This is very difficult....however, (if DB confessed now...)

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To answer a hypothetical with a hypothetical....

If Deborah Bradley is innocent, given the vitriol in the public forum, would she be able to forgive those who have spoken badly of her?

This is going on the assumption that those folks want or care whether DB 'forgives' them. I would tend to think not.

On the flip side, if it's proven she is not responsible, will she still be blamed or be treated like a victim?
Where should they look? You mean actually get up every morning, pack a lunch, lots of water, and walk around the streets of the city just...looking?

I'm sorry. If you were being sarcastic, it was lost on me. Yes, regardless of what the "norm" is, if my child were missing, I would look, day after day, regardless of what I might find. At least then I'd know. I know my view is probably not popular, and that's ok with me.
I'm sorry. If you were being sarcastic, it was lost on me. Yes, regardless of what the "norm" is, if my child were missing, I would look, day after day, regardless of what I might find. At least then I'd know. I know my view is probably not popular, and that's ok with me.

The flip side to this argument is there are dozens of local people that go missing even in the general area where I live and I don't go out and see parents roaming the woods like Hansel and Gretal, searching all over. At what point does one stop searching? And then what exactly does 'searching' entail?
The flip side to this argument is there are dozens of local people that go missing even in the general area where I live and I don't go out and see parents roaming the woods like Hansel and Gretal, searching all over. At what point does one stop searching? And then what exactly does 'searching' entail?

I guess one stops searching when one gives up hope.
The flip side to this argument is there are dozens of local people that go missing even in the general area where I live and I don't go out and see parents roaming the woods like Hansel and Gretal, searching all over. At what point does one stop searching? And then what exactly does 'searching' entail?

How about "some" searching? I haven't seen Lisa's parents search at all.
I'm sorry. If you were being sarcastic, it was lost on me. Yes, regardless of what the "norm" is, if my child were missing, I would look, day after day, regardless of what I might find. At least then I'd know. I know my view is probably not popular, and that's ok with me.

I was not being sarcastic at all. When I hear people say DB and JI aren't even "looking" or should be "looking," I don't understand what exactly that means. For one thing, DB sounds adamant that Lisa is alive so she is not going to go the search team route.
I was not being sarcastic at all. When I hear people say DB and JI aren't even "looking" or should be "looking," I don't understand what exactly that means. For one thing, DB sounds adamant that Lisa is alive so she is not going to go the search team route.

Using your post as a jumping off point, we have no idea how DB spends her day do we? Is she doing internet seaches? Answering e-mails from people who think they may have seen Lisa? On the phone with FBI answering questions? Working with family and or friends in some way to find a live Lisa? I'm not sure about anyone else, but I don't have access to DB's or JI's every movement 24/7
Using your post as a jumping off point, we have no idea how DB spends her day do we? Is she doing internet seaches? Answering e-mails from people who think they may have seen Lisa? On the phone with FBI answering questions? Working with family and or friends in some way to find a live Lisa? I'm not sure about anyone else, but I don't have access to DB's or JI's every movement 24/7

BBM. Ashley Irwin is certainly doing things to find a live Lisa, if you look at her facebook page.
Using your post as a jumping off point, we have no idea how DB spends her day do we? Is she doing internet seaches? Answering e-mails from people who think they may have seen Lisa? On the phone with FBI answering questions? Working with family and or friends in some way to find a live Lisa? I'm not sure about anyone else, but I don't have access to DB's or JI's every movement 24/7

I always thought if it wasn't captured on video, then it never happened. LOL. So things may be happening behind the scenes that the public is unaware of? Interesting thought. Thanks Dewey.
Using your post as a jumping off point, we have no idea how DB spends her day do we? Is she doing internet seaches? Answering e-mails from people who think they may have seen Lisa? On the phone with FBI answering questions? Working with family and or friends in some way to find a live Lisa? I'm not sure about anyone else, but I don't have access to DB's or JI's every movement 24/7

The media has not given us any indication that they are searching for Lisa, either alive, or otherwise. We know how the media follows their every move.
Nor have we heard from DB, herself, that she's been doing any of these things. We have, however, heard her ask everyone else to search for her daughter. She, apparently, thinks searching is worthwhile.
The media has not given us any indication that they are searching for Lisa, either alive, or otherwise. We know how the media follows their every move.
Nor have we heard from DB, herself, that she's been doing any of these things. We have, however, heard her ask everyone else to search for her daughter. She, apparently, thinks searching is worthwhile.

Gee, could it be there is something the media doesn't know? Are they in the Irwin home 24/7? Does DB have to report to us whenever she does something? :what:
I think something to keep in mind with regard to DB 'searching', she very much has the support of the family around her. It is to them she has to answer too if it is being shown that she is not trying to find her child. I don't know what she's doing to find BL, all I know is according to Jim Spellman, she still has the support of the family around her. They obviously believe in her and her actions after the fact.
The media has not given us any indication that they are searching for Lisa, either alive, or otherwise. We know how the media follows their every move.
Nor have we heard from DB, herself, that she's been doing any of these things. We have, however, heard her ask everyone else to search for her daughter. She, apparently, thinks searching is worthwhile.
How is the media following their every move? The media hasn't been around for a couple of months except for the one day or so of Dr. Phil. There is MUCH that has happened that the media has not caught on tape or reported. The media has not followed them at all for quite some time. There is a lot going on around here that when mentioned, quite a few don't want to think happened just because it wasn't in the media.
The media has not given us any indication that they are searching for Lisa, either alive, or otherwise. We know how the media follows their every move.
Nor have we heard from DB, herself, that she's been doing any of these things. We have, however, heard her ask everyone else to search for her daughter. She, apparently, thinks searching is worthwhile.

