Things That Make You Go "Hmmmmm . . ."

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Didn't know where else to post this --

Photos posted by January:

1st and 2nd photos show family pics in the background. All photos tie together between the bedspread and Gabes clothing. I don't think these were taken at the motel.

Notice, particularly in the 2nd photo, that the headboard is attached to the wall. Typically, this is done in hotel rooms, but not in homes. Also notice the way the carpet continues up the wall in the 3rd and subsequesnt pics, instead of standard home type baseboards. This is, again, a typical commercial application.
I don't have links for this but I sometimes take brief notes.

When the babysitter first appeared, she said she'd babysat on 12/23.
We knew it was on 12/23 that TS talked to EJ and had the person in Tn call EJ.
The babysitter said when EJ returned and was all happy, she was also on a phone call and said it was the 'grandmother,' and I thought it was TS.

A few days ago I came back here reading and find out EJ may have been there earlier, 12/20, the babysitter wasn't sure of the date.

Now, I posted about the above link of 12/23, the babysitter, the phone calls, the Tn connection here on Websleuths.

Yet.................a few days after I posted that info, suddenly the days are getting confused............12/20, 12/21,...........etc

I'm not buyin' it. That is, unless someone can show me differently. ;)

Makes you go :eek:, was someone reading here and wanting to :confused: us?

Just sayin'
Something bothers me~May be nothing but could be something- Gabriel is wearing the same outfit (cream color with little dogs) in one of the hotel pictures on Dec 26 that he has on in the pic of he and Hannah at the Smiths home. <redacted> If the Smiths thought that EJ was just going for a visit and coming right back, she wouldnt pack a bunch of his clothes from the Smiths. And if the Smiths thought Gabriel was coming back to live with them, would they have sent his clothes with EJ anyway? Just makes me think that they knew he was not coming back to that house right away and sent Gabriels clothes with EJ

Also how could TS post pics of Gabriel on FB with Santa on the 22nd if she thought that EJ had dissapeared on the 18th and had not been heard from? If TS did not know where the baby she was supposed to adopt was, her frame of mind should have been panicked and worried. But she is posting Christmas pictures like hes not even missing?? Just seems odd
Is the airport meeting just another LIE that TS will explain away or not? hmmmn
I think it is important because the key to how TS arranged to hide/adopt out Gabe might be found in the way I believe TS and EJ met in the first place

I think the airport meeting is a lie for two reasons

The first reason is in her phone "interview" with EJ in Florida--

In the interview Tammi struggles with the word airport -- you can hear her say ''in the ho-- airport"
[TS and JS do this sort of thing often -start to say one word and then change it to a completely different word, and I believe the first word is the truth]
She did the same thing on NG too, struggle to come up with the word "airport" but I don't have that link right now

The second reason

Tammi said she "made a poor decision when I FIRST MET Elizabeth" and helped her fill out the paperwork -- when she first met her?

Also when she says she did not help her get there she pauses --she looks like she is still lying
"I made a poor decision back when I met Elizabeth," said Smith. "I helped her (Elizabeth) file her paperwork so she could get her child support and things like that. There was another name put on there and I helped her (Elizabeth) fill out that paperwork, and because of that it obviously doesn't make me look good."

My theory of why they came up with the Airport? It was part of a plan, schemed up - TS tells EJ that if she is asked about the arrangements they made together - the arrangements in San Antonio, or asked about what happened to Gabriel at all, then to say that she gave him to a couple she just met in a park, and she would corroborate it with a story about how they met at an airport -- perhaps EJ did meet a couple at an airport when she went to Boston, and that's how they came up with the story, but to imagine that couple was the Smiths is jut too coincidental for me -- I think they met at a hotel in Phoenx after initial contact on the internet

From the media link below:
Tammi and Jack Smith said Johnson's story about the couple in the park sounds very similar to how they met her.
"We met in an airport. I saw her distraught and crying with a newborn baby," Tammi Smith said. "And that doesn't look like a mother that wants to be a mother."

Jack Smith admitted he thought the entire adoption process with Johnson "felt strange," but that they all lived nearby and they had bonded with the baby after keeping him for a couple of weeks in December. (
Something bothers me~May be nothing but could be something- Gabriel is wearing the same outfit (cream color with little dogs) in one of the hotel pictures on Dec 26 that he has on in the pic of he and Hannah at the Smiths home. Jack posts on Dec 22 "Jack Smith Man it feels like Christmas here in Phoenix...a chilly 52 ...degrees. We're in the midst of a hiccup with the new baby, Gabriel. The mother picked him up Friday evening to visit the father and hasn't been seen or heard from since. Pray!! December 22, 2009 at 11:31am" If the Smiths thought that EJ was just going for a visit and coming right back, she wouldnt pack a bunch of his clothes from the Smiths. And if the Smiths thought Gabriel was coming back to live with them, would they have sent his clothes with EJ anyway? Just makes me think that they knew he was not coming back to that house right away and sent Gabriels clothes with EJ

Also how could TS post pics of Gabriel on FB with Santa on the 22nd if she thought that EJ had dissapeared on the 18th and had not been heard from? If TS did not know where the baby she was supposed to adopt was, her frame of mind should have been panicked and worried. But she is posting Christmas pictures like hes not even missing?? Just seems odd


BBM Great point! I wondered that myself-- the posting of the pics on the day EJ left AZ seems telling to me -- obviously those pics would have to have been taken before the 18th -- why wait that long to post them, and why that day, the day that they supposedly went to pick Gabriel back up from EJ's trailer to find out that they were both gone?

