Tiger Woods finally speaks: 'I am deeply sorry'

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that's an opinion open to debate...all things Tiger have been carefully crafted and projected as him being a perfect pillar of all things human, from which he reaps massive reward, and so yes, in many peoples opinions he did betray people other than his wife by being a skeezball.

Ther public may feel some form of betrayal but it in no way compares to his betrayal of Elin and his children. I really don't feel that he owes me anything but I do feel like he owes Elin and their children. He wanted us all to think he was a great family man and now we know he isn't or wasn't. But this news didn't change my life but it did Elin's. I feel terrible for her. She didn't do anything to deserve any of this.
i remember when kobe was up on the bogus rape charges and he had the press confrence apologizing to his wife for cheating on her.

chales barkley said afterward 'now kobe can be president!!"

I beg to differ that it was "bogus rape charges." He paid her a lot of money for it to be bogus, IMO.
They didn't sponsor him because of his morality though. They sponsored him because he was the most marketable man on the planet. They sponsored him to make themselves money. He made them money, screwed up and they dropped him like hot cakes, which is perfectly understandable, but for them to say this has anything to do with morals is pure calling the kettle black. The man made them money and that was all they were in in for. After this crap went down, his face was not as valuable as it was so now they will move on to the next face who will make them millions. This sponsor related stuff all comes down to the almighty dollar. It is business as usual and morals play no part...IMHO Like I said earlier, maybe some of these huge named sponsors should take a break from the millionaires and get behind the hard working man who is desperately just trying to pay his bills and feed his family every month. Then and only then will I ever see anything "moral" about sponsorships.

right, i understand that they are ALL in this for the money, including the sponsors AND Tiger. my response was directed to the question of what does he owe the sponsors and i do feel that if you accept millions from companies, even though they make money off of you as well, you should live up to your end of the deal. he didn't.

they signed him as the "most marketable man on the planet" based on things besides his golfing skill. they signed him because of his "image", one that has been being constructed for him since he was a young child. that image DOES have something to do with signings, whether what's behind the image is true or not. trust me, i'm the last person in the corporate corner, my opinion stems from my own sense of "a deal is a deal". Tiger had no problems making deals and had no problems taking their money, knowing he was peddling BS just like they are, so i just didn't agree with the other poster saying he didn't owe them anything.
Ther public may feel some form of betrayal but it in no way compares to his betrayal of Elin and his children. I really don't feel that he owes me anything but I do feel like he owes Elin and their children. He wanted us all to think he was a great family man and now we know he isn't or wasn't. But this news didn't change my life but it did Elin's. I feel terrible for her. She didn't do anything to deserve any of this.

i never meant to sound like i was comparing the public betrayal to Elin's. i totally agree with you and i don't feel like he owes us anything either. i was just saying that yes, some people do feel betrayed.
I believed Tiger today ... I think he is sorry for his transgressions and the pain he caused.
I heard Elin was there with him and he told her she did not have to be in the room...

It's not my place to judge, that place is reserved by a far Greater Being than myself.
I don't live in a glass house.

If his wife chooses to forgive him, that is her choice, too.

It had to be VERY hard for him -- and humbling -- to stand before his mother and admit his sins. Mothers' hold their children in high esteem. To me, facing his mom, wife and children day in and day out is definitely enough punishment for him without me chastising him further.
right, i understand that they are ALL in this for the money, including the sponsors AND Tiger. my response was directed to the question of what does he owe the sponsors and i do feel that if you accept millions from companies, even though they make money off of you as well, you should live up to your end of the deal. he didn't.

they signed him as the "most marketable man on the planet" based on things besides his golfing skill. they signed him because of his "image", one that has been being constructed for him since he was a young child. that image DOES have something to do with signings, whether what's behind the image is true or not. trust me, i'm the last person in the corporate corner, my opinion stems from my own sense of "a deal is a deal". Tiger had no problems making deals and had no problems taking their money, knowing he was peddling BS just like they are, so i just didn't agree with the other poster saying he didn't owe them anything.

