Thoughts about Jose Baez investigators

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This case has been a circus since day one. Baez' only chance of defending Casey against these charges is to continue with the outrageous; i.e. Padilla.
And, sadly, it's working. For the last week this entire case has been all about Casey instead of sweet Caylee.
Y'all are just awesome! I know, I know, there are plenty of holes in what I've been pondering.
Nothing that Casey claims makes any sense to us, because our brains are wired differently. We have genuine compassion, feel guilt and are able to control our impulses allowing us to be able to function normally in our society.
Something that CuriosityCat said earlier about those (psychopaths, sociopaths etc...) that she had worked with, really struck me. They don't believe that they have done anything wrong!!
How can we begin to fathom that lack of conscience and reconcile the callous and cruel actions that these kinds of people exhibit?
We have to trust our innate ability to see through their obfuscations and manipulations to find the truth and do our best to conquer their lies.
I pray that when this case comes before a jury, each member will be as smart as our fellow Websleuther's and not fall for whatever convoluted explanation is presented to them by the defense.
Let's prepare ourselves for an additional onslaught of cover up's, finger pointing and a massive barrage of bull....
Hello WS :)

I did not know Jose Baez is the one who hired Leonard Padilla.(!) I had read it as speculation, here at WS but I did not know it was a fact. What I chose to post below is from the same news story. Is Larry Garrison the same guy that still sits with Cindy and George? TIA.

News of Casey Anthony's possible release came the same day that her family acquired a spokesman. Larry Garrison, who is based in Los Angeles, said he will handle media inquiries for the family. "They will not be speaking publicly anymore," he said by phone Friday.

Garrison is a film and television producer, journalist and actor. He is an author of Aruba: The Tragic Untold Story of Natalee Holloway and Corruption in Paradise, about the 2005 disappearance of an Alabama teenager.

He also represented the family of John Mark Karr, the man who falsely admitted to killing Colorado 6-year-old JonBenet Ramsey.

Garrison said he has been watching the Caylee Anthony coverage and reached out to the family when he saw the "spin" happening in the media.

"I have never seen a case so blown out of proportion," he said.

Casey Anthony has told investigators she left the child with a baby sitter, who cannot be found. Media coverage inferring that Caylee might be dead kept at least two people who claim to have seen Caylee alive from alerting authorities, Garrison said.

"That's just a shame," he said. His goal, he said, is to get the public to focus on the search for Caylee. He said he's not getting paid for his work.

"This is not about a movie or a book," Garrison said. "I'm trying to help get these people their life back."


I know this isn't what everybody is talking about right now(sorry) ...I was reading and following links and came across it and I felt compelled to post. Plus, seeing the older stuff in contrast to what we "know" now interests me.

...JS...(just sleuthing)
My thoughts about the JB investigation (if there is one, which I haven't heard there is)
I suspect that JB's investigators are investigating the possibilities of book, movie and licensing deals when this circus is over.
Hello WS :)

I did not know Jose Baez is the one who hired Leonard Padilla.(!) I had read it as speculation, here at WS but I did not know it was a fact. What I chose to post below is from the same news story. Is Larry Garrison the same guy that still sits with Cindy and George? TIA.

News of Casey Anthony's possible release came the same day that her family acquired a spokesman. Larry Garrison, who is based in Los Angeles, said he will handle media inquiries for the family. "They will not be speaking publicly anymore," he said by phone Friday.

Garrison is a film and television producer, journalist and actor. He is an author of Aruba: The Tragic Untold Story of Natalee Holloway and Corruption in Paradise, about the 2005 disappearance of an Alabama teenager.

He also represented the family of John Mark Karr, the man who falsely admitted to killing Colorado 6-year-old JonBenet Ramsey.

Garrison said he has been watching the Caylee Anthony coverage and reached out to the family when he saw the "spin" happening in the media.

"I have never seen a case so blown out of proportion," he said.

Casey Anthony has told investigators she left the child with a baby sitter, who cannot be found. Media coverage inferring that Caylee might be dead kept at least two people who claim to have seen Caylee alive from alerting authorities, Garrison said.

"That's just a shame," he said. His goal, he said, is to get the public to focus on the search for Caylee. He said he's not getting paid for his work.

