This thread is for the posters that believe Caylee is still alive

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I wish there would be more people searching for Caylee. I do not understand. If LE knows something that proves she is dead, why won't they search for her remains? If LE does not know something that proves she is dead, why won't they search for her alive? If they are searching for her alive, I guess they might keep that quiet if they are watching someone but I dont think they are waiting for Casey to lead them there. It is so obvious that Casey is not going to lead them anywhere so they cannot possibly be waiting for her information. If they are looking for her remains, with the phone pinging and records, surely they would have an area to look and search in by now but it has been done extremely quietly or not at all. I am so confused. Can anyone add light as to why are there NO searches in this case? what am I missing?

I've been wondering this also!
Absolutely no searches by LE ,very odd.
I'd like to hear anyone's ideas on why LE would not be holding searches for Caylee. Thanks, ANYONE?
I'd like to hear anyone's ideas on why LE would not be holding searches for Caylee. Thanks, ANYONE?


They don't know where to begin;
Casey has lied to them repeatedly and proven herself to be completely untrustworthy and unreliable;
Casey WAITED at least 31 days to report her child missing (would have been longer if Cindy didn't find her); and
Casey doesn't seem interested in finding her daughter...alive!

With all due respect, this is not the first missing child case LE or the FBI have investigated. Based on the collective experience of investigators I am certain they have the ability "profile" persons of interest--which is why her suspicious actions and omissions and inability to come clean, are all red flags.
Hi MommaShark - I was on that thread that disappeared yesterday - maybe it was seized for investigation - I hope! I was locked out until I removed a friend request.

They don't know where to begin;
Casey has lied to them repeatedly and proven herself to be completely untrustworthy and unreliable;
Casey WAITED at least 31 days to report her child missing (would have been longer if Cindy didn't find her); and
Casey doesn't seem interested in finding her daughter...alive!

With all due respect, this is not the first missing child case LE or the FBI have investigated. Based on the collective experience of investigators I am certain they have the ability "profile" persons of interest--which is why her suspicious actions and omissions and inability to come clean, are all red flags.

I think the area around the airport and that park would be two good starting places. I think LE should at least be looking for her dead or alive.

This is just strange. They SHOULD be looking... Despite how Casey acts, they should still search...
Interesting in passing - a post in the Dreamin'Demon site from Jesse's dad to a poster there:

Aug 17, 2008 at 11:42 pm -

I have to tell you guys I have held out on you a little bit. I actually emailed Jesse Gunds dad over a week ago. He responded back and I was hoping to keep up a repore with him to see if I could get some information. He emailed me back once and that is all. Below is a copy of that email.

Aug 7, 2008 7:21 RE: CayleeBody:Thank you Susan!I have an associate of mine in my ministry and one of my endeavors who feels as you do. He went and visited the new development and saw some areas that gave him a sense of Caylee. However, they are deep woods areas and we must go back prepared for the underbrush. It’s very possible that the tattoo is a clue and must be looked at. Her mother is a victim in this as well. What you see in jail is not Casey Anthony but something that has been taken her over. It’s hard to explain but that is not the girl who came to our house and who my son fell in love with. Something happened to her. Sadly, after her mother meddled with their engagement and ruined it for her, it would seem her life fell apart. I do not know if thing would have turned out differently except that Caylee would be safe right now. Regardless, keep praying for every hidden thing to be revealed for Caylee to come home…one way or the other!Thanks for your message and compassion for her.I believe in my heart it’s almost over.God bless,RJ***The area he is referring to is the La Bela Vida resort construction site.

post1848 [/I]
I belive Caylee is alive. There is not one thing out that proves she is dead. Yes Casey lied and the gp's to. But I have not seen one thing to show she is dead.
Okay, I keep going back forth in what I think, sometimes I think she's alive, sometimes I don't. Here's something that's been bugging me though:

If Casey did kill Caylee on purpose, why did she do it? She wasn't exactly 'tied down' with Caylee, was she? She lived with her parents who financially supported Casey and Caylee both, and it sounds like Casey had plenty of freetime for herself. The only premeditated reason I can think of a mother killing their child is they don't want to be bothered with the kid but that doesn't seem to fit this case.

If it was an accidental death due to negligence and Casey just got scared and tried to cover it up, it sure seems like there would be more emotion on Casey's part. If it was premeditated, I would understand the lack of emotion, but if it were accidental? Surely there'd be SOMETHING. Right?

So those things lead me to believe that Caylee is alive and Casey knows who has her and isn't all that worried.

There's something just beyond my grasp here, I know it....
Just starting this thread because there seem to be people that believe as I do that Caylee is Alive. Just don't want to clog the other threads with this topic.

I personally (JMO) think that Caylee is alive. It's just a gut feeling that I have as some of you do.

I'm not in denial, I just don't believe someone hurt her.:)
Against my better do I.

My reasons for believing so
1. Hair that was found in trunk has not been identified conclusively as that of Caylee.

2. No body yet found. Note... Yet

3. Too many people in KC's life traveling around the time Caylee went missing.

4. Interviews with prople involved too vague.

5. Still other possibilities as to where Caylee might be.

6. If LE had evidence to prove Caylee is indeed dead KC would have already been charged with murder.

I reserve the right to change my opinion at any time!
Hi Momtective:

I'm a mom and mother's always have very good gut feelings. That's why I am believing my gut.
Hi Momtective:

I'm a mom and mother's always have very good gut feelings. That's why I am believing my gut.

I am a Mom and a Grandmom...and my gut says she's dead....but to each his own.
Did you search for similar threads on this topic? I believe there are quite a few of them.
Unfortunately, I don't agree with you. However, this is one time in my life when I would just love to be proven wrong and I would happily apologize to all the folks who believe she's alive. it is....gotta love that search feature on the top right corner of the forums.
Hi Momtective:

I'm a mom and mother's always have very good gut feelings. That's why I am believing my gut.

I can't base my opinion on the fact that I am a mother, although I 12.

I base my opinion on the evidence or should I say lack thereof.

I'm keeping an open mind and until there is evidence to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Caylee is dead. When and if that happens I will gladly yet sadly change my opinion.

There are far too many innocent people sitting in prison for crimes they did not commit. KC in my opinion is guilty of may things, evidence proves she is a liar, a thief, of low moral character and without emotion. Only one of the aforementioned is a crime.
Until the evidence is in I will maintain my opinion that this precious little girl is alive and most likely living in Puerto Rico.
I can't base my opinion on the fact that I am a mother, although I 12.

I base my opinion on the evidence of should I say lack thereof.

I'm keeping an open mind and until there is evidence to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Caylee is dead. When and if that happens I will gladly yet sadly change my opinion.

There are far too many innocent people sitting in prison for crimes they did not commit. KC in my opinion is guilty of may things, evidence proves she is a liar, a thief, of low moral character and without emotion. Only one of the aforementioned is a crime.
Until the evidence is in I will maintain my opinion that this precious little girl is alive and most likely living in Puerto Rico.

God Bless You - 12! What a great thing.
I can't base my opinion on the fact that I am a mother, although I 12.

I base my opinion on the evidence of should I say lack thereof.

I'm keeping an open mind and until there is evidence to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Caylee is dead. When and if that happens I will gladly yet sadly change my opinion.

There are far too many innocent people sitting in prison for crimes they did not commit. KC in my opinion is guilty of may things, evidence proves she is a liar, a thief, of low moral character and without emotion. Only one of the aforementioned is a crime.
Until the evidence is in I will maintain my opinion that this precious little girl is alive and most likely living in Puerto Rico.

Whats up with everybody accusing AH?
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