Tim Miller Interview re: Blanchard Search

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SS sez: "But either you are a search and rescue team, or you aren't. What the Sam Hill does Cindy Anthony have to do with it??? Seriously.

I agree. TM knew exactly what he was dealing with as far as the A's when he made preparations to come back. He supposedly pulled out last time and the time before that because of their attitude.

I'm sorry, but this is just too flakey. And it's not okay the way people gathered to help, donated tme and money, put their lives on hold -- after he publicized it would go on at least until Tuesday. I am not impressed.
last week Tim said [on Nancy Grace] that this search would be the largest search in history..then he pulls out.
i dont get it..whats the problem with any and all people searching for caylee. why does this search have to be controlled by one party?
Wow is right. But then it really doesn't surprise me. LP should step down off the pedestal his fan club supplied him. I can't really blame Nancy. She was doing what her viewers wanted and that was more Leonard.
seems to me that TM is worried about his image in the media.. lets try to stay focused. and mr Miller, when you promise the public thru their donations that you will not stop till you find CAYLEE ,and then you close shop ,....you are not preserving a good image.
I would like to address a comment about food being donated to TES. I don't know what happens on other searches, but on this particular search 80% of the food donated on Saturday came from people following Murt and 100% of the food donated on Sunday came from the same group. It concerns me greatly that no plan was in place to feed the searchers.

That being said, I am a fan of both Tim and Leonard. They have completely different personalities, but their hearts are genuine.


i dont understand your post.. are you saying that TES did not provide food for the searchers?
IIRC TES told the volunteers to bring a bag lunch I think TES would supply water. When Murt showed up over the weekend the people on board (roofriders) were calling local eatery's and havinG food delivered IIRC 1000.00 worth. When Murt went back on Sunday the same thing. Murt was confronted more then once to say how it was very much appreciated. I don't know what the problem is between Tim and LP and know that LP has many times said to please continue to support TES ( with that said) I am sure that people have donated to TES because of LP. This is disappointing to say the least.
maybe they don't understand there are a lot of people searching who are not searching with tes. Some choose not to because they preferred to search areas they had researched prior. Some because they had their own resources and groups. Some because they want to search with their own group of experienced searchers. We met le search/rescue teams from 5 different states which were not searching with tes.

I am with a group which has many years experience in successful searches and choose not to search with less experienced searchers. We cover terrains which someone not experienced and in good physical shape could not navigate for any length of time. Second, we run dogs and there can be a risk to our dogs with persons not experienced.

So although, tes is the best known name, there are a lot of other searchers out there trying to find that baby.
this is so great to hear ..god bless you all.
I did hear Tim on one of his interviews (maybe at SM site) say that he didn't think Caylee would ever be found.

I've always respected Tim and his organization for all he does, but this last pull out has really bothered me. While I understand that we don't know the whole story, one story I do know is that people waited weeks and weeks for him to come back to search. He promoted this as being one of the biggest searches in history, and that he was going to search until he found Caylee. Now while I don't hold him to that, 1 and a half days and then an announcement to pull out is wrong. Many people donated to TES because they wanted him to search for Caylee. Many people traveled down there for this huge search. He knew upfront that the Anthonys weren't going to be cooperative. He said he would search, he accepted donations, he pulled out. Very dissapointing. He should have stayed longer and honored his word.
I've got a question. I've seen several posters make the claim that Tim Miller said "Caylee will never be found.." I have such a hard time believing this could be true. As a Texan who remembers when his daughter Laura disappeared years ago, and how hard he worked to find her body and bring it home, I have SUCH a hard time believing Tim Miller of all people would make that kind of claim. Did anyone here actually hear those words come out of Tim's mouth, or this another rumor being reported as fact?

The final day Tim said he was so sad Caylee was not found this search and I never heard him say she will never be found. He said something along the lines regarding she will be found with the help of GOD whe she is supposed to be found. He never said he was giving up hope of her remains being found.

Aside from finding Caylee's remains, I know other things were found and at least it will bring closure to someone else. But since we are not told about what is found, I guess we will never know for sure, unless it makes the media.