Except I didn't even say or ask anything about him owing or not owing his sponsors anything. In fact, I never even mentioned anything about sponsors in either one of my posts. I said he didn't betray us, the public, perfect strangers. Because he didn't. He betrayed his family, first and foremost. It is a private matter and Elin's and their children's privacy should be respected instead of having every sordid detail smeared across the t.v. and every rag mag.

Yeah, he had an image to uphold, but that isn't nearly important as his role as husband/father and his responsibility to his family. In other words, I didn't need an apology from Tiger and I feel it was a little arrogant on his part to assume that the WORLD needed one. I also didn't feel it was worthy of interrupting regular programming on all of the major networks and many cable channels. JMO
Except I didn't even say or ask anything about him owing or not owing his sponsors anything. In fact, I never even mentioned anything about sponsors in either one of my posts. I said he didn't betray us, the public, perfect strangers. Because he didn't. He betrayed his family, first and foremost. It is a private matter and Elin's and their children's privacy should be respected instead of having every sordid detail smeared across the t.v. and every rag mag.

Yeah, he had an image to uphold, but that isn't nearly important as his role as husband/father and his responsibility to his family. In other words, I didn't need an apology from Tiger and I feel it was a little arrogant on his part to assume that the WORLD needed one. I also didn't feel it was worthy of interrupting regular programming on all of the major networks and many cable channels. JMO

I wondered the same...I can see it (I guess) on fox or espn or something like that...but to take over "The price is right?"
Come on now...was it really THAT improtant...ummm no!
As someone who has worked as a speechwriter before, I paid careful attention to Tiger's speech/statement. To me, it was obvious that while he had professional help (which is fine; he's not a writer), certain points he made were coming from Elin. I am sure that she is FURIOUS at how her children have been followed, and she made it very clear to Tiger to include the plea to the press to leave his family alone. I saw real ANGER in his face when he addressed that, and also when he said he was never on performance-enhancing drugs (which seemed off-topic for this particular place and time)> that came from Tiger alone. I was at first taken aback by how direct he was verbally, by using the words "affair", "cheated", etc.- but then of course his writers/handlers urged him to get the ugly words out in the open, which was good advice. It was really a pretty good speech for such a private person, and he obviously has a long way to go. I saw a man completely penitent (for now, anyway) and emotionally raw and hurting. He seemed very sincere, for whatever it's worth to Elin? His apology to families/kids who looked up to him was something that had to be said; I think that he finally thought of his own kids and how they may feel when old enough to understand this, and maybe for the first time he really realized what a "role model" is supposed to represent. He has had such an insulated life starting with papa Earl; maybe when his father died, that's when he began to not give a d*mn about his actions. I think he probably has a lot of emotions to work thru re. his father and their rel'ship which he is only now beginning to be made to confront; any decent rehab place has to strip you raw and make you feel pain that you've been covering w/your particular addiction, before you can start to recover/heal/change. I wonder, did Tiger EVER have a carefree, teens-early twenties time of just being young, hanging out with friends, dating/clubbing? Or was Earl always right over his shoulder, pushing? I mean, how many prof. athletes were in commercials- as an athlete- in elem. school, like the "I'm Tiger Woods!" comm. from when he was a little boy. Well, he never upset me with any of this, in fact it was predictable, but in hindsight, if that makes any sense. Yes, TW went crazy for quite a while w/these hookups, I guess he just compartmentalized the "bad" stuff; he was really in denial and also very selfish. NOW he sees that, and can continue to get help, but no addict ever feels bad at the time they are feeding their addiction; they are only focused on what they want, and then chasing the next "fix." They never change until they are found out and can't hide it anymore. I think it's great that he is returning to therapy tomorrow and doesn't think he's "cured." You can bet he was in a top-notch facility with doctors who worked a strict program. As he said, his marriage is a private matter, and God only knows what will happen. And I myself don't think of him as a role model, never have, just "knew" him as a great golfer; he never spoke much and seemed to live in rarefied air. Maybe he's not a talker,or maybe he was a smug, conceited a-hole. Who knows? Who cares? I never encouraged my two boys to call athletes "role models." Your role models should be the adults who love, take care of, and teach you, everyday people. It's dangerous when anyone is perceived or hailed as being near-perfect. Sorry, just isn't realistic. You know, I majored in English and I love John Steinbeck. In East of Eden, he wrote,"I believe all men want to be good and want to be loved. Indeed, most of their vices are attempted shortcuts to love." TW obviously was in it for the sex, not love, but apparently he got something secondary out of these encounters aside from the obvious; I'm not too familiar w/sex addiction but all addicts are covering their real problems/pains up with things that numb them or serve as a mental escape. I wish Tiger the best. I think his behavior was horrible, but sometimes so is mine, just on a far less grander scale; we all have our issues. Some people, imo, are being awfully smug as they judge his words, for ex. saying his apology wasn't "good enough." Oh PLEASE! This is not about you! And let's not lie, I think most of us enjoyed a wee salacious thrill when this news broke, and couldn't wait to gossip about it. Yep, Tiger asked for it, no doubt. But to sit in one's living room JUDGING another's apology? Save the scorecards for when you watch "American Idol." Time to move it along, show's over, as the cops say to gawking onlookers at a bad wreck. Tiger Woods wrecked his entire life, for now; maybe he will never fully repair it, but that's his business. :twocents:
He is full of BS just another cheater who got caught trying to save his career.When he was Boinking so many women he did not care or think about his wife or his children.He could have brought home aids to those that love him.As far as him being a role model he should be more worried about being one to his own children.The only anger I saw was when he talked about the media hounding his family.It is his own fault ,he brought this upon himself and his family.As far as his addiction I think it is a BS addiction, an easy excuse for doing as he pleased.I wonder if he was some Joe Smoe would Elin stand by him.He does feel he has different rules and he is special he isnt.Just another cheating .Well if golf does not accept him maybe he will run for office.LOL
I just wish he would go away.I for one am sick at the site of him.
I wasn't going to watch his apology because I didnt want to give him any more time than he has already been given BUT hey, it was on every channel! I felt like I was watching Michael Jackson doing the "Robot". Very mechanical moves! I didn't feel it was sincere. He just had to get the monkey off his back so he could get back down to bu$ine$$!

