Thread No. 23 - General Discussion

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no offense Nan- but I would not be impressed with a company that makes an employee drive 6 or more hours to a meeting, attend, then drive that 6 or more hours back home either- personally after a six or more hour drive- I would be none too happy to have to then attend and participate in a meeting
now- I agree 90 minutes away is a whole other story-:rolleyes:
My husband has driven six hours to a meeting. He does not turn around and drive home. He is usually in one place for several days for various meetings. All of his meetings are preplanned and known by the company. His meetings are not impromptu and set up as an alibi.

What I am pointing out is it is ridiculous to think that Jason, a new employee who supposedly had a meeting with someone, would leave the night before and get a hotel room an hour or two up the road. If he had driven the entire way, gone to his meeting and stayed overnight for another meeting, it would make more sense to me.

Couple his convenient hotel stay with his message that he left for Michelle's sister to go to the house certainly would give pause even to the most casual observer.
My husband has driven six hours to a meeting. He does not turn around and drive home. He is usually in one place for several days for various meetings. All of his meetings are preplanned and known by the company. His meetings are not impromptu and set up as an alibi.

What I am pointing out is it is ridiculous to think that Jason, a new employee who supposedly had a meeting with someone, would leave the night before and get a hotel room an hour or two up the road. If he had driven the entire way, gone to his meeting and stayed overnight for another meeting, it would make more sense to me.

Couple his convenient hotel stay with his message that he left for Michelle's sister to go to the house certainly would give pause even to the most casual observer.

Don't get me wrong - I strongly believe he did it, or knows who did. Let's not continue to perpetuate the notion that he only traveled an hour or two up the road and then got a room for the night. He drove 175 miles, which by two different online mapping sources puts the drive close to 3 hours. He had an AM meeting the next day, which warranted his driving the night before. This kind of business travel happens frequently in a host of different businesses throughout the country. Again, I think he did it, but let's be fair and balanced with the facts. Just for fun, I polled a group of about 20 of my close associates throughout the country who work in healthcare and have conducted business travel for at least 20 years. Not a single one of them saw anything odd with his stopping half way for the night.

I think the mere fact that LE hasn't arrested him yet points in part to the fact that they too didn't find his travel activity to be unreasonable or out of the norm, considering he stopped about half way in a spot that is on the direct route to his destination. I don't think Jason was smart enough to know that the hotel roomkey system logs each room entry and timestamps it. Clearly, if he'd left the hotel and come back in the wee hours of the night/morning, it was logged. If he made any phone calls on that cell phone while driving back to murder Michelle, it was logged. Who would he have called? What about his girlfriend in Florida? Moreover, they can easily compare receipts of when he purchased gas and have a forensic accountant determine based on when the gas was purchased, how many miles he had driven, etc., For example, let's say he filled up in Raleigh the night he left. He drives to Virginia, back to NC, back to Virginia. He's going to be out of gas a hell of lot sooner and will have to fill up again, versus continuing his trip on to his destination and getting gas later on in the day. They would have all this information and certainly enough circustantial evidence to arrest the kid. Those are easy tell-tell signs, which they obviously don't have... Again, I think he did it - something just doesn't add up.

I think the mere fact that LE hasn't arrested him yet points in part to the fact that they too didn't find his travel activity to be unreasonable or out of the norm, considering he stopped about half way in a spot that is on the direct route to his destination. I don't think Jason was smart enough to know that the hotel roomkey system logs each room entry and timestamps it. Clearly, if he'd left the hotel and come back in the wee hours of the night/morning, it was logged. If he made any phone calls on that cell phone while driving back to murder Michelle, it was logged. Who would he have called? What about his girlfriend in Florida? Moreover, they can easily compare receipts of when he purchased gas and have a forensic accountant determine based on when the gas was purchased, how many miles he had driven, etc., For example, let's say he filled up in Raleigh the night he left. He drives to Virginia, back to NC, back to Virginia. He's going to be out of gas a hell of lot sooner and will have to fill up again, versus continuing his trip on to his destination and getting gas later on in the day. They would have all this information and certainly enough circustantial evidence to arrest the kid. Those are easy tell-tell signs, which they obviously don't have... Again, I think he did it - something just doesn't add up.