ETA -- the 18th is when EJ had the Smiths meet her at a Church to give Gabriel back to her so she could take him to Logan for his visit
The Smith's have stated that they did not know that EJ had left until they went to her trailer to pick him up on the 22nd and they were gone (the day EJ borrowed the car from her grandfather for a job interview)

Hmmn how did they know they were actually gone - the new roommate? dunno

ETA ETA there are conflicting reports on the day she borrowed the car, the day she left AZ and just who went to pick Gabriel from the trailer on the 22nd, so I give up lol
I find it so totally odd that TS talks to EJ but doesnt ask any of the obvious questions.
Why did you go to SA and pay for a week? What did you do there? What was your plan? Who has your computer? Why did you hire a babysitter? Where did you go that day? Where is your diaper bag? etc....

Things that might actually help find out what happened to Gabriel. It's as if she only cares about making her involvement look innocent and not finding that precious baby!
I agree with you that the first two don't look like they were taken in the hotel. On Elizabeth's Myspace page there is a picture of her and a younger Gabriel where the headboard and end tables look the same as in pictures 1 and 2.
I agree with you that the first two don't look like they were taken in the hotel. On Elizabeth's Myspace page there is a picture of her and a younger Gabriel where the headboard and end tables look the same as in pictures 1 and 2.

I think it's been established that all of those pics are in the hotel. Here is a Homegate interior picture:

You can see the bedspread and the floor match the photos, as well as the artwork on the wall. On the hotel nightstand EJ has placed her family pictures, which apparently she values greatly.

(ETD something I wasn't sure about)
And I still think there is something funny about no Christmas Pics on TPS's FB, considering she is a big picture taker and poster. Odd that.

BBM Great point! I wondered that myself-- the posting of the pics on the day EJ left AZ seems telling to me -- obviously those pics would have to have been taken before the 18th -- why wait that long to post them, and why that day, the day that they supposedly went to pick Gabriel back up from EJ's trailer to find out that they were both gone?

ETA -- the 18th is when EJ had the Smiths meet her at a Church to give Gabriel back to her so she could take him to Logan for his visit
The Smith's have stated that they did not know that EJ had left until they went to her trailer to pick him up on the 22nd and they were gone (the day EJ borrowed the car from her grandfather for a job interview)

Hmmn how did they know they were actually gone - the new roommate? dunno

ETA ETA there are conflicting reports on the day she borrowed the car, the day she left AZ and just who went to pick Gabriel from the trailer on the 22nd, so I give up lol

I am saying hmmm, the smiths are saying they did not know till the 22nd she was gone but on NG they said this: when asked were do you think she got all the money,

TS said: All I know is that a few days prior to her leaving, she had told me she had sold dogs etc etc,
To me its says TS knew she was leaving, cause why would EJ be selling all this stuff, and TS know about it, and somewhere I read that TS said after LM would not sign the papers, she had no choice but to run,

I hope I am doing this right as I am fairly new to the forum, have read a lot but not posted much, :blushing:
I find it so totally odd that TS talks to EJ but doesnt ask any of the obvious questions.
Why did you go to SA and pay for a week? What did you do there? What was your plan? Who has your computer? Why did you hire a babysitter? Where did you go that day? Where is your diaper bag? etc....

Things that might actually help find out what happened to Gabriel. It's as if she only cares about making her involvement look innocent and not finding that precious baby!

I've wondered the same thing! If she is trying to "help" LE, why not get some answers to REAL questions, why ask stupid ones instead. Would EJ know the alleged couple's phone number, even if she made the arrangements herself? Probably not. Who knows phone numbers anymore. You dial a number you see written down somewhere, then it's in your phone forever. You never need to actually know it.

She spends 28 minutes on the phone and doesn't get a single bit of new or useful information! What's the deal with that? Thanks SO much, Tammi, for drawing out the call so we could trace the number of a person we have in custody....yeah, we need to know WHERE she was calling FROM...that helps SO MUCH and we're eternally grateful, lol.
I am saying hmmm, the smiths are saying they did not know till the 22nd she was gone but on NG they said this: when asked were do you think she got all the money,

TS said: All I know is that a few days prior to her leaving, she had told me she had sold dogs etc etc,
To me its says TS knew she was leaving, cause why would EJ be selling all this stuff, and TS know about it, and somewhere I read that TS said after LM would not sign the papers, she had no choice but to run,

I hope I am doing this right as I am fairly new to the forum, have read a lot but not posted much, :blushing:

Yes, YES, I'm not crazy...I thought I'd seen that too, and now my avatar twin confirms it, haha.

