This Verdict Proves My Theory

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Slightly OT of the thread, but this will not be the last time Casey Anthony gets into trouble. Just like OJ or Rodney King or so many others, she will do something again someday and break the law. It may take many years, but she will get into trouble again, trust me.
Slightly OT of the thread, but this will not be the last time Casey Anthony gets into trouble. Just like OJ or Rodney King or so many others, she will do something again someday and break the law. It may take many years, but she will get into trouble again, trust me.

I agree. Her disordered thinking has NOT changed. She is only emboldened and a whole lot smarter. She has been royally schooled in what to avoid. She likely won't commit those missteps again and will be even slippier next time around. Yet she will not suddenly discard her sociopathy. In the hours since the verdict, I've concluded that being outside prison may actually be more dangerous, tempting, and ensnaring for her than being incarcerated. In prison, she would've had time for reflection. Maybe even the miracle of redemption might've occurred. But now she is being released into a society from which she has been barred for three years. In her mind, she has a lot of catching up to do.
I disagree-for an example I will use Amanda Lewis. She was sentenced to life+30 and is at Lowell in Florida. She is young, white and pretty. Granted, there were instances that came up at her trial that showed she wasn't the greatest mother but that doesn't make her a murderer. No one said Casey was a bad mother. No one. I think that made a difference.

Amanda's 7 year old daughter drowned in her backyard pool on August 8, 2007. She did the right thing and called 911 but her daughter could not be saved. She was charged with her murder, went to trial and found guilty of 1st degree murder and aggravated child abuse. She was sentenced on March 17, 2008 to life+30 yrs. a few months before we had ever heard of Caylee. Her son (who was 5 at the time of Adrianna's death) testified against her and had several different stories to tell about what happened that day. I do not think Amanda is guilty. There is not much information out there on the case. 20/20 did a show on it and so did Aphrodite Jones. After the 20/20 show I did not have an opinion as to whether she was guilty (not enough information) or not but after Aphrodite's I did.

Also...have you forgotten about Diane Downs? I think Casey is as crazy as she is-Casey could be Diane's daughter! Watch some of Diane's old and recent videos (parole hearings)-she rattles on and on about nothing and has crazy, imaginary theories, just like the Zanny kidnapped Caylee story! Totally wacked, both of them! I think Casey is a very scary person and I am so glad I don't know her or live anywhere near her! I do agree with you about Casey getting into trouble again someday.
I disagree-for an example I will use Amanda Lewis. She was sentenced to life+30 and is at Lowell in Florida. She is young, white and pretty. Granted, there were instances that came up at her trial that showed she wasn't the greatest mother but that doesn't make her a murderer. No one said Casey was a bad mother. No one. I think that made a difference.

Amanda's 7 year old daughter drowned in her backyard pool on August 8, 2007. She did the right thing and called 911 but her daughter could not be saved. She was charged with her murder, went to trial and found guilty of 1st degree murder and aggravated child abuse. She was sentenced on March 17, 2008 to life+30 yrs. a few months before we had ever heard of Caylee. Her son (who was 5 at the time of Adrianna's death) testified against her and had several different stories to tell about what happened that day. I do not think Amanda is guilty. There is not much information out there on the case. 20/20 did a show on it and so did Aphrodite Jones. After the 20/20 show I did not have an opinion as to whether she was guilty (not enough information) or not but after Aphrodite's I did.

Also...have you forgotten about Diane Downs? I think Casey is as crazy as she is-Casey could be Diane's daughter! Watch some of Diane's old and recent videos (parole hearings)-she rattles on and on about nothing and has crazy, imaginary theories, just like the Zanny kidnapped Caylee story! Totally wacked, both of them! I think Casey is a very scary person and I am so glad I don't know her or live anywhere near her! I do agree with you about Casey messing up again someday.

I also do not think the evidence supported Amanda's guilt. Her son gave too many versions of what happened and even though a child his age can testify truthfully and be a valuable witness, this young boy appeared coached to me. It looked like he was saying what the adults around him wanted to hear--like he was trying to please them. He didn't lie; he just repeated what had been suggested to him.

At any rate, I believe the Lewis case had way less evidence of guilt than the Anthony case. I think, however, that in Casey's case the best evidence against her was the decomp in the car and since the jury only heard about that but was not allowed to witness it first-hand, they decided there was nothing pointing directly to Casey as the perp. Add to that the apparent bias of the judge in Casey's case--and please don't get me wrong--I think Judge Perry is an honorable man! I just felt he was leaning too far toward protecting the record from appeal, and perhaps to the jurors it looked as though he was biased in Casey's favor.