I can't agree with you on this thought process. If LE didn't find something suspicious about JY and his travels, why did they take his vehicle into custody in the wee hours of Saturday morning after he returned to Raleigh ? Why was a superior court judge willing to sign off on an NTO on a man who claims he was out of town in Virginia on a business trip within 4 days of the murder? Don't tell me an NTO is SOP - where was the NTO for the friend who was with Michelle that evening, or the one for Meredith who found Michelle ?

As to the trips from Raleigh to Hillsville back to Raleigh and back to Hillsville. Gas can still be purchased with a thing called cash and who would really remember it? Also if he paid cash in Raleigh upon his return - the gas usage would match up. Cell phones, untraceable cell phones can be purchased without even proving who you are. One could certainly leave personal cell phones in a hotel and use an unknown to ping them to make it appear one is in a certain location. As to the key locks - the card system only records when the card is used - one doesn't use the card to exit a room - only enter it. So what if he checked in and the card shows he entered the room at 1045 and again at say 0700 the next day - no matter how you look at that information - there are at least 8 hours where he could have been out of that room.

And one other thing about this stopping halfway - too convenient. The man had Thursday afternoon to get that 5.5 hour trip in. Why wait until after 8pm in the evening to leave for a trip - that does not make sense no matter how one looks at it. And then there is the report of him being late for his meeting - he left early to avoid that situation but still had the problem - that does not add up at all. Brevard is at least a 5 hour trip from Raleigh, but I will wager there weren't too many halfway stops on his way to visit Brevard. As to him stopping halfway - everyone will have an opinion on it but the bottom line seems to me that LE did indeed find it suspicious - his vehicle was in their custody in less than 8 hours after his return to Raleigh. Don't know about you, but I surely cannot think of a good reason why they would take his vehicle if they had no suspicions.
Don't get me wrong - I strongly believe he did it, or knows who did. Let's not continue to perpetuate the notion that he only traveled an hour or two up the road and then got a room for the night. He drove 175 miles, which by two different online mapping sources puts the drive close to 3 hours. He had an AM meeting the next day, which warranted his driving the night before. This kind of business travel happens frequently in a host of different businesses throughout the country. Again, I think he did it, but let's be fair and balanced with the facts. Just for fun, I polled a group of about 20 of my close associates throughout the country who work in healthcare and have conducted business travel for at least 20 years. Not a single one of them saw anything odd with his stopping half way for the night. Interesting NCB. In the context of stopping "half-way" - I wouldn't have a problem either but when half way is 2.5 hrs, I'm raising an eyebrow. I used to be married to a salesman with a route so I would think that to many salesmen, 2.5 hrs would be 'just getting started' so why stop. Besides, why would you only drive 2.5 hrs that nite and have to get up earlier in the morning to fight traffic. In any case, this is just one piece of the circumstantial puzzle. The prosecution will be arguing that he stayed there so it was easy for him to get back and murder his wife.

I think the mere fact that LE hasn't arrested him yet points in part to the fact that they too didn't find his travel activity to be unreasonable or out of the norm, considering he stopped about half way in a spot that is on the direct route to his destination. I don't think Jason was smart enough to know that the hotel roomkey system logs each room entry and timestamps it. Clearly, if he'd left the hotel and come back in the wee hours of the night/morning, it was logged. If he made any phone calls on that cell phone while driving back to murder Michelle, it was logged. Who would he have called? What about his girlfriend in Florida? Moreover, they can easily compare receipts of when he purchased gas and have a forensic accountant determine based on when the gas was purchased, how many miles he had driven, etc., For example, let's say he filled up in Raleigh the night he left. He drives to Virginia, back to NC, back to Virginia. He's going to be out of gas a hell of lot sooner and will have to fill up again, versus continuing his trip on to his destination and getting gas later on in the day. They would have all this information and certainly enough circustantial evidence to arrest the kid. Those are easy tell-tell signs, which they obviously don't have... Again, I think he did it - something just doesn't add up.