Welcome stormmolly, and thanks for the excellent post. Yes, I remember something just like that, that TJ was aware EJ was leaving BEFORE she left, because of selling her dogs and other stuff, and it DID have something to do with Logan not wanting to sign the papers. I'll see if I can find the was a very early one on NG, iirc.

Thanks, and again WELCOME!
I am saying hmmm, the smiths are saying they did not know till the 22nd she was gone but on NG they said this: when asked were do you think she got all the money,

TS said: All I know is that a few days prior to her leaving, she had told me she had sold dogs etc etc,
To me its says TS knew she was leaving, cause why would EJ be selling all this stuff, and TS know about it, and somewhere I read that TS said after LM would not sign the papers, she had no choice but to run,

I hope I am doing this right as I am fairly new to the forum, have read a lot but not posted much, :blushing:

I believe that not only did the Smiths know that EJ was running, they gave her the GPS to help her. No way do I believe that the Smiths thought she was just picking up Gabriel for a visit with his dad. I think the Smiths sent her to San Antonio for whatever reason. That reason is why they are still POI's.
I am saying hmmm, the smiths are saying they did not know till the 22nd she was gone but on NG they said this: when asked were do you think she got all the money,

TS said: All I know is that a few days prior to her leaving, she had told me she had sold dogs etc etc,
To me its says TS knew she was leaving, cause why would EJ be selling all this stuff, and TS know about it, and somewhere I read that TS said after LM would not sign the papers, she had no choice but to run,

I hope I am doing this right as I am fairly new to the forum, have read a lot but not posted much, :blushing:

You make excellent points about Tammi's inconsistencies. It's really hard to take them all and try to pinpoint the little grains of truth in them.

Welcome to Websleuths, stormmolly! Good to have you here :)
You make excellent points about Tammi's inconsistencies. It's really hard to take them all and try to pinpoint the little grains of truth in them.

Welcome to Websleuths, stormmolly! Good to have you here :)

Thank you all for the Welcome, I have followed this since the story broke, I always go with my gut feelings, and first day I saw TS and JS on NG, I knew they were not telling all, I too have found so many inconsistencies, The car seat was another one that got me one day on the NG show they did not have one, and a show or two later, they did,

I believe the truth will come out, and soon,

Praying for the safe return of Baby Gabriel :angel:
Now I'm even confusing myeself, lol.....Yes i believe TS knew about EJ's trip before she left, since she (Tammi) had a hand (at least) in setting it up. What I was trying to say in my previous post, but never got around to, was that she's not keeping her stories straight. She says one thing in one interview and something else in another interview that contradicts the first thing, then posts on her FB something altogether different.

Her alibis and explanations are so full of holes, it makes me crazy just trying to keep up with all the inconsistencies.
here is a HHMMMMMM- Tammi is selling a sink posted on the 18th of Dec. (right before EJ left) Is that because she is trying to get money to give to EJ?? The Smiths have plenty of money, but if they had given EJ a large amount of money say $500.00 (just so happens that is the amount she is asking for a $2000.00 sink) then it might raise a flag,LE could trace the bank withdraws, but this way it is untraceable cash??

From Tammis FB~~
here is a HHMMMMMM- Tammi is selling a sink posted on the 18th of Dec. (right before EJ left) Is that because she is trying to get money to give to EJ?? The Smiths have plenty of money, but if they had given EJ a large amount of money say $500.00 (just so happens that is the amount she is asking for a $2000.00 sink) then it might raise a flag,LE could trace the bank withdraws, but this way it is untraceable cash??

From Tammis FB~~

I agree it's odd timing to be selling something when they thought they were adopting a baby but at this point I think EJ had already left. I do think the Smiths are having more financial problems then they admit to. With 5 businesses and a new house to build they are probably deeply in debt, which my explain why they were trying to do an adoption on the cheap.
I've been sick and away from the boards so I apologize if this has already been posted...

Does anyone know where Tammi got the picture of EJ that she posted on her FB:

I just find it so strange that Tammi would post such a warning about EJ on Dec 29, but yet sound defensive/protective of EJ in interviews Tammi did after EJ's arrest. In this video, TPS talks about how she heard Gabriel in the background when talking to EJ. Tammi also says that after EJ was arrested, EJ asked her to help get an attorney to get custody of Gabriel.
here is a HHMMMMMM- Tammi is selling a sink posted on the 18th of Dec. (right before EJ left) Is that because she is trying to get money to give to EJ?? The Smiths have plenty of money, but if they had given EJ a large amount of money say $500.00 (just so happens that is the amount she is asking for a $2000.00 sink) then it might raise a flag,LE could trace the bank withdraws, but this way it is untraceable cash??

Or if Ej had already left to perhaps wire her the money?

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