I am so disappointed that people are turning on each other......
Had Caylee's remains been found would people still have been so disenchanted?
I do believe in God and I do feel she will be found when she is supposed to be. I hoped and prayed she would have been located and closure could have happened this weekend. I am praying that Cocoamom and LP/divers have luck today.
I actually agree with you. IMHO if money is a big issue for TES then he shouldn't have even come into this search. I'm annoyed simply b/c he keeps coming back and then pulling out. If this was all he was going to do then he should not have agreed to do it. I mean absolutely no disprespect to Tim Miller. I appreciate all that he has done in gathering people to search and doing the searches he's done but COME ON.
I agree-first he says he will stay untill he finds Caylee-then he leaves, It seems he spends more money coming back and forth to fl-then he does on the seaches. LP at lest does it on his own
It is important to keep in mind that most ground searches for missing persons only begin AFTER a legitimate reason surfaces to search a particular area. When they searched for Laci Peterson-they knew to look in the water, but Scott had been smart in his methods of throwing them off of any successful area and the searchers did not find her. In this case LE is working with an incredibly broad timeframe and depending heavily on phone pings within that time frame. Searchers are, at the VERY LEAST, looking for something that has been out there for 4 months!!! Needle in a haystack is an understatement....try needle in one of a dozen haystacks! This is not the type of search that ANY search agency is prepared for. It is not the kind of search that is LIKELY to have a positive outcome. LUCK would be the only deciding factor until more information is revealed by KC or someone who has a better idea of her whereabouts on the days in question. I can't blame TES for leaving early-the volunteer #s diminished greatly by day 2 and were certain to dwindle again as they moved into the workweek. It simply isn't feasible to expend that kind of effort when all you are doing in pouring water into a sieve. TM AND LP have both been spoken of very highly by LE and the FBI. Yes, LP does like to talk but that is more of a personality trait than an indication of his intentions here. I believe both men are just as frustrated as the rest of us. TM has more missing persons to worry about than just Caylee and some of those are very recent with good leads that need to be followed up on immediately so they don't BECOME 4/5 months gone! As invested as I am in this puzzle-I want all missing persons brought home...not just Caylee. They all deserve the efforts of TM and most of them have families desperate for his help.
Leonard is there paying for this out of his own pocket.
Tim Miller had donations and left.

End of story.
I totally respect and admirer TM and TES. What I dont get after reading in the news is why TM is commenting to the press anyway about LP. TM says it was turned into a circus because of LP but yet he goes to the press and pretty much does the same thing.It would of been better not to say anything at all. Dispite what TM or LP feel about each other this has CA wriitten all over it. TM has a kind heart and feels for the A's which is understandible but I have noticed that when ever TM talks to CA its like he does a flip flop.I would like to understand why all the meetings and training was done at the A's attorneys places. Sorry but this is troublesome to me.TM and TES should not have to make a agreement with CA or her attorney period. Yes Tes and TM work with the family of victims but doesnt also say they work with LE? I think its better TES pulled out because it looks to me as if CA was trying to make TM drink the koolaide. Which seemed to work alittle but luckly he got out in time.
The final day Tim said he was so sad Caylee was not found this search and I never heard him say she will never be found. He said something along the lines regarding she will be found with the help of GOD whe she is supposed to be found. He never said he was giving up hope of her remains being found.

Aside from finding Caylee's remains, I know other things were found and at least it will bring closure to someone else. But since we are not told about what is found, I guess we will never know for sure, unless it makes the media.

Thanks for your replies everyone. I didn't think Tim Miller would say "Caylee will never be found!" I know many of us are extremely frustrated and totally disheartened with recent events. However, I still hate to see a man who has selflessly taken his own unspeakable personal tragedy and turned it into such an overwhelmingly positive organization for the benefit of so many victims and their families, being vilified for making a remark he didn't make.

I think it would do us all a teensy bit of good to remember that there are many people, from many different walks of life and professions, who are ALL trying to do their very best in a heartbreaking situation, to bring a little girl home so she may be lain to rest. None of us is without flaw, and six months ago no one could have expected that any of us would be brought together by the desire to bring safety, closure, and justice to a little Angel named Caylee Anthony.
The final day Tim said he was so sad Caylee was not found this search and I never heard him say she will never be found. He said something along the lines regarding she will be found with the help of GOD whe she is supposed to be found. He never said he was giving up hope of her remains being found.