Morning NCB!:) I disagree with you about him not being smart enough about the room keys. Imo this was planned/premeditated awhile before the event. There's so much on TV now with these trials that surely he would have seen other murderer's mistakes ala Scott Peterson who did a lot of searching on his computer. If my memory serves me, I believe that jy had a library card on him. He could have done a lot of googling at the library. Also, he'd been staying at the Hampton Inns many times and I'm sure he would know the key card system and video/security system.

I'm of the belief that he did not return to that room once he left that nite. He had the murder which did not go the way he planned (strangulation) and therefore a big cleanup and Cassidy to contend with. He left in the early morning to get to his meeting for which he was apparently 1/2 hr late.

As far as him phoning, I don't believe he phoned anyone after he left the hotel that nite. He probably turned his phone off so that he couldn't be traced.
As far as gassing up, I believe he produced (or conveniently left) a gas receipt for Duffield. He's shown LE enough proof for gas to get to his destination. If LE can find that he gassed up somewhere else or bought additional gas in some other form, say cash instead of his credit card, then that would be a another c/piece.
Good points, Jilly and Raisincharlie. I'll admit, it was late when I posted that, and had taken a couple of Xanex to take the edge off! My thoughts weren't completely grounded...
Morning NCB!:) I disagree with you about him not being smart enough about the room keys. Imo this was planned/premeditated awhile before the event. There's so much on TV now with these trials that surely he would have seen other murderer's mistakes ala Scott Peterson who did a lot of searching on his computer. If my memory serves me, I believe that jy had a library card on him. He could have done a lot of googling at the library. Also, he'd been staying at the Hampton Inns many times and I'm sure he would know the key card system and video/security system.

I'm of the belief that he did not return to that room once he left that nite. He had the murder which did not go the way he planned (strangulation) and therefore a big cleanup and Cassidy to contend with. He left in the early morning to get to his meeting for which he was apparently 1/2 hr late.

As far as him phoning, I don't believe he phoned anyone after he left the hotel that nite. He probably turned his phone off so that he couldn't be traced.
As far as gassing up, I believe he produced (or conveniently left) a gas receipt for Duffield. He's shown LE enough proof for gas to get to his destination. If LE can find that he gassed up somewhere else or bought additional gas in some other form, say cash instead of his credit card, then that would be a another c/piece.

He had the hotel receipt in his car, so we know he returned Friday am to the Hampton Inn (under the door, in the room).
The expenditures are not relevant only as far as importance in this case. No one has stated what the situation was exactly. Frankly, I don't think Jason has a leg to stand on.

That must be why he plumb fell to his knees. :rolleyes:
Thanks RC. I was noticing while poking around that a few 'cold cases' where a DH disposed of a spouse have recently resulted in arrests. I said it looked like Karma was going down her list and wondered who was next. Mr. Jason, better be looking over his shoulder.
He had the hotel receipt in his car, so we know he returned Friday am to the Hampton Inn (under the door, in the room).

That's true about the receipt in his car. Iirc we had some discussion about this awhile back. What was the date on that receipt? It was Fri Nov 3, wasn't it?
Can't remember now why I was thinking he didn't go back.:banghead:
Did someone say before that he could have got a receipt when he checked in instead of having them put it under the door?

So what time do you think he got back into the room? Hard to believe he'd go back just for a receipt but then again...he probably had planned on getting back there a lot earlier if his first method of kill had been successful. Makes sense to me now. He had no reason at the time of check-in to get a receipt.
Good points, Jilly and Raisincharlie. I'll admit, it was late when I posted that, and had taken a couple of Xanex to take the edge off! My thoughts weren't completely grounded...