"This is not about a movie or a book," Garrison said. "I'm trying to help get these people their life back."


I know this isn't what everybody is talking about right now(sorry) ...I was reading and following links and came across it and I felt compelled to post. Plus, seeing the older stuff in contrast to what we "know" now interests me.

...JS...(just sleuthing)

Hey, I think the guy is Jim Lichtenstein. NBC Producer, he always seems to sit next to Cindy or vice versa.

Cindy hates Garrison's guts as supposedly he made money off Caylee with the media - this has been denied by him, someone is lying don't know which one it is.
Hello WS :)

I did not know Jose Baez is the one who hired Leonard Padilla.(!) I had read it as speculation, here at WS but I did not know it was a fact. What I chose to post below is from the same news story. Is Larry Garrison the same guy that still sits with Cindy and George? TIA.

News of Casey Anthony's possible release came the same day that her family acquired a spokesman. Larry Garrison, who is based in Los Angeles, said he will handle media inquiries for the family. "They will not be speaking publicly anymore," he said by phone Friday.

Garrison is a film and television producer, journalist and actor. He is an author of Aruba: The Tragic Untold Story of Natalee Holloway and Corruption in Paradise, about the 2005 disappearance of an Alabama teenager.

He also represented the family of John Mark Karr, the man who falsely admitted to killing Colorado 6-year-old JonBenet Ramsey.

Garrison said he has been watching the Caylee Anthony coverage and reached out to the family when he saw the "spin" happening in the media.

"I have never seen a case so blown out of proportion," he said.

Casey Anthony has told investigators she left the child with a baby sitter, who cannot be found. Media coverage inferring that Caylee might be dead kept at least two people who claim to have seen Caylee alive from alerting authorities, Garrison said.

"That's just a shame," he said. His goal, he said, is to get the public to focus on the search for Caylee. He said he's not getting paid for his work.

"This is not about a movie or a book," Garrison said. "I'm trying to help get these people their life back."


I know this isn't what everybody is talking about right now(sorry) ...I was reading and following links and came across it and I felt compelled to post. Plus, seeing the older stuff in contrast to what we "know" now interests me.

...JS...(just sleuthing)

Garrison was fired ages ago after Cindy found out he had collected some cash from Media without her knowing...
The man who always sits with them in court is Jim Lichtenstein, former TV (Dateline) producer, now Media consult. There has been much speculation what he is doing for the Anthonys- if he's trying to improve their public image he has failed, if he is there to collect information for a future book/movie deal .....?
But I simply don't understand how ANY lawyer can explain Casey's party pictures and not reporting her daughter missing for 31 days--and ONLY because her mother called 911...otherwise she would've continued to stay silent. WHAT "legitimate" reason could she have?

As my tag line says...Actions speak louder than words.

This is why she came up with the 3rd story in the letters - she gave Caylee to Zanny for a few days so she could get their stuff together to move. Therefore, there was no reason to be afraid/upset. Of course, she fails to mention exactly at what point she was ready to leave and became aware that Zanny was not going to return Caylee....and on and on we go!
Sorry, just had to snip this from Chiquita71's article above...

News of Casey Anthony's possible release came the same day that her family acquired a spokesman. Larry Garrison, who is based in Los Angeles, said he will handle media inquiries for the family. "They will not be speaking publicly anymore," he said by phone Friday.


That was when, August 2008? And they weren't going to speak publicly anymore.

Ummm, yeah. Okay. :innocent:
This is why she came up with the 3rd story in the letters - she gave Caylee to Zanny for a few days so she could get their stuff together to move. Therefore, there was no reason to be afraid/upset. Of course, she fails to mention exactly at what point she was ready to leave and became aware that Zanny was not going to return Caylee....and on and on we go!

She actually had this story fromt he begining - she was telling LE that KC was fine and she just didn't KNOW where Zanny was because ZAnny was trying to teach her a lesson, but that Caylee was fine she spoke to her that very day - remember? This is also what she told CA - that ZG would never hurt Caylee... but then of course the MEDIA got involved and it suddenly because CRAZY kidnappers and GA's people were watching them and ready to send a team in to get Caylee.

All of it is poo. IMO
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