If you listen to the Scared Monkey's interview on Sunday night, that is where I heard him say what others heard him say about how she will never be found. I did not write down verbatim what he said, but if there is a transcript, or if you listen to his interview on the SM site, you will hear him say something much more condemning than what you are referring to. It really made me sad to hear.
Caylee's body may never be found and that's something we all need to come to terms with. But, what is a body? It's just a shell that houses a soul and when the soul is done with it, the body is only a dried up husk. Caylee has flown and good for her to be in a better place.

For those of us left, we remain here to watch the circus and, hopefully, to see justice done. However, if justice is not done to our satisfaction we still have the blessing of a clear conscience, the knowing that we did all we could for that tiny child. The ones who are left will have to live with what they did or did not do for the rest of their lives.

My opinion only.
PS I love Murt. Met him today. He is a genuine, wonderful guy who is just trying to bring to the public, what is happening live. He doesn't choose sides, he is trying to help others that can't be in FL see live what is going on because the media censors so much out.

Isn't he a doll? He has worked so hard to bring this to all of us at considerable expense.
What's the big problem with the money spent? 100 team members x $200 a ticket is $20,000 right there. Per your count about another $6,000 for hotel rooms. They also had to haul horses from Texas to Florida--that had to cost thousands of dollars. As stated they also had to feed those horses. They had to rent that high-tech software. They had to feed the horses. And they also had to pay for food and water--there weren't enough donations to cover that. I don't think $37,000 is a lot at all. They spent about $2,000,000 in one month looking at sea for Natalee Holloway. I'm getting really sick and tired of people second guessing Equusearch. I don't see anyone else searching for Caylee. And no LP search at Blancard Park doesn't count as that area had already been cleared.

I would assume that they would put 2 or more to a hotel room which would cut the 6,000 in half or less. If there were 100 team members then less than half of them would have flown, since there were horses and all terrain vehicles to be brought. My figures would be closer to $15,000 - $20,000 including meals. I could see with the rental equipment where it could escalate to around $25,000, but unless everyone was renting cars individually, I don't see the $37,000.

I have written TES and offered to help with their advance planning for future trips and I hope this will be of benefit to them. I have a friend who has worked in the travel industry for 25 years who also offered her services. She books many music groups and is familiar with large events. Maybe this is just a result of someone not being familiar with planning travel at the best rate.

While all of this was going on yesterday, bounty hunter Leonard Padilla approached Tim and told him that he needed to send divers into the Little Econ River in Blanchard Park. Padilla was convinced that Caylee would be found in the water there, based upon the discovery of a cross necklace that EquuSearch team member Lisa Hxxxxxx had found on a nearby tree during the first search effort. That necklace, according to Padilla, had beads on it that were "identical" to beads that the female bounty hunter (the one who stayed in the house when Casey was out on bond) had seen on jewelry that Casey had allegedly made.

Leonard's theory was that Casey Anthony had transported a deceased Caylee to the park, hung the cross on a tree branch and then threw her in the water.

"I had my people use side-scan sonar to examine that water yesterday and then I went back myself and checked it again," Tim Miller said today in an interview with Investigation Discovery. "I told Leonard that it only takes an hour to scan it and that we had put four or five hours into it just so there would be no question as to whether she was there. I can tell u where every tire is at, I can show you where there is a bucket, where there is an old wheelbarrow and fender from a car. I can show you how deep the water is in every place and what the water temperature is. There is not a body in there."

Despite the fact that Tim had cleared the river, Leonard contacted an amateur news site and made the announcement during a live Internet feed. What followed was a media frenzy, which has left Tim Miller with a sour taste in his mouth.

"We are associated in no way with the actions of Leonard Padilla," Tim told Investigation Discovery. "

I really don't understand what Tim is saying in this. First, he says this area is not on police radar to be searched, then he says he already searched it.

There is NO WAY they could have scanned that whole river in that length of time. Sonar only shows the large objects. A body (small bones) in a duffel bag would not be visible unless it showed as a hump on a bottom profile. If there was a paver or something in it to weight it down, then you might see that but it would just look like a cinderblock or something. Sonar takes someone who already knows the river to identify objects.

I would suggest using local fishermen if I was going to use a sonar. That is what most Search and Rescue teams do. A body is NOT that easy to identify underwater as Tim has made it out to be. Even a large body. Added to the problem in this one is the slit on the bottom of the river. ANYTHING under the silt will not show up unless it is metal or has metal parts.

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