No problem NCB:) - I think I need a Xanex too!:D Definitely, something for the old memory would help.:crazy: I'm kicking myself for not keeping a better file on all of this. Fortunately, however, we have posters here with exceptional memories which I can rely on.
Thanks RC. I was noticing while poking around that a few 'cold cases' where a DH disposed of a spouse have recently resulted in arrests. I said it looked like Karma was going down her list and wondered who was next. Mr. Jason, better be looking over his shoulder.

:laugh: cracked me up too with your 'knees' comment. lol

I have personally witnessed Karma at work and it comforts me to know that even if jy is not arrested his life will be full of hardship.
That's true about the receipt in his car. Iirc we had some discussion about this awhile back. What was the date on that receipt? It was Fri Nov 3, wasn't it?
Can't remember now why I was thinking he didn't go back.:banghead:
Did someone say before that he could have got a receipt when he checked in instead of having them put it under the door?

So what time do you think he got back into the room? Hard to believe he'd go back just for a receipt but then again...he probably had planned on getting back there a lot earlier if his first method of kill had been successful. Makes sense to me now. He had no reason at the time of check-in to get a receipt.


The SW said it was a 'receipt', not a reservation print-out. Hampton Inn's show date of stay as 'check-in date'...11-2-06.

Looks like he left Raleigh around 5:15 am, arriving back @ HI 7:45 am
Left Hillsville for Clintwood around 8 am, arriving around 10:30 am.
Concerning the hotel room door....

His plan could have included a piece of duct tape to seal the latch. The door would be closed with the "do not disturb" hanger, but not actually locked....his re-entry Friday am would not be recorded.

Per electronic records, the cops may have only one entry on Thursday at 10:40 PM. Therefore it would be impossible to show he returned Friday am to retrieve the receipt he had....His attorney will show he entered the room Thursday night , slept all night before picking up his receipt from the floor Friday am and heading to his appointment.
Concerning the hotel room door....

His plan could have included a piece of duct tape to seal the latch. The door would be closed with the "do not disturb" hanger, but not actually locked....his re-entry Friday am would not be recorded.

Per electronic records, the cops have only one entry on Thursday at 10:40 PM. Therefore it would be impossible to show he returned Friday am to retrieve the receipt he had....His attorney will show he entered the room Thursday night , slept all night before picking up his receipt from the floor Friday am and heading to his appointment.

Really? I had missed that being stated. Has this been published as fact by LE?
Really? I had missed that being stated. Has this been published as fact by LE?

Sorry....I started my post with "His plan could have included....".
The entire scenario I outlined was pure speculation on my part.

(I corrected the original post)
Sorry....I started my post with "His plan could have included....".
The entire scenario I outlined was pure speculation on my part.

(I corrected the original post)
Good speculation, though. Jason planned this crime. That would also be taken into consideration. He tried to think of everything. Let's hope that he forgot a thing or two. I hope that he will be brought to justice. I would eventually like to see him brought to trial with everything they do have. I would rather him have to spend Michelle's money on lawyers than to spend it living it up.
Sorry....I started my post with "His plan could have included....".
The entire scenario I outlined was pure speculation on my part.

(I corrected the original post)

Oh, okay. Thanks for clarifying! That was just news to me if it had been stated. :crazy:
Thanks RC. I was noticing while poking around that a few 'cold cases' where a DH disposed of a spouse have recently resulted in arrests. I said it looked like Karma was going down her list and wondered who was next. Mr. Jason, better be looking over his shoulder.

Hope you're right!!!
We know Karma knows where Jason is living these days!:)
still... {tap, tap, tapping of foot...}
waiting for Justice for Michelle and Chloe.... :( :mad:

but will continue to wait along with the rest of you!
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