Through a Juror's Eyes/What do those who haven't followed the case believe? (Merged)

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I don't think it's a slam dunk. Everyone at my husband's company think it was an accident and she was too terrified of her mother to admit to it. They don't feel the duct tape evidence proved it was around her face or that it killed her. I have to wonder how many on the jury may see it the same way.

For those that think it was an accident, consider this -

Caylee was last seen alive at approx 12.50pm
Casey was out of the house until approx 2.30pm
Casey was constantly on the phone talking and texting with only 1/2 hour breaks periodically
Computer usage was high when Casey reentered the house till she left after approx 4.10pm
Casey arrived at Tonys without Caylee, rented movies, watched them, ate then slept in till 2pm the next day.

That leaves an approx 3 hour window in/out of the house interspersed with a lot of cell phone and computer usage by Casey for Caylee to have been injured in an accident, Casey to have cleaned it all up and to have put Caylee in the trunk of her car then happily watch videos and have sex with her boyfriend until the next day.

You might try to cover it up as you are so "terrified" of your mother but I doubt ANYONE could conceivably pretend nothing had happened and eat, drink and be merry while your daughter is decomposing in the trunk of your car parked outside your boyfriends house. Somehow, I don't think the jury will be able to reconcile those events - take out everything else and go with that alone and you have one heinous crime as it is.
I was boring my poor suffering husband with this case again :floorlaugh: He keeps reminding me to be logical 'she wasn't reported missing for a month' (his words).

Anyway, I'm just spending a quiet Friday evening reading over the interview transcript between Casey and detectives at Universal Studios. This particular comment really jumped out at me:

"If I wanted to really just get rid of her, I would’ve left her
with my parents, and I would’ve left. I would’ve moved out. I would’ve given my mom custody"

Has this comment been discussed in length?
Imagine for a moment you're a member of the jury on this case (or any case for that matter). How and what type of notes would you take?

I'm assuming being a juror there would be a lot of information to take in. That's why your own notes would be so important to wrap your head around it all.

I would consider myself a methodical note taker. It comes from studying an undergraduate degree and my work that requires note taking for future reference.

So, if I were a member of the jury on this case I would:

- Write down the name (s) of each witness, their qualifications and experience if relevant or their relationship to the accused. I would possibly note whether they seem credible or have a reason to lie or be truthful.
- I would have two columns for evidence - one column would include the actual piece of evidence presented and in the other column I would note whether it's confirmed, circumstantial or opinion.

Obviously your own notes would be imperative ... there would be so much to take in.

Forget for a moment that you're aware of all the facts, the opinions, the myths etc. Pretend you're new to the State V's Casey Anthony.

What would be in your notes so far?
I'd probably take notes the same as I'm doing now for the astro forum, minus the times, of course. I have pages and pages of notes for each day, marking what goes on, who says what, Casey's activities at the defense table.

I admit, it's tiring. At the end of each day, I'm exhausted, feeling like I was sitting in the jurors' box. Only difference, I'm privy to more than the jurors see. I don't get kicked out when the attorneys need a referee. :D
I will have to keep this short, as I am typing it on my Kindle~ my computer crashed about an hour into the defense's turn at bat. I guess I'm not the only one in my house who can't take Baez. Since I'm not Casey, I won't just be able to steal what money I need from friends and family. I will have to actually wait until my boss hands me my well earned paycheck on Monday before I can buy the cheapest laptop I can find. HLN just doesn't cut it~ too many commercials!.....forgive me, I can't make paragraphs......I think with the prosecution, my notes would be very detailed, broken down by witness name, with separate pages per subject. i.e. duct tape, chloroform, trunk, motive....... My notes with the defense would consist of little else but me practicing writing one of my new names: "Mrs. smart blonde Ashton" & "Mrs. smart blonde Melich" & "Mrs. smart blonde Perry".........I'm afraid I'd make a terrible juror.
Do the jurors get transcripts of the testimonies when they deliberate?
I'm a compulsive note taker, it keeps me awake ;) A must during long-winded questioning that leads to nowhere.

I think my notes would largely consist of a few highlights the witness is testifying to
"no blood on blanket"
"body in trash dump"
"Caylee, Casey 14-15, unknown DNA peak 17, too little DNA, inconclusive, GA not 17"
"DNA on duct tape deteriorates under water"

and questions and comments about the arguments I'm not sure where it's going to end up in

"DT asks about burn victims, why? any evid abt burn injury? gas cans related?"
"why talkng abt TL's car??"
"hrt stckr maybe unrelated trash?"

Afterwards I would have a hard time understanding my notes.
I was boring my poor suffering husband with this case again :floorlaugh: He keeps reminding me to be logical 'she wasn't reported missing for a month' (his words).

Anyway, I'm just spending a quiet Friday evening reading over the interview transcript between Casey and detectives at Universal Studios. This particular comment really jumped out at me:

"If I wanted to really just get rid of her, I would’ve left her
with my parents, and I would’ve left. I would’ve moved out. I would’ve given my mom custody"

Has this comment been discussed in length?

Yes this was discussed way back, but most of us have come to the conclusion that its nonsense. Caylee was Casey's meal ticket. If she just gave Caylee to her parents, she would have no job, no money, no home, no car and so on.

I firmly believe the A's kept Casey around despite her lying and stealing them blind because they were afraid she'd take Caylee away.

But in the end I don't think Casey wanted to "just get rid of her". I think she wanted to hurt her Mother more than she wanted Caylee.

