prof. M.Simpson- psychiatrist- who himself has lots of experience as an expert trial witness.

Here's a snippet on Roux's no-legs mitigation in the closing arguments- it's not Simpson's finest writing but it's relevant to the cartoon.
"Monotonously he drummed into us, again and again, that Oscar “has no legs”. But he does have legs. Counting his different prosthetics, he has more legs than most of us. But even without them, he has extremely functional legs down to below his knees, or he could never have been the excellent runner he is.

Those are legs. True he has no feet, and below the knee he has less leg than most of us, but he is not a man devoid of legs. And as proved by the video the defence took care not to show the court, even on his stumps he’s remarkably mobile and stable.

And of course it’s totally irrelevant to this case whether he has three legs or none. Leggy or legless, we are not in the least entitled to shoot and kill people. He doesn’t think with his feet or legs."
808, That caricature is brilliant.

One of the best writers throughout the whole trial has been Prof. M.Simpson- psychiatrist- who himself has lots of experience as an expert trial witness.

Here's a snippet on Roux's no-legs mitigation in the closing arguments- it's not Simpson's finest writing but it's relevant to the cartoon.
"Monotonously he drummed into us, again and again, that Oscar “has no legs”. But he does have legs. Counting his different prosthetics, he has more legs than most of us. But even without them, he has extremely functional legs down to below his knees, or he could never have been the excellent runner he is.

Those are legs. True he has no feet, and below the knee he has less leg than most of us, but he is not a man devoid of legs. And as proved by the video the defence took care not to show the court, even on his stumps he’s remarkably mobile and stable.

And of course it’s totally irrelevant to this case whether he has three legs or none. Leggy or legless, we are not in the least entitled to shoot and kill people. He doesn’t think with his feet or legs."

Yeah I think Roux just tried to obfuscate the crime with useless detail and emoting for a fallen flawed star.
He was desperate for the state to give him fodder to discredit,bully or twist to a version that cast this train wreck in a better light for OP.
E.g (Insert righteous indignant whiny voice) oh my how he intimidated my client into lying by calling him a liar or a watch went missing so we must make it more important than the crimes of my client... but we'll deal with that.

Nel just stuck to the simple facts and let OP trip himself up.
The professors point that the defence witnesses were a bunch of hacks with pseudo-science being thrown around was so true too.:moo:
Yeah I think Roux just tried to obfuscate the crime with useless detail and emoting for a fallen flawed star.
He was desperate for the state to give him fodder to discredit,bully or twist to a version that cast this train wreck in a better light for OP.
E.g (Insert righteous indignant whiny voice) oh my how he intimidated my client into lying by calling him a liar or a watch went missing so we must make it more important than the crimes of my client... but we'll deal with that.

Nel just stuck to the simple facts and let OP trip himself up.
The professors point that the defence witnesses were a bunch of hacks with pseudo-science being thrown around was so true too.:moo:

To loosely quote Judge Greenland "It's the defence's job to subvert any evidence that is prejudicial to the accused's version"
Hello to all of you. I haven't found any info concerning to what happened to #50. Anybody has? If not, is this thread here the "replacement" actually?
I feel a bit lost...
Thank you.
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