But what can be done about any of this? Not much, I'm afraid. Casey is free, Caylee gets no justice, Amanda sits in prison for life for a crime she may not be guilty of...and the world keeps on turning.
especially if she is white.

She is not pretty. Seriously. She has a velociraptor (sp?) Jaw and Ted Bunny eyes. I agree though, if she were anything but white, she'd be LWOP. The system is a joke unless you can afford a lawyer who knows how to distort and perjure and basically abuse the system. If she was some poor black woman who's baby was "missing" do u think that JB would have taken on the case? No way because there wouldn't be the media frenzy and attention there'd be no $ to be made. Sickening really.
I don't think Casey will get into trouble again. I think she will mind her p's and q's and not go back to jail. She's under a microscope now.
Karla Faye was pretty when she was executed but looked frightening at the time of her arrest and trial. Plus, she was not a mother, and her victim was not a child. People can talk all they want about how perps against children are the most despicable but when you look at statistics, people who abuse or kill children are the ones most likely to get leniency in many regions of this country (not sure about stats in Florida).

A young woman where I live killed her newborn and hid the body in an ice chest in her garage. She was found guilty but her sentence was suspended to community probation. She was in court twice in less than a year for violating probation and each time got just a slap on the wrist. She has spent about two weeks total locked up and that was while waiting for to be bonded out before her trial. I am convinced that had she killed her BF instead of their child she would be in prison today.

This is exactly what I thought today. Had ICA murdered a friend (adult) instead of a child, and people of that friend could have testified it would have been guilty. Caylee was a little girl with absolutely no friends, family, or neighbors to get up there and testify for her. They all essentially testified against her.
Yes, I do think her looks, gender, age, ethnicity all played a part.

And, I think the jury was just lazy. Plain old lazy with poor reasoning skills and wanted to get the heck out of there.
I never thought the world worked that way, and i'd like to believe it didn't - But time and time again something happens like this...

Beauty is only skin deep - It's superficial just like the verdict is...

IMHO justice will be served, it's a process - A few years down the track, new evidence may come to light... atleast that's what i'm hoping for anyway. MOO but she's guilty.
I don't care if this is controversial or not, but my long held theory is that it is nearly impossible for an attractive, young female to be found guilty of a heinous crime, let alone sentenced to death for it. They receive the benefit of the doubt far more often than not. There are people who still think Darlie Routier is innocent despite the evidence to the contrary. They just cannot imagine the pretty little thing sitting on death row. And now it's happened with Casey Anthony, it appears. The jury just couldn't imagine a pretty little girl, with tears in her big brown eyes, committing such a heinous crime, let alone subsequently being killed for the crime. It's a brutal double standard. If you are a pretty, young female, you can get away with most anything. And even if you are convicted, you will get a much lighter sentence than someone else would. :sick:

Hello Dark Knight - been some time since last we "connected". Thank you for this post.

Shhhooooo! Well, altho it's good to see you, Dark Knight ... it's a very dark DAY for justice and America, IMO. I am simply reeling in utter shock, disbelief and ... horror. And I am *sure* people around her ... KNOW the truth. HOW could this happen? I almost wonder if the NG came about to prolong the limelight ... or something. I JUST DON'T KNOW ... how such a verdict could have been reached.

Acquitted? Not guilty? Goodness me.

WOW. Not good. I wonder what the public rebuttal will be? Geeeezsh.
a co-worker made the comment at the beginning of this trial she would get off because when a pretty white woman cries she will be found innocent (by the way she is black I am white) I argued with her that this has nothing to do with race but I think now she is right...

Had this been 'Shaneequa Anthony', she would have been convicted and sent to death row and it wouldn't have taken long to arrive at such a verdict and sentence.
I still cant beleive shes gonna walk!!! :sick: no worries though she will do something illegal again!
sexism, racism, ageism, classism and beauty-ism are all alive and thriving in the world.
Does ANYONE think it is remotely possible that this jury "threw" the verdict because it would make for a more profitable, sellable story?

It has certainly crossed my mind that if the jury would have found guilty of Murder One...or even Manslaughter, there really wouldn't me much marketable in their story....we would all EXPECT that verdict, so why buy the book, etc?

But now that they have SHOCKED the world, I would imagine their "story" would be MUCH more marketable.....let the bidding wars begin....

I said this on Facebook yesterday!!! Everyone would know why a jury found her guilty - but EVERYONE wants to know how they came to a not guilty!!! A not-guilty jury is worth wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more than a guilty jury. They all slunk back to their homes to start making their deals, hire managers or PR people, and their story will be for sale before you know it. Just wait and see.
OJ blows this theory right out of the water, imo.