It goes right back to what Cindy's mom said. Casey hated Cindy more than she loved Caylee.
I believe that if Mr. Baez doesn't find a shorter route to arrive at his point, I will become so lost that HHJP will have to send a search team out to find me.
I was a juror for a domestic violence case. I didn't take notes a lot. I would write down anything that I wanted to remember later. I remember also writing down inconsistencies with the different witnesses testimonies. And I would write down things that didn't make sense to me. The State Attorney was new and this was her first case so she was really nervous. When we were finally allowed to deliberate, we spent the first 20 minutes talking about all the questions we wished she would've asked.

If I was a juror for this case, I probably wouldn't take a lot of notes. It would just be things I wanted to remember or were important for later.
Do the jurors get transcripts of the testimonies when they deliberate?
I'm a compulsive note taker, it keeps me awake ;) A must during long-winded questioning that leads to nowhere.

I think my notes would largely consist of a few highlights the witness is testifying to
"no blood on blanket"
"body in trash dump"
"Caylee, Casey 14-15, unknown DNA peak 17, too little DNA, inconclusive, GA not 17"
"DNA on duct tape deteriorates under water"

and questions and comments about the arguments I'm not sure where it's going to end up in

"DT asks about burn victims, why? any evid abt burn injury? gas cans related?"
"why talkng abt TL's car??"
"hrt stckr maybe unrelated trash?"

Afterwards I would have a hard time understanding my notes.

I find it really disturbing that some accept as truth the defense opening statement and in essence actually believe that fabricated fairy tale. The worst of it is not the disjointed events, time gaps in the tale and the outlandish accusations. The worst part is that the defense would have one believe that Caylee killed herself and not one other person had anything to do with it aside from hiding the body, for what purpose is impossible to determine. Thus everyone except Caylee is innocent.
I find it really disturbing that some accept as truth the defense opening statement and in essence actually believe that fabricated fairy tale. The worst of it is not the disjointed events, time gaps in the tale and the outlandish accusations. The worst part is that the defense would have one believe that Caylee killed herself and not one other person had anything to do with it aside from hiding the body, for what purpose is impossible to determine. Thus everyone except Caylee is innocent.

YES! Thank you for summing up so nicely what has been running through my head since opening statements.

My mind keeps running back to the defense claims of Mr. Kronk moving Caylee's remains. Umm...maybe I'm dense, but if you make a case that someone moved something, wouldn't that imply that you had knowledge of where it should have been?
I find it really disturbing that some accept as truth the defense opening statement and in essence actually believe that fabricated fairy tale. The worst of it is not the disjointed events, time gaps in the tale and the outlandish accusations. The worst part is that the defense would have one believe that Caylee killed herself and not one other person had anything to do with it aside from hiding the body, for what purpose is impossible to determine. Thus everyone except Caylee is innocent.

No disrespect mean and no snark intended, I'm just trying to understand your train of thought... Did you take the OP's comment to mean that s/he wholeheartedly believed the DT's opening statement?

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No disrespect mean and no snark intended, I'm just trying to understand your train of thought... Did you take the OP's comment to mean that s/he wholeheartedly believed the DT's opening statement?

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

That wasn't directed to OP
I talked to a friend last night that hadn't seen much coverage of this case at all until it came on HLN. She has been watching the trial on tv and thinks she will be convicted of 1st degree murder and the death penalty in a few minutes. She thinks she is super guilty just from the prosecution case and she thought the defense case was a bore and said nothing yesterday. She thinks their defense is ridiculous about the father and Kronk etc. Said it makes no sense at all.

I was happy to hear someone that knows very little about the case except from the trial thinks she will be convicted very shortly after deliberations start of 1st degree murder. I am very convinced by the prosecution case she alone did all of this and that she is just an evil person. Not sick. Just evil. Very scary person.

She reminds me of some of those horror flicks that show someone doing horrible things throughout the movie, kills people etc and at the end of the movie she is the only one left alive and continues on with her evil bamboozling a new set of people.
For those that think it was an accident, consider this -

Caylee was last seen alive at approx 12.50pm
Casey was out of the house until approx 2.30pm
Casey was constantly on the phone talking and texting with only 1/2 hour breaks periodically
Computer usage was high when Casey reentered the house till she left after approx 4.10pm
Casey arrived at Tonys without Caylee, rented movies, watched them, ate then slept in till 2pm the next day.

That leaves an approx 3 hour window in/out of the house interspersed with a lot of cell phone and computer usage by Casey for Caylee to have been injured in an accident, Casey to have cleaned it all up and to have put Caylee in the trunk of her car then happily watch videos and have sex with her boyfriend until the next day.

You might try to cover it up as you are so "terrified" of your mother but I doubt ANYONE could conceivably pretend nothing had happened and eat, drink and be merry while your daughter is decomposing in the trunk of your car parked outside your boyfriends house. Somehow, I don't think the jury will be able to reconcile those events - take out everything else and go with that alone and you have one heinous crime as it is.

I totally see where you're coming from, but this is a thread about those who have not followed the case and what the prosecution has presented. I'm just relaying the feedback I got from a group who really hadn't followed the case before is seeing now. I don't think anyone doubts KC is responsible for Caylee's death, I just don't know if jurors will feel comfortable with the limited circumstantial evidence and doubts brought up by the defense to choose 1st degree murder.
I totally see where you're coming from, but this is a thread about those who have not followed the case and what the prosecution has presented. I'm just relaying the feedback I got from a group who really hadn't followed the case before is seeing now. I don't think anyone doubts KC is responsible for Caylee's death, I just don't know if jurors will feel comfortable with the limited circumstantial evidence and doubts brought up by the defense to choose 1st degree murder.

Oh I know, thanks. :) I was just wondering how who are those convinced it was an accident reconcile those facts?
[ame=""]YouTube - ‪what the jury is thinking and what are the jurors are.. june 17,11 florida vs casey anthony‬‏[/ame]

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