Tiger adored his Father and unfortunately followed in his footsteps when it came to the cheating. Hopefully, he will learn from this mistake and make it up to his family.
It was a matter that should have been kept to him and his family. I missed his speech. I think Tiger should try to put his family life back together, make amends there, and start playing some golf again.

Much to much time has been spent discussing this man's life and who he has slept with. Who cares really but his family and his sponsors. Play golf and do what you do the best. Can't help thinking, once a cheater, always a cheater!!

It was a matter that should have been kept to him and his family. I missed his speech. I think Tiger should try to put his family life back together, make amends there, and start playing some golf again.

Much to much time has been spent discussing this man's life and who he has slept with. Who cares really but his family and his sponsors. Play golf and do what you do the best. Can't help thinking, once a cheater, always a cheater!!


I agree it really is just his wifes problem.I think he wants to regain those lucrative sponsors he has lost.Even the filthy rich like to keep a healthy flow of millions coming in so they can keep on living the life.It cost a lot to keep up a decadent lifestyle.:angel:
Tiger referencing his faith and how he had fallen away from his Buddhism, and hopes to get back on track with it, caught me a bit off guard. He had never spoken of that, before. He also made reference to how he acts on the golf courts (boorish) and that he would be more respectful of the game. So he went beyond just his affairs in this speech.

When he said affairs I was shocked because to most of us affairs means feelings, emotional feelings involved to me he boinked a bunch of bimbo's.If Elin did not beat him up with a golf club?(which I think she did but he does not wanna admit getting his butt kicked by a girl)If I was Elin saying cheated was fine but I would have been swinging my golf club at the word affairs.
He owes me nothing…why get on National TV? I didn't watch. He has done one of the worse things you can do to your wife and children. He owes them for life. He is a loser. Who cares about his golf game? Yep, I’m being harsh…people are human and make mistakes. I feel for his wife and children, it's unfair for them, especially Elin. She may want to leave him. However, would you want the people he associates with around your children?

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