OJ was a famous football player who similated into white america up until the murders. He was a celebrity and rich enough to assemble a dream team and then there is Mark Furman in the trial. Reasonable doubt lived in the defense at trial. OJ had great lawyers who were skilled and professional. That's why he was acquitted--mainly because of the dream team.

Casey wasn't acquitted because she had a fantastic defense team. I don't see any future clients banging down Jose's door for representation after this verdict. His stock has not gone up. I believe Casey got away with murder because of a lazy jury who abandoned common sense. My 12 year old neice kept asking throughout the trial, "It's obvious that she did it: why are they wasting all of this time?" She really couldn't understand that why the court didn't pass go and collect $200 after the evidence of this chick partying while the baby was missing.
The phrase "reasonable doubt" and how the jury interprets its meaning is the problem in this verdict, IMO.
If the jurors had been given considerable instruction on the definition of "reasonable doubt" and had taken the TIME to really think it through, I believe we would have a different outcome.

"Reasonable doubt" is NOT "without a doubt"! Did they know this?
I don't think Casey will get into trouble again. I think she will mind her p's and q's and not go back to jail. She's under a microscope now.

The chick is a SOCIOPATH. They say that we are all here for a purpose, well, the purpose of a sociopath is to cause complete devastation in the lives of others. You know how that tornado ripped through Joplin destroying everything in sight leaving only twigs (that were once trees) standing in its aftermath? That is exactly what sociopaths do to people. Casey has no concept of the pain that she has caused her family and she definitely will never "get it" as to why strangers in this nation care so much about Caylee.
I thought Casey looked awful during the trial, with her hair pulled tightly back and her ill fitting clothing. Unless they were going by the sexy pics that were put into evidence and not the person in front of them.

And no one is going to kill these jurors. That is just initial anger. These jurors knew this was a high profile case, it was mentioned countless times. They saw all the people on the witness stand that profited from their stories. They knew they would get paid when court ended. Did that influence their decision? I don't know. But they will come forward to speak, at least some of them. They have the media packets and were instructed they can choose who to call and speak with. They will hold out for high bidders.
I was surprised that not one of them spoke to the media after court. They came in dressed up, I thought for sure they would speak. At first I thought maybe the court, upon hearing the verdict, instructed them not to speak because of how high tensions were and how angry people would be at them. But Karen Levey said they all said without a doubt NO when she asked them if any wanted to speak. They agreed on every little detail as a whole from the verdict to whether or not to speak. So odd to me.
I said this on Facebook yesterday!!! Everyone would know why a jury found her guilty - but EVERYONE wants to know how they came to a not guilty!!! A not-guilty jury is worth wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more than a guilty jury. They all slunk back to their homes to start making their deals, hire managers or PR people, and their story will be for sale before you know it. Just wait and see.


Although if that alternate juror's interviews are any indication, it would just mean they were all clueless. No offense, but I can't believe he believes the stuff he said. It's incredible.
I said this same exact thing to my helper in my home today. I said if she had been black or mexican or a man, she would have gotten the DP but because she is a pretty young white woman she gets off. Its really sickening.

Tell that to OJ.

Casey Anthony "probably" had a part in Caylee's death, but we do NOT convict people on "probably's". The prosecutor has the burden of proof. They could NOT prove that Casey did what they think she did.

The DA got greedy. Rather than try Casey for what they COULD prove, they went for the big one. The jurors had no choice but to follow the letter of the law, no matter what they felt or thought. There was no PROOF that Casey murdered her child.

The jury did a good job. I followed the case, and I was extremely disappointed in what the prosecutors presented. The defense did not really even need to provide reasonable doubt - if a juror was truly open minded and followed the law, they could not have convicted even if the defense had presented no case. The DA did not have any evidence.

They had evidence of a dead child.
They had evidence of a liar mom.
They had evidence of flakey grandparents.

But they did not have anything to tie all of these together. They couldn't even say HOW or WHEN the child had been killed or died. How could anyone convict, much less sentence to life or death, when they could not even prove the child was murdered?

Sorry this is so long, but I am just as passionate about this case as the rest of you, and have followed it from the very beginning. I am very disappointed that Casey will not be punished as she should, but the DA stretched too far, and lost everything.

A negligent homicide charge would likely have resulted in a conviction, and they could have added in enough other charges to make Casey a middle-aged (and hopefully wiser) woman before she ever got out.

It's a shame, but it's not because she is white or young or any other superficial reason.
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