It has been reported by one or both of her lawyers very recently that Debbie has been doing her own investigating, and has shared what she has learned with KCPD & the FBI, at their recent meeting. So she and the family must be doing something.
How is the media following their every move? The media hasn't been around for a couple of months except for the one day or so of Dr. Phil. There is MUCH that has happened that the media has not caught on tape or reported. The media has not followed them at all for quite some time. There is a lot going on around here that when mentioned, quite a few don't want to think happened just because it wasn't in the media.

I was under the impression that we haven't heard anything from the media because there was nothing to report (i.e. searches have tapered off, nothing noteworthy has been uncovered). However, I'm glad to hear she's (DB) investigating on her own. I hope her child is found, alive and well.
I love my children more then anything in this world, as I know all of you love yours. If either of my children went missing, I would search for them, however, I would have to be seriously medicated and have my best friend with me at all times, because I would die if I found them dead, and in any other way abused. This is tough. If DB is innocent I wouldn't want to be in shoes.

Just imagine yourself tracking through the woods and finding your child, your beautiful baby, dead/raped/scarred and bloody. White coats immediately.......
I think something to keep in mind with regard to DB 'searching', she very much has the support of the family around her. It is to them she has to answer too if it is being shown that she is not trying to find her child. I don't know what she's doing to find BL, all I know is according to Jim Spellman, she still has the support of the family around her. They obviously believe in her and her actions after the fact.

Jim actually stated the family is divided at this point.
DB, No one believes any of your stories, get it off your chest, and have peace, trust me, there is no other way.

sbm... OP.your words can not and do not speak for me. These words are your OPINION and should be written as such, especially as the OP of a thread.
Well I am not against adults having adult beverages, and I never said I was. I am judging her not by her drinking, but by her silly excuses for her baby going missing.

You are mistaken about me because I am not judging people for drinking liquor or wine or beer - I couldn't care less. I have a glass of wine whenever I want, thank you very much, and I know that it's not "illegal," nor would I ever tell anyone of legal age not to have a drink. My favorite drink is bourbon, and I don't really care who knows it.

I'm not taking care of little children anymore, though. And that's my point.

I didn't drink much when my babies were little, and we didn't keep it around the house. But that's our choice, and not meant to be judgment on anyone else.

I also don't mix prescription drugs with alcohol - isn't that the case with Lisa's Mom?

I'm just saying that when Lisa's mother talked about her "adult time" she knew good and well that she had blacked out the night before. She planned an "adult party" while her significant other was gone - nothing wrong with that either if she had waited till the kids were asleep and safe in bed.

But that's not what happened and the whole world knows it. There are facts in this case that can't be ignored. She justified getting drunk as if the whole world revolved around her, and passed out.

More facts - the door was open, the lights were on. Something chaotic seems to have been going on that night. And a baby is missing now for months while the parents have clammed up. Lame excuses don't cut it with me.

ThoughtFox, I agree with much of what you said. But, to me, when she made that statement she was not using that as an excuse for why Lisa went missing. She was merely saying that people should not judge her because of her drinking at home after her baby was in bed asleep. She was saying that her drinking had nothing to do with Lisa's abduction and as an adult she had the right to drink. I don't necessarily agree with that, but it's not my place to judge anyone. At least she admitted it within a few days, and that's more than a lot of people would do, IMO. She didn't get in a car and drive while drunk, killing someone else's child. She thought it would be safe to sit outside and drink because her kids were inside the house. Lisa was asleep and the boys were old enough to put themselves to bed. She probably thought, what could it hurt? I'm sure there are other moms out there who have done the same thing and nothing happened. Just as there are moms and dads who have let their kids walk a few blocks to school, or play in the park without supervision, or a dozen other things and they were lucky... their kids are alive and safe and nothing happened. Yet when a child is kidnapped and/or murdered, it's always the parents' fault because they weren't watching them.
For all we know, whatever happened to Lisa could have happened if Deb was stone cold sober. We just don't know.

Now, as to the topic at hand, I don't know whether Deb is guilty of killing Lisa or not. But if it turns out that she did something to her baby, whether accidentally or on purpose, it's not up to me to forgive her, because I don't know her and she doesn't need my forgiveness.

It has been reported by one or both of her lawyers very recently that Debbie has been doing her own investigating, and has shared what she has learned with KCPD & the FBI, at their recent meeting. So she and the family must be doing something.

Well, that's good to know.
However... in most cases, LE will usually advise the family not to do their own searching for their child. What would happen if they DID find their child's body? A parent or grandparent's first instinct would be to touch the body, maybe even pick it up. Evidence would be compromised and tainted. Not to mention the fact that nobody needs to run across their child's body laying out in the open, or their skeletal remains, that would haunt them forever. LE prefers that trained searchers do the actual searching. And if they believe Lisa is alive, where would they start? If she really was kidnapped, she would be in another state... or country.
I can say with certainty that I would not participate in searches if it were my child or grandchild. I just couldn't.

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