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["I am leaving WS" threads:

It is the policy of WS to disallow threads that are purely to announce that you are 'leaving the site' for any reason. Posts of this nature will result in the following action: 1) The post will be removed from general view. 2) Your membership will be suspended without notice. 3) If you wish to have your membership reinstated then you may contact an Administrator or Moderator to request <snipped>

[ame=""]Rules Etiquette & Information - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

While the frustration level continues to mount in this case, I'm seeing a few of these types of posts. These posts are Off Topic and they are disrupting threads, not to mention upsetting your fellow posters.

From here on out, if I see these kinds on posts on the threads you will get a time out. If you need to announce to your friends that you are taking a break, send them a PM.

Thank you for understanding!!!
Thank you Mods, for clearing up some issues. But now I dont know what names to use to call any of the people we are discussing. stepmom or susie?
Thank you Mods, for clearing up some issues. But now I dont know what names to use to call any of the people we are discussing. stepmom or susie?

I'm not sure who susie is? But you can use whatever name that gets your point across unless you are calling them name variations. An example would be if you said "Ice Queen" instead of Terri. Stuff like that.
He's been named here:

I've seen it other places as well - can't remember right now where. I am delirious!

Thanks for the link. We aren't sleuthing him because Blink is not an approved source on Websleuths.

Plus, read what the article says: then whoever the landscaper is, he now must live with the possibility that if he’d reported Terri six months ago, Kyron might never have disappeared.

It looks to me as though WW isn't even confirming his identity. As far as we know, he is an innocent party.

Don't sleuth him for all the above reasons. Thanks!
Hope this is okay to ask here. Is Oregon Live, I believe what is called, a certified MSM in this particular case? I am way down in teh South and have no idea if it is a gossip mag or what. TIA
Hope this is okay to ask here. Is Oregon Live, I believe what is called, a certified MSM in this particular case? I am way down in teh South and have no idea if it is a gossip mag or what. TIA

It is probably the biggest source of local news in Oregon and yes, it is allowed. Thanks for asking! :blowkiss:
I should know this, I guess, but when we are supposed to "snip" 10% of a news article for copyright purposes, does that mean copy and paste 10% of it in our post before we post the link?
I should know this, I guess, but when we are supposed to "snip" 10% of a news article for copyright purposes, does that mean copy and paste 10% of it in our post before we post the link?

Before or after the link, whichever you choose.

We like a portion snipped so that members get an idea of what information can be found at the link. However, internet copyright prohibits more than 10% of the article being snipped. If the article is very small, you can snip the title and be safe.

Internet sites receive their income from their advertisers and they want to make sure you read their articles on their sites for that reason. Makes sense.
What @ Only reason I ask is they were reporting @ the homeroom teacher and someone else bf the other news picked it up. Thanks.
Spookytube the Examiner is allowed only with permission from the Moderators first.. it is not really MSM because it is written at times by amateur writers. I don't know how they picked that article up first. If you see something and want to post it we will review it if in the Examiner. Thanks.
Ok. it was odd yesterday with the examiner. It was like 10 or 10:30 central time. Strange. Thanks though.
Advocating for pickets, violence, any type of organized campaign, verbal or through electronic means against anyone in any case, is a violation of the Rules at Websleuths. Those types of posts will be removed and repeat offenders will lose posting priveleges.

Let Law Enforcement Officers do their jobs, and please do not advocate here for any such activities.
The WS blogs are under the same TOS as everywhere else on the forum. If you want to blog about how you feel about a case, that's fine. If you want to complain about how everyone else feels about a case, that's a no no. :nono:
The frustration level in not finding Kyron continues to increase. Please remember that your fellow posters, whether they are viewing this situation from the same angle you are or not, all want the same ultimate result - JUSTICE FOR KYRON!!!

A question continues to arise about posts regarding Kaine and Desiree. Remember, Kaine and Desiree are considered to be completely innocent in Kyron's disappearance at this time. If you see anything that proves otherwise, you are welcome to contact a mod privately to discuss what you've seen - unless LE or the MSM comes out with information that they were involved, then you can post this on your own.

There are posts that do not favor Kaine and Desiree. They are alerted on frequently and I don't mind sharing that with you. It is a tough balance for the mods at times to determine if certain posts are crossing the line toward accusations of guilt. When we see posts bashing them, calling them names, or outright accusing them of of illegal deeds, the poster of such comments goes on a time out.

However, if the posts do not fall under the category above, we do allow some debate. Remember, we can't change everyone's minds to our own thinking. If you choose to respond to a post that you don't agree with, keep the word "you" out of it as that helps keep the discussion going more smoothly.


"Why do you think that? It's obvious that Kaine was at work that day!" <----not good

"I can't agree with this conclusion because Kaine was at work that day and didn't return until after lunch" <-----------good

I hope that helps clear things up. Please don't be afraid to alert on posts that you feel are attacking Kaine and Desiree. Sometimes you can see obvious responses to the alerts and sometimes you won't. But know that alerts are received and reviewed and are not being ignored.

Your eyes are not deceiving you, Kyron's forum has moved. :)

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