You know, it's not so much that I feel bashed or attacked in the other threads, it's that a lot of other posters just automatically assume that we're simpletons for keeping an open mind.
It's almost as if some of them think we've not read any of the documents or kept up with the same news stories as they have.
That's not the case at all and I'm sure most here and all of WS know that. The hateful ones really don't matter so much anyway, do they?
The only real difference between the Caylee might be alive and the Caylee is definitely deceased camps, is that while we realize what the leaked evidence shows and we know the likely outcome of that evidence, we still hold out hope and just want to investigate all avenues to make sure that no stone is left unturned on the chance that Caylee is alive.
It's almost like it's some kind of challenge to prove that Caylee is dead and to make us believe it. Well I'm certainly not stupid and I don't need anyone to convince me of anything. I personally just feel obligated to research everything I can regardless of the eventual outcome.
Edited to add:
Please don't let other posters run you off or discourage you and don't take too much offense at them when questioned.
This case has a lot of emotions running high and everyone here is passionate in their need to find Caylee, alive or not.