This is a good read

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JBean: I have read it and agree there MUST be rules. I've commented on other sites that do not enforce rules and I quickly get turned off....I have not been at this site very long but thoroughly enjoy the thought stimulation.....and the pretty good people!
After being on blogs where trolls run rampant, I LOVE LOVE LOVE websleuths!! TY TY TY!!! :blowkiss:
The interesting thing is this:
People stay here because we have heavy moderation and limit the garbage as much as possible.
People leave here because we have heavy moderation and limit the garbage as much as possible.

and so it goes :)
People who are here for the right reasons will appreciate the moderation.

If I want to be in a middle school cafeteria atmosphere, I can find one of dozens of forums in which everyone acts like idiots.

This place is wonderful- and I know it's lots of work.

Thank you Mods & Admin!
The interesting thing is this:
People stay here because we have heavy moderation and limit the garbage as much as possible.
People leave here because we have heavy moderation and limit the garbage as much as possible.

and so it goes :)

Can't please everyone.

Will there be a test later?
WS is by far the "Best" forum I have ever came across and the moderators are wonderful in keeping the group so organized. I for one have never had any problems with anyone in the forum and feel that all the members are a great asset and share grand opinions.
I don't post as much because there is so much to read as it is. So many put their heart and hard work into their replies and threads. I must say I did read the rules again as a refresher and may be guilty of posting the same information or content in one or two posts because I felt they were similar topics. I will try correct them if and when I find them. Again, Thank You everyone! Standing ovation's for Websleuths! :clap::clap::clap:
OyVey! Every day is a test!

Yes, JBean.

I appreciate that you have laid out the rules for this forum. It's not easy for mod's to catch everything, such as baiting other members or posting off topic, and keep careful eye on any questionable content and posts that can be hurtful to victim's and their family members.

You guys are doing a great job, and I surely have taken note of that when I see you all step in right away when the rules aren't followed.

That's why I enjoy reading here and appreciate all the work that you all do to make this forum one that makes me feel proud to be a member.
Checking in stating that I have read and will obey the rules!

You're right JBean, very good read!!!! I love it when they end like that - the suspense was incredible! Heck, I may read it again!
Thanks so much JBean for the rules, I can honestly say I hadn't read them. I love this site very much and enjoy coming in first thing every morning as I know I will find all the information I need to keep updated.

I also trust that you will keep us in line if things get a little off track and hopefully we should be respectful enough not to let that happen. This case has really struck our hearts and I guess sometimes things are said that we should have put more thought into before saying.

Hopefully I won't deserve a "bop" on the head! Keep up the good work JBean!:blowkiss:
I've been involved in a lot of internet forums and this is by far the best moderated, the most polite and friendly atmosphere. Keep up the great work.

That was good. I didn't know u couldn't ask someone to pm you while writting in a post.
Learn something new every day. :)
One of the main reasons I decided to join here was the heavy keeps it safe...but also fun for all...and that means more time for sleuthing and less for trolls etc.
I love rules, and thats why I think WS is so fabulous.
Without rules and boundaries chaos is bound to ensue.
The mods and admin do a fantastic job of making this a forum we can all be proud to be members of. Thanks to all of you:blowkiss:
What I found interesting reading this etiquette page is about LE.
If they are just reading, why would they need to register? If they are lurking, then there would be no reason for them to identify themselves, since their usernames wouldnt even be posted unless they are actually posting their thoughts or opinions.
I'm not critisising LE because i think they have put their everything into this case to see justice done for Caylee. And I have alot of respect for them , and the laws they enforce.
Its just that I'm a sleuth by nature, and it stuck me as curious....I question everything....I cant help myself. LOL
I love rules, and thats why I think WS is so fabulous.
Without rules and boundaries chaos is bound to ensue.
The mods and admin do a fantastic job of making this a forum we can all be proud to be members of. Thanks to all of you:blowkiss:
What I found interesting reading this etiquette page is about LE.
If they are just reading, why would they need to register? If they are lurking, then there would be no reason for them to identify themselves, since their usernames wouldnt even be posted unless they are actually posting their thoughts or opinions.
I'm not critisising LE because i think they have put their everything into this case to see justice done for Caylee. And I have alot of respect for them , and the laws they enforce.
Its just that I'm a sleuth by nature, and it stuck me as curious....I question everything....I cant help myself. LOL
Well since you asked here are some reasons to become a member

I am not sure if my link mentions this specifically, but one reason they may want to join is to be able to use the search function :)
I personally love this site, and love the mods...especially JBean..:blowkiss: I need to learn how to have the patience that JBean has for sure!
I have never of all my 10 years of being online felt more comfortable, or surrounded myself with such caring, compassionate people. This place is gold and I hope that it never goes away!:woohoo:
Great read. Thanks for posting it. I have learned sooo much about so many awesome things by coming to WS.

I have been a lurker since sp case. My husband is a professional geek (microsoft) and he hangs with those folks gaming and such. I never really had a clue as to how neat it really is to belong to a forum. So he said I should find something that I like and try it and then I found WS. He set me up w. my own little acer recently. I guess I'm just saying, I'm not able to enjoy 'globe trotting' they way I could before I had my two girls, (one w. autism) So when I'm not busy with them. And dh goes to his online society. I'm thankful I have WS. And appreciate the fact that it is moderated as it is and the rules apply. It makes for Good times!

Thanks again for being here!

More than a good read. Great reasoning. A site without rules is one which I don't care to be a part of.

WS has tremendous credibility and I believe rules is why. Keep